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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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KSA has far superior military weapons be it fighter jets, tanks, drones, missile defense systems or even our ballistic missiles, than the USSR/North Korea reversed junk that you parade as "indigenous". Every idiot is well aware of this.

What has cinema to do with anything you troll? Arab cinema is far older and more influential than Iranian. Even a tiny nation like Lebanon is better. Cinema has nothing to do with anything. KSA's has just restarted its cinema after a 40 year old break and in that 40 year old period many famous Saudi Arabian actors in various Arab nations, directors etc. have had great success. As well as winning international film accolades, even Saudi Arabian female directors. Despite zero investment until recently. There are 100's of well-known Saudi Arabian scientists. You not knowing them, just like I only know 1 Iranian scientist, is not my problem.

You cannot count to 10 in Arabic and you are completely clueless about the Arab world. I can make a bunch of empty claims as well, however official surveys prove another ground reality. Saudi Arabians are as similar to the regime as Iranians are to the Iranian regimes.

Sure, more fairytale stories. 99.99% of all Arabs will always prefer a Saudi Arabian over a foreigner, moreover one of the most disliked entities by Arabs. Must be some joke.

Many more than Iran which is the point. The best ranked in the region along with Israel.

KSA is producing jet turbines and KSA has the 3 largest petrochemical sector and one of the largest construction sectors in the world and you are blabbering about Iranian regime propaganda?

More nonsense of 3-4 pseudo-Iranians educated abroad that hardly anyone knows about, compared to population there are more educated Saudi Arabians and there are 100's of well-known Saudi Arabian scholars in the US alone in every field be it NASA, leading universities and other areas.
KSA is producing nothing except oil and petrochemicals. If you think otherwise, let's bring this discussion into an international forum, not a forum where the majority of users are from the Middle East. How about that? Send me a message in my inbox, and we will discuss everything there. Deal?

And you're off-topic here. And as I told you, I have my hands full with 3 Pakistanis now. So, do you accept the challenge? If yes, send me a message.

And the part that shows you don't know what science is, as expected from a Saudi national, is that you say hardly anyone knows about Maryam Mirzakhani. LOL Even people with general information know her. But of course, not Saudis without any scientific knowledge.
KSA is producing nothing except oil and petrochemicals. If you think otherwise, let's bring this discussion into an international forum, not a forum where the majority of users are from the Middle East. How about that? Send me a message in my inbox, and we will discuss everything there. Deal?

And you're off-topic here. And as I told you, I have my hands full with 3 Pakistanis now. So, do you accept the challenge? If yes, send me a message.

And the part that shows you don't know what science is, as expected from a Saudi national, is that you say hardly anyone knows about Maryam Mirzakhani. LOL Even people with general information know her. But of course, not Saudis without any scientific knowledge.

Stop your off-topic rants and your racism against Pakistanis and Arabs.
We have to be objective, or try to. Clearly Pakistan will hold concerns and angers around this issue. One would have to be foolish to not see this, or pretending not to. Iran, Saudi Arabia nor any nation should be actively trying to recruit fighters from another sovereign nation. This is not just a disrespect to their sovereignty, but you may ignite and/or fuel tensions in that country. Assuming this is not case and these fighters are volunteering to leave their country to fight in another nation independent to outside pressure, then they should abolish their current citizenship and not return to their original nation. Of course the fact there is a considerable religious element to this issue makes it much more sensitive and complex.

However, for those of you that are debating this issue in good spirit, please be aware of those that are using such a topic as a cover to drive their sectarian agendas.

The post quotes above perfectly encapsulates the issue.

If you do not recognize the very real issues with Iran recruiting Pakistani Shia for militant groups fighting proxy wars, then there is nothing further for you to contribute on this thread either and you can join Safriz in being thread banned.

I don’t care about your geo-political justifications - what is wrong is wrong, and Iran is clearly in the wrong with this policy.

The post quotes above perfectly encapsulates the issue.

If you do not recognize the very real issues with Iran recruiting Pakistani Shia for militant groups fighting proxy wars, then there is nothing further for you to contribute on this thread either and you can join Safriz in being thread banned.

I don’t care about your geo-political justifications - what is wrong is wrong, and Iran is clearly in the wrong with this policy.
Aren't you a moderator? Why don't you take care of off-topic posts? I wonder.
You don't understand how forums work, do you?

Let's stop the racist dribble and discuss the thread topic.
If you feel good by hiding behind someone else, that's another matter. You had an ongoing discussion with me that you could've answered instead of jumping in my discussion with someone else.

It is the moderators who should take care of off topic posts, not me.
Saudi is a Semitic country and historic wise, Israel can claim Semitic countries more than you guys. All religions in the Middle East come from Israel and Palestine originally. Your entire pre-Islamic history was 17 literate people and a bunch of tribes worshiping idols. You didn't have a civilization. You were just a bunch of nomads living in tents. Saudi Arabia is nothing but a desert. No wonder you have never formed a civilization.

