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Insulting Presidents/PMs

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Aug 1, 2009
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United States
Hi @WebMaster I have noticed that there is a policy against insulting the President/PM of Pakistan.

Insulting the President/PM not allowed!

I was wondering if this policy extends to presidents/prime ministers of other countries as well. In particular many members have been quite generous in using derogatory words such as "terrorist" against Mr. Narendra Modi. Now that he has been elected as the PM of India would this policy cover him as well? We would like an clarification.

@Aeronaut @Oscar @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Emmie @jaibi
Considering that the head of North Korea is not absolved from being insulted, nor is President Obama(even by his own countrymen).. I think this only applies to Pakistan. Again, I am using inference to interpret this.. we in the admin will have to decide on the exact interpretation and tell you.
Considering that the head of North Korea is not absolved from being insulted, nor is President Obama(even by his own countrymen).. I think this only applies to Pakistan. Again, I am using inference to interpret this.. we in the admin will have to decide on the exact interpretation and tell you.

Thanks for your response. Do keep in mind that insulting/name calling is different from criticizing someone, which can be done without using derogatory terms. This is a tricky subject, if such usage gets official approval then it might actually increase.
Chinese current and past leaders are regularly insulted around here, usually by Chinese members themselves.

I don't think it is something that can be stopped to be honest.

Why the heck didn't anyone tell me when I came up with the innovative idea for the two Bald Brothers to rub their tinnds together to produce electricity ? :unsure:

That would generate the most pure form of energy known to mankind.
Considering that the head of North Korea is not absolved from being insulted, nor is President Obama(even by his own countrymen).. I think this only applies to Pakistan. Again, I am using inference to interpret this.. we in the admin will have to decide on the exact interpretation and tell you.

Indians lately have been openly calling Jinnah derogatory names, there needs to be policy on this shit or else do not infract me when I show them their aukat.
If you show them your Aukat, you show your Aukat.
Let us take care of that.

I would let you take care of that if there was policy on the matter but according to current rules there are quite frankly not breaking any.

Like one common thing being said is Jinnah presided over murder of millions and so he is terrorist. That is not breaking any rules per say.
Chinese current and past leaders are regularly insulted around here, usually by Chinese members themselves.

I don't think it is something that can be stopped to be honest.

That would generate the most pure form of energy known to mankind.

They should certainly not be above criticism. For example calling someone a stupid is much less offensive than calling him a terrorist. The admins should make sure that one doesn't cross that line.
Jinnah and religious figures (of every religion) related negative comments should not be posted on this forum.

I have no problem with that at all I only respond when I feel like the poster deserves a response if the posters do not post garbage I will not post garbage simple.

Anyway moderator @Emmie had agreed with me about the policy being not clear on this regard especially Jinnah should not be openly insulted on this forum. Indian today implying he was non Muslim for eating pork and drinking and claiming that he is just conversing like wtf? I was not born yesterday.
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Chinese current and past leaders are regularly insulted around here, usually by Chinese members themselves.

I don't think it is something that can be stopped to be honest.

That would generate the most pure form of energy known to mankind.

Insulted by own countrymen and insulted by others are two different issues, Bro. within a country people can have different political opinion as it affects them directly but for other it doesn't.
Insulting someone by calling them a terrorist because of a communal riot opens up avenues to calling a lot of leaders terrorists under whom scores of people have died - there isn't a different yardstick just because of nationality.
I have no problem with that at all I only respond when I feel like the poster deserves a response if the posters do not post garbage I will not post garbage simple.

Anyway moderator @Emmie had agreed with me about the policy being not clear on this regard especially Jinnah should not be openly insulted on this forum. Indian today applying he was non Muslim for eating pork and drinking and claiming that he is just conversing like wtf? I was not born yesterday.

You have to understand that the whole issue is related to Mr. Modi.

you or anyone else like it or not but he is an elected leader. so you should respect the decision taken by more than 500 million people. and if people can not respect an elected leader than its very much reasonable that others will retaliate in similar tone.
You have to understand that the whole issue is related to Mr. Modi.

you or anyone else like it or not but he is an elected leader. so you should respect the decision taken by more than 500 million people. and if people can not respect an elected leader than its very much reasonable that others will retaliate in similar tone.

Modi is just an elected official, Jinnah is a founder of a nation.
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