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Iran and conventional counter-force

Iranian Counter Nuclear Weapon

The Samson Option is only a paper tiger. The nuclear arms era started in 1945 was already superseded by directed energy weapons in the 1947s.

Today, the Israeli nuclear warheads pose no threats to the Iranian strategists.

As revelad back in 2016, the joint Iranian-North Korean directed energy weapon program is already advanced enough to be publicly leaked to outside OSINT analysts.

The neutrino-antineutrino annihilation at the Z0 pole counter nuclear weapon can not only destroy preemptively any nuclear warhead wherever is is located on earth, even at the opposite side of the planet at 12,756 km.

But it can also engage any conventional target as well, be it humans, robots, machines, depots, factories, submarines, CVs, bombers, missiles, etc...and at the speed of light.

Unlike the obsolete ballistic missiles, it does not travel through air and space, but the beam of particles can penetrate through the earth crust and mantle, making it indefensible.

Hint at the North Korean-Iranian Counter Nuclear Weapon Program

Kamal al-Din (1267–1319) was the most prominent Persian author on optics. His research in this regard was based on theoretical investigations in dioptrics conducted on the so-called Burning Sphere.


▲ First hint at the Iranian-DPRK Counter Nuclear Weapon Program. 주체105(2016)년 3월 4일


▲ DPRK Directed Energy Counter Nuclear Weapon Program. Uploaded on December 23, 2018.


History of the Neutrino Counter Nuclear Weapon

Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam

Hirotaka Sugawara (Univ. of Hawaii), Hiroyuki Hagura (KEK), Toshiya Sanami (KEK)

(Submitted on 7 May 2003 (v1), last revised 29 Jun 2003 (this version, v2))

We discuss the possibility of utilizing the ultra-high energy neutrino beam (about 1000 TeV) to detect and destroy the nuclear bombs wherever they are and whoever possess them.


Neutrino-Antineutrino Annihilation At The Z0 Pole Counter Nuclear Weapon

Alfred Tang

(Submitted on 26 May 2008 (v1), last revised 25 Jun 2013 (this version, v4))

Radiations produced by neutrino-antineutrino annihilation at the Z0 pole can be used to heat up the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and can in principle detonate the device remotely. Neutrino-antineutrino annihilation can also be used as a tactical assault weapon to target hideouts that are unreachable by conventional means.

Nuclear weapon is the most destructive kind among weapons of mass destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are lessons in history that shall never be repeated. Since the end of World War II, world leaders had tried to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons by political means such as the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968. Many countries did not sign the treaty. In fact it seems that more and more countries are pursuing nuclear weapon programs nowadays. After September 11, the concern is that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists. Strategically speaking the importance of a counter nuclear weapon may soon rival that of the nuclear weapon itself. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of a neutrino counter nuclear weapon technology. The idea of using neutrinos to detonate or melt a nuclear weapon was first proposed by H. Sugawara, H. Hagura and T. Sanami [1]. Their futuristic design is based on a 1 PeV neutrino beam operating at 50 GW. It is unlikely that such an intense ultra high energy neutrino beam can be realized in the near future. Even if such a neutrino beam is made available, its radiation hazard will render it politically nonviable. Other proposals such as installing neutron detectors at the border to intercept nuclear materials had been considered. The current trend of non-proliferation policy is focused on monitoring the production of fissile fuels. Research is being conducted to use anti-neutrino detectors to this end [2]. Anti-neutrinos are produced in nuclear fission through beta decay. They are indicators of the fissile fuel composition of the nuclear reactor. Neutrino signatures of the fissile fuels cannot be tampered with by virtue of the very small reaction cross section of neutrinos at low energy. On the other hand, the small reaction probability also means small detection probability so that large detectors are needed to detect them. A sample idea is to deploy hundreds of kilo-ton liquid scintillor detectors at 1000 km distance from the reactor to monitor the reactor anti-neutrino spectrum. The challenges of using anti-neutrino to monitor reactor are that (1) a rogue nation will not voluntarily allow IAEA to build anti-neutrino detectors around its reactors, (2) the number of anti-neutrino detectors must increase 4 folds for every doubling of reactor-detector distance, and (3) reactors are not needed if a rogue nation opts for uranium instead of plutonium bombs. For these reasons, anti-neutrino detectors are probably not the ultimate solution to non-proliferation. Another possible non-proliferation strategy is to develop a technology that counters nuclear weapons.

This paper proposes an alternative idea for a neutrino counter nuclear weapon that shares some similarities with the idea presented in Reference [1] but is technologically feasible, relatively cheap and safe. The present idea is to focus a neutrino beam and an antineutrino beam together in a small region to allow them to annihilate so that high energy radiations are released as reaction products. The radiations cause neutron spallation in the sub-critical nuclear material and initiate fission reactions. The plutonium heats up, ignites the chemical explosive around the fissile (fissionable material) in the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and subsequently detonates the nuclear weapon. The reason of thinking about neutrino for this application is that neutrino cannot be shielded. It can hit a target such as a nuclear submarine from the other side of the globe and can penetrate a deep underground concrete bunker and missile silo. Since neutrino can penetrate the planet to reach a nuclear weapon on the other side of the globe near the speed of light, a neutrino counter nuclear weapon is in principle untraceable and indefensible. It is suggested that a neutrino counter nuclear weapon is 100% effective [3].

The trade-off of developing a counter weapon is the introduction of a new weapon. If the new weapon is less destructive than the original weapon, an ethical argument can be made in support of its development. If remote detonation of a nuclear weapon is made possible by a neutrino counter weapon, a nuclear weapon in the homeland becomes a liability so that there is a real strategic incentive to reduce the stockpile. In that case, there will be a much more convincing political reason to promote non-proliferation. This work aims to study the theoretical feasibility of the neutrino counter nuclear weapon as a first step in this direction. The use of neutrino as a tactical assault weapon will also be discussed.




As discussed above, the developmement of powerful enough Laser Wakefield Accelerator (LWA) is critical and at the core of this technology. No need to add that such laser research can not be conducted without a sufficient reserve of rare earth minerals.

Indeed, North Korea's 216 million tonne Jongju deposit, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double the current global known resource of REE oxides which according to the US Geological Survey is pegged at 110 million tonnes.

Five times that of China's, the current world's first rare earth minerals exporter.


▲ First world's reserve of Rare Earth Elements in the DPRK.





The Iranian Counter Insurgency A.I. Capability V1.1

First posted 13 February 2019; Updated 15 February 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. China's Experience in Counter Insurgency A.I.
2.1. China's Past Decade Experience In Counter Insurgency A.I.
2.2. Teraherz Radar: China's Latest Development In Counter Insurgency A.I.
3. Iranian Road Map For A Counter Insurgency A.I.

1. Introduction

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the Islamic Republic of Iran with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2018, Iran has already secured a credible deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

Any salvo of Moksong-2 ICBMs (militarized Safir-2) could easily take down most of the U.S. space satellites with a single EMP blow.

In addition, Moksong-2 ICBMs are able to reach key facilities of the GEODSS, an important piece of U.S. Strategic Command in the Indian Ocean at some 3,800 km south-eastwards.

The track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch has clearly demonstrated Iran's IRGC ballistic deterrence's vital credibility, putting the U.S. Diego Garcia GEODSS within its range.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against bigger military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

2. China's Experience in Counter Insurgency A.I.

2.1. China's Past Decade Experience In Counter Insurgency A.I.

Alas, nowadays imperialists prefer to avoid direct military conflicts and use instead fifth columnists as an alternative: look at Syria, Libya, Ukraine. Only China has been able to crack down on these due to an extensive A.I. monitoring in real time of all electronic recordings: public and private CCTVs, smartphones, laptops, dashcams, GoPros, etc, and 24/7/365.

