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Iran and conventional counter-force

We’re in third millennium and some fools here are talking about horses and sword.
A scenario where Iran enters military conflict with israel and achieves capitulation and control of the holy land is quite simply preposterous. If Israel collapses during war it will take Iran and the rest of the world with it.

Such a scenario were Israel nukes every major city in the world would only lead to massacre of every jew in the world. Holocaust would seem like a picnic compared to the retaliation of such an attack by Israel. And I'm talking about civilians retaliating, not military retaliationIs it not much more likely that Israel would do nothing and hope US will save them eventually?
And indeed, it is soothing to know that Iran's Supreme Leadership is not overlooking the guidance that @Galactic Penguin has provided on these columns.

As published back on 11th February 2019:

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the Islamic Republic of Iran with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2018, Iran has already secured a credible deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against such military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

6. Conclusion

Indeed the U.S. Dystopian Empire is only a paper tiger, a colossus with feet of clay, since day one of its take over.

Iran has the capability to simply put an end to the century-long Pax Americana, within an hour of conflict, thus starting the dawn of a multi-millennial long Pax Persiana that will be reminded as the longest Golden Age of Humankind. At the discretion of its Supreme Leader, should He decide to do so, and at the time of His choosing.

Original post:

Safir-2-e-Payam: Analysis V1.2 Addendum

And here what has caused Trump to back down on 8th January 2020:

The US F-35 had been prepared to retaliate, but satellites suddenly found Iran's Trump card weapon forcing to concede a defeat

15 January 2020

According to a report by the Russian Sputniknews news agency on 14th January 2020, after the Iranian authorities announced that they would retaliate against the US military, the Iranian side launched a large number of ballistic missiles, hitting the US military in Iraq three military bases.

After his military base was hit, the White House had originally ordered F-35 fighter jets deployed in the Middle East to retaliate against Iran. However, the Pentagon found through its Keyhole satellites deployed in space that the Iranian military had deployed its own Shahab-5 ballistic missile, and the purpose of the Iranian deployment of this advanced ballistic missile was likely to strike Diego Garcia.


Moreover, Iran has always regarded the 'Shahab-5' missile as its Trump card weapon, so the United States does not have 100% confidence that it can intercept all missiles.

After being hit, Trump had the outside world wait for his final decision, but Trump announced the next day that he would not go to war with Iran, and the White House was considered to be forced to bow its head.

However, a source said that the U.S. military is currently deploying a large number of Patriot missiles to the Diego Garcia military base, and the purpose of their deployment of this air defense missile is self-evident.




We have not even seen any evidence of shahab-4 and these people are talking about shahab-5. What the heck man...
We have not even seen any evidence of shahab-4 and these people are talking about shahab-5. What the heck man...

You'll get used to the constant stream of unsubstantiated claims being thrown around on PDF. It comes with the territory i'm afraid.
Now even the fossils of csis.org have understood Irans conventional counter-force strategy:

"Iran is now developing and deploying a growing range of land, sea, and air based ballistic and air breathing systems that can attack key military targets – and that some experts feel will become precise enough to destroy key U.S. and Arab military targets and potentially suppress enemy air bases and operations using conventional warheads. It already can achieve a significant degree of “mutually assured destruction” – or MAD – by striking critical fixed civil targets like key petroleum production and export systems, and Iran may be able to do major damage to critical infrastructure like electric power stations, desalination facilities, utilities, and major buildings. It also is deploying these systems on a wide range of launch platforms from ship to mobile land-based TELs to aircraft, and it is shifting to solid fueled or smaller systems that allow high levels of dispersal, mobility, and quick reaction."


I was aware of it but the ain al Assad strike opened many eyes
For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

Just one number. 42'000 Starlink satellites, each with 4 phased array antenna, or a total of 168'000 phased array antenna. This is not a scene from Star Wars, this is the real new U.S. Trojan Horse in Earth Orbit!

IRGC must bolster Iran's ASAT capabilty ASAP, as time is running out! Only a few years if not months before it is too late. See what happened to the IRGC's Quds Forces Martyr Major General Qasem Soleimani.

As a second stop-gap, improved all-solid-propellant 2 stages QASED-II ballistic missiles could be used for ASAT missions, targeting the SSO orbits. But only with EMP warheads as IRGC would needs years before it can master kinetic kill vehicles (KKV) technologies.