You cannot claim the Islamic civilization because the majority of scientists at the time were Egyptians, Iraqis, Iranians and others. Iran on the other hand can claim the Persian empire and Iranic tribes and we do. But as for Saudi Arabia, you can't even claim the Arabic language. The Arabic language itself is a combination of Coptic (Qypti), Phoenician, Hebrew and other Semitic languages.

Semites are native to Arabia, clown. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was from Southern Iraq (Ur) which is geographically and historically a part of Arabia. Most prophets lived and were born in Arabia.

Dilmun, Magan, Sumer, Thamud etc. (to mention a few) are all civilizations older than anything that ever existed in Iran. Arabia has had a human presence for 100.000 years longer than Iran, LOL, as well.

As I wrote your entire pre-Islamic civilization is a copy of our native Semitic civilization native to Arabia, Sham and Mesopotamia. Your pre-Arabic alphabet was a copy of our alphabet, your entire 2500 year old entity was a copy of the Assyrian Semitic empire, your lingua franca was the Semitic Aramaic native to Arabia, your titles (king of kings) was a stolen ancient Semitic title, your architect was a copy of our, your symbols (lion etc.) was a copy etc. I could go on.

In the Islamic era you were completely Arabized as well to the extend that you are the most Arabized non-Arab people out there, lol.

As for pre-Islamic scientists, Arab scientists outnumber Persian ones as those two lists can easily confirm.



FACT of the matter is that you Iranians are an Iranized people of mostly Middle Eastern/Semitic stock (hence the predominance of Y-DNA haplogroups native to the Arab world), that your entire pre-Islamic civilization is a copy of our Semitic civilizations, that our civilizations outnumber yours by millennia, that our influence on you in the Islamic era is literally 100 times bigger.

Semitic languages are native to Arabia and the Arab Near East/Mashriq. As are the people. As is Arabic. Iranic languages on the other hand is the result of a small number of highly mobile nomadic steppe/desert nomads from Kazakhstan several 1000 km away from Iran and the Iranian heartlands (Western Iran). Hence there is no comparison.

The mountainous areas of KSA are of a similar size of all of Iran. Even our desert areas are located at an altitude of over 1000 km by large expect for the Rub' al-Khali. Iran is full of deserts as well and one of the driest areas on the planet too. You are not some tropical jungle.

If you feel good by hiding behind someone else, that's another matter. You had an ongoing discussion with me that you could've answered instead of jumping in my discussion with someone else.

It is the moderators who should take care of off topic posts, not me.

Stop lying. Iranic speaking nomads NATIVE to Central Asia (modern-day Kazakhstan) that have practically nothing to do with modern-day Iranians genetically, are/were not native to Iran nor did the overall small Iranic nomadic contributions in what is today Pakistan and Afghanistan come from modern-day Iran so you cannot claim anything in Pakistan or Afghanistan. @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan is right when he writes that the Iranic nomadic migrations to Pakistan and Afghanistan have nothing to do with modern-day Iran or even the Iranian plateau.

Unlike say for instance Arabia that can claim Arab/Semitic civilizations and peoples because they were NATIVE to our lands. Do you understand the difference?
Semites are native to Arabia, clown. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was from Southern Iraq (Ur) which is geographically and historically a part of Arabia. Most prophets lived and were born in Arabia.

Dilmun, Magan, Sumer, Thamud etc. (to mention a few) are all civilizations older than anything that ever existed in Iran. Arabia has had a human presence for 100.000 years longer than Iran, LOL, as well.

As I wrote your entire pre-Islamic civilization is a copy of our native Semitic civilization native to Arabia, Sham and Mesopotamia. Your pre-Arabic alphabet was a copy of our alphabet, your entire 2500 year old entity was a copy of the Assyrian Semitic empire, your lingua franca was the Semitic Aramaic native to Arabia, your titles (king of kings) was a stolen ancient Semitic title, your architect was a copy of our, your symbols (lion etc.) was a copy etc. I could go on.

In the Islamic era you were completely Arabized as well to the extend that you are the most Arabized non-Arab people out there, lol.

As for pre-Islamic scientists, Arab scientists outnumber Persian ones as those two lists can easily confirm.



FACT of the matter is that you Iranians are an Iranized people of mostly Middle Eastern/Semitic stock (hence the predominance of Y-DNA haplogroups native to the Arab world), that your entire pre-Islamic civilization is a copy of our Semitic civilizations, that our civilizations outnumber yours by millennia, that our influence on you in the Islamic era is literally 100 times bigger.

Semitic languages are native to Arabia and the Arab Near East/Mashriq. As are the people. As is Arabic. Iranic languages on the other hand is the result of a small number of highly mobile nomadic steppe/desert nomads from Kazakhstan several 1000 km away from Iran and the Iranian heartlands (Western Iran). Hence there is no comparison.

The mountainous areas of KSA are of a similar size of all of Iran. Even our desert areas are located at an altitude of over 1000 km by large expect for the Rub' al-Khali. Iran is full of deserts as well and one of the driest areas on the planet too. You are not some tropical jungle.
Pre-modern :)) So, that sums it up. You don't have any scholars now.

