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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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You are wrong here, Pakistanis of all sects disown and reject Daesh. You are stoking flames here and implying double standards which are not there.

Furthermore you claimed Daesh are Sunnis, they are most definitely not. All Sunnis have disowned them and made takfir on them. We identify them for who they are, they are Khawarij.

Stuff for separate threads. Time for which I don't have. Everybody has access to online information and it is up to them to make what they want with it.

Now, to get back on topic, our Pakistani and Afghan citizens are fighting under an Iranian proxy to brutalize Syrian civilians. Yes, there are cases of rape, sex camps, torture, and blatant murder of civilians by these proxies. Much to the shame of Pakistanis and Afghans.

Are we surprised? We read about this in Iraq also. Iranian proxies did the same thing when they took Western Iraq's Sunni Arab cities like Fallujah. It is an organized genocide in the making, neither women, children, or elderly are spared.

This is why I applaud Turkish attacks of Liwa Zanabiyoun. I am glad action is being taken against them, while our government sits idle and worried about Iran's reaction.

Liwa Zanabiyoun should be declared a terrorist group ASAP. All people affiliated, recruiting for, or helping them need to be given the death penalty. We cannot afford this sectarian brainwashing of our citizens. It is a cancer for our society. Pro-Indian Iranian designs are well known. We should treat them as the enemy they are.

As I said earlier. There are two sides of every coin. Everybody has geopolitical interests. Surprise; Iran has them too. But you can't use that to vilify a patriotic segment of society just because you want a face for your bogeyman by connecting them with another nation state.

Well it seems you are speaking of Pakistani's in this regard so I am not part of that and will leave that to you guys to discuss.

Saudi's never attacked Iraqi's but Iran used its Iraqi proxies to stage attack on Saudi soil. In today's region we can't have Iran igniting flames of conflict in Muslim world.

I do not know of any Pakistani's in Bahrain, they have their own police force and I never seen a revolution in Bahrain. There were protests which ended. Syria is very different case and brutality of crackdown/war on Syrians far exceeds anything that happened in Bahrain. Bahraini's have a lot more rights and better quality of life than Syrians do under Assad regime.

So you cannot back your accusation up, ISIS is a cancer and we agree on that. HTS did not do any such thing as targeting cultural heritage of their own nation.

Who said it was different? It's illegal for anyone to join ISIS and hardly anyone from Pakistan joined them. It should be illegal for these individuals to join war in Syria as well.
The crux of my earlier arguments was for Pakistani Shias and their constant vilification and I don't care about what happens in other nation states. They can bomb themselves to kingdom come for all I care, just leave out the religious sites and they're free to meet their maker in heaven.
The pro-Iran crowd is trying to shift discussion away from topic by attempting to equate KSA to Iran. It is simply not true that KSA sponsors proxy groups and uses them for revolutionary purposes in the region in scale Iran does. Also, it is not true that Sunni's be default support Saudi Arabia, actually many Sunni's especially in Arab world are very critical of Saudi gov't and many times take it even farther by developing a grudge against Saudi's. So this loyalty to Saudi Arabia doesn't exist in Sunni world. Many people simply don't like the Iranian gov't and by criticizing them does not mean they are in favor of Saudi gov't.

I do not know about the Albanian guy, have seen him here and there. I don't mind his political views and I don't know to what extent he is Egyptian though. But I definitely see lots of Iranian people masquerading as French, Iraq and other European backgrounds in some cases.

The same lot also engage in 24/7 propaganda against the Arab world (cradle of civilization) while trying to deny the Arab heritage and identity by making nonsense claims of only Arabic binding us forgetting that we have the oldest recorded history in the world and that our civilization are native Semitic/Arab civilizations closely tied by ancestry (confirmed by every DNA test), recorded history, tribal/clan links, language, culture, geography and practically everything that you can think of.

The reality is that the average Iraqi Shia Arab from Southern Iraq next to the border of KSA (vast majority of Iraqi Shia Arabs have recent ancestral ties to KSA let alone ancient - Arabs were recorded in Sham/Mesopotamia almost 3000 years ago not to mention the many various Semitic peoples and other nations and peoples that we share in common and have created the current Arab mosaic) have everything in common with a Saudi Arabian (even sect if you include the Shia Saudi Arabians) while they have hardly anything in common with the average Iranian (not to forget that Iran is home to tons of very different ethnic groups, take the Arabs of Iran who have much more in common with fellow Arabs than they have to Mongol/Turkic looking Turkmens in Iran, Kurds in Iran, Baloch and others) in comparison. Same case with every Shia Arab population and Arab population (regardless of nationality and sect) as well.