But as a first stop-gap, it would rely for the months to come on more conventional and already tested liquid propellant Khorramshahr-class ballistic missiles, targeting the SSO orbits but tipped with EMP warheads.

If only for deterrence purpose.


http://web.archive.org/web/20200606235226/https://rodgersericv.neocities.org/hwasong10T.png ; http://archive.vn/pIx7C/22c5a2f9a3a2ff926b312a1d2b85037945d2e993.png ; https://archive.vn/pIx7C/0101336db2786f9fd91c992b4b54848de1fb8ef7/scr.png ; https://rodgersericv.neocities.org/#HS10_section
1. Khorramshahr-class ballistic missiles, for ASAT missions targeting the SSO orbits and tipped with EMP warheads.

If listening a hundred words are not worth a look, then it is even more true that watching a thousand image frames are not worth a good computer simulation game.

For this purpose, here a sneak peek at a future Modification (MOD) based on the counter-insurgency simulator video game 2019 Rebel Inc: Escalation from Ndemic Creations, the same developer of the famous 2016 pandemic simulator called Plague Inc: Evolved.

The MOD will not be be made available before the alpha version of the game is released, with modding tools and dedicated upload sections on steam. This means at least after several more updates and DLCs from the current unpolished beta version.

Listening a hundred words are not worth a look, A hundred looks are not worth a simulation game.

- Neo-Chinese proverb

Base Stations and Starlink MOD V1.0 (6 JUNE 2020)

Ideas and Feedback:

To the Ndemic Creations game developer, after several run with the game REBEL INC: ESCALATION, an Afghanistan pacification simulator (read counter-insurgency) quite unique in its kind, it was with great regret to see that the modelisation totally overlooked the cellphone 3G/4G base stations' obvious eavesdropping function.

This MOD proposes to fix it, bringing the pacification of war-torn regions to a new higher stage. In a nutshell, a real game ender. Literally.

Infrastructure Discussions:

Telecoms 1

Description: Establish infrastructure to provide 3g networks and basic internet services.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as completed in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 33% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -25% in urban area.

Telecoms 2 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 1)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 4g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 66% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -50% in urban area.

Telecoms 3 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 2)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area.

Starlink 1 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 3)

Description: Add 12'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area. Insurgency activity -50% in rural area.

Starlink 2 (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in rural area, -50% in remote area.

Starlink 3 (Prerequisite: Starlink 2)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in remote area, -50% in dense forests.


http://archive.vn/fHIXq/4689f743dafe7aaadf45454e9177c01278177936.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fHIXq/d19bad8e145520e6db5266c0e09d9015f47a587a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606231722/https://i.imgur.com/D3XN5c4.jpg
2. Civilian initiatives. With new Telecoms 3, Starlink 1, Starlink 2 and Starlink 3.


http://archive.vn/fJuqw/4113f1e32d52903c97bf4b4745da5fd1de3edbb9.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fJuqw/923319f9ef41f48abf2f3362184508b2a20115e6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606...rlink_Atlas_190420_bardon20_1587410459_lg.jpg ; http://archive.is/Y2Ufq/810bb60394ecfa96d4e6159c07bf058dc18e8e8c.jpg ; https://archive.is/Y2Ufq/b16b2601612d585c3b8f13286b900edc7c7468a7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606...Starlink_Atlas_190420_bardon20_1587410459.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606...gallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=161494 ; http://archive.vn/uWcIW
3. The game ender Starlink in real life.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
For some reason Iran did not want to leave the NPT to maintain its Soviet origin nuclear warheads. It opted for a difficult technological path to create a new kind of fizzle stage warhead that would generate neutrons via a chemical reaction which does not require a reactor. Furthermore that new design would also be simpler and cost effective in its life-cycle.
Once it was mastered, it could simply replace the Soviet fizzle stage and keep the thermonuclear warhead operational.

Is that possible? Is it possible to have a powerful flux of neutrons by a chemical reaction?!!
Can you shed more light on this part of your post please? Because it seems very unrealistic.
Just one number. 42'000 Starlink satellites, each with 4 phased array antenna, or a total of 168'000 phased array antenna. This is not a scene from Star Wars, this is the real new U.S. Trojan Horse in Earth Orbit!