Not only all real time video footages but also all sound recordings from TV remote controls, digital cameras, headphones, etc.

Remember of the last riot in Tibet or Xinjiang? That was years ago, and not likely to be repeated any time soon in the future! The use of A.I. counter insurgency technology has allowed to round up literally millions of potential dissenters before any basic menacing organization could even take form!

2.2. Teraherz Radar: China's Latest Development In Counter Insurgency A.I.

Radar to spot the bad guys from on high

15:43, February 15, 2019

China's space engineers said they can now offer a new method to detect terrorists transporting explosives as well as track moving targets more efficiently than current modalities.

Researchers at the Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement, affiliated with the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, said they have developed the country's first terahertz radiation-enabled synthetic-aperture radar and they are working to utilize the technology in public security work.

Li Jun, a senior designer at the institute, explained that a terahertz is a unit of the electromagnetic spectrum between the microwave and the optical wavelengths. Among terahertz radiation's many physical characteristics, it has a special ability to identify proteins, the building blocks of living organisms. It can also detect TNT, one of the most oftused explosive materials, and can therefore be used to detect individuals carrying the material on their persons.

"Currently, it is very difficult for public security authorities to screen people for firearms or explosive devices from long, safe distances. Most methods rely on handheld detectors and visual clues, forcing law-enforcement personnel to check suspected people within a short range or manually and this has proved to be time-consuming and dangerous," Li said.

By comparison, terahertz radiation-enabled radar takes advantage of its high penetration capability, and is able to detect explosives and reveal hidden weapons from afar, which helps to improve safety at public buildings and at large events, as well as the safety of security officers, he said.

In addition to its potential applications in remote detection work, the radar technology also offers better solutions for law enforcement departments' surveillance of criminal suspects or terrorists, Li said.

"Existing optical, infrared or radar systems are subject to a host of external factors such as sunlight, cloud or smog, when they are used to monitor and track people on the move. But terahertz technology is immune to these factors, reducing the risk of losing targets," he said.

The institute is a leading research body in radar and terahertz technology in China and has taken part in the development of many advanced defense technologies. Encouraged by the government's policies to foster transfer of defense technologies to civilian industries, institute designers have been seeking to make use of their expertise to assist other sectors, Li said.
Engineers have built prototypes of terahertz radiation-enabled synthetic-aperture radar and are conducting tests.

"We mounted a prototype on a drone and recently conducted test flights in Shaanxi province," Li said. "A typical application of the radar in the future can be drone-based to help with large-scale detection of explosive-carrying terrorists or the placement of improvised explosive devices. This will be much more efficient and safer than deploying a lot of security personnel to do the same work."

Drones equipped with the radar can also perform uninterrupted surveillance of suspects, he added.


3. Iranian Road Map For A Counter Insurgency A.I.

Iran has the military muscle to deter any frontal military attack, but it must now learn from China's decade old experience, and strengthen its counter fifth-columnist capability, for the U.S. will try relentlessly to wage color revolutions, encouraged by its successes in Libya and Syria. Iran has to improve its A.I. monitoring of facial reconnaissance and cellphone network, to neutralize any U.S. wire-pulled plotters before they can even get organized! Build reeducation camps, Iran does not lack of empty spaces in its deserts!

By investing in Huawei 5G hardware would be an excellent start. These marvels are fitted with new phased array antenna that even allow to provide real time millimetric wavelength imagery inside all the buildings within range, tracking all individuals 24/7! And the bonus, Counter Terrorist A.I. disposes for the first time of a tool that allows it to neutralize the dangerous individuals remotely, with its latest most advanced beamforming and beamsteering capability. Basically frying within seconds the brain of any would be terrorists.:flame:

Indeed a win-win strategy!:yahoo::enjoy:



Safir-2-e-Payam: Analysis V1.1

First posted 11 February 2019; Updated 23 February 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Space assets: the Achilles' heel of the U.S. Dystopian Empire
3. Moksong-2 ICBM: the Axis of Resistance's Treasured Sword of Justice
4. Geopolitical implications of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch
5. Conclusion
6. References

1. Introduction

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the Islamic Republic of Iran with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2018, Iran has already secured a credible deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against such military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

2. Space assets: the Achilles' heel of the U.S. Dystopian Empire

The U.S. Dystopian Empire is known to rely for its survival on its 20,000 orbital military satellites, of which probably 90% are constituated of psychotronic-type.

And this since having taken over the world, even before the dust of WWII could settle, in a surprise and most treacherous unprovoked attack, with a fleet of orbital psychotronic (mind-control) satellites from outer space.


▲ 1. Pax Americana, circa ~1947AD: The WWIII started when rogue U.S. splinter forces invaded Europe, even before the dust of WWII could settle, in a surprise and most treacherous unprovoked attack, with a fleet of 20,000 orbital psychotronic (mind-control) satellites from outer space.

Any Iranian salvo of Moksong-2 ICBMs (militarized Safir-2) could easily take down most of the U.S. space satellites with a single EMP blow.

In addition, Moksong-2 ICBMs are able to reach key facilities of the GEODSS, an important piece of U.S. Strategic Command in the Indian Ocean at some 3,800 km south-eastwards.

This is what the U.S. military has stated recently regarding such space tracking facilities (in this case Cobra Dane, Alaska):

December 2018

According to the data, Cobra Dane tracks 3,300 space objects each day that cannot be tracked by any other radar system. Air Force officials noted that when Cobra Dane is not operationally available for space surveillance for short periods (less than 24 hours), they can overcome that downtime without losing track of those unique objects. However, officials told us that it would take six months to reacquire all of the small space objects that Cobra Dane tracks, if they encounter any significant scheduled or unscheduled downtime.



▲ 2. The U.S. Space Surveillance Network, GEODSS at Diego Garcia.

Once breached and disrupted, without this U.S.' last line of defence, it is doubtful that the world's subjugated people would remain passive onlookers. The inevitable and unstoppable worldwide's uprisings of the oppressed would surely incite the U.S. military rulers to unleash more conventional WMDs such as biological, thermonuclear or EMF (cellphone base station) strikes.

3. Moksong-2 ICBM: the Axis of Resistance's Treasured Sword of Justice


▲ 3. Comparative estimated North Korean ICBMs first stage main engine thrusts

Four advanced ICBM (4대에 걸쳐 진보한 북의 대륙간탄도미사일)

2013/10/01 [12:35]

The length of the Moksong-2 (목성-2호, 木星-2號: Jupiter-2) intercontinental ballistic missile is 32 meters. First stage is 2.4 meters in diameter.

The Dongfeng-4, 28.05m in length and 2.24m in diameter, made in China in the 1970s weighs 82t and has a range of 7,000km.

if [the Moksong-2 ICBM] was made of a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile, it could carry a warhead of 250 kg at some 15,000 km. Obviously, the Moksong-2 ICBM is a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 15,000 km.



▲ 4. First ever image of the Moksong-2 ICBM. From video, at T=2:51, from left to right: North Korean (intercontinental) ballistic missiles Hwasong-14, Hwasong-12, Hwasong-15 and Moksong-2.


▲ 5. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 TEL-launched ICBMs.

4. Geopolitical implications of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch


▲ 6. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 7. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 8. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 9. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.

▲ 10. Video of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch. Published on Jan 15, 2019


▲ 11. Track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch.


▲ 12. Diego Garcia at 3,867 km from South East Iran, within striking range of Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.

The track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch has clearly demonstrated Iran's IRGC ballistic deterrence's vital credibility, putting the U.S. Diego Garcia GEODSS within its range.