Yes, Arabs know to differentiate between regimes in power and the people. KSA's rulers are often criticized, rightly and wrongly, as well as all the other Arab regimes in power, but as Arabs we understand the difference between the people and rulers. For instance no Iraqi, Saudi Arabian, Yemeni, Syrian, Palestinian, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, Emirati, Qatari, Omani, Bahraini etc. feels any animosity towards his brother and sister and is well aware (especially the educated ones) that we share everything in common.

As for KSA using proxies and mercenaries abroad, that is rightly, as you write and others, pure made up nonsense to somehow appear better when Iran's entire foreign policy is totally reliant on those proxies to influence any events in the region (at least in the 2-3 Arab countries in question) as otherwise they would have zero influence. Anyway it is due to political reasons that have nothing to do with Iran or the Iranian regime as such, case in point my previous examples.
No Iranian supporter answered this question of yours.

They are equating FSA with Daesh, but two are not related. Daesh is a US proxy, we all know this, but Assad also used Daesh to discredit FSA.

Indeed, Daesh has been dealt with and all that remains is the Syrian opposition. But they will only mention that same one faction(Daesh) even though it came later in conflict. It did lots of damage and is an abhorrent group, the world took care of it and it is banned everywhere. Now we need Iran to stop creating sectarian proxies in Muslim nations. Otherwise overall security of region will continue to deteriorate. You cannot claim to be revolutionary as well when you crackdown in worst imaginable ways on revolution of Syrian people.

The crux of my earlier arguments was for Pakistani Shias and their constant vilification and I don't care about what happens in other nation states. They can bomb themselves to kingdom come for all I care, just leave out the religious sites and they're free to meet their maker in heaven.

Who are you trying to fool? This conflict is not about 'religious sites' and why would Syrians attack their own religious sites? What religious sites are you even talking about?

Iran is recruiting these Pakistani's to make up for lost manpower, they are often used in offensives and on front lines rather than being near religious sites as you seem to suggest.

Is the Baghdad-Damascus highway a religious site?
Indeed, Daesh has been dealt with and all that remains is the Syrian opposition. But they will only mention that same one faction(Daesh) even though it came later in conflict. It did lots of damage and is an abhorrent group, the world took care of it and it is banned everywhere. Now we need Iran to stop creating sectarian proxies in Muslim nations. Otherwise overall security of region will continue to deteriorate. You cannot claim to be revolutionary as well when you crackdown in worst imaginable ways on revolution of Syrian people.

Who are you trying to fool? This conflict is not about 'religious sites' and why would Syrians attack their own religious sites? What religious sites are you even talking about?

There are no "Shia sites" in Syria other than the recently build supposed (historically inaccurate) claim of Sayyidah Zaynab's grave being located in Syria. IN reality that mosque was barely built in 1990 by the Al-Assad regime to attract gullible Shia pilgrims from abroad for monetary reasons.


The actual burial site/original mosque is located in Cairo, Egypt!


People buying their nonsense drivel must either have an IQ below 50 or be incredibly blinded by their bias and hatred to believe such fairytale stories.

Excluding terrorist entities such as ISIS, nobody intends to destroy anything and nobody was destroying anything in Syria of this kind pre-Al-Assad regime when Syria was ruled by the majority (Syrian Sunni Arabs) which will eventually be the case again.

One just needs to take a look at the Druze in Southern Syria who have very close ties to Lebanon and even KSA.
Indeed, Daesh has been dealt with and all that remains is the Syrian opposition. But they will only mention that same one faction(Daesh) even though it came later in conflict. It did lots of damage and is an abhorrent group, the world took care of it and it is banned everywhere. Now we need Iran to stop creating sectarian proxies in Muslim nations. Otherwise overall security of region will continue to deteriorate. You cannot claim to be revolutionary as well when you crackdown in worst imaginable ways on revolution of Syrian people.

Who are you trying to fool? This conflict is not about 'religious sites' and why would Syrians attack their own religious sites? What religious sites are you even talking about?

Pakistan is the last friendly neighboring country to Iran. Arabs are their enemy.. Afghanistan has historical animosity with Iran. Azerbaijan has legitimate grievances for their support of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Now Turkey is on sour terms due to PKK.

