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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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BEIRUT - Syrian army shelling destroyed the centuries-old mausoleum of a companion of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the central city of Homs on Monday,

I wish we Sunnis were even half the sectarians what Shias are. This incident alone is enough to rain hell on Assad and his supporters but unfortunately we are dead from inside.

I was going to bring it up too because I remembered this incident but I do not like to make things sectarian like some people claiming the Syrian conflict is a sectarian one. Syrian people will not forget though and when they achieve their goals it will be impossible for Iran or Russia to regain influence or be respected by the people there again.
Majority of Pakistani public follows the Hanafi school of thought, we dont support Saudi Maddrassa in Pakistan, TV channels etc. They spread hate, militancy and terrorism. I mentioned this in many other posts.

But why is Iran doing the same thing, they are recruiting Pakistanis to fight in Syria. I agree with your point that we should better manage our people, 100% agreed. Pakistan should be strong enough to stop our people from being exploited.
This is why I respect Iran and Turkey, both powerful Independent nations, look at the west, they are powerful and Independent, no one dares to touch them. The 27th February move by Iran was a low blow though, India and Pakistan nearly went to a war and Iran started with their threats on their side.

Hope so and same with the extremist groups funded by the gulf countries.
It's all good if Iran does It.
Plus I have lived long enough to see General Zia era and the entire Afghan war. I been to madreasa. Never seen a Saudi teaching militancy?
Or did I miss something.
I will try again.

Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, which Pakistanis have been used as mercenaries by KSA? Which Pakistanis have KSA ever used as proxies home and abroad?

In fact while we are at it, which proxy group anywhere on this planet are aligned to KSA and toying the KSA (government) line? Who are those groups exactly?

Yet we have Pakistani and Iranian users here shamelessly trying to equate KSA with Iran.:lol:

Iran uses gullible brainwashed Pakistani and Afghani Shias as cannon fodder in Syria. There are videos of those people being turned into fertilizer and not even receiving any respect after they are dead from their so-called Shia brethren. The Pakistani state cannot even stop preventing Shia fanatics from gathering in the 10.000's in broad daylight during Ramadan and during a widespread coronavirus pandemic.

There are several Shia Pakistani members here on PDF who are more loyal to the Iranian regime the their own country and who have adopted Iranian regime positions in conflict zones that they have nothing to do with. Hence the Arab-obsession from some Pakistani users here on PDF. They were taught that by their masters, not the average Pakistani person who has no problem with Arabs, never had and never will have. I have never seen a similar behavior from Pakistani users living in KSA or other Arab countries on PDF the other way around.
No. I'll tell you what is bigotry. So many Sunni Wahhabis have gone on to join ISIS, Tashfeen Malik was an AlHuda student, the Times Square bombing conspirator Faisal Shahzad was Wahhabi. TTP was Wahhabi influenced. No one questions their loyalty. But if one Shia goes and joins some Iranian proxy, suddenly all Shiites have to prove their loyalt to Pakistan. Double standards much?

Pakistanis condemn all those who fight for other nations by joining extremist groups. They can die there if they want but the problem is when they come back and cause terrorism in our country. It doesn't matter which sect they belong too.
I will try again.

Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, which Pakistanis have been used as mercenaries by KSA? Which Pakistanis have KSA ever used as proxies?

In fact while we are at it, which proxy group anywhere on this planet are aligned to KSA and toying the KSA (government) line? Who are those groups exactly?

Yet we have Pakistani and Iranian users here shamelessly trying to equate KSA with Iran.:lol:

Iran uses gullible brainwashed Pakistani and Afghani Shias as cannon fodder in Syria. There are videos of those people being turned into fertilizer and not even receiving any respect after they are dead from their so-called Shia brethren. The Pakistani state cannot even stop preventing Shia fanatics from gathering in the 10.000's in broad daylight during Ramadan and during a widespread coronavirus pandemic.

There are several Shia Pakistani members here on PDF who are more loyal to the Iranian regime the their own country and who have adopted Iranian regime positions in conflict zones that they have nothing to do with. Hence the Arab-obsession from some Pakistani users here on PDF. They were taught that by their masters, not the average Pakistani person who has no problem with Arabs, never had and never will have. I have never seen a similar behavior from Pakistani users living in KSA or other Arab countries on PDF the other way around.
Why you bothering?
They have to drag Saudis to justify their actions. Arabs are used as escape goats and diversion by Iran and Iranian Stooges in Pakistan.
Why you bothering?
They have the drag Saudis to justify their actions. Arabs are used as escape goats and diversion by Iran and Iranian Stooges in Pakistan.