Unlike the 3 previous failed test launches, the first two stages have performed perfectly for the first time. Separation of the second and third stage succeeded.

The mass equivalent to a warhead that returned and had splashed down to the ocean comprising the Saman-1 upper stage of ~500kg and the Payam-e-Amir-Kabir satellite of 100kg, totaled ~600kg.

The unconcealed greatest dismay and uneasiness following this latest successful ballistic test launch only confirms Washington's acknowledgement of its hoppless vulnerability:

U.S. State Department

Robert Palladino
Deputy Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 7, 2019

In defiance of the international community, the Iranian regime continues to develop and test ballistic missiles, including a reported second failed space launch in less than a month. Space launch vehicles use technologies that are virtually identical and interchangeable with those used in ballistic missiles, including in Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). This attempted launch furthers Iran’s ability to eventually build such a weapon that threatens our allies.

5. Conclusion

Indeed the U.S. Dystopian Empire is only a paper tiger, a colossus with feet of clay, since day one of its take over.

Iran has the capability to simply put an end to the century-long Pax Americana, within an hour of conflict, thus starting the dawn of a multi-millennial long Pax Persiana. At the discretion of its Supreme Leader, should He decide to do so, and at the time of His choosing.


▲ 13. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 TEL-launched ICBMs opening the dawn of the Pax Persiana.





6. References


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Iran's Cyber WMD Capability V1.1

First posted 24 January 2019; Updated 25 February 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Iran's Cyber Warfare Capability
3. North Korea's Cyber Warfare Capability
4. The 5G Base-Station Networks
5. The 6G Base-Station Networks
6. The EMF Cyber WMD
7. North Korea's Supercomputer Capability
8. Rare Earth Mineral Prerequisite For Supercomputer Dominance
9. Conclusion
10. References

1. Introduction

All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used.

-Sun Tzu, Wu general, military strategist and philosopher, "The Art of War", 512 BC

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the Islamic Republic of Iran with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2019, Iran has already secured a credible deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

Any salvo of Moksong-2 ICBMs (militarized Safir-2) could easily take down most of the U.S. space satellites with a single EMP blow.

In addition, Moksong-2 ICBMs are able to reach key facilities of the GEODSS, an important piece of U.S. Strategic Command in the Indian Ocean at some 3,800 km south-eastwards.

The track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch has clearly demonstrated Iran's IRGC ballistic deterrence's vital credibility, putting the U.S. Diego Garcia GEODSS within its range.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against bigger military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

Moreover, both the U.S. nuclear blackmail and the so-called Samson Option are only paper tigers. The nuclear arms era started in 1945 was already superseded by directed energy weapons in the 1947s.

Today, the U.S. nuclear warheads pose no threats to the Iranian strategists.

Conversely, the nuclear arsenals of enemy powers from the global arrogance will never deter Iran from exercising its legitimate right to conduct with its Cyber WMD, any preemptive strike deemed necessary to ensure the security of the Islamic Republic.

2. Iran's Cyber Warfare Capability

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps' (IRGC) Aerospace Division have in the past decade successfully infiltrated the U.S. drone command and control networks.

In addition to this covert stealth capability, “seven or eight aerial vehicles with regular flights in Syria and Iraq were under the IRGC's control, that could monitor in real time their data, and manage to acquire their first-hand information”.

In the most famous overt operation, Iran even went to ground a U.S. unmanned aerial vehicle RQ-170 Sentinel in December 2011 using electronic warfare techniques, as the stealth aircraft was flying over the Iranian city of Kashmar near the Afghan border.

Back in November 2018, General Hajizadeh highlighted the Islamic Republic’s drone intelligence, saying Iran now knows in which hangar of the US' Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan the RQ-170 had been deployed.


▲ 1. Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has released a U.S. drone footage acquired via infiltrating the U.S. drone command and control networks.

3. North Korea's Cyber Warfare Capability

According to some so-called North Korean defectors, there are two major groups in North Korea who are able to conduct cyber attacks: the No. 91 Office, and Bureau 121.
Many have been speculated that Bureau 121 was behind the attack on Sony in 2014. The unprecedented cyber attack resulted in the disrupted release of the infamous U.S. propaganda movie "The Interview", (a most heinous film cruelly depicting the barbaric assassination of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in graphic and gory detail), as well as the leaking of a trove of internal emails, and five unreleased movies.

4. The 5G Base-Station Networks

Massive MIMO technology is key in the new 5G communications. Often referred to as massive multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO), this technology is also described as beamforming with a large number of antennas.

Beamforming, according to its basic definition, is the ability to adapt the radiation pattern of the antenna array to a particular scenario. In the cellular communications space, many people think of beamforming as steering a lobe of power in a particular direction toward a user. Relative amplitude and phase shifts are applied to each antenna element to allow for the output signals from the antenna array to coherently add together for a particular transmit/receive angle and destructively cancel each other out for other signals.

Massive MIMO also acknowledges that in real-world systems, data transmitted between an antenna and a user terminal—and vice versa—undergoes filtering from the surrounding environment. The signal may be reflected off buildings and other obstacles, and these reflections will have an associated delay, attenuation, and direction of arrival. There may not even be a direct line-of-sight between the antenna and the user terminal.

As an example, consider an antenna array with 32 transmit (Tx) and 32 receive (Rx) channels operating in the 3.5-GHz band. There are 64 RF signal chains to be put in place, and the spacing between the antennas is approximately 4.2 cm given the operating frequency.

5G will use spectrum in the existing LTE frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter wave (mmWave) bands (24–86 GHz).

Millimeter waves are broadcast at frequencies between 30 and 300 gigahertz, compared to the bands below 6 GHz that were used for mobile devices in the past. They are called millimeter waves because they vary in length from 1 to 10 mm, compared to the radio waves that serve today’s smartphones, which measure tens of centimeters in length.

And as admitted, by the professionals (Ericsson) in their own words:

EMF compliance may be a "challenge"(sic!) for 5G massive MIMO sites if assuming theoretical maximum power for all beams


▲ 2. Size of exclusion zone (read danger zone) with 1/100 of International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) limit of 5G base station with massive MIMO, at 3.5GHz and 28 GHz maximum power(theoretical maximum transmitted power 200 W): 115 meters .

5. The 6G Base-Station Networks

5:55 AM - 21 Feb 2019

I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible. It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies must step up their efforts, or get left behind. There is no reason that we should be lagging behind on.........

-Donald Trump, P.O.T.U.S.

In terms of speed, 6G networks will allow for 1Tbps by making use of sub-1THZ spectrum and will focus on connecting the “trillions” of objects, rather than the “billions” of mobile devices.
The sub-1THz frequencies earmarked for 6G will be even poorer at penetrating indoors than the mmWave spectrum set to be used in 5G, so it could be that building owners, rather than operators, build out the networks.

In term of imagery at close range, these teraherz frequencies would even allow not only to distinguish and track each individual person indoor or outdoor but even to discern the various materials.


▲ 3. High Resolution Imaging using 325 GHz (right) and 1.5 THz (left) Transceivers.

6. The EMF Cyber WMD

The first covert phase would be the stealthy infiltration of the enemy 5G/6G networks, both in the U.S. and Middle East. This could take some time.

Thus allowing the overt phase to follow, by taking the control of all the base stations, a massive coordinated and synchronized attack targeting all the biological objectives could wipe out majors enemy cities, military bases from their personnel and civilian inhabitants as well, within hours. Remotely and silently burning their brains or other vital internal organs.

Further waves of attack would follow treating the remaining non-biological jammable, electronic-sensitive high value targets, leaving them dysfunctional.