It was only a matter of time before they began sectarian puppetry in Pakistan against our state, again

The anger is all because they lost their strategic depth in Afghanistan. Iranians are furious about Taliban.

Now Iran is an open foe to Pakistan and an ally of India.

Any Pakistani supporting Iran should have their patriotism questioned, but not on the street, in a court of law.
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There are no "Shia sites" in Syria other than the recently build supposed (historically inaccurate) claim of Sayyidah Zaynab's grave being located in Syria. IN reality that mosque was barely built in 1990 by the Al-Assad regime to attract gullible Shia pilgrims from abroad for monetary reasons.


The actual burial site/original mosque is located in Cairo, Egypt!


People buying their nonsense drivel must either have an IQ below 50 or be incredibly blinded by their bias and hatred to believe such fairytale stories.

Excluding terrorist entities such as ISIS, nobody intends to destroy anything and nobody was destroying anything in Syria of this kind pre-Al-Assad regime when Syria was ruled by the majority (Syrian Sunni Arabs) which will eventually be the case again.

One just needs to take a look at the Druze in Southern Syria who have very close ties to Lebanon and even KSA.

Even if they believe she was buried in Damascus, why would Muslims destroy her shrine? Like you said, besides crazy ISIS which even threatened the Kaaba and another mosques as 'innovations', there is no Syrian Muslim who would want to attack a shrine of an Muslim Arab granddaughter of the Prophet that was born in Mecca.

It seems Iran is trying to find reasons to convince Shia's to be recruited to make up for manpower loss of Syrian regime.
Pakistan is the last friendly neighboring country to Iran. Arabs are their enemy.. Afghanistan has historical animosity with Iran. Azerbaijan has legitimate grievances for their support of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Now Turkey is on sour termsup with due to PKK.

It was only a matter of time before they began sectarian puppetry in Pakistan against our state, again

The anger is all because they lost their strategic depth in Afghanistan. Iranians are furious about Taliban.

Now Iran is an open foe to Pakistan and an ally of India.

Any Pakistani supporting Iran should have their patriotism questioned, but not on the street, in a court of law.
Don’t lie it was the so called Stalin created fake republic who were barking at Iran
Pakistan is the last friendly neighboring country to Iran. Arabs are their enemy.. Afghanistan has historical animosity with Iran. Azerbaijan has legitimate grievances for their support of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Now Turkey is on sour termsup with due to PKK.

It was only a matter of time before they began sectarian puppetry in Pakistan against our state, again

The anger is all because they lost their strategic depth in Afghanistan. Iranians are furious about Taliban.

Now Iran is an open foe to Pakistan and an ally of India.

Any Pakistani supporting Iran should have their patriotism questioned, but not on the street, in a court of law.

Arabs don't even hate them but they obsess with Arabs and make historical claims to lots of Arab lands. They cannot achieve this by advertising Persian identity and hoping locals find harmony with that so they resort to try spreading Twelver belief system in Arab world and use Shia's who aren't Twelvers and try to change them into Twelvers to serve Iran's interests. Like Houthi leader who was Zayidi Shia, they brought him to Iran and took care of him but ultimately peer pressured him into adopting Twelver beliefs. Because it is more compatible with Iran's beliefs and agenda for Arab world. Their popularity has sunken in the Arab world as a result.

However, as you said, because of geopolitical events going their way recently, and the confidence they have because of China/Russian support as well as knowledge that if they get in conflict with Arabs they can claim they are Sunni extremists to try securing Russian or US coalition support. And they know our reputation around the world is damaged because of extremists like ISIS and they take advantage of that by being more threatening and aggressive towards us.

This is why you see them allying with India against Pakistan. They are going to get more aggressive with you guys in coming decade especially because situation in Afghanistan not going their way. And they see benefit in working with non-Muslim India who has gov't that thinks of Sunni Muslims as the devil, and they also trying to tarnish Pakistani's as 'slaves of KSA or Arabs' on this forum to contribute to their agenda in your region for coming decade. They will try using Pakistani Shia for these purposes and that's why it's important for Pakistan to prepare from now and also important for Arabs-Turks-Pakistani's-Indonesians-East Asians-Afghani's to resolve differences to prepare for Iranian-Indian-Israeli-Western onslaught against them.
Is the Baghdad-Damascus highway a religious site?

It is, if your Qibla is the Iranian political leadership. Shiaism is only used as a tool for the political objectives of the Iranian regime.

I am glad Pakistani Shias are beginning to understand this.