Well, a moderator Agnostic Muslim something, I just saw him writing the same lie about KSA, so I want to hear from him and others, so they can substantiate/prove their empty claims. I don't bother about the pro-Iranian Mullah regime trolls, their brains have been drilled with selective Arabphobia for ages.

It's all good if Iran does It.
Plus I have lived long enough to see General Zia era and the entire Afghan war. I been to madreasa. Never seen a Saudi teaching militancy?
Or did I miss something.

Taliban, even though they ideologically have nothing to do with KSA, are blamed as a creation of KSA on PDF. So when such lies are pandered 24/7 you can expect anything. Case in point empty claims of KSA using Pakistanis as cannon fodder and in imaginary Saudi Arabian proxy groups.

In fact an entire invented sect (Wahhabi = Hanbali) is thrown around ignorantly left and right on PDF (since always) while if you reply that derogatory word (I know of no Hanbali Sunni that calls himself Wahhabi), you are banned.:lol:
Pakistanis condemn all those who fight for other nations by joining extremist groups. They can die there if they want but the problem is when they come back and cause terrorism in our country. It doesn't matter which sect they belong too.

But you can never prove that Zainabayoon Brigade has ever done anything anti state in Pakistan. They seem to be volunteers and no recruit material has ever surfaced. Maybe they just took on these jobs while on pilgrimage.

However its smart tactic if you see the demographics of the recruits. It is a very long term investment by Iran.

No cause for concern however. Its not like Iran is gonna push people over into Pakistan under panic of pandemic oops sorry i have lost my trail of thought. Forget this paragraph just focus on the 2 above this one.
I will try again.

Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, which Pakistanis have been used as mercenaries by KSA? Which Pakistanis have KSA ever used as proxies?

In fact while we are at it, which proxy group anywhere on this planet is aligned to KSA and toying the KSA line? Who are those people exactly?

Yet we have Pakistani people here shamelessly trying to equate KSA with Iran.:lol:

Iran uses gullible brainwashed Pakistani and Afghani Shias as cannon fodder in Syria. There are videos of those people being turned into fertilizer and not even receiving any respect after they are dead from their so-called Shia brethren. The Pakistani state cannot even stop preventing Shia fanatics from gathering in the 10.000's in broad daylight during Ramadan and during a widespread coronavirus pandemic.

There are several Shia Pakistani members here on PDF who are more loyal to the Iranian regime the their own country and who have adopted Iranian regime positions in conflict zones that they have nothing to do with. Hence the Arab-obsession from some Pakistani users here on PDF. They were taught that by their masters, not the average Pakistani person who has no problem with Arabs, never had and never will have.
Exactly! Zero evidence of Saudis meddling in internal affairs of Pakistan or recruiting Pakistanis for proxy wars while we have naked evidence of Iran doing the same thing with impunity.

But the best thing is, their days are numbered. I have never seen so many people talking against Iran and her lovers in my circle and social media before. Alhamdulilah majority is getting to know the dirty games of Wilayat e Faqih.
Well, a moderator Agnostic Muslim something, I just saw him writing the same lie about KSA, so I want to hear from him and others, so they can substantiate/prove their empty claims.
In the 1980s Pakistan was overwhelmed with Afghan refugees and Afghan war orphans, Pakistan didn't have orphanages to keep those children. Almost all were given shelter in Madressahs which were run by public support.
But even that wasn't enough as too many refugees were coming.
At that time Saudis stepped up and funded those Sunni madressahs.
The Afghan and also Pakistani children from poor families got fed and clothed and had a roof on their head.
Iran made no contribution towards that in Pakistan.
That Saudi action which should be commended, was by the power of Iranian propaganda machine, morphed into bad deed of supporting terrorism.
As if we Sunni only teach terrorism in our madressah .
We were all having a constructive discussion with the Iranians PDF members. Now it seems like the topic is changing its direction. Please stay on topic.

