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Iran and conventional counter-force

But I dont think iran will use what you are talking about there, because they dont want other countries close to it to get affected.

اون قابل حله اگه لازم شد

میشه کوچیک باشه
چن تا با قدرت صد تن تی ان تی به جای یدونه صد کیلو تن

ضربه به دیمونا تا اردن هم فاجعه محیط زیست میده
اون قابل حله اگه لازم شد

میشه کوچیک باشه
چن تا با قدرت صد تن تی ان تی به جای یدونه صد کیلو تن

ضربه به دیمونا تا اردن هم فاجعه محیط زیست میده
Even then, its negative effects on the area will make it impossible for Palestinians to return to their land. It should only be used if iran has no other solution. But it is something iran should have no matter what.
Even then, its negative effects on the area will make it impossible for Palestinians to return to their land. It should only be used if iran has no other solution. But it is something iran should have no matter what.

Striking Dimona is worse and less precise.
My post was about something else.

حمله به الاسد بدون قدرت نان کانونشنال اشتباه بود. کار به راحتی میتونست با تلفات و حملات تقابلی بالا بگیره

حالا نکته اینجاست
من نمیگم حمله به الاسد اشتباه بود
من میگم اقایون قدرت نان کانونشنال اعلام نشده دارند که میتونه تل اویو و حیفا رو نابود کنه

نقطه زنی دیمونا و کارخانه امونیاک باعث فاجعه محیط زیست میشه ولی شهر رو نابود نمیکنه

با نقطه زنی تلاویو و حیفا نابود نمیشه پس حرف حرف دیگه ایه
امیدوارم اینطور باشه که میگی. ولی منظور من هم این بود که ایران مجبور بود این کار رو بکنه حتی اگر سلاح غیر متعارف هم نداشته باشه. در غیر این صورت هم آمریکا هم عربها حسابی پررو میشدن.

US expert analysis:
We assess, from U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency reports and other sources, that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons. Over 13 years ago, prior to 2003, Iran was manufacturing nuclear-weapon components, like bridge-wire detonators and neutron initiators, performing non-fissile explosive experiments of an implosion nuclear device, and working on the design of a nuclear warhead for the Shahab-III missile.” (National Review "Underestimating Nuclear Missile Threats from North Korea and Iran," Feb. 12, 2016).

Significantly, an Iranian military textbook published ten years ago, ironically named "Passive Defense," describes nuclear EMP attack on the U.S. as potentially decisive in more than 20 passages. ("Passive Defense," Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Martyr Lt. General Sayed Shiraz Center for Education and Research, 2010.)

Disclaimer: Article from Peter Pry.
Just FYI Peter Pry is a smart analyst but a different one.
He is semi-hawk.
But here is the difference with a hawk:
He clearly says multiple time to avoid a war with Iran due to its probable nuclear weapons.
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Pry is a high level US consultant and advisor on non conventional forces. He is
-Executive Director of Task Force National and Homeland Security
-Director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum
-High caliber member of US EMP task Force


Five high ranking US non conventional analysts believe Iran probably already has nuclear weapons

Some in Washington want to bomb Iran for attacking Saudi Arabia’s oil fields. But what if Iran has nuclear missiles?

Intelligence failure can kill thousands, as Washington learned on December 7, 1941, and should have learned again on September 11, 2001. Intelligence failure in the nuclear missile age can destroy entire nations.

Washington officialdom believes Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons based on little more than wishful thinking and blind faith in an Intelligence Community deeply corrupted by the Obama Administration—and still unreformed by President Trump.

Three years ago, senior Reagan and Clinton administration officials warned that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons. See “Underestimating Nuclear Missile Threats from North Korea and Iran” National Review February 12, 2016:

“Iran is following North Korea’s example — as a strategic partner allied by treaty and pledged to share scientific and military technology. Iran sacrificed its overt civilian nuclear program to deceive the Obama administration, to lift international sanctions, to prevent Western military action, while a clandestine military nuclear program no doubt continues underground. That is why Iran, under the nuclear deal, will not allow inspection of its military facilities and prohibits interviewing scientists — it is concealing the dimensions and status of Iran’s nuclear-weapons program.”