IRGC must bolster Iran's ASAT capabilty ASAP, as time is running out! Only a few years if not months before it is too late. See what happened to the IRGC's Quds Forces Martyr Major General Qasem Soleimani.

As a second stop-gap, improved all-solid-propellant 2 stages QASED-II ballistic missiles could be used for ASAT missions, targeting the SSO orbits. But only with EMP warheads as IRGC would needs years before it can master kinetic kill vehicles (KKV) technologies.

But as a first stop-gap, it would rely for the months to come on more conventional and already tested liquid propellant Khorramshahr-class ballistic missiles, targeting the SSO orbits but tipped with EMP warheads.

If only for deterrence purpose.


http://web.archive.org/web/20200606235226/https://rodgersericv.neocities.org/hwasong10T.png ; http://archive.vn/pIx7C/22c5a2f9a3a2ff926b312a1d2b85037945d2e993.png ; https://archive.vn/pIx7C/0101336db2786f9fd91c992b4b54848de1fb8ef7/scr.png ; https://rodgersericv.neocities.org/#HS10_section
1. Khorramshahr-class ballistic missiles, for ASAT missions targeting the SSO orbits and tipped with EMP warheads.

If listening a hundred words are not worth a look, then it is even more true that watching a thousand image frames are not worth a good computer simulation game.

For this purpose, here a sneak peek at a future Modification (MOD) based on the counter-insurgency simulator video game 2019 Rebel Inc: Escalation from Ndemic Creations, the same developer of the famous 2016 pandemic simulator called Plague Inc: Evolved.

The MOD will not be be made available before the alpha version of the game is released, with modding tools and dedicated upload sections on steam. This means at least after several more updates and DLCs from the current unpolished beta version.

Listening a hundred words are not worth a look, A hundred looks are not worth a simulation game.

- Neo-Chinese proverb

Base Stations and Starlink MOD V1.0 (6 JUNE 2020)

Ideas and Feedback:

To the Ndemic Creations game developer, after several run with the game REBEL INC: ESCALATION, an Afghanistan pacification simulator (read counter-insurgency) quite unique in its kind, it was with great regret to see that the modelisation totally overlooked the cellphone 3G/4G base stations' obvious eavesdropping function.

This MOD proposes to fix it, bringing the pacification of war-torn regions to a new higher stage. In a nutshell, a real game ender. Literally.

Infrastructure Discussions:

Telecoms 1

Description: Establish infrastructure to provide 3g networks and basic internet services.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as completed in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 33% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -25% in urban area.

Telecoms 2 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 1)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 4g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 66% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -50% in urban area.

Telecoms 3 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 2)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area.

Starlink 1 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 3)

Description: Add 12'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area. Insurgency activity -50% in rural area.

Starlink 2 (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in rural area, -50% in remote area.

Starlink 3 (Prerequisite: Starlink 2)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in remote area, -50% in dense forests.


http://archive.vn/fHIXq/4689f743dafe7aaadf45454e9177c01278177936.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fHIXq/d19bad8e145520e6db5266c0e09d9015f47a587a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606231722/https://i.imgur.com/D3XN5c4.jpg
2. Civilian initiatives. With new Telecoms 3, Starlink 1, Starlink 2 and Starlink 3.


http://archive.vn/fJuqw/4113f1e32d52903c97bf4b4745da5fd1de3edbb9.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fJuqw/923319f9ef41f48abf2f3362184508b2a20115e6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606...rlink_Atlas_190420_bardon20_1587410459_lg.jpg ; http://archive.is/Y2Ufq/810bb60394ecfa96d4e6159c07bf058dc18e8e8c.jpg ; https://archive.is/Y2Ufq/b16b2601612d585c3b8f13286b900edc7c7468a7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606...Starlink_Atlas_190420_bardon20_1587410459.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200606...gallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=161494 ; http://archive.vn/uWcIW
3. The game ender Starlink in real life.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation

Hotfix V1.0a.(9th June 2020) here:

Starlink COVID-19 MOD V1.0a (9th JUNE 2020)

Small update, fusioning this 2019 counter-insurgency simulator Rebel Inc: Escalation with the previous 2016 pandemic simulator Plague Inc: Evolved both from the same developer Ndemic Creations.

Adding COVID-19 as a powerful game ender in modern 21th century counter-insurgency warfare.

Infrastructure Discussions:

Telecoms 1

Description: Establish infrastructure to provide 3g networks and basic internet services.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as completed in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 33% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -25% in urban area.