7. North Korea's Supercomputer Capability

Back in 2016, information indicated that North Korea’s “private intranet,” the Kwangmyong (광명; 光明) network, had just 28 websites, the servers for which could be in North Korea or China. Its existence therefore provides no hint about high-end computing in North Korea, because websites like those visible on Kwangmyong could be hosted on a laptop and could easily be based in China itself. However, North Korean missile and nuclear development efforts would likely be a magnet for the multi-CPU servers and more powerful parallel supercomputers readily available in China.

Are there indications of supercomputer use in North Korea?

The year 2017 alone gives us an undisputable answer.

By accumulating ICBM ballistic missile tests, amounting to 9 in 9 months, the DPRK had launched 3 types of different ballistic missiles, completing before the year's end what Western analysts had previously deemed feasible only in 3 years of time, that is the Hwasong-15 ICBM, able to reach the mainland U.S.

Moreover, the DPRK has conducted simultaneously a sixth nuclear test, where it demonstrated a thermonuclear capability, with a yield of 250 kilotons.

A feat that only the Big Five of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council had accomplished.

Therefore, the use of supercomputers is the only explanation.

The processors at the heart these supercomputers are multicore CPUs arranged in parallel—yielding the kind of number crunching power needed to forecast the weather, create and attack communications ciphers, simulate nuclear bomb blasts, and design missiles, among other things.

8. Rare Earth Mineral Prerequisite For Supercomputer Dominance

As discussed above, the development of powerful enough supercomputer, that is the machines that can achieve military and scientific breakthroughs thanks to their enormous processing power, is instumental in the DPRK's rise as a global world's superpower.

According to the Top 500 list, published on Monday June 25, 2018, China has 206 supercomputers and is leading the U.S. by a record margin—82. The U.S. has just 124 machines on the list.

China emerged from having not a single supercomputer on the list in 2002 to becoming a dominant power—it has had the top supercomputer on the Top 500 list for the past five years.

The difference with North Korea, is that these strategic assets are kept totally secret.

No need to add that such supercomputer research can not be conducted without a sufficient reserve of rare earth minerals, the sine qua non prerequisite in semiconductor industry.

Indeed, North Korea's 216 million tonne Jongju deposit, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double the current global known resource of REE oxides which according to the U.S. Geological Survey is pegged at 110 million tonnes.

This amounts to five times that of China's, the current world's first rare earth minerals exporter. Making Kim Jong Un's Korea the military powerhouse the most likely to first succeed in developing and fielding the largest armies of cyber warfare supercomputers.


▲ 4. First world's reserve of Rare Earth Elements in the DPRK.


▲ 5. Official and ambitious goal of North Korea's space program, the exploitation of the lunar rare earths reserve.

9. Conclusion

Indeed the U.S. Dystopian Empire is only a paper tiger, a colossus with feet of clay, since day one of its take over.

Iran has the capability to simply put an end to the century-long Pax Americana, within an hour of conflict, thus starting the dawn of a multi-millennial long Pax Persiana. At the discretion of its Supreme Leader, should He decide to do so, and at the time of His choosing.


▲ 6. Iran's Cyber WMD opening the dawn of the Pax Persiana.





10. References


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    Imaging using 325 GHz and 1.5 THz .JPG
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North Korea's Cyber WMD Capability V1.1

First posted 24 January 2019; Updated 26 February 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Iran's Cyber Warfare Capability
3. North Korea's Cyber Warfare Capability
4. The 5G Base-Station Networks
5. The 6G Base-Station Networks
6. The EMF Cyber WMD
7. North Korea's Supercomputer Capability
8. Rare Earth Mineral Prerequisite For Supercomputer Dominance
9. Conclusion
10. References

1. Introduction

All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used.

-Sun Tzu, Wu general, military strategist and philosopher, "The Art of War", 512 BC

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the DPRK with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2018, the DPRK has already secured a credible nuclear deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against bigger military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

Moreover, the U.S. nuclear blackmail is only a paper tiger. The nuclear arms era started in 1945 was already superseded by directed energy weapons in the 1947s.

Today, the U.S. nuclear warheads pose no threats to the North Korean strategists.

Conversely, the nuclear arsenals of enemy powers from the global arrogance will never deter the DPRK from exercising its legitimate right to conduct with its Cyber WMD, any preemptive strike deemed necessary to ensure the security of the Socialist Republic.

2. Iran's Cyber Warfare Capability

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps' (IRGC) Aerospace Division have in the past decade successfully infiltrated the U.S. drone command and control networks.

In addition to this covert stealth capability, “seven or eight aerial vehicles with regular flights in Syria and Iraq were under the IRGC's control, that could monitor in real time their data, and manage to acquire their first-hand information”.

In the most famous overt operation, Iran even went to ground a U.S. unmanned aerial vehicle RQ-170 Sentinel in December 2011 using electronic warfare techniques, as the stealth aircraft was flying over the Iranian city of Kashmar near the Afghan border.

Back in November 2018, General Hajizadeh highlighted the Islamic Republic’s drone intelligence, saying Iran now knows in which hangar of the US' Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan the RQ-170 had been deployed.


▲ 1. Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has released a U.S. drone footage acquired via infiltrating the U.S. drone command and control networks.

3. North Korea's Cyber Warfare Capability

According to some so-called North Korean defectors, there are two major groups in North Korea who are able to conduct cyber attacks: the No. 91 Office, and Bureau 121.

Many have been speculated that Bureau 121 was behind the attack on Sony in 2014. The unprecedented cyber attack resulted in the disrupted release of the infamous U.S. propaganda movie "The Interview", (a most heinous film cruelly depicting the barbaric assassination of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in graphic and gory detail), as well as the leaking of a trove of internal emails, and five unreleased movies.

4. The 5G Base-Station Networks

Massive MIMO technology is key in the new 5G communications. Often referred to as massive multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO), this technology is also described as beamforming with a large number of antennas.

Beamforming, according to its basic definition, is the ability to adapt the radiation pattern of the antenna array to a particular scenario. In the cellular communications space, many people think of beamforming as steering a lobe of power in a particular direction toward a user. Relative amplitude and phase shifts are applied to each antenna element to allow for the output signals from the antenna array to coherently add together for a particular transmit/receive angle and destructively cancel each other out for other signals.

Massive MIMO also acknowledges that in real-world systems, data transmitted between an antenna and a user terminal—and vice versa—undergoes filtering from the surrounding environment. The signal may be reflected off buildings and other obstacles, and these reflections will have an associated delay, attenuation, and direction of arrival. There may not even be a direct line-of-sight between the antenna and the user terminal.

As an example, consider an antenna array with 32 transmit (Tx) and 32 receive (Rx) channels operating in the 3.5-GHz band. There are 64 RF signal chains to be put in place, and the spacing between the antennas is approximately 4.2 cm given the operating frequency.

5G will use spectrum in the existing LTE frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter wave (mmWave) bands (24–86 GHz).

Millimeter waves are broadcast at frequencies between 30 and 300 gigahertz, compared to the bands below 6 GHz that were used for mobile devices in the past. They are called millimeter waves because they vary in length from 1 to 10 mm, compared to the radio waves that serve today’s smartphones, which measure tens of centimeters in length.

And as admitted, by the professionals (Ericsson) in their own words:
EMF compliance may be a "challenge"(sic!) for 5G massive MIMO sites if assuming theoretical maximum power for all beams


▲ 2. Size of exclusion zone (read danger zone) with 1/100 of International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) limit of 5G base station with massive MIMO, at 3.5GHz and 28 GHz maximum power(theoretical maximum transmitted power 200 W): 115 meters .

5. The 6G Base-Station Networks

5:55 AM - 21 Feb 2019

I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible. It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies must step up their efforts, or get left behind. There is no reason that we should be lagging behind on.........

