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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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@AgNoStiC MuSliM there you go.
Haram for us, but kosher for them, and this is just an example. This type of bigotry against us Sunni wahabi is very common and we are supposed to suck it up and keep shut
Can you explain how you consider that comment bigotry? He’s pointing out that Sunnis are victims of other Sunnis, and not that all or a majority of Sunnis are bad, terrorists or disloyal to Pakistan, correct?

You could argue that he didn’t include every single entity involved in the conflict, which also includes non-Sunni’s, but it’s not bigotry.
Can you explain how you consider that comment bigotry? He’s pointing out that Sunnis are victims of other Sunnis, and not that all or a majority of Sunnis are bad, terrorists or disloyal to Pakistan, correct?

You could argue that he didn’t include every single entity involved in the conflict, which also includes non-Sunni’s, but it’s not bigotry.
So assigning a sect to a terrorist group is not bigotry?
Ok that's all I wanted to know.
Can you explain how you consider that comment bigotry? He’s pointing out that Sunnis are victims of other Sunnis, and not that all or a majority of Sunnis are bad, terrorists or disloyal to Pakistan, correct?

You could argue that he didn’t include every single entity involved in the conflict, which also includes non-Sunni’s, but it’s not bigotry.
These threads just serve to flame up internal biases and most of the flames are diverted towards a minority sect which time and time again has been vilified on the pretext of loyalties to another nation which is not the case. Similar cases could be made up against people who went in to join Daesh/ISIS from Pakistan. However we do not see the same anger directed towards them because they belong to a majority sect? The logic presented here is untenable.

Also my reply was because a respected poster whose posts I read to increase my knowledge insinuated that Sunni's were on the receiving end of violence from the Iran/Russia nexus. However conveniently forgetting that Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/HTS and the myriad Sunni rebel groups are responsible for majority of the carnage in Syria especially blowing up sites with historical and cultural and religious significance.
These threads just serve to flame up internal biases and most of the flames are diverted towards a minority sect which time and time again has been vilified on the pretext of loyalties to another nation which is not the case. Similar cases could be made up against people who went in to join Daesh/ISIS from Pakistan. However we do not see the same anger directed towards them because they belong to a majority sect? The logic presented here is untenable.

Do you feel this 'minority' is under-represented across different forums in Pakistan? Statistically you may have a problem proving this you know that right?
Do you feel this 'minority' is under-represented across different forums in Pakistan? Statistically you may have a problem proving this you know that right?
As is with data sciences, you can't have enough of it.
As is with data sciences, you can't have enough of it.

but they do give you a better understanding of this.

i would never have gotten involved in this since i know the SOPs for this but if people are going to through in words like FALL OF DHAKA and MARGINALIZATION and STATE PERSECUTION so i had to just ask.

Shall we do it or let it go for a later time?
@AgNoStiC MuSliM there you go.
Haram for us, but kosher for them, and this is just an example. This type of bigotry against us Sunni wahabi is very common and we are supposed to suck it up and keep shut

No. I'll tell you what is bigotry. So many Sunni Wahhabis have gone on to join ISIS, Tashfeen Malik was an AlHuda student, the Times Square bombing conspirator Faisal Shahzad was Wahhabi. TTP was Wahhabi influenced. No one questions their loyalty. But if one Shia goes and joins some Iranian proxy, suddenly all Shiites have to prove their loyalt to Pakistan. Double standards much?
but they do give you a better understanding of this.

i would never have gotten involved in this since i know the SOPs for this but if people are going to through in words like FALL OF DHAKA and MARGINALIZATION and STATE PERSECUTION so i had to just ask.

Shall we do it or let it go for a later time?
Good with word plays as always. Like that about you.
So going by this thread Pakistani Shia are entitled to join any mercenary fighter group Iran makes and it's perfectly fine for them to go and fight wherever Iran sends them and the state of Pakistan must have no say in this ?
But 10 years from now when Syrians question Pakistan about why their citizens were killed by Pakistani citizens, or why armed Pakistani citizens were in Syria under Iranian flag, it will be Pakistan who will have to come up with an answer, not Iran?
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I'm working on a Financial Model right now and this thread side tracked me.