They will try using Pakistani Shia for these purposes and that's why it's important for Pakistan to prepare from now and also important for Arabs-Turks-Pakistani's-Indonesians-East Asians-Afghani's to resolve differences to prepare for Iranian-Indian-Israeli-Western onslaught against them.

Golden advice here. We have given them too much of a break.

Time to rein in their dogs running all over the Muslim world.

Even if they believe she was buried in Damascus, why would Muslims destroy her shrine? Like you said, besides crazy ISIS which even threatened the Kaaba and another mosques as 'innovations', there is no Syrian Muslim who would want to attack a shrine of an Muslim Arab granddaughter of the Prophet that was born in Mecca.

It seems Iran is trying to find reasons to convince Shia's to be recruited to make up for manpower loss of Syrian regime.

Why not talk with the governments of Turkey and Pakistan for protection of those shrines, if they are under threat?

Why recruit exclusively from only Shia Pakistanis, as if Ahlul Bayt are not holy to Sunnis?

This is why their story doesn't add up.

It is a mercenary force used to replenish regime troops, they are cannon fodder. When Turks blasted them, they were on the front line against Turkey. Far away from any shrine.
this is false because this assumes the Taliban of today are just like the Taliban and the same conditions as in 2001, which is false, so your context is not correct- the old Taliban is different from the New Taliban. For one, the new Taliban has to share power, but back in 2001 it had 100% of the ruling power in Afghanistan.

The Taliban doesn't recognise the Afghan government because they are propped up, once US leaves their fall is imminent. The Taliban previously did not have in, and today they do

whaaat?? Afghanistan was the first "Syria" or "Iraq"- these wars are all a bit different, but what they all have in comon is how nasty and long they've all been. imo Afghanistan is definitely another Syria or Iraq.

But Afghanistan is a client state today, just that the loyalty is divied up between different masters.

but u do this with Pakistan though..

wow, this post by you just confirmed that you are very susceptible to propaganda, like that of this Pan Islamic guy. you are agreeing that Iranians should go to Iran when 3M of your desperate citizens ran to and live in Iran now??? please use your head. dissapointed you're blindly following this low key sectarian, xenophobic post.

Let me give you a history lesson... Prior to 79 before when the region fell into turmoil, the relationship between Afghanistan and Iran was a good one. Then came khoemini and the Shia regime, they interfered anywhere and everywhere, during our civil war Hazara militants were being supplied by them and were even chanting "Long live Khomeini". What was their problem? We never had any business with them, yet out of nowhere they stuck their nose where it didn't belong.

Fast forward to 2001 and they helped the Americans topple the Taliban regime, and today they are helping the Taliban fight USA. Even the puppet government is hostile towards them, and they went as far as saying that when US withdraws then the next government, the Taliban, must have a limited role... Limited role? Who are they decide the affairs of our nation.?

Now, unlike Iraq we don't have a Shia-Sunni disproportion, our Shia population is at 10% so they can't do what they are doing in Afghanistan, and with Syria there is a Shia government in charge killing off the Sunnis; We don't have a murderous Shia tyrant killing our people, that coupled with the Kurds who are separatists... They are also vamping Persian nationalism within our Tajiks, I myself am half Tajik and am trying hard to convince these nationalists in Afghanistan that they are falling under Iranian propaganda, but many have fallen for it. We got lucky with Pakistan being our next door neighbour, because Pakistan at the moment is not completely a religious nation, which means that although they will have influence, it won't be complete influence like it is with Lebanon and Iran, we can live with that, but we can live with a Qasem Solemaini coming into Afghan soil like they are doing in Iraq and doing whatever they like without impunity, after USA leaves, we won't allow any general of a foreign nation to lurk around in the soils of our forefathers unless we allow them with our own armed body guards.

We have no problems with Iranians, but if they continue interfering like they have been and incite our nationals, then I want to stick it to them, this is why I am cheering for US to come at them, just like they cheered when they US came at the Taliban and Saddam.
Even if they believe she was buried in Damascus, why would Muslims destroy her shrine? Like you said, besides crazy ISIS which even threatened the Kaaba and another mosques as 'innovations', there is no Syrian Muslim who would want to attack a shrine of an Muslim Arab granddaughter of the Prophet that was born in Mecca.

It seems Iran is trying to find reasons to convince Shia's to be recruited to make up for manpower loss of Syrian regime.

Salafists don't believe she was buried in Damascus. So they consider her grave in Damascus is sacrilegious. So they try to blow up the Zaynab mosque.

