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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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Stop your stupid claim man. Arabs were idol-worshippers whole their life. They were the most bedouin people of history. They even martyred their Prophet's family after his dismiss. They're largely hated in Quran... Go read Quran.

"The Arabs " are the worst in Unbelief and Hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger. But Allah is All-knowing, All-Wise. [9:97]

The verse is poorly translared to english, الاعراب means the bedouin of the desert, which is different from Arabs العرب

Bedouins are nomads and dont settle in one place, this life suits arid deserts, not to be confused with urban Arabs that settled near sustained sources of water.
The verse is purely translared, الاعراب means the bedouin of the desert, which is different from Arabs العرب

Bedouin are nomads and dont settles in one place, this life suits arid deserts, no to be confused with urban Arabs that settled near sustained sources of water.

I was writing about the Arabs who tried to martyr Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family in +80 wars Not other arab speakers like Iraqis who were under Persian rule and didn't fight against Prophet Muhammad and his family.

BTW Prophet Ibrahim (A) grandfather of Prophet Muhammad born in Ur, few kilometers further than today's Iran's border. Prophet's lineage is Mesopotamian (somewhere between Iran & Iraq). Hashimites never mixed with ordinary idol-worshipper Arabs.
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I was talking about the arabs who tried to martyr Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family in +80 wars Not other arab speakers like Iraqis who were under Persian rule and didn't fight against Prophet Muhammad and his family.

Well the verse didnt specify a particular group of bedouin or a particular timeline also the people of meca were not nomads as they werent moving around, they were settled and mostly worked in trade.

Ofcourse most kafirs came from meca in the early days and were described in other verses of the Kuran, there are also people of AL-Medina of whom Islam is greatly indebted.

Its important not to judge the Arabs of old by the deeds of today's Arabs, sadly Arabs today are unworthy of such a rich legacy, one would almost call it a divine punishment.
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Stop your stupid claim man. Arabs were idol-worshippers whole their life. They were the most ignorant (idol-worshipper) & bedouin people of history. They fought against Prophet Muhammad (S) to martyr him for several times in Mecca & Medina. They tribality fought for a dead camel before Prophet Muhammad (S) for +40 years. They martyred Prophet's family after his demise from his Daughter, Cousins and Grandsons.. They have killed and removed millions Muslims in Yemen. They're greatly hated in Quran. They're known as najdis and Prophet Muhammad has greatly hated them and called them as horn/followers/fellows of satan.

The Arabs " are the worst [of people] in Unbelief and Hypocrisy., and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger. But Allah is All-knowing, All-Wise. [9:97]


Here comes the Arabized troll with his desperate propaganda.:lol:

Arabs have been monotheists longer than any other people on earth. The oldest mosques, churches and synagogues in the world are all located in the Arab world. As are all the first recorded Prophets.

As are all the oldest cities, civilizations etc.

Arabs were Hanifs (the monotheistic followers of Prophet Ibrahim (as), Christians and Jews as well as followers of ancient polytheistic Semitic religions, long before any "Iranians" were recorded. In fact until Arabs gave you Islam you were Pagans (fire-worshippers)!

The most praised people in monotheistic history and Prophets all came from the Arabs and the people of the Arab world. All the holy sites as well.

You also don't understand the context of that. It is a reference to SOME of the hostile Bedouins (non-city dwellers is the original meaning it could be anyone living a non-city life whether in the mountains, desert, plain, coast etc. of the time where BEFORE the migration to Madinah.


وَمِنَ الْأَعْرَابِ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ

But among the bedouins are some who believe in Allah and the Last Day and consider what they spend as means of nearness to Allah and of [obtaining] invocations of the Messenger. Unquestionably, it is a means of nearness for them. Allah will admit them to His mercy. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.​

The whole context must be understood.

I was writing about the Arabs who tried to martyr Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family in +80 wars Not other arab speakers like Iraqis who were under Persian rule and didn't fight against Prophet Muhammad and his family.

BTW Prophet Ibrahim (A) grandfather of Prophet Muhammad born in Ur, few kilometers further than today's Iran's border. Prophet's lineage is Mesopotamian (somewhere between Iran & Iraq). Hashimites never mixed with ordinary idol-worshipper Arabs.

More "made in Iran" fairytale stories.:lol:

Prophet Ibrahim (as) was a Semite who was born on Arab/Semitic land (his supposed birthplace Ur is located next to the modern-day border of Saudi Arabia NOT Iran, lol) and he and his offspring has NOTHING to do with Iran.
He lived and died in Makkah (Hijaz) and his off-spring are all Arabs. His Semitic ancestors were also from Arabia originally.

Go take your medicin.

@Slav Defence @LeGenD @krash @BHarwana control this troll or I will deal with him in less favorable fashion.
Just for your quick info, there are no 'Saudi Arabian' or Saudi influenced channels in Pakistan
Fat lie. Its so deep, you cant see it on the surface probably. Everyone knows Saudi ARabia and Pakistan at the minimum have a "special relationship" with each other and are friends.
plus you wont find any Saudi in Pakistan recruiting Pakistanis for Yemen
They didnt because they had cheaper, easier poor Yemenis next door aka Hadi's "militias" to do the fighting for the incompetent Saudi ground forces.
neither they do in Saudi Arabia even though they can easily hire atleast hundreds of Pakistanis living in KSA to fight for them in Yemen
Cuz they hired Yemenis instead...next question pls.
but they dont, unlike what Iran is doing in Syria.
Eh, one sided accounting.
I know it must be very surprising for you but this is the reality.
Nothign surprising because there is no new insight you've offered here.