Dream on to those members who think suddenly Pakistan and Iran have become enemies. We are neighbours and it's best interest of both countries to not harm each other. Plus we people on PDF do not represent the Pakistan or Iranian government, if we have disagreements here dont mean our countries have become enemies

But you can never prove that Zainabayoon Brigade has ever done anything anti state in Pakistan. They seem to be volunteers and no recruit material has ever surfaced. Maybe they just took on these jobs while on pilgrimage.

However its smart tactic if you see the demographics of the recruits. It is a very long term investment by Iran.

No cause for concern however. Its not like Iran is gonna push people over into Pakistan under panic of pandemic oops sorry i have lost my trail of thought. Forget this paragraph just focus on the 2 above this one.

My points were that if Pakistani people are being recruited to fight in Iran, then one days they will return back. So we are obviously looking for trouble if we allow. Same goes if Pakistani members join AlQaida, ISIS, Boko Haram, AlShabaab etc. We already lost alot during terrorism, our state should learn from this
My points were that if Pakistani people are being recruited to fight in Iran, then one days they will return back. So we are obviously looking for trouble if we allow. Same goes if Pakistani members join AlQaida, ISIS, Boko Haram, AlShabaab etc. We already lost alot during terrorism, our state should learn from this

Its a country of 200 odd million free people. There will always be a handful number of people going their separate ways from the masses at any time and for any purpose.

Iran collects religious tax from a percentage of Pakistani populace. It can have some of them to direct traffic on the middle eastern highways.

Its not like Iran uses her links in Pakistan to sabotage operations like Kargil. What the hell is wrong with me when i reach the 3rd paragraph. Once again just focus on the 2 above this.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM
Some members are trying to start shia sunni debate, and some are trying to bring in the wahabi sect. We are talking about Iran and Pakistan border issues, regarding the recruitment of Pakistanis to fight in Syria. It's best to talk about this or we should just close thos topic.
The 27th February move by Iran was a low blow though, India and Pakistan nearly went to a war and Iran started with their threats on their side.

This made me re-evaluate my flawed notion about Iranians' motives. Like many Pakistanis, we were giving Iranians the benefit of the doubt. I used to refer to it as Iran's paradoxical foreign policy, but I have come to realize that all Iranian actions are well planned and deliberate.

While Afghans and our own Pukhtoons were trying to talk some sense into us. We refused to listen.

Pakistanis live in some kind of bubble that all Muslims must be friends of one another, and we continuously keep getting hurt for this reason. Some people call it Ummah chummah, which I dislike due to Ummah being a holy concept uttered by Prophet Muhammad saws.

In 1971, we had to revisit that notion, BD split from us on the issue of nationalism and they were fine with allowing with India to do it. Pakistan had to come to reality. Not all Muslims wish for Muslim unity, some are content to divide us.

Iran is playing the same role, allying with all major enemies of Muslim countries, why? They are the Daesh of Shias. Even they are extreme for most Shias.

History repeats itself. We should have learned. Fatimi of Egypt allied with Crusaders. Safavi Iran allied with Europeans against Ottomans which stopped conquest of Vienna. Nadir shah, military coup government of Iran, sacked the Mughal empire and dealt the finishing blow to Islamic Hindustan, paving way for British Raj.

BEIRUT - Syrian army shelling destroyed the centuries-old mausoleum of a companion of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the central city of Homs on Monday,

I wish we Sunnis were even half the sectarians what Shias are. This incident alone is enough to rain hell on Assad and his supporters but unfortunately we are dead from inside.

I was going to bring it up too because I remembered this incident but I do not like to make things sectarian like some people claiming the Syrian conflict is a sectarian one. Syrian people will not forget though and when they achieve their goals it will be impossible for Iran or Russia to regain influence or be respected by the people there again.

We Sunnis are moderate and reasonable, that is the difference between us and the extremists like Iranian sectarian government, and other radicals like Daesh. It is our greatest khoobi (goodness.)

I mean, KSA even has never banned Shias from Hajj. That speaks volumes.

After Sulemani's threats, I have found many Pakistani Shias also outraged by Iran's rhetoric. Afterall we only have each other. Iran will keep playing its game to cause divisions.

Why you bothering?
They have to drag Saudis to justify their actions. Arabs are used as escape goats and diversion by Iran and Iranian Stooges in Pakistan.