-Donald Trump, P.O.T.U.S.

In terms of speed, 6G networks will allow for 1Tbps by making use of sub-1THZ spectrum and will focus on connecting the “trillions” of objects, rather than the “billions” of mobile devices.
The sub-1THz frequencies earmarked for 6G will be even poorer at penetrating indoors than the mmWave spectrum set to be used in 5G, so it could be that building owners, rather than operators, build out the networks.

In term of imagery at close range, these teraherz frequencies would even allow not only to distinguish and track each individual person indoor or outdoor but even to discern the various materials.


▲ 3. High Resolution Imaging using 325 GHz (right) and 1.5 THz (left) Transceivers.

6. The EMF Cyber WMD

The first covert phase would be the stealthy infiltration of the enemy 5G/6G networks, both in the U.S., Japan, etc. This could take some time.

Thus allowing the overt phase to follow, by taking the control of all the base stations, a massive coordinated and synchronized attack targeting all the biological objectives could wipe out majors enemy cities, military bases from their personnel and civilian inhabitants as well, within hours. Remotely and silently burning their brains or other vital internal organs.

Further waves of attack would follow treating the remaining non-biological jammable, electronic-sensitive high value targets, leaving them dysfunctional.

7. North Korea's Supercomputer Capability

Back in 2016, information indicated that North Korea’s “private intranet,” the Kwangmyong (광명; 光明) network, had just 28 websites, the servers for which could be in North Korea or China. Its existence therefore provides no hint about high-end computing in North Korea, because websites like those visible on Kwangmyong could be hosted on a laptop and could easily be based in China itself. However, North Korean missile and nuclear development efforts would likely be a magnet for the multi-CPU servers and more powerful parallel supercomputers readily available in China.

Are there indications of supercomputer use in North Korea?

The year 2017 alone gives us an undisputable answer.

By accumulating ICBM ballistic missile tests, amounting to 9 in 9 months, the DPRK had launched 3 types of different ballistic missiles, completing before the year's end what Western analysts had previously deemed feasible only in 3 years of time, that is the Hwasong-15 ICBM, able to reach the mainland U.S.

Moreover, the DPRK has conducted simultaneously a sixth nuclear test, where it demonstrated a thermonuclear capability, with a yield of 250 kilotons.

A feat that only the Big Five of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council had accomplished.

Therefore, the use of supercomputers is the only explanation.

The processors at the heart these supercomputers are multicore CPUs arranged in parallel—yielding the kind of number crunching power needed to forecast the weather, create and attack communications ciphers, simulate nuclear bomb blasts, and design missiles, among other things.

8. Rare Earth Mineral Prerequisite For Supercomputer Dominance

As discussed above, the development of powerful enough supercomputer, that is the machines that can achieve military and scientific breakthroughs thanks to their enormous processing power, is instumental in the DPRK's rise as a global world's superpower.

According to the Top 500 list, published on Monday June 25, 2018, China has 206 supercomputers and is leading the U.S. by a record margin—82. The U.S. has just 124 machines on the list.

China emerged from having not a single supercomputer on the list in 2002 to becoming a dominant power—it has had the top supercomputer on the Top 500 list for the past five years.

The difference with North Korea, is that these strategic assets are kept totally secret.

No need to add that such supercomputer research can not be conducted without a sufficient reserve of rare earth minerals, the sine qua non prerequisite in semiconductor industry.

Indeed, North Korea's 216 million tonne Jongju deposit, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double the current global known resource of REE oxides which according to the U.S. Geological Survey is pegged at 110 million tonnes.

This amounts to five times that of China's, the current world's first rare earth minerals exporter. Making Kim Jong Un's Korea the military powerhouse the most likely to first succeed in developing and fielding the largest armies of cyber warfare supercomputers.


▲ 4. First world's reserve of Rare Earth Elements in the DPRK.


▲ 5. Official and ambitious goal of North Korea's space program, the exploitation of the lunar rare earths reserve.

9. Conclusion

Indeed the U.S. Dystopian Empire is only a paper tiger, a colossus with feet of clay, since day one of its take over.

The DPRK has the capability to simply put an end to the century-long Pax Americana, within an hour of conflict, thus starting the dawn of a multi-millennial long Pax Coreana, that will be reminded as the longest Golden Age of Humankind. At the discretion of its Supreme Leader, should He decide to do so, and at the time of His choosing.


▲ 6. DPRK's Cyber WMD opening the dawn of the Pax Coreana.





10. References

First ever official report of some sort of counter counter-terrorist tactics used against the DPRK!

And this as the Hanoi Summit collapses...

Unknown Men Invade North Korean Embassy in Madrid

February 28, 2019 13:20

The North Korean Embassy in Madrid came under attack by a group of unknown men on Feb. 22 who took staff hostage for several hours.

Spanish newspaper El Confidencial on Wednesday reported that a number of unidentified men broke into the embassy, bound and gagged the staff and held them hostage for over four hours. One female staffer who managed to sneak out sought help from the neighbors, and a local person accompanied her to the police.

When the police arrived at the embassy, the men fled the scene in two cars. The paper reported that when the police arrived, a smartly dressed man with a badge with a picture of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un answered the door and said everything was fine. But then he bolted out of the embassy with the other assailants.

Police believe that the man who answered the door was one of the drivers, suggesting that at least one member of the group is Korean or able to pass as Korean. Police said some computers and other communication devices were stolen, and three staff sustained minor injuries and are being treated in hospital.

Police are questioning staff what kind of information was stored in the stolen computers, suspecting that the assailants were after something specific.

The embassy has declined to comment on the incident so far.

In the context, it may be significant that a shadowy group calling itself Cheollima Civil Defense announced on Monday that it would make an important announcement shortly. The group is thought to have rescued Kim Han-sol, the son of Kim Jong-un’s half-brother Kim Jong-nam who was assassinated two years ago.

"We've received a request for help from comrades in a Western country," the group said on its website. "We've responded to it despite a high risk."

On Tuesday, it posted another message saying those who keep their promises do not need to worry about anything.

Kim Hyok-chol, the new man in charge of nuclear negotiations for the second North Korea-U.S. summit, was North Korean ambassador to Spain until he was expelled following North Korea's nuclear test in 2017.


And here the most interesting part:

28 February 2019

It also reported that the mobile network antenna which serves the area of the embassy was set alight just prior to the robbery last Friday.

Spain intelligence services (CNI) are investigating whether it could be related to the attack.



Being able to evade the police EMF cellphone base station tracking network... A work that could only have been done by an enemy great power's professional operatives, not by some random political dissidents!

A post that is related to this topic:

Now what if Iran is attack and Iran responds with conventional missiles and yet the retaliation to Iran's response is a nuclear attack? What then?

I'm not saying nukes are a necessity for Iran but worst case and at the very least we need to have the equipment ready at a safe location to build them in a very short timespan so if ever a single nuke drops on Iran we can retaliate in kind in under a week so it never happens again!

This is the key to this issue: Yes Irans nuclear weapon break-out infrastructure and potential must be nuclear-blast-proof to let this concept work. Furthermore Irans delivery method must be nuclear blast proof or highly survivable (outlined in detail here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-and-conventional-counter-force.601382/ ).
Plus (and this is what we see Iran is doing): Irans nuclear warhead design should be autonomous and not depended on nuclear isotope based neutron generators or booster gases.

The good news is that points are fullfilled by Iran:
- Nuclear-blast-proof weaponization at mountain facilities in Parchin. Plus the compact Soviet thermonuclear design which the Koreans tested.
- Nuclear-blast-proof Fissile material production at Fordow. Plus a centrifuge generation is coming with a SWU capability that enables fissile material for an significant arsenal within days.
- Nuclear reactor independent warhead design: A key requirement since otherwise a underground nuclear reactor would be necessary something a latent nuclear power is not allowed.

