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Iran and conventional counter-force

Reza Khalili is a code-name for a "CIA operative" in IRGC who goes around gives interview to right-wing chads and wrote a book on Iran, He even sells his book on amazon, you know, Cause this is how spies operate.

A Time to Betray: A Gripping True Spy Story of Betrayal, Fear, and Courage

Neocons, Right-wing chads, And those war-hawks produce these bull$hit propaganda stories to demonize us and now we have Iranians getting hyped on their propaganda against us, disappointing.

این طرف مخالف حمله امریکا به ایران بوده پس از حمله به عربستان

این طرز تفکر به نفع ایرانه و بحث جنگ ختم میشه
یادته ترامپ میگفت جنگ با ایران سریع خواهد بود. یعنی سریع دکمه رو فشار میده و بازدارندگی میخواد
تحریم هم که کاملا هستیم به هر حال
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Can you please stop posting irrelevant stuff over here. Starlink is in way related to iran and shouldn't be posted here.


Starlink is obviously totally misunderstood therefore overlooked by some readers, as this Trojan Horse is working 100% according to the U.S.' plan to fool the feeble-minded.

This is obviously a replay of the Cold War era classic, known as Project Azorian that used the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer to retrieve secret codebooks and a R-21 nuclear missile on a sunken Soviet submarine from the Pacific Ocean floor in 1974 and under the cover of mining manganese nodules from the sea floor.

Today, the Project Azorian is replaced by the Starlink Program, the mining of manganese nodule by the 5G internet service, the ship Hughes Glomar Explorer by the Falcon-9 rocket, the billionaire businessman Howard Hughes by billionaire businessman Elon Musk.

And as a goal, the Soviet secret codebooks and a R-21 nuclear missile are replaced by the introduction of one of the the most advanced secret warfare of the U.S. since 1950s.

This weapon system is so versatile that few have really realized its full scope:

•First its overt active application, as advertised, apparently just an innocent civilian simple internet service with worldwide coverage.

•Then its real covert passive application, as a tool to eavesdrop on every nation worldwide, by collecting passively all cellular communication signals, and those from any electronic devices such as CCTV, digital camera, etc.

•Another covert active application, is the use when combined in synthetic aperture mode, to obtain high resolution microwave imagery made possible by a synthetic orbital array extending over several hundreds of kilometers baseline (500 km to 1000 km), that can scan all interior buildings, including humans. The Starlink platforms are indeed fitted with inter-satellite laser links, making possible the accurate ranging and timing needed in the positioning of this array.

•For offensive covert active operation, it is even possible to jam electronics of a target.

•For offensive covert active operation, the lower intensity microwave beams can be directed against biological targets, causing cancerous tissues that could later metastases, and ending with a death looking natural. But this mode requires a long 'treatment' period.

•For offensive covert active operation, the microwave beams can kill instantly with the high intensity output. Similar to a sniper strike.

•For offensive overt active operation, during a full scale war, where secrecy is no longer required, massive attacks are possible, with large use of the beam steering and beam forming mode, entire infantry divisions could be wiped out in a matter of minutes.

•In addition, it has even more powerful military applications, as the materialization of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons.

Full analysis here:

France Sparks The First Global Arms Race In Outer Space V1.1a

Indeed, Starlink is the worst case scenario for Iran, that will see its still in development nuclear ballistic arsenal made obsolete even before it is completed and could be deployed.

Moreover, should a conflict escalate between the U.S. and Iran, the Iranian people would be the first to be targeted, with all the above modes used in combo and at full scale.

The 1991 Gulf War was the U.S. testbed for its depleted uranium weapons, laser guided bombs, and M1 Abrams armored tanks.

The 1999 Yugoslavia War was the U.S. testbed for its stealth F-117 aircraft.

If Iran doesn't want to be the first recorded testbed for the U.S. Starlink Directed Energy weapon system, the Iranian leadership must imperatively acknowledge the utmost existential threat posed by each additional launch of Starlink to its national security, and devise an emergency ASAT counterstrike against this obvious casus belli, before it is too late.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
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In another 40 years this capability might have been sufficiently upscaled to address the U.S nuclear option. Admittedly this sounds like a crazy statement today but the work has to start somewhere.