@PakAlp @Aspen Please read Iranian propaganda against Pakistan by our Iranian members. I want to hear your thoughts, brothers.

These people who keep spreading anti Pakistani views are in a way opening our eyes, I always thought why Pakistan and Iran relations take one step forward and then one step back. So it's a good thing to learn Iranian people views although no way a few Iranians on PDF represent the Iranian people.

I think PDF platform shouldn't be used against any Islamic country, but discussions should be welcomed. These Iranians and Saudi people who come here to share their views is a good thing for us, we are learning and discussing

What I learnt is that Iran wants to become a leader and regional power, they only care about their interest and spread of their revolution. All this one ummah slogans dont mean much. The same with Saudi Arabia.

I can understand some points from the Iranians, they have the right to make their own friendships. My only concern was it should not be anti Pakistani or anti Muslim, we already have so many wars and fitnas in the Muslim world.

We all Muslims need to change our mindset in order for the ummah unity. Dont forget guys we all will be United under Imam Mahdi Alaisalam and Hazrat Isa Alaisalaam. So its better to have this mindset..

We Pakistani people should learn, why is our public fighting for other countries, we should control our borders, increase the security, bring education revolution in our country. If you are weak other will exploit you.
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Let's make it easy for Iran.
All imam bargah should recruit militants for Iran. Train them in Pakistan and then handover to Iran , so that Iran can send them to fight against Turkey, Saudia and other countries in Syria and wherever Iran wants.
Also Pakistan ministry of foreign affairs should prepare a statement when Turkey, Saudia , Syria and other countries ask why armed Pakistani citizens were fighting them under Iranian flag?
We should say they those Pakistani citizens are not under Pakistani control despite being Pakistan citizens and are under Iranian control, so go ask Iran.
That will go down very well for Pakistani international relations, won't it?
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First of all, chill man. I'm not an intelligence officer that you think my comments represent them. LOL I have heard the term British "India" to refer to that British occupied entity over and over again. I wonder why they called it the British "India".

Well, guess what? We aren't exporting much oil anyway. I have already explained in this topic that Pakistan was found guilty of two terrorist attacks in Iran in the last 2 years: 1- A series of planned attacks in Chabahar, one of which was successful, 2- An attack on the IRGC bus in the Iranian Baluchistan executed by a Pakistani suicide bomber. Imran Khan visited Tehran without an invitation on an unscheduled visit because he knew that there are some fractions of the Pakistani government that are behind this. We signed a border security treaty during his visit to Tehran for a reason. I believe his decision to visit Tehran immediately is a proof that he acknowledged the problem. If you want to go on and say they're accusations, do it. But then your allegations against Iran are accusations too.

It is not our fault that you can't stop your people from joining militias around the world. That's your responsibility, not us. Why don't Iranian citizens get recruited to fight for others around the world? Don't blame the failures of your system on others. I told you earlier and you never replied back, but does Iran have Shi'a madrassas inside Pakistan? Do we have newspapers in Pakistan spreading Shi'a ideology? Saudis have Wahhabi madrassas inside Pakistan from decades ago until now. The leaders of the Al-Qaeda founded group Taliban studied in those madrassas in Pakistan and you're proud of it. The US violated your sovereignty to fight Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and you never did anything about that because it was true. You talk like Pakistan is a modern, secular state targeted by her neighbors. Wake up! The sectarian mentality is part of your culture. Find a way to fix it instead of blaming others.

Majority of Pakistani public follows the Hanafi school of thought, we dont support Saudi Maddrassa in Pakistan, TV channels etc. They spread hate, militancy and terrorism. I mentioned this in many other posts.

But why is Iran doing the same thing, they are recruiting Pakistanis to fight in Syria. I agree with your point that we should better manage our people, 100% agreed. Pakistan should be strong enough to stop our people from being exploited.
This is why I respect Iran and Turkey, both powerful Independent nations, look at the west, they are powerful and Independent, no one dares to touch them. The 27th February move by Iran was a low blow though, India and Pakistan nearly went to a war and Iran started with their threats on their side.

Don't allow them to enter pakistan again. If they manage to enter, find them and hit bullets on their faces. Go to Iran sympathizers. Cancel citizenship of all sympathizers. Make cages. Ask China to assist in uigher style. Army should take them down one by one. Imran Khan should release funds for this secret operation. Blow them on border using gbu-1000.

Hope so and same with the extremist groups funded by the gulf countries.
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