Here comes the Arabized troll with his desperate propaganda.:lol:

Arabs have been monotheists longer than any other people on earth. The oldest mosques, churches and synagogues in the world are all located in the Arab world. As are all the first recorded Prophets.

As are all the oldest cities, civilizations etc.

Arabs were Hanifs (the monotheistic followers of Prophet Ibrahim (as), Christians and Jews as well as followers of ancient polytheistic Semitic religions, long before any "Iranians" were recorded. In fact until Arabs gave you Islam you were Pagans (fire-worshippers)!

The most praised people in monotheistic history and Prophets all came from the Arabs and the people of the Arab world. All the holy sites as well.

You also don't understand the context of that. It is a reference to SOME of the hostile Bedouins (non-city dwellers is the original meaning it could be anyone living a non-city life whether in the mountains, desert, plain, coast etc. of the time where BEFORE the migration to Madinah.


وَمِنَ الْأَعْرَابِ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ

But among the bedouins are some who believe in Allah and the Last Day and consider what they spend as means of nearness to Allah and of [obtaining] invocations of the Messenger. Unquestionably, it is a means of nearness for them. Allah will admit them to His mercy. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.​

The whole context must be understood.

More "made in Iran" fairytale stories.:lol:

Prophet Ibrahim (as) was a Semite who was born on Arab/Semitic land (his supposed birthplace Ur is located next to the modern-day border of Saudi Arabia NOT Iran, lol) and he and his offspring has NOTHING to do with Iran.
He lived and died in Makkah (Hijaz) and his off-spring are all Arabs. His Semitic ancestors were also from Arabia originally.

Go take your medicin.


I don't know what that guy is trying to convince people of. Everything for him is about Iran. Now he's suggesting Prophet Mohammed is Iranian too. He has an unhealthy obsession with Iranian nationalism that is interfering with his religious beliefs in a grave manner.
And who supports them actively if not Iran? Martians?
we support them , we don't own them . stop attack them , they'll stop attacking you . as simple as that.
Offered. Where those bases ever used expect for Kuwait and UAE?
both are arab countries. so Arabs helped the invasio of Afghanistan . and a lot more were glad to do so.
That is not "active" support. Active support is financing or providing soldiers or equipment. The invasion of Afghanistan was facilitated by countries closer to Afghanistan.
you can't find a single Iranian soldiers or Iranian weapon in that operation . case closed. by the way if you don't provide the logistic the invasion is bound to fail
Anyway if that marginal support was provided it was provided to target AQ elements not for the US to be in Afghanistan for 19 + years.
wern't Bahrain , Jordan , Kuwait and UAE part of ISAF ?
Baseless claim. Sadah families tend to intermarry with other Sadah families even to this day. The Safavid era did not begin or end 1000's of years ago. It happened fairly "recently" in terms of generations.
maybe in KSA , here we tend to marry whoever they fancy, nobody care if somebody ancestor 10000 yeas ago reach to whom .
I am sure that you forgot Iran and US intelligence sharing on Afghanistan and Iranian help for the US invasion of Afghanistan next door?
intelligence gathering was UAE work . the only help we provided is helping stop an uprising without bloodshed
They were an Arab dynasty originally and you are lying continuously once again. They never denied their Arab heritage.
were I said they denied their Arab lineage , so here you lying about what I said go read my post again. I said they never claimed to be Arab , they were persianized , they taught like an Iranian , they speak as an Iranian , they considered themselves as Iranian . their only relation to Arabs was that if you took their lineage back you would have reached to an Arab guy on paternal line . but that was not enough for them to consider themselves as an Arab , they considered themselves Iranian and hey even didn't knew how to speak Arabic.
What you are talking about are the tiny organelles that live within human cells (mitochondria) which you only inherit from your mother. Those are energy-producing factories of the cell that generate energy from the food that you consume. The difference in inheritance is microscopic and not worth even mentioning.
they control all your metabolism
what y chromosome control? do you knew how much more genetic material you receive from your mother side X chromosome ?
the first line of the article explain how credible it is
That’s the conclusion of a new study on mice that researchers say likely applies to all mammals.
for gods sake since when we reach conclusion from only one study
another study two years later showed gene activation is random , but when it activated it stick
I was writing about the Arabs who tried to martyr Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family in +80 wars Not other arab speakers like Iraqis who were under Persian rule and didn't fight against Prophet Muhammad and his family.

BTW Prophet Ibrahim (A) grandfather of Prophet Muhammad born in Ur, few kilometers further than today's Iran's border. Prophet's lineage is Mesopotamian (somewhere between Iran & Iraq). Hashimites never mixed with ordinary idol-worshipper Arabs.

