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Iraqi Shias flock to Assad’s side

They are bound by International rules and norms. If you mean military action that is not possible for only one country. Even the OIC or Arab League doesn't have that authority. Many of the Sunnies were actually Agnostic/Habashi/Sufies/Nashqabandis.

There was a Syrian Man who was a Sunni Muslim but became an Atheist. He told me carrying a Quran down the street will have you arrested and killed in Syria under the government before the uprising. This has made Sunnis became more aware of theri religion and made them even search for what Sunni Islam really is other than what Assad and his Nusayrie Cult portrayed in the country.

Why making such lies ? Do you believe anybody but 3-4 well known anti syria extremist here believe such lies.

Or is it just like the lie that there is no sunni mosque in Tehran
The majority doesn't have weapons. Even rebels have not enough weapons. Not anyone therefore can pick up weapons.

Irrelevant, the majority of syrian army are sunni and they have access to all sort of weapons
The entire Euphrates area would be in Iraqi militia control if the government actually armed, financed and helped them considering there are tens of thousands of ( militia, terrorists ) we still have from the organizations that fought the US/UK.

Wet Dreams are not meant to be discussed online. All of East of Syria is Sunni Muslim except for the Kurdish Areas and pockets of Christian Villages and Towns. They were among the first ones to take up arms in Syria. Not to mention that All of Anbar are exclusively Sunni Muslim. You think they are going to let you Kakastanis invade Syria.


This is the current Map of who controls what.

Free Sunni Army does not have airplanes or helicopters so its become difficult to control areas. Not every country is supporting them European Nations have a Arms Embargo on all sides. United States only provides free "Lunches and ready meals with small arms" They only countries which are providing them with some sort of weapons is Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other private donors.

Assads Milita Terrorists are funded by Iran, Iraq, Russia and China. As well as Hezbullat.

Arab Leauge is not a Economic Organization it doesn't dictate relationships between countries. You had Lybia under Ghaddafi in Arab League when he tried to assassinate the saudi king.

Free Syrian Army has 60,000-140,000 Troops

Al-Nusrah as 6,000 Troops

You Mut3atas clearly are living up the saying of your cult.

"Narrated Kulayni in Hasan as Saheeh from Hisham ibn Salim from Abu Amr al-Ajmi, which said: Abu Abdullah (alaihi salam) said to me: O Umar, 9/10 of religion is in taqiyyah, AND THERE IS NO RELIGION FOR ONE WHO DOESN’T HAVE TAQIYYAH, AND TAQIYYAH IN EVERYTHING, EXCEPT (drinking of) wine and wiping over khuffayn."

Well somebody can say russia only provide air defense and hezboallah is not in the position to orovide any arms .
The weapon support of syria only come from iran and for gods sake ksa and Qatar just in last year spent more than what iran spent in last 30 year on its military on their owns military
Why making such lies ? Do you believe anybody but 3-4 well known anti syria extremist here believe such lies.

Or is it just like the lie that there is no sunni mosque in Tehran

The man I know is an Atheist Syrian who was a "Sunni-Sufi" Muslim. I would believe him anytime since 9/10s of his religion is not Taqiyaa. Actually he doesn't have a religion so I don't have anything to worry about.
Assad would be honored of having the PlSS diving Pindu Gangees by his side.

The Syrian Sunni Army needs someone to clean the rotten carcases of the Mut3ata Terrorists as well.

my friend you don't know jack, be happy you live in america. calm your ego. Assad is here to stay..
Wet Dreams are not meant to be discussed online. All of East of Syria is Sunni Muslim except for the Kurdish Areas and pockets of Christian Villages and Towns. They were among the first ones to take up arms in Syria. Not to mention that All of Anbar are exclusively Sunni Muslim. You think they are going to let you Kakastanis invade Syria.

Iraqi officials: 42 Syrian soldiers and several Iraqis killed in western Iraq ambush | Fox News

Look, the Euphrates area is not important in the Syrian civil war as the center of Syria is located in the Levant Western area, most FSA fighters are busy in the west of Syria, Aleppo and so on, The Euphrates area is irrelevant in this battle, if Iraq supports and sends in 60.000 militia to clear the FSA in that area they cannot stop them.
Except that Iraq is not involved, but keep crying.
my friend you don't know jack, be happy you live in america. calm your ego. Assad is here to stay..

I'm just sharing with you what my governments ambitions are:usflag: Apart from an Independent Kurdistan and an Independent Anbar. We would make a piece of cake of Iran when we are done with all of this. :cool:
I'm just sharing with you what my governments ambitions are:usflag: Apart from an Independent Kurdistan and an Independent Anbar. We would make a piece of cake of Iran when we are done with all of this. :cool:
Who are 'we' exactly? I didn't know Obama's aides have gone undercover in internet. :lol:
Wonder if 60% sunni refused to fight against Assad then why blaming shia all the time. Shia has hardly any population in Syria. Seems Sunni has no interest in this armed uprising, otherwise Assad would have gone. Extreme majority of Syrian sunni are moderate, otherwise things would be changed two years ago. Its over 2 years and Assad is strong position . Where for this uprising Kuwait pledge 300 million, Qatar pledge 100 million , Saudi govt pledge over 30 millions.

This 300 mil that you are talking about from Kuwait, surprise surprise. Even india was invited to that conference, it was a humanitarian pledge. And half the world donated to help the Syrian refuges.
This 300 mil that you are talking about from Kuwait, surprise surprise. Even india was invited to that conference, it was a humanitarian pledge. And half the world donated to help the Syrian refuges.

Didn't you know? These Terrorists consider all Sunni Muslims in Syria as targets even the refugees. They consider the Sunni Muslims as Zionists because the refugees have become Anti-Iranian after they saw what the Iranian Proxies did to their homes and people.
Quantified- An Arab-hating, Israel loving a** licker who enjoys seeing Arabs fight each other off in order for the Kurds to come and claim "victory" after the war is over.

Since when did you ever care about Arab Sunnis? Are you not ashamed to be criticizing "taqihyah" while you are here to add fuel on the fire. Most members don't know this pri**s nature. Enjoying the Syrian war while the Kurdish scavengers push in after both sides get exhausted.

Can I ask your opinion about Israel, about Saddam Hussain, about Adnan 3ar3our..? Can you give me a straight answer without having to practice hypocrisy. Add to that the Pakistani flag, although you have nothing to do with pakistan.

Your retarded use of hypo racy may pass on the people who have no clue of what kind of person you are, but I guess you already have joint numerous Iraqi forums to spread your poison, after failing to disguise as every possible nationality on Iraqi forums, you come here to try to let it pass on the non-Iraqi members

And for the Sunnis who are reading this, Quabtifier could care less about Shias and Sunnis killing each other, he is nothing but a douchbag
I'm just sharing with you what my governments ambitions are:usflag: Apart from an Independent Kurdistan and an Independent Anbar. We would make a piece of cake of Iran when we are done with all of this. :cool:

well good for you, i hope your government in return has the same done to it, ha!! and please tell me about the Independence of Baluchistan,waziristan, and sindh?
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