Could it not be achieved in 10 years technological and quantitative wise? Just to pick an example of the potential force, at $500.000 per 500kg HAS-busting warhead you could take out a sizable portion of US continental based air-power. At ~6000 US aircraft both manned and unmanned you're talking about a price tag of 6000x$500.000=$ to take out the USAF. Economically achievable for Iran although I don't know if it's achievable in the sense of bases, room and staffing.
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Could it not be achieved in 10 years technological and quantitative wise? Just to pick an example of the potential force, at $500.000 per 500kg HAS-busting warhead you could take out a sizable portion of continental based air-power. At ~6000 US aircraft both manned and unmanned you're talking about a price tag of 6000x$500.000=$ to take out the USAF. Economically achievable for Iran although I don't know if it's achievable in the sense of bases, room and bases.

IR spectrum sat pass and instant salvo by buried missiles afterwards --> disabled airpower.

Regionally it will be soon reality. Against strategic airpower it may need time. Against strategic CONUS based strategic missile force, it may take quite some time to assure sufficient degradation without nuclear warheads --> conventional counter-force.
IR spectrum sat pass and instant salvo by buried missiles afterwards --> disabled airpower.

Regionally it will be soon reality. Against strategic airpower it may need time. Against strategic CONUS based strategic missile force, it may take quite some time to assure sufficient degradation without nuclear warheads --> conventional counter-force.

I can't think of any scenario whereby Iran would feel the need to take out USAF ICBM silos with conventional means. As long as they don't use nuclear weapons against Iran, then Iran would not use nukes vice-versa, thus negating the reason to attack the silos. The US has other means of delivering a nuke (SLBM) which I don't see Iran ever countering that.

Against other military targets than the strategic nuclear forces, this conventional counter-force has a much more usable and destructive capability against conventional military targets and at the same time would not provoke a nuke attack against Iran. Rather it would force the enemy (in this case the US) to the negotiating table for a truce. A latent nuclear capability in days/week (as you so rightly have argued) would act as a MAD deterrence. Of course this whole scenario only stands if somehow the conventional ICBM capability is not viewed as a deterrence by the US and it starts hostilities with Iran. But then again, this scenario is wherein the US is not deterred by these conventional ICBMs (+latent nuclear capability) is very unlikely.

Against regional (within 2000km range) adversaries without triad nuclear capability, but with conventional or nuclear BM capability, targeting the launching platforms and silos with conventional means is a good strategy which I think Iran already has or is very near to achieve.
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I can't think of any scenario whereby Iran would feel the need to take out USAF ICBM silos with conventional means. As long as they don't use nuclear weapons against Iran, then Iran would not use nukes vice-versa, thus negating the reason to attack the silos.

That's why I used the 40 years timescale, a distant future goal. The goal will always be a successful counter-force attack that eliminates the second strike capability. Taking out two spikes of the U.S triad would be very helpful there.

The US has other means of delivering a nuke (SLBM) which I don't see Iran ever countering that.

I neither. The Trident force is the most high tech and effective weapon the U.S has created. Will it be able to keep up those large numbers of today in the future? Can it be handled in 40 years of the number of Trident subs decrease? All possibilities.
Iran is far away from any of that, that's clear, no country has such a capability. But the development will go towards that.

I agree with the rest.
That's why I used the 40 years timescale, a distant future goal. The goal will always be a successful counter-force attack that eliminates the second strike capability. Taking out two spikes of the U.S triad would be very helpful there.

I neither. The Trident force is the most high tech and effective weapon the U.S has created. Will it be able to keep up those large numbers of today in the future? Can it be handled in 40 years of the number of Trident subs decrease? All possibilities.
Iran is far away from any of that, that's clear, no country has such a capability. But the development will go towards that.

I agree with the rest.

Am I right in assuming that you think that Iran in the long term, will have the capability to destroy the nuclear triad of the US before they could launch an attack? If so, then I'm afraid there is too much wishful thinking on your part.

I argue that rather than destroying the US nuclear triad (which I don't think will ever be possible) before they can launch an attack on Iran, means forcing the US to the hard decision of a first WMD strike, while Iran having a survivable latent nuclear capability in a matter of days, which is equivalent to a MAD.
Iran can attack conventional military CONUS targets through conventional means, means theoretically not instigating a nuclear counter attack, while the US will have major difficulties in stopping such attacks and retaliate with conventional means.

