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Intelligence agencies reject Pak's proposed roaming plan in India

chacha...you really ..don't want good relations with us....damn ..I always wanted to meet chachi...:cray::cray:

jokes apart...whatever the indian and pakistani feel....I think we do need each other ..if there was no security issue ..providing roaming was just child's play....
always remember this ..friends can be changed not neighbor.....
I really want this madness to end..enough of blood shedding and terrorism ...we need peace and growth...:tup:


get off this thread.
Pakistan has proposed to offer in return roaming services to Indians using their domestic numbers on visits to the country.

Via Pakistan it is easy for Terrorist to detonate in India using a cell phone. And after that if such things happen, this will again stop the peace talks because Pakistan will not accept the proofs.

And it is also possible that terrorists take Indian sim to Pakistan and because of roaming they can be used against Indian mainland.

So such connectivity is very serious threat. Tapping of phones is another issue.

get off this thread.
jaddu ki jhappi....for @Ravi Nair and my all other friends who oppose Indo-pak peace relations......
Examples are not included? Always when I dont include examples I am asked for them!
Well keep giving them since you have already decided to trust your premature evaluation.

What peace talks?
Well there's something called google, I believe I'm not the only one who can find it.

Whom have you addressed to? Mind you there is a whole thread running with Indians complaining about rape threads...and also about being banned on an internet forum! So please dont derail! You brought this up of saying that it is helping then explain who is it helping and how?

Please don't take it literally, just coz you saw two guys on pdf who have actually don't give a **** doesn't mean it represents every Indian.
As for addressing, I just addressed it ........a few posts back. No one is derailing, I just don't like explaining the underlined rhetoric,
since you are so intent on asking for it; it helps Indo-Pak relations not India not Pakistan.

Pakistan as a country has nothing to do with terrorism...Neither does its citizens! It is as if blaming whole of India for rape when only a portion are doing the crime!

Well if you think so then we have nothing more to argue, in the end just like the other dude said India will gain nothing from Pak so why bother and Pakistan will keep feigning ignorance so lets keep at it.
I'll mention peace talks and you'll mention rapes in India, no toilets, 3rd world country and and so on and so forth.
No - Only pilgrims & business visa are allowed - they should be banned as well. :pop:

surely, I agree, India should stop giving visas to Pakistanis also. Total Iron curtain is required on our western border.
You know what - Indians are demanding corridor to their pilgrims so that they can directly come without any visa. :lol:

As I said before, what happens between the Punjabi bonhomie brigade doesn't concern me, nor does it affect my part of the world.
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