Irans leader plus Zarifs capability have got Iran exactly all these key capabilities in a legitimized way.
Japans latent capability is not survivable, Irans will be.

Hence a MAD scenario is created: The high survivability of Irans future strategic potential can't be neutralized with confidence. No confidence of stopping an even limited nuclear retaliation means --> you won't use nukes. MAD mechanism is created.
Iran would be the only country in the world with just a latent nuclear capability but MAD concept applied.

Nuclear safeguards would also confirm that Irans conventional ICBM arsenal is not yet tipped with nuclear warheads --> enabling their global conventional use --> giving Iran a unprecedented global force projection potential --> confirming Salamis statement of a world military power.

Also if the U.S. continues to equip the Saudi's with nuclear tech that will lead to a Saudi Nuke then we really don't have a choice because Iran simply can't afford to be a none nuclear state that's surrounded by nuclear powers from every side

Agreed, the Saudis could become a problem here. However it all depends on China and Pakistan. Plus their fissile weapon designs have no thermonuclear potential.
Iran could reach a conventional power level in which any future Saudi nuclear strike could be taken out pre-preemptiv, even just using conventional means.
We should hope that the U.S/China don't want to create a nuclear proxy against Iran with Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately things go in that direction.

The major nuclear powers of the world have air dropped nuclear bombs, cruise missiles armed with nukes, torpedo nukes, Air to Air nukes, nuclear artillery,..... & nuclear powered BM's so if ever U.S. fires cruise missiles at us or deploys bombers against us we wouldn't know if they have nukes on them or not until they hit so why should Iranian BM be any different?

As mentioned its the IAEA safeguards that will assure that there has been no break-out. This is the insurance for the use of the conventional ICBM arsenal. The U.S won't use nukes because they would be aware of Irans survivable latent nuclear potential --> can't take that retaliation risk.

And I believe the argument that no one would use a none nuclear ICBM were for the day's the accuracy to take out targets with high accuracy didn't exist and that argument will continue to fade as the tech to make the projectiles smaller and more accurate

If for example a $10 Million USD Iranian ICBM armed with decoys and 10 highly accurate MIRV with a CEP of 10 meters and ability to take out 10 fortified aircraft bunkers up to 10,000km away I'd say that's well worth the cost
same with a larger diameter $40 Million USD missile carrying 40 conventional MIRV even it it's for targets within 3,000km I would still say it would be well worth it without nukes as long as you have the accuracy to allow you to use larger number of lighter projectiles to take out bunkers and yes compared to a nuke the structural damage and death toll may not be so significant but for Iran the real prize is the military assets not the death toll or structural damage

Yes accuracy was the issue plus the fact that the risk of a thermonuclear tipped RV among those launched. Remember that all powers with ICBMs are automatically also nuclear ones and Iran would be the only safeguarded latent nuclear power.
Maybe in future a yet unknown, widespread used nuclear warhead detection sensor could enable the use of conventional ICBMs for established nuclear powers. Avantgard like hypersonic weapons will make the issue more complicated as they can simply change their attack vector towards another opponent.
Trident D5 had a <90m CEP accuracy, but could never be used conventionally for those reasons.

Cost-wise it is worth it, especially because of cost-efficient and innovative IRGC-ASF design school.
The calculation is clear: Iran has created the Sedjil for <=400k USD, upscale that to a heavy ICBM and you won't go above a 5x or 10x multiplicator.
Then calculate a MRV/MIRV throw weight potential and a arsenal for 2025 or so.

Alone 4 MaRV warheads for each missile and a small arsenal of 100 missiles would mean ~400 critical/high priority targets taken out, at will...


The survivability requirements for such a latent nuclear arsenal would be enormous. I outlined the benefits Irans missile-city concept brings in this thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-and-conventional-counter-force.601382/

Irans latent capability means that its delivery potential must remain intact against a massive strike of strategic nuclear warheads. Rail basing would not reliably enable this.

It is superior to rail basing but I agree that this is also a good option for heavier ICBMs. Iran can make best use of its rugged topography.

Disclaimer: What I say here are no secrets anymore. Netanyahu and later Trump realized that Irans nuclear deal is engineered to enable exactly this latent nuclear capability. They are perfectly aware about the points I wrote here and that's why Trump had no other option than to leave the deal. It may have been indeed the worst deal in U.S history.
History may remember Zarif as the man who enabled Irans survivable latent nuclear capability that in turn enabled Iran a superpower-level, global force projection capability via conventional ICBMs.
Obama gave Iran that nuclear deal and Trump could be the man that enabled that legitimized (due to threatening) conventional ICBM capability.
Use the "opportunities created by enemy actions" concept.
This is a good display of the amazing capability of Iranian strategic decision making.
we need nukes .... you are simply are fooling yourself with all these bullshits ... what if we start a war with USA and sink all of their aircraft carrier and they simply decide to use tatical nuke (1-2 killo Ton TNT ) against us !?
what can we do !? nothing except accepting their terms !!!!

so shut up you bunch of cowards and just try to live in reality of the world .... the stronger nation with more destructive power always force their term on weaker nation ....

and for your knowledge , in mongol attack , we lost 9/10 of our population and they only had swords , spear and arrow !!!
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we need nukes .... you are simply are fooling yourself with all these bullshits ... what if we start a war with USA and sink all of their aircraft carrier and they simply decide to use tatical nuke (1-2 killo Ton TNT ) against us !?
what can we do !? nothing except accepting their terms !!!!

so shut up you bunch of cowards and just try to live in reality of the world .... the stronger nation with more destructive power always force their term on weaker nation ....

and for your knowledge , in mongol attack , we lost 9/10 of our population and they only had swords , spear and arrow !!!

The way the Mongols invaded Iran had nothing to do with swords, spears or arrows! 1st off during those times majority of Iran's population lived in nomadic tribes and worriers from different tribes is what made up most of Iran's military and the Mongols rather than fighting militaries head on as wars were fought back then would instead sneak their way near the tribes at night and light birds, horses & cattle on fire and direct them right into the tribes and as tents went on fire and people reacted and gathered to put them out they would fire arrows into the tribes and would start killing men, women & children indiscriminately and depending on the size of the tribe some got completely wiped and had some of their women and children become slaves and other bigger tribes were forced to start moving west. Another thing Mongols did was hitting tribes while they were on the move...
And since the Mongols didn't have their women and children with them and their means of survival came from stealing the lively hood of the Iranian tribes they raided and destroyed they could hid their camps in better protected harder to access areas which made retaliation by attacking their camps suicide missions and going on the offensive by attacking their homeland was practically impossible due to the distance
And the few Iranian versions of cities & towns that existed back then were highly dependent on supplies from the tribes from various types of food to cattle to clothing to pottery to rugs to swords and knifes..... so as the tribes fell or were forced west towards modern day Turkey it didn't take long for those towns and cities to submit but the Mongols were only good at destruction and when it came to governing, construction and getting obedience and loyalty from their new subject that part proved to be much harder and practically impossible to maintain due to the hatred they created by the way they conducted themselves during and even after the takeover.
The way the Mongols invaded Iran had nothing to do with swords, spears or arrows! 1st off during those times majority of Iran's population lived in nomadic tribes and worriers from different tribes is what made up most of Iran's military and the Mongols rather than fighting militaries head on as wars were fought back then would instead sneak their way near the tribes at night and light birds, horses & cattle on fire and direct them right into the tribes and as tents went on fire and people reacted and gathered to put them out they would fire arrows into the tribes and would start killing men, women & children indiscriminately and depending on the size of the tribe some got completely wiped and had some of their women and children become slaves and other bigger tribes were forced to start moving west. Another thing Mongols did was hitting tribes while they were on the move...
And since the Mongols didn't have their women and children with them and their means of survival came from stealing the lively hood of the Iranian tribes they raided and destroyed they could hid their camps in better protected harder to access areas which made retaliation by attacking their camps suicide missions and going on the offensive by attacking their homeland was practically impossible due to the distance
And the few Iranian versions of cities & towns that existed back then were highly dependent on supplies from the tribes from various types of food to cattle to clothing to pottery to rugs to swords and knifes..... so as the tribes fell or were forced west towards modern day Turkey it didn't take long for those towns and cities to submit but the Mongols were only good at destruction and when it came to governing, construction and getting obedience and loyalty from their new subject that part proved to be much harder and practically impossible to maintain due to the hatred they created by the way they conducted themselves during and even after the takeover.

well , your historical knowledge is really weak .... Iran in Khwarazm Shah era was most advanced country of the world and has mot urbanized area ( at least in Khorassan ) ...