Telecoms 2 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 1)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 4g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 66% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -50% in urban area.

Telecoms 3 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 2)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area.

Starlink 1 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 3)

Description: Add 12'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area. Insurgency activity -50% in rural area.

Starlink 2 (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in rural area, -50% in remote area.

Starlink 3 (Prerequisite: Starlink 2)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in remote area, add cumulative -50% in dense forests.

COVID-19 I (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Unleashes a powerful pandemic outbreak. The best cover for increasing state control on private communications and restricting individual freedom of movements.

Effect: Nationwide lockdown, temporary effect can only last up to 6 months. Significantly decreases economic income. Significantly decreases Support Level.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 25% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in urban area, -75% in rural area, -50% in remote area (mountains, deserts).

COVID-19 II (Prerequisite: COVID-19 I)

Description: Post-pandemic measures. The best cover for cementing the increased monolithic state control on private communications and movements.

Effect: Mandatory tracing apps for all cellphones. Mandatory individual QR code for entering any building, facility and highway. Significantly increases Support Level. Effect last for ever.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area, 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area, -100% in rural area, -100% in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative -50% in dense forests.


http://archive.is/g8L3s/1734fb98476c320591cf3bb8d23ecf96725344e4.jpg ; https://archive.is/g8L3s/d49076702b78b057fba7f1e493d2a2e6d09b1166/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200609043149/https://i.imgur.com/ZBFnv5w.jpg
1. Civilian initiatives. With new Telecoms 3, Starlink 1, Starlink, Starlink 3, COVID-19 I and COVID-19 II.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
من این نظرم رو قبلا جای دیگه گفتم

حرف زدن این حکومت مثل یک قدرت هسته ایه. دانش هسته ای منظورم نیست بلکه قدرت هسته ای اماده استفاده‌ منظورمه

اصولا بدون داشتن پاسخ نابود کننده قابل اعتماد از جنس هسته ای یا حجم بالای مواد شیمیایی اماده استفاده حمله به الاسد غلط بود. ترامپ در سال چهارمش اماده استفاده از هر سلاحی بود و تنها بازدارندگی احتمال ضربه به تل اویو و حیفا بود

من اصلا اعتقاد ندارم موشک نقطه زن میتونه جایگزین بمب هسته ای و نابودی کل یک ملت باشه و پاسخ توبه کننده بده‌

خودتونو گول نزنین

This is a thread that should be discussed a lot more. Thumbs up.
Last edited:
Hotfix V1.0a.(9th June 2020) here:

Starlink COVID-19 MOD V1.0a (9th JUNE 2020)

Small update, fusioning this 2019 counter-insurgency simulator Rebel Inc: Escalation with the previous 2016 pandemic simulator Plague Inc: Evolved both from the same developer Ndemic Creations.

Adding COVID-19 as a powerful game ender in modern 21th century counter-insurgency warfare.

Infrastructure Discussions:

Telecoms 1

Description: Establish infrastructure to provide 3g networks and basic internet services.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as completed in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 33% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -25% in urban area.

Telecoms 2 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 1)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 4g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 66% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -50% in urban area.

Telecoms 3 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 2)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area.

Starlink 1 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 3)

Description: Add 12'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area. Insurgency activity -50% in rural area.

Starlink 2 (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in rural area, -50% in remote area.

Starlink 3 (Prerequisite: Starlink 2)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in remote area, add cumulative -50% in dense forests.

COVID-19 I (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Unleashes a powerful pandemic outbreak. The best cover for increasing state control on private communications and restricting individual freedom of movements.

Effect: Nationwide lockdown, temporary effect can only last up to 6 months. Significantly decreases economic income. Significantly decreases Support Level.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 25% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in urban area, -75% in rural area, -50% in remote area (mountains, deserts).

COVID-19 II (Prerequisite: COVID-19 I)

Description: Post-pandemic measures. The best cover for cementing the increased monolithic state control on private communications and movements.