Everything you have written is wrong.

to illustrate a point. Who do you believe Ismail AS intermarried with in barren Makkah?

Ibrahim AS may have come from Iraq, but if we trace it back that way, all people are from Nuh AS and further Adam AS.

Do not hate any race this much. Racism is against Islam. This is especially true of Sahabah, whom most were Arabs.

I don't know what that guy is trying to convince people of. Everything for him is about Iran. Now he's suggesting Prophet Mohammed is Iranian too. He has an unhealthy obsession with Iranian nationalism that is interfering with his religious beliefs in a grave manner.

This unhealthy Persian nationalism has fused with Shia extremism to create this monster.

Humility is the first part of faith. We should learn it and own it.

A man who debases his nafs, becomes higher in the sight of Allah swt.

Hazrat Mustafa SAWS said,, "No Arab is superior to an Ajami (Non-Arab), no Ajami is superior to an Arab. No white is superior to a black, and no black is superior to a white. Except by piety."
Everything you have written is wrong.

to illustrate a point. Who do you believe Ismail AS intermarried with in barren Makkah?

Ibrahim AS may have come from Iraq, but if we trace it back that way, all people are from Nuh AS and further Adam AS.

Do not hate any race this much. Racism is against Islam. This is especially true of Sahabah, whom most were Arabs.

This unhealthy Persian nationalism has fused with Shia extremism to create this monster.

Humility is the first part of faith. We should learn it and own it.

A man who debases his nafs, becomes higher in the sight of Allah swt.

Hazrat Mustafa SAWS said,, "No Arab is superior to an Ajami (Non-Arab), no Ajami is superior to an Arab. No white is superior to a black, and no black is superior to a white. Except by piety."

Dont understand this obsession with Persian nationalism. Everything from their religion to nose jobs are foreign imported :D

Most Persian leaders came from modern day Afghanistan (Ariana) anyways
show evidence and the last time that I checked it was shia mosques that were being targetted

well those proxies usually are not Iranian .and shit happened when you play with live ammunition , you hit your own , F-16 , hit your own warship , gave wrong info to the usa and they bombed your own army based on that info.
and don't forget this chinese proverb that the best fight is the one that others do for you.

who care , Azeris are Iranian and have the same right as other Iranian , nobody can stop them if they work hard and achieve any psition . its their right ,like any other iranian ,its the person who decide he reach greatness or he waste his life
F-16 hit during afghan Russian war was a friendly hit by mistake. 71 war was a disaster but at least we are fighting against India. Look at you! You raise slogans against america.fire ballistic missiles on american bases and what have you got in return? Pieces of Suleymani and Israeli precision strikes. Is this your army? This is like a joke. Stop recruiting our men. We can come inside Iran as well. We aren't like Americans who use drones Everytime. If you continue to meddle in our internal affairs,we will make your life hell.
F-16 hit during afghan Russian war was a friendly hit by mistake. 71 war was a disaster but at least we are fighting against India. Look at you! You raise slogans against america.fire ballistic missiles on american bases and what have you got in return? Pieces of Suleymani and Israeli precision strikes. Is this your army? This is like a joke. Stop recruiting our men. We can come inside Iran as well. We aren't like Americans who use drones Everytime. If you continue to meddle in our internal affairs,we will make your life hell.

They keep poking Pakistan, eventually they are going to get a hornets' nest that they didn't count on.
F-16 hit during afghan Russian war was a friendly hit by mistake. 71 war was a disaster but at least we are fighting against India.
Non of those happened at the war time . but I wonder how it's different from konarak incident . is India more powerful than

Pieces of Suleymani and Israeli precision strikes. Is this your army? This is like a joke. Stop recruiting our men. We can come inside Iran as well. We aren't like Americans who use drones Everytime. If you continue to meddle in our internal affairs,we will make your life hell.
Terroristic attack happen everywhere, the interesting part is that the terrorrists didn't dare to come to iran they did it while he was guest of Iraqi government. and if you can why you don't come. Even dear uncle Sam thinks twice before it comes here . don't forget R-Q4c and RQ-170 incident.

They keep poking Pakistan, eventually they are going to get a hornets' nest that they didn't count on.
Again wonder if you were why you don't come.
And the last time I checked it was a Pakistani suicide bomber in zahedan not an iranian one in Karachi.
iranian one in Karachi.

I don't think Iranian believe suicide bombing is halal for them.

Even the nukes are considered haram in Iran.

Its a very peaceful country whose only blame is that her peace is due destabilising her neighbours which happen to be smaller in size and easily bullied.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM Topic has been derailed to discussion of lineages.

dude atleast try answer one type of Iranian. its a mixed bunch. some may be halal for you on some level too

iranian one in Karachi.

@HAIDER laddan say something. like anything
dude atleast try answer one type of Iranian. its a mixed bunch. some may be halal for you on some level too
Can't be bothered dealing with offtopic posts. Do you want me to discuss lineages now lol. The topic remains what the thread title is and i've made my opinion on the matter clear by stating that Pakistani Shia's will not be used as a punching bag by anyone; not the Arabs, not the Iranis.
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