3 major factor were the reason of death of 9/10 of Iran population :
1- plague before mongol invasion
2- destruction of agriculture and food store due the mongol invasion which lead to wide spread of food shortage
3- spread of plague with mongol invasion which get accelarate with food shortage
4- wide spread anarchy and mass murder by local warlords after mongol invasion ...

also mongol did kill too many as well ...


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we need nukes .... you are simply are fooling yourself with all these bullshits ... what if we start a war with USA and sink all of their aircraft carrier and they simply decide to use tatical nuke (1-2 killo Ton TNT ) against us !?
so shut up you bunch of cowards and just try to live in reality of the world .... the stronger nation with more destructive power always force their term on weaker nation ....

i double only this part of this post

what can we do !? nothing except accepting their terms !!!!
you see you fooling yourself by thinking the people who run Islamic Republic are bunch of fools.
Islamic Republic is more powerful than ever and I can assure you that Islamic Republic does not relay on Shahab-3 or Sejil-2 to counter Israel or the U.S .

in any case that Islamic Republic comes under extreme pressure you will see the leader of Islamic Republic will shift the table by blink of eyes

i leave you with Gen Salami two statement and i understand maybe you think his words are hard to believe but time will tell .
there is only Two ways around it, Gen Salami is stupid and crazy fool or
Gen Salami knows and seen something that you don't know about
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The scenario and concept I pointed out is somewhat complex and includes geostrategic and political considerations.

You have to have a deeper understanding to get the point:

so shut up you bunch of cowards and just try to live in reality of the world .... the stronger nation with more destructive power always force their term on weaker nation ....

I won't shut up, because you have not understood the meaning of what I wrote. However i fully agree with the rest of this statement.

So let me state the following for Iranian patriots who lack the comprehension to understand what I wrote:

What was stated is for the legal aspects, international relations and rule of engagement.

As there is no proof for Iranian nukes and everything is under safeguards, Iran can become the only country in the world that could use ICBMs for conventional power projection.

The architecture of its nuclear and missile assets also presents a credibly robust latent nuclear capability that disables a nuclear attack.

Now what else can be said to satisfy the feelings? @Galactic Penguin SST may be a Chinese troll payed to spread disinformation, but some things he says is true: North Korea and Iran, both were and are partners and used the El Dorado created after the Soviet collapse to the most.

One can deduce much based on what the North Koreans have shown and what is publicly known:

Their advanced missile designs are based on post-collapse sourced Soviet technology and so is Irans --> Both got access to this technology after the Soviet collapse and shared it mutually.

North Korean nuclear warhead and thermonuclear warheads are based on advanced post-collapse sourced Soviet technology --> It would be strange if this technology would not be shared if missile tech is confirmed to be shared (SCUD and Nodong technology exported to Pakistan and others is not part of that advanced technology but old North Korean own Soviet sourced tech).

So now lets move to the next chapter:

The likelihood that these warhead designs were not just based on data but real warheads is very high. So both likely got Soviet warheads, not just the design data of it.
Here a move by Iran sheds more light into the issue: The projects Iran worked on, known as the Parchin issue, includes one that would avoid a reactor generated neutron generator.
The point is that known Soviet warhead designs used such reactor generated neutron generators that gave them a limited shelf-life.
One reason the North Koreans left the NPT in the early 2000's may have been that their Soviet warheads would require new reactor generated neutron generators. Once there were no safeguards, they could produce it at their Yongbyon reactor.

For some reason Iran did not want to leave the NPT to maintain its Soviet origin nuclear warheads. It opted for a difficult technological path to create a new kind of fizzle stage warhead that would generate neutrons via a chemical reaction which does not require a reactor. Furthermore that new design would also be simpler and cost effective in its life-cycle.
Once it was mastered, it could simply replace the Soviet fizzle stage and keep the thermonuclear warhead operational.

The situation this would create is the following:

Iran will be a latent nuclear power after the JCPOA limitations end.
A latent nuclear power that has a capability so robust that it could not be reliably neutralized even with a massive thermonuclear attack with all warheads in the US arsenal.
This very robust latent nuclear retaliation capability with intercontinental reach would have another dimension to it: Strategic warheads lost on the post Soviet collapse era have ended up in Irans strategic weapons partner North Korea with a unconfirmed but latent risk of instant and operational availability to Iran.

So the change would be that a instant Iranian retaliation at strategic scale is to be expected if attacked by nuclear weapons. If that capability is not present yet, the (legal) hardened Iranian nuclear weapon chain would be able to retaliate with at least tactical warheads, at most one week after the outbreak of the nuclear war.

Is Iran at a geostrategic disadvantage here? I don't think so, 10 strategic warheads, delivered successfully would be sufficient to prevent an all-out U.S nuclear strike. The hardness of Irans nuclear chain and delivery systems would make the risk of at least 10 cities being taken out by counter-value attack simply too high. People vastly overestimate the destruction, overpressue of megaton scale warheads create against installations within hard rock.

I understand Patriots that say the limitations of the JCPOA/Barjam would only run out in more than 5 years for Iran to attain that robust latent nuclear capability.
I also understand doubts about the current presence of Soviet origin warheads.

But people must understand what benefits this approach would bring: In on-the-ground practice, tactical, conventional, global, time-critical, counter-measure resistant, all-weather, pin-point-strike capability, can become a huge geostrategic power projection tool.
North Koreas approach got them into a limited MAD scenario, but they can't have a tactical power projection tool via their ICBMs anymore. Not to talk about the rest of current Iranian BM arsenal that could not be used tactically anymore, with the huge numbers it has today.

If done diplomatically correctly and with the Trump admin as pretext, Iran could get the most cost efficient power projection tool available on the planet. Other global power projection tools would be too expensive and less effective.

I want to state the following: North Koreans have highest respect but it was due to the U.S pressure that they went the path to become a official ICBM capable, strategic nuclear power. If the pressure on them would haven been like that of Iran, they probably would also have gone for a robust latent path.
well , your historical knowledge is really weak .... Iran in Khwarazm Shah era was most advanced country of the world and has mot urbanized area ( at least in Khorassan ) ...

3 major factor were the reason of death of 9/10 of Iran population :
1- plague before mongol invasion
2- destruction of agriculture and food store due the mongol invasion which lead to wide spread of food shortage
3- spread of plague with mongol invasion which get accelarate with food shortage
4- wide spread anarchy and mass murder by local warlords after mongol invasion ...

also mongol did kill too many as well ...