Discussing Arabs should not be allowed in this thread. It is a distraction. We are discussing Liwa Zanabiyoun, and Iranian interference in Pakistan and other countries.

We were all having a constructive discussion with the Iranians PDF members. Now it seems like the topic is changing its direction. Please stay on topic.

Dream on to those members who think suddenly Pakistan and Iran have become enemies. We are neighbours and it's best interest of both countries to not harm each other. Plus we people on PDF do not represent the Pakistan or Iranian government, if we have disagreements here dont mean our countries have become enemies

"Disagreement" is establishing and supporting Indian terrorism in Balochistan. Chahbahar is a den of terrorists, terror financiers, and terrorist trainers. Iran has backstabbed us.

If KSA and UAE did the same thing, Pakistani media, government, and organizations would be slamming Gulf Arabs. Why the double standards for Iran?

The ground-level environment in Pakistan has become very hostile to Iran, and it is about time. It will become even more hostile.

If Iran tries this stunt a second time, Pakistan should not hesitate to cross the Iranian border and neutralize all threats.

KSA and UAE have also lost the confidence of Pakistanis, but atleast they are not physically supporting Indian terrorism against us, neither are they feeding BLA, BLF as Iran is doing and allowing India to.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
Some members are trying to start shia sunni debate, and some are trying to bring in the wahabi sect. We are talking about Iran and Pakistan border issues, regarding the recruitment of Pakistanis to fight in Syria. It's best to talk about this or we should just close thos topic.

Thread ban those members.

This thread is very important. We are discussing Iran's foreign policy and its affect on Pakistan.
Majority of Pakistani public follows the Hanafi school of thought, we dont support Saudi Maddrassa in Pakistan, TV channels etc. They spread hate, militancy and terrorism. I mentioned this in many other posts.

But why is Iran doing the same thing, they are recruiting Pakistanis to fight in Syria. I agree with your point that we should better manage our people, 100% agreed. Pakistan should be strong enough to stop our people from being exploited.
This is why I respect Iran and Turkey, both powerful Independent nations, look at the west, they are powerful and Independent, no one dares to touch them. The 27th February move by Iran was a low blow though, India and Pakistan nearly went to a war and Iran started with their threats on their side.
I never said you as a person supported Saudi madrassas. You sound like a smart unbiased person.

All I said is that Saudis have madrassas training terrorists in your territory and recruiting them for militancy. The American drone strikes in Pakistan which caused discredit for Pakistan in international community were because of Saudis using your country for terrorism. A well-known product of those Saudi madrassas in Pakistan, even in big cities like Karachi, is Rigi who was behind Baluch insurgency in Iran since late 1990s until his arrest in 2011.

You say Saudis have TV channels in Pakistan. Why are you letting those TV channels operate inside Pakistan anyway? One of the members said that you stopped one of them when they were badmouthing Iran as a sign of good relations with Iran. Why are they operating inside Pakistan in the first place?! Does Iran have TV channels in Pakistan spreading Shi'a militancy and asking your people to take arms and fight for us?

You say Iran is recruiting Pakistanis, but nobody says how this recruitment mechanism works. Unlike your Saudi friends, we do not brainwash your children by offering them an alternative education when they're supposed to go to school and become engineers, doctors, lawyers, managers, etc. When Rigi was 8 - 9, he went to a madrassa in Karachi, stopped going to a regular school to get a proper education, and instead learned how to shoot a rifle and plant bombs to kill people. I don't see Pakistanis complaining about those terrific African style incidents in Pakistan!

As for the February 27th attack, it has already been established that it was in response to Chabahar attacks in 2018 and the February 13th attack which killed 27 IRGC soldiers inside Iranian Province of Sistan and Baluchistan. Imran Khan made a visit to Tehran in April to sign a pact for border security. Since then these attacks have stopped in Iran. To be quite honest with you, I don't see what moral grounds Pakistanis have when they started it first, particularly after MBS threatened to bring war into Iran.

No, our countries are far from enemies. Some people on PDF like Pan-Islamist-Pakistan want to pretend we are enemies for religious and ethnic reasons but no, we're not. We have normal relations and even Imran Khan whom he supports does not want us to reduce our ties.
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