This in itself will create enough deterrence to prevent any direct hostilities against Iran by the US. Which IMO is a better and more reachable and realistic approach than the 'built towards a very unreasonable, unachievable goal no matter the timetable'.
Am I right in assuming that you think that Iran in the long term, will have the capability to destroy the nuclear triad of the US before they could launch an attack? If so, then I'm afraid there is too much wishful thinking on your part.

I argue that rather than destroying the US nuclear triad (which I don't think will ever be possible) before they can launch an attack on Iran, means forcing the US to the hard decision of a first WMD strike, while Iran having a survivable latent nuclear capability in a matter of days, which is equivalent to a MAD.
Iran can attack conventional military CONUS targets through conventional means, means theoretically not instigating a nuclear counter attack, while the US will have major difficulties in stopping such attacks and retaliate with conventional means.

This in itself will create enough deterrence to prevent any direct hostilities against Iran by the US. Which IMO is a better and more reachable and realistic approach than the 'built towards a very unreasonable, unachievable goal no matter the timetable'.

Well we have no disagreement here.
There are technological, political, economical uncertainties in a 40 year timescale.
All major powers wish to get such a capability at some point in time.
Its a set goal that may or may not be reached.
Well we have no disagreement here.
There are technological, political, economical uncertainties in a 40 year timescale.
All major powers wish to get such a capability at some point in time.
Its a set goal that may or may not be reached.

Fair enough.

Let us first see the first ever conventional precision-strike ICBM.
Look no further. If Persians think they are really more intelligent than the Europeans, as they publicly claim, then the Stephen Hawking's Law might apply!

We could call it the Stephen Hawking's Law, as he discovered and has popularized it.

This could be generalized as an universal principle law of nature just like the Murphy's Law.

And this law states that:

Any more advanced sentient species can never be enslaved by a more primitive one for long.

This scientific proven truth is even at the core of the Alien movie franchise, where it was finally revealed in the last prequel Alien: Covenant (2017) that the antagonist fictional endoparasitoid extraterrestrial species Alien (also known as a Xenomorph XX121 or Internecivus raptus) was indeed created in a laboratory by a servant android, endowed with an intelligence far exceeding his human creators.

Walter the android states that humanity is a dying and unworthy species, and his designed creature is a "perfect organism" set to eradicate them.


https://archive.is/L4d1B/b0275e5f58a93e3a35aec1787d4c66917755bf8c.jpg ; https://archive.is/L4d1B/3388ec3cb5804c4e8009eeb7472595766c0f5e07/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200930151036/https://i.imgur.com/i37JXIP.jpg
1. Alien: Covenant (2017): Servant android Walter states that humanity is a dying and unworthy species, and his designed creature is a "perfect organism" set to eradicate them.

Could Persians make it?

Closer to us, this means that two centuries of tri-polar White Viking World Hegemony shared between Slavs, Germans, and Anglo-saxons, call it the Planet of the Apes' World Order, could never have lasted, and certainly not beyond the 2045 Great Replacement.


https://archive.vn/ioJm6/7698b5785940e39a83eb39252222af2dcc9cc2ee.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ioJm6/4c4b3618bb1f2e3ecec2146672e83dd418d0d774/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200930151204/https://i.imgur.com/m4wE59B.jpg
2. Two centuries of White Viking World Hegemony pipe dream is enough!

Indeed, it seems that something has been engineered in some military laboratory in some eastern nation, and that it was unleashed last year.

Absolutely unstoppable, without any of the inconvenient downsides of nuclear and chemical WMDs when used, such as assured thermonuclear retaliatory strikes!

Invincible, as it can defeat countermeasures such as vaccines that are in this case totally doomed to fail.

All western nations have already effectively entered the worse economical recession in modern history, and even head of states are falling incapacitated, such as the U.S. incumbent president Donald Trump, that has succumbed on 1st October 2020, on the occasion of the most auspicious 2020 National Day of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国国庆节), to the man-made COVID-19 pandemic.

So, are you ready, are Persians good in bioscience?



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