Well this thread definitely helps. Financial model and this thread is about Pakistanis holding on to major trade route in the middle east.
These threads just serve to flame up internal biases and most of the flames are diverted towards a minority sect which time and time again has been vilified on the pretext of loyalties to another nation which is not the case. Similar cases could be made up against people who went in to join Daesh/ISIS from Pakistan. However we do not see the same anger directed towards them because they belong to a majority sect? The logic presented here is untenable.

Also my reply was because a respected poster whose posts I read to increase my knowledge insinuated that Sunni's were on the receiving end of violence from the Iran/Russia nexus. However conveniently forgetting that Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/HTS and the myriad Sunni rebel groups are responsible for majority of the carnage in Syria especially blowing up sites with historical and cultural and religious significance.

You are wrong, these groups joined the conflict later. You are bothered by this thread because it raises important issues against Iran.

These Pakistani groups will be used to attack both Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Iran has already used it's Iraqi proxies to attack Saudi Arabia. It sends Lebanese Hezbollah to train Houthi rebels. Tomorrow it will use these Pakistani groups to attack Turkey or Saudi Arabia. This is a problem no one in region can afford to have.

Look what the Iraqi militias did to protesters in Iraq. They should not be involved in cracking down on demonstrators and leave that to the Iraqi gov't who will settle matters with them.

They are having a counter productive role all over the place.

Btw what cultural site did HTS attack? Can you even name one? The HTS head is a Syrian , why would he destroy his own nations heritage?

So going by this thread Pakistani Shia are entitled to join any mercenary fighter group Iran makes and it's perfectly fine for them to go and fight wherever Iran sends them and the state of Pakistan must have no say in this ?
But 10 years from now when Syrians question Pakistan about why their citizens were killed by Pakistani citizens, or why armed Pakistani citizens were in Syria under Iranian flag, it will be Pakistan who will have to come up with an answer, not Iran?

That is the case, imagine one of these groups involved in hostilities with Turkey or Saudi Arabia. It already supposedly happened during Turkeys op in Idlib. Eventually Turkey and Saudi Arabia may request from Pakistan to ban these groups.
I was one of the most pro-Iran Pakistanis here,

Nothing can forgive that backstabbing in my eyes.
As if Pakistan's history of actions has been 100% honest and loyal to Iran.If you dont like the truth, please change it.

Not only that, he believes in unity of Sunnis and Shias.
Or was he??
He extended his hand of friendship to Sunni countries.
Not Sunni people....SUNNI GOVTS, those are 2 different things. you seem to confuse GOvts and the populations...they are not always in line ideologically or strategically.

Current regime did a u-turn.
Big LIE. Iran never changed its behavior of feelings towards the Sunni masses in the ME after Ahmadinejad. This is a fake made up story.

You will get what you are wishing for...
Iran really cant wait for some country to start this....US said it was ready, but so far, nothing yet. I hope Pakistan can get in line(after Turkey has proven incompetent or/and unable for the mission)to teach Iran a lesson, because Iran on the low can appreciate a good one. But if you fail, you get a harsh Iranian lesson though..

leash of Iran has been let loose for far too long,[/QUOTE]
I agree...you're just confirming that Iran ha broken all sanctions and chains on Iran and prevented them form succesfully choking the country to death.
t's time now to tighten it.
Please try if you are able to. TO be very frank, I have not seen Pakistani military do anything militarily serious over the past 10 years against Iran that says they "MEAN BUSINESS". can you show me many? why are you guys afraid to actually put Iran in its place? thats a serious questions btw, because i notice Pakistan's hesitation. When Iran warned Pakistan about jundolah, Pakistani ISI had to curtail Jundollah's actions agianst Iran, but Pakistan can tell Iran not to interfere with BLA or whatever, and IRan will do whatever Iran wants.
So far you were dealing with Arabs.
are you crazy? Iran has been dealing with US first and foremost, the world's sole superpower, but Pakistan HAS been dealing with the Arabs though mostly.
This bravado of effective deterrence against super power suits only in forums..
because you are blind to reality. Look out there into the real world- US has not done 1 attack on Iranian mainland in decades, thats the facts, so you are choosing to be in denial ,which is your right, but dont say its not true, its just not true to you.
ask the same superpowers and USSR what came out of Afghanistan adventures;
irrelevant to the current Iran-US scenario.
and your pimp India on whose behalf your regime is prostituting;
biased Pakistanis will say this about Iran. Iran didnt allow itself become US's prostitute like Pakistan, so you think Iran will allow a smaller player like India? BRO! NO LOGIC DETECTED.
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