Effect: Mandatory tracing apps for all cellphones. Mandatory individual QR code for entering any building, facility and highway. Significantly increases Support Level. Effect last for ever.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area, 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area, -100% in rural area, -100% in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative -50% in dense forests.


http://archive.is/g8L3s/1734fb98476c320591cf3bb8d23ecf96725344e4.jpg ; https://archive.is/g8L3s/d49076702b78b057fba7f1e493d2a2e6d09b1166/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200609043149/https://i.imgur.com/ZBFnv5w.jpg
1. Civilian initiatives. With new Telecoms 3, Starlink 1, Starlink, Starlink 3, COVID-19 I and COVID-19 II.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
Can you please stop posting irrelevant stuff over here. Starlink is in way related to iran and shouldn't be posted here.
من این نظرم رو قبلا جای دیگه گفتم

حرف زدن این حکومت مثل یک قدرت هسته ایه. دانش هسته ای منظورم نیست بلکه قدرت هسته ای اماده استفاده‌ منظورمه

اصولا بدون داشتن پاسخ نابود کننده قابل اعتماد از جنس هسته ای یا حجم بالای مواد شیمیایی اماده استفاده حمله به الاسد غلط بود. ترامپ در سال چهارمش اماده استفاده از هر سلاحی بود و تنها بازدارندگی احتمال ضربه به تل اویو و حیفا بود

من اصلا اعتقاد ندارم موشک نقطه زن میتونه جایگزین بمب هسته ای و نابودی کل یک ملت باشه و پاسخ توبه کننده بده‌

خودتونو گول نزنین

This is a thread that should be discussed a lot more. Thumbs up.
I disagree with your Al Assad example. US had directly challenged Iran's status as a regional power in the region by killing one of its most famous executives. I'd say Gen Soleimani was probably even more famous and reputable than Rohani. Now Iran had two choices: either do nothing and see its enemies become bolder and more aggressive, which would lead to its certain eventual demise. Or give a serious response at the risk of a limited war with US.

First option would have disastrous outcome for Iran as a power needs both perceived and real deterrance. 2nd option would definitely restore Iran's deterrence to even a higher level than what it was before the tragedy happened (Iran did something that no other country had dared to do since WWII) at the risk of an armed conflict.

2nd option was the better of the two. As usual Iran showed it is a very logical player that doesn't act impulsively. However, in order to understand its logic you need to understand Iran's unwritten, unannounced goal: to restore Iran's glorious past once again.
I disagree with your Al Assad example. US had directly challenged Iran's status as a regional power in the region by killing one of its most famous executives. I'd say Gen Soleimani was probably even more famous and reputable than Rohani. Now Iran had two choices: either do nothing and see its enemies become bolder and more aggressive, which would lead to its certain eventual demise. Or give a serious response at the risk of a limited war with US.

First option would have disastrous outcome for Iran as a power needs both perceived and real deterrance. 2nd option would definitely restore Iran's deterrence to even a higher level than what it was before the tragedy happened (Iran did something that no other country had dared to do since WWII) at the risk of an armed conflict.

2nd option was the better of the two. As usual Iran showed it is a very logical player that doesn't act impulsively. However, in order to understand its logic you need to understand Iran's unwritten, unannounced goal: to restore Iran's glorious past once again.

My post was about something else.

حمله به الاسد بدون قدرت نان کانونشنال اشتباه بود. کار به راحتی میتونست با تلفات و حملات تقابلی بالا بگیره

حالا نکته اینجاست
من نمیگم حمله به الاسد اشتباه بود
من میگم اقایون قدرت نان کانونشنال اعلام نشده دارند که میتونه تل اویو و حیفا رو نابود کنه

نقطه زنی دیمونا و کارخانه امونیاک باعث فاجعه محیط زیست میشه ولی شهر رو نابود نمیکنه

با نقطه زنی تلاویو و حیفا نابود نمیشه پس حرف حرف دیگه ایه
Last edited:
My post was about something else.

حمله به الاسد بدون قدرت نان کانونشنال اشتباه بود. کار به راحتی میتونست با تلفات و حملات تقابلی بالا بگیره

حالا نکته اینجاست
من نمیگم حمله به الاسد اشتباه بود
من میگم اقایون قدرت نان کانونشنال اعلام نشده دارند که میتونه تل اویو و حیفا رو نابود کنه

نقطه زنی دیمونا و کارخانه امونیاک باعث فاجعه محیط زیست میشه ولی شهر رو نابود نمیکنه

با نقطه زنی تلاویو و حیفا نابود نمیشه پس حرف حرف دیگه ایه
But I dont think iran will use what you are talking about there, because they dont want other countries close to it to get affected.

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