Anyway, Agnostic Muslim thinks I'm off-topic but apparently he doesn't do anything about it. Take the challenge or leave it: One discussion in an international forum where people are from all over the world, not just the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. If you accept the challenge, send me a message. :) Otherwise, see you later.
If you feel good by hiding behind someone else, that's another matter.

It is the moderators who should take care of off topic posts, not me.

I disagree with your broad generalizations of Arabs. It is not factual. Arabs contributed the most to world civilization, we are both Muslims due to them.

If anyone says anything about Persians, I will say the same thing to them.

Furthermore, if you or anyone says anything to deny Pakistan's identity and culture, I will speak up.

I speak the truth, wherever I find it. It is what my religion teaches me.

I furthermore do not see any difference between Sunni and Shia, both are equally Muslims.

The issue of Liwa Zanabiyoun is a political one mainly, not a religious one. It is between the governments of Iran and Pakistan, and the lack of respect for Pakistani sovereignty.
That is NOT the case. Almost everyone on this thread, including me, has condemned the recruitment of Pakistani Shia by Iran and pointed out that it poses potentially harsh risks for Pakistan.

Yet people such as yourself and Safriz have refused to even acknowledge that.

I’m not sure what else you’re looking for.

Sir, I've noticed your posts on this thread the whole time reading it and I commend you. You're misunderstanding my post, the 'that's the case' was referring to Pakistan being blamed by the people in the end or held accountable for allowing these groups to form even though it may not have much to do with state or government of Pakistan. That's how some people will see things.

So all I say is such groups need to banned in the entire region. Unless they are legitimate ones integrated into a gov't that formed in the past like Hamas or Hezbollah or Taliban. They all formed earlier and most of them are local except Hezbollah who has recently gotten involved into regional conflicts. Lots of organizations formed nowadays are used as proxies for nations to advance their interests or they are extremist ones. Like several groups in Syria on the rebel side have been classified as terrorist organizations and some are not locally based in Syria. Likewise Iraqi groups and group mentioned in OP should also be classified as such. They should not be in Syria if they aren't local.
I disagree with your broad generalizations of Arabs. It is not factual. Arabs contributed the most to world civilization, we are both Muslims due to them.

If anyone says anything about Persians, I will say the same thing to them.

Furthermore, if you or anyone says anything to deny Pakistan's identity and culture, I will speak up.

I speak the truth, wherever I find it. It is what my religion teaches me.

I furthermore do not see any difference between Sunni and Shia, both are equally Muslims.

The issue of Liwa Zanabiyoun is a political one mainly, not a religious one. It is between the governments of Iran and Pakistan, and the lack of respect for Pakistani sovereignty.
I'm agnostic. So, you apparently don't read the posts at all. You just selectively read and discuss the ones you like selectively.
I'm agnostic. So, you apparently don't read the posts at all. You just selectively read and discuss the ones you like selectively.

Oh, interesting.

I try to avoid going too off-topic.

I have important things to do now. Take care and please don't take things to heart.

I am still wishing for peace in the region.
Pre-modern :)) So, that sums it up. You don't have any scholars now.

Anyway, Agnostic Muslim thinks I'm off-topic but apparently he doesn't do anything about it. Take the challenge or leave it: One discussion in an international forum where people are from all over the world, not just the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. If you accept the challenge, send me a message. :) Otherwise, see you later.

You should stop this Aryan "superiority" nonsense. Iran is not superior to the Arab world in anything objectively speaking. Not ancient history, not ancient civilizations, not ancient cities, not ancient artifacts, not influence on the other party, not landmass, not population, not resources, not military power, not influence in the world etc. and certainly not economy or living standards when tiny UAE has an economy the size of Iran let alone all of the GCC. Sanctions are not an excuse, I could mention 1000's of excuses that have held KSA held back long before the Shah was still alive.

Even more so when you Iranians, regardless of ethnicity (you are one of the most diverse nations in the region unlike mostly homogenous Arab nations), are not even genetically "Iranic/Aryan". Arabs cluster cluster to say Southern Europeans than Iranians do for instance. We are geographically closer too. Language has nothing to do with anything, Turks are a Turkic speaking country but everyone knows that there is hardly any Turkic about them genetically which every DNA tests confirms.


and there is ZERO difference between KSA and all the other Arabian countries that I mentioned, so an accurate comparison should actually be Arabia/Mashriq vs Iran which would further increase the divide, let alone that of the Arab world.

KSA is just one Arabian nation, it equates Fars province becoming an independent country and Kerman becoming the UAE and Qatar. Different entities but same people.

Just like there is no difference between the Iranian Arabs that live in the South and the Arabs across the pond or the Persians/Baloch/Lurs that live in the GCC and those in Iran.


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Aren't you a moderator? Why don't you take care of off-topic posts? I wonder.
I am a volunteer - I have a life outside the forum. I haven’t even read the majority of posts on the thread. Report the off topic posts and the team of moderators will handle them as they get assigned.

Do you or do you not recognize the issues, as pointed out in the previous post by @Philosopher., with Iran recruiting Pakistani Shia for proxy conflicts abroad? It’s a simple question that really has just one correct answer.

Anyway, Agnostic Muslim thinks I'm off-topic
Where did I say you were off topic?
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