Plagues have nothing to do with how the Mongols were able to invade Iran for their forces were susceptible to the same plagues as the Iranians they attacked
and it doesn't change the fact that Iranian urban areas were dependent on supplies from the tribes and tribes made up a large portion of Iran's population in particular Iran's military. And a lot of the food shortage started because the Mongols attacked tribes that supplied the Urban areas and as the tribes were forced westwards food shortages become more apparent
And I already explained the Mongols were only good as destruction with limited ability to govern after they took over which caused anarchy and mass murder post invasion
Plagues have nothing to do with how the Mongols were able to invade Iran for their forces were susceptible to the same plagues as the Iranians they attacked
and it doesn't change the fact that Iranian urban areas were dependent on supplies from the tribes and tribes made up a large portion of Iran's population in particular Iran's military. And a lot of the food shortage started because the Mongols attacked tribes that supplied the Urban areas and as the tribes were forced westwards food shortages become more apparent
And I already explained the Mongols were only good as destruction with limited ability to govern after they took over which caused anarchy and mass murder post invasion
What make Mongol invasion of iran so successful was two thing . one is sultan Mohammad kharazmshah that was us useful as shah sultan hossein and faith-Ali-shah and the only thing he did against Mongols was escaping .
When The Mongols invaded he many times had the chance to put them between a sieged city and iran army and crush them but failed to do so and the other was his wife turkan khatoon that modelled in all aspect of the government and put her useless family in important position and made the government a curroupt one.
What make Mongol invasion of iran so successful was two thing . one is sultan Mohammad kharazmshah that was us useful as shah sultan hossein and faith-Ali-shah and the only thing he did against Mongols was escaping .
When The Mongols invaded he many times had the chance to put them between a sieged city and iran army and crush them but failed to do so and the other was his wife turkan khatoon that modelled in all aspect of the government and put her useless family in important position and made the government a curroupt one.

Yea but that doesn't explain the tactics the Mongols used to achieve the military success that they had over such a vast area....

And if you wanna look at it like that then it actually was bad leadership and lack of unity from the later Seljuk leaders that allowed murdering thugs to rise and create the khwarazmian dynasty....

BUT that still doesn't change the fact that the success of the Mongols didn't come from simply facing militaries head on because if they had simply done that they would have lost and although a head on conflicts eventually followed but before hand they would use for those times somewhat revolutionary tactics from various covert actions to psychological warfare to sabotage to attacking Tribes and setting Tribes on fire to hitting food supplies of the tribes..... Those are the real tactics that gave the Mongols so much success when it came to military warfare but all the capabilities they had in military tactics and strategy they lacked in governing and winning harts and minds which lead to a quick fall...

And Mohammad Kharazmshah being an idiot doesn't diminish the tactics that gave the Mongols so much success especially during those times where the war fighting weapons that were used were practically the same on both sides and manpower naturally in our favor
What make Mongol invasion of iran so successful was two thing . one is sultan Mohammad kharazmshah that was us useful as shah sultan hossein and faith-Ali-shah and the only thing he did against Mongols was escaping .
When The Mongols invaded he many times had the chance to put them between a sieged city and iran army and crush them but failed to do so and the other was his wife turkan khatoon that modelled in all aspect of the government and put her useless family in important position and made the government a curroupt one.

Actually , Kharazam Shah was a conqueror himself and he already devastating most of area in his conquest ... people didn't see much diffrence between Kharazm Shah and Mongol till mongol start massacring city after city and after that there was no one to coordinate resistance .... Jallal al din was a gay and he manage to force people to rebel against him in every corner of country due his crulity and corruption !!! ....

IMO , Genchiz was good general but he didn't face a strong government or else he would end up like hundered of step warlord before him which attacked Iran and were repelled ...

also sectarian dispute in Iran was at peak in mongol era ...
On the nuclear technology day, Iran officially disclosed the history and structure of its gas centrifuge program.

I will lay out the extracted details here:

IR1: First generation production URENCO machine (3-4 generation Zippe design), via Pakistans P1. Relative small diameter aluminium rotor but mechanically advanced 4-Rotor design.

IR2: Larger diameter 2-rotor design based on Urenco second generation design, via Pakistans P2. Unlike Pakistan, Iran could not import the maraging steel rotors and bellows. This lead to discontinuing this path.

IR3: Two stage maraging steel rotor of the IR2 was replaced with a increased length single rotor carbon fiber rotor.

IR2M: After mastering IR3 single rotor design, a 2-rotor variant was mastered via functioning carbon fiber bellows. Resulting in a design that was basically a 2nd gen. Urenco centrifuge (P2) but with faster spinning carbon fiber rotos.

IR4: Probably a 2-rotor variant of the IR3, run in parallel to the IR2M program. Despite increased rotor length compared to the IR2M, producebility and lower speed, gave it no advantage over the IR2M.

IR5: Ambitious 3-4 rotor design. The first after the IR1 (which was extensively studied for two decades to master the difficulties of such designes). Difficulties with mastering producibility of such a advanced design, lead to a generation of larger diameter machines.

IR6S: Larger diameter design. To master the larger diameter this design is single rotor (S for short). Its performance is not better than the mature IR2M.

IR6: 2-rotor variant of the IR6S. It has the same enrichment capability as the complex IR5 but as the IR2M was well mastered and sufficiently mature. It got twice as powerful as the IR2M.

IR7: 3-4 rotor variant of the IR6. After the IR1 and IR5, this became the 3rd 3-rotor design. Its early success lead to a direct jump to a next generation design, the IR8.

IR8: After the success with the IR7 prototype, this was the first machine that skipped single and twin rotor steps and directly went for a 3-4 rotor design (indicating that problems regarding 3-4 rotor machines have been understood and mastered).
In terms of diameter, this is the 4th generation of Iranian machines and mastering the larger diameter is the main hurdle of the IR8.

The IR8 will be the final machine for the industrial scale work, performing at ~24-times the level of the "industrial scale" IR1.
This is the machine that will give Iran a latent nuclear capability, as a small number of such powerful machines in a nuclear-hardened enrichment facility will be able to enrich HEU in days from LEU.
The key issue now is mastering a production variant of the IR8 that has a sufficiently long life-time. Since this mastering of producibility is so difficult, it can be expected to be ready in 2-5 years, at the end of the Barjam/JCPOA restrictions.

As for now, the production ready machines in Iran are:

IR1 (2000 production but perfected only in 2010-2015)
IR2M (mastered 2010-2015)
IR6 (mastered 2015-2020)

Current state of the art URENCO machines operate ~4-times better than the IR8. But for a latent HEU enrichment capability IR8 is sufficient. At nuclear-strike resistent Fordow, a 2000 machine cascade of IR8 could produce several warheads worth of HEU withing a few days after the order is given.
I hope to see a high-grade carbon fiber mass production line becoming operational for the IR8 to enable serial production in the 2020-2025 time frame.

If commercial operation is not the goal (i.e selling a centrifuge plant) then there is no need to reach those 80 SWU of the state of the art URENCO machines.
The IR8 is almost at 90's level URENCO TC12. A very reliable machine still in operation.
Better machines get larger and need better materials.
The IR8 would probably fit in a underground hall or tunnel with 3-3,5m high.
URENCO basically doubled the high of the TC12 to get the current top of the line TC21. Such a approach would be ok for a purely civilian program with no latent weapon capability.
Hence mastering a reliable IR-8 as the main machine is a good goal and sufficient for Irans needs. As said the 30-40 SWU TC12 is still working for URENCO due to its reliability and cost effectiveness and the IR-8 may optimized to reach 30-40 SWU in future.

Hence the performance is sufficient for the post-JCPOA era. The team should just concentrate on getting it reliable and produceable in the next 2-5 years.
Theoretical and prototype work on larger machines is certainly done, no question.

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