“We assess, from U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency reports and other sources, that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons. Over 13 years ago, prior to 2003, Iran was manufacturing nuclear-weapon components, like bridge-wire detonators and neutron initiators, performing non-fissile explosive experiments of an implosion nuclear device, and working on the design of a nuclear warhead for the Shahab-III missile.”

“Thirteen years ago Iran was already a threshold nuclear-missile state. It is implausible that Iran suspended its program for over a decade for a nuclear deal with President Obama.”

The above assessment is by Ambassador R. James Woolsey, President Clinton’s Director of Central Intelligence; Dr. William Graham, President Reagan’s White House Science Advisor, leader of NASA, and recently Chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission; Fritz Ermarth, a national security advisor to President Reagan and Chairman of the National Intelligence Council; and Ambassador Henry Cooper, former Director of the Strategic Defense Initiative.

These stellar intelligence officers, strategic thinkers, and scientists played major roles helping win the Cold War. Perhaps we should listen to them now about Iran:

“Iran probably has nuclear warheads for the Shahab-III medium-range missile, which they tested for making EMP attacks…Iran already has the largest medium-range ballistic-missile force in the Middle East.”

“Iran could be building a nuclear-capable missile force, partly hidden in tunnels, as suggested by its dramatic revelation of a vast underground missile-basing system last year. Iran is building toward a large, deployable, survivable, war-fighting missile force — to which nuclear weapons can be swiftly added as they are manufactured.”

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Pry is a high level US consultant and advisor on non conventional forces. He is
-Executive Director of Task Force National and Homeland Security
-Director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum
-High caliber member of US EMP task Force


Five high ranking US non conventional analysts believe Iran probably already has nuclear weapons

Some in Washington want to bomb Iran for attacking Saudi Arabia’s oil fields. But what if Iran has nuclear missiles?

Intelligence failure can kill thousands, as Washington learned on December 7, 1941, and should have learned again on September 11, 2001. Intelligence failure in the nuclear missile age can destroy entire nations.

Washington officialdom believes Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons based on little more than wishful thinking and blind faith in an Intelligence Community deeply corrupted by the Obama Administration—and still unreformed by President Trump.

Three years ago, senior Reagan and Clinton administration officials warned that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons. See “Underestimating Nuclear Missile Threats from North Korea and Iran” National Review February 12, 2016:

“Iran is following North Korea’s example — as a strategic partner allied by treaty and pledged to share scientific and military technology. Iran sacrificed its overt civilian nuclear program to deceive the Obama administration, to lift international sanctions, to prevent Western military action, while a clandestine military nuclear program no doubt continues underground. That is why Iran, under the nuclear deal, will not allow inspection of its military facilities and prohibits interviewing scientists — it is concealing the dimensions and status of Iran’s nuclear-weapons program.”

“We assess, from U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency reports and other sources, that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons. Over 13 years ago, prior to 2003, Iran was manufacturing nuclear-weapon components, like bridge-wire detonators and neutron initiators, performing non-fissile explosive experiments of an implosion nuclear device, and working on the design of a nuclear warhead for the Shahab-III missile.”

“Thirteen years ago Iran was already a threshold nuclear-missile state. It is implausible that Iran suspended its program for over a decade for a nuclear deal with President Obama.”

The above assessment is by Ambassador R. James Woolsey, President Clinton’s Director of Central Intelligence; Dr. William Graham, President Reagan’s White House Science Advisor, leader of NASA, and recently Chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission; Fritz Ermarth, a national security advisor to President Reagan and Chairman of the National Intelligence Council; and Ambassador Henry Cooper, former Director of the Strategic Defense Initiative.

These stellar intelligence officers, strategic thinkers, and scientists played major roles helping win the Cold War. Perhaps we should listen to them now about Iran:

“Iran probably has nuclear warheads for the Shahab-III medium-range missile, which they tested for making EMP attacks…Iran already has the largest medium-range ballistic-missile force in the Middle East.”

“Iran could be building a nuclear-capable missile force, partly hidden in tunnels, as suggested by its dramatic revelation of a vast underground missile-basing system last year. Iran is building toward a large, deployable, survivable, war-fighting missile force — to which nuclear weapons can be swiftly added as they are manufactured.”
While it is completely possible that Iran is already in possession of nuclear weapons, I believe the guy you are quoting is a hawk that wants to show Iran as a threat to the US and Western countries. This is done only for justifying their animosity with Iran. It doesn't mean much other than that.

