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Intelligence agencies reject Pak's proposed roaming plan in India

didnt got your post.....
if you meant terrorists will buy Indian sim cards and cause bomb blasts in India then they are already doing that.......if they will use Pakistani sim cards then it will help a bit for our govt. to track them

the point is we can allow the roaming services to them,it wont be bad rather gud for us

they use indian sim cards inside india or dubai connection and then flee india via nepal, etc. They never use Pakistani sim cards.

They might also use Indian sim cards to carry out attacks in Pakistan just to blame India.
We need to solve these issues. Common people shouldn't suffer. I feel , India being the bigger neighbour can take the 1st step.
The roaming facility should have been allowed.
We need to solve these issues. Common people shouldn't suffer. I feel , India being the bigger neighbour can take the 1st step.
The roaming facility should have been allowed.
And put aside all security concerns?
they use indian sim cards inside india or dubai connection and then flee india via nepal, etc. They never use Pakistani sim cards.

They might also use Indian sim cards to carry out attacks in Pakistan just to blame India.

relations to sudharne nahi wale.......atleast it will help some people who are trying to do business
if they wanted to do those blasts they would have already done that......Indian sims are available in plenty :D
relations to sudharne nahi wale.......atleast it will help some people who are trying to do business
if they wanted to do those blasts they would have already done that......Indian sims are available in plenty :D

then make a law that business visa holders get a sim card easily.
But these cross roaming connection is highly risky.

I tell you, when a wifi connected bus from India enters pakistan, Indians are advised to switch off their cell, because more than a thousand attempts are there to intrude into the signal.
Whatever the reason .we only support our national interest.
I support GoI ,let them destroy terrorists and work like mature country then we can talk about it.
We also propose peace several times and got back stabbing as return from other side.And we already proved we can move forward like this without Pakistan.So let it go like that way.No offense
Good for you! Move on then! Stop quoting me!

Thank you!
North or South - For us those are Indians.
I seriously hope North India undestands it and cuts off ties with Pakistan completely

Silly comment, who did partition affect most? South or North Indians??? There's a reason Indians (North) got to Pakistan. It's irrelevant anyway.
And the partition happened for a reason.they,the pakistanis, couldn't live with the rest of their cousins who chosed to be Indians.If they both are so love dovey that they can't bear the concept of not meeting each other again they shouldn't have separated in the first place itself..It would have been better to cut off ties with pakistan or keep it to a minimum after independence and the bloody partition.All this emotional nonsense of families on both side just has forced both sides to keep facing each other even though both can't stand the sight of each other.The rest of the union of India apart from north India has little to no interest in what happens or does not happen in pakistan and has paid a heavy price for the idiotic blood feud of the bitter cousins for this idiocy,the sooner we get it through our heads that India and pak are like the snake and the mongoose, the better for us.
then make a law that business visa holders get a sim card easily.
But these cross roaming connection is highly risky.

I tell you, when a wifi connected bus from India enters pakistan, Indians are advised to switch off their cell, because more than a thousand attempts are there to intrude into the signal.

i wont comment on that as i have never heard about that,maybe you are correct thats why the intelligence agencies refused the proposal......they know the ground realities better than us
It is simple with Pakistan.It is about 67 years still they try to irritate us.What is need of this?.RAW and IB reject it because it simply increase their burden .Some people enter in to the 120 crore people.Then it is quite difficult to find out.
What is need of this relation.?I saw this drama for long time.Let them work like a mature country then we can talk about this.Until then there is no need of it.

Maturity isnt simple like a apple falling from tree, we have to work hard for it.... 67 years and its on but ignoring the problem isnt a solution.... We people dont understand the fact that keeping India and Pakistan against each other only benefits our(and theirs) political leaders and big defence industries (and increase in PDF members).... I dont understand the fact that being so common in culture why these two countries fight even for a candybar.
there is lot of mistrust between india and pakistan. i think its not a right step as of now.time heals every thing and in recent time we have seen clashes in LOC, soldiers martyred from both countries. so as of now it is very difficult to accept this offer..Yes ministry is agree but from security agencies its a BIG NO. we have to progress step by step. rivalry from 1947 will not go overnight....
the core issue between the countries is Kashmir and without resolution of that, any step is waste. so focus on business, trade, cultural exchange. it would benefit both countries and may be after 20 years Kashmir will not be a big issue because we would have so many things in stake.
Yeah - Every kind of contact should be banned to the level that population of both countries can't believe on existence of other country.
Ohh Sir gee kadee has vee kiya karo...:pakistan:
And put aside all security concerns?

No why so ? We have a huge Intelligence network. To make our country secured do we need to impose ban on every other Pakistani(basically that's what is happening). There can be monitoring and surveillance right? Do we have similar sanctions for other countries. Don't think so!
No why so ? We have a huge Intelligence network. To make our country secured do we need to impose ban on every other Pakistani(basically that's what is happening). There can be monitoring and surveillance right? Do we have similar sanctions for other countries. Don't think so!

No why so ? We have a huge Intelligence network. To make our country secured do we need to impose ban on every other Pakistani(basically that's what is happening). There can be monitoring and surveillance right? Do we have similar sanctions for other countries. Don't think so!
As if Pakistanis are being targeted without reason- you know as well as I do the threats facing India that emanate from Pakistan. The terror situation isn't getting any better that side of the border, they haven't given up on trying to bleed India. And yes the intelligence network is large in India and is being expanded but why add work to them? Why make their job harder?
This is a stupid thing to do. I think better to keep only trade relations with Pak. There are only very few left who born during partition and in few years there won't be any to have blood relations left in India. Don't make life messy by allowing all these type of policies.

1st they are allowing Pak banks to open in India (Hope Indian Govt have full authority to check who is making transactions through these banks and where the money will go.)

Now, asking for roaming plan. So that every Mullah's will target few who are desperate for easy money, can preach over the phone, brainwash and attracts in to their T factory.

Next wish - Will they ask to allow Pakistanis to cross border and roam freely using their Bikes and cars in to India?
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