Meanwhile, the IAEA inspectors were given access to the Parchin military complex. Iran accepted to voluntarily implement the additional protocol of the NPT after signing the JCPOA.


Reza Khalili is a pseudoname for an alleged spy in IRGC.

Reza Kahlili, the only CIA operative to successfully penetrate the scientific wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, claimed Iran does have nuclear weapons and offered to procure photographs. Obama’s Intelligence Community was not interested, and is still not interested.
Pry: “We should be treating Iran like a nuclear weapons state, with the same prudent caution used toward North Korea. Let’s not learn the hard way that Iran already has its Islamic Bomb.”

While it is completely possible that Iran is already in possession of nuclear weapons, I believe the guy you are quoting is a hawk that wants to show Iran as a threat to the US and Western countries. This is done only for justifying their animosity with Iran. It doesn't mean much other than that.

Meanwhile, the IAEA inspectors were given access to the Parchin military complex. Iran accepted to voluntarily implement the additional protocol of the NPT after signing the JCPOA.

Yes. I started my posts by saying he is semi-hawk.

But here is the difference with a hawk:
He clearly says multiple time to avoid a war with Iran due to its probable nuclear weapons.
Yes. I started my posts by saying he is semi-hawk.

But here is the difference with a hawk:
He clearly says multiple time to avoid a war with Iran due to its probable nuclear weapons.
Yes, that's because the US hawks have changed their attitude after 2010. They aren't in favor of a direct military conflict with Iran anymore. They are in favor of economic sanctions and pushing our regional rivals against us. And they may overestimate us to depict us in a more threatening way than we are to turn others against us while they focus on more serious threats like China and a reemerging Russia.

The fact that he called the IRGC the word's most powerful "state-sponsored terrorist organization" reveals that he is indeed a hawk.
Yes, that's because the US hawks have changed their attitude after 2010. They aren't in favor of a direct military conflict with Iran anymore. They are in favor of economic sanctions and pushing our regional rivals against us. And they may overestimate us to depict us in a more threatening way than we are to turn others against us while they focus on more serious threats like China and a reemerging Russia.

The fact that he called the IRGC the word's most powerful "state-sponsored terrorist organization" reveals that he is indeed a hawk.

That is not how the usual hawks like John Bolton or Pompeo are. Pompeo does not mind a war.

If you want to make maximum harm, you better say Iran is close to a nuclear bomb and is working on it secretly. By saying Iran already has it, game would be over.
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That is not how the usual hawks like John Bolton or Pompeo are. Pompeo does not mind a war.
Have you ever heard Pompeo say "all options are on the table" when talking about Iran? That used to be the favorite mantra of American hawks during the Bush administration, and later during the Obama administration.
Have you ever heard Pompeo say "all options are on the table" when talking about Iran? That used to be the favorite mantra of American hawks during the Bush administration, and later during the Obama administration.

All together, Pry is a semi-hawk. The reason I posted his article was because it was worth reading. Although his intention is malicious.

He is a category of republicans who are very islamophobic but not a warmonger.
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All together, Pry is a semi-hawk. The reason I posted his article was because it was worth reading. Although his intention is malicious.

He is a category of republicans who are very islamophobic but war-avert.
I would rather call him a neo-Hawk.
I would rather call him a neo-Hawk.

Out of the five officials, one of them is a neoconservative. He is James Woosley, a CIA official, who is actually a democrat but a neoconservative Democrat. He was a Democrat hired by McCain. Interestingly he was anti Vietnam war and could team up with McCain!!
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Reza Khalili is a code-name for a "CIA operative" in IRGC who goes around gives interview to right-wing chads and wrote a book on Iran, He even sells his book on amazon, you know, Cause this is how spies operate.

A Time to Betray: A Gripping True Spy Story of Betrayal, Fear, and Courage

Neocons, Right-wing chads, And those war-hawks produce these bull$hit propaganda stories to demonize us and now we have Iranians getting hyped on their propaganda against us, disappointing.

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