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India’s ruling Congress party names new presidents in 3 states

Ohhh so whats the issue with communists??

They are communists ..... what more issue do you want .... ;)

Hmmm....so you want the people of malluland to vote for non-existant BJP leaders...I dig that...

O.Rajagopal was never non-existant and was a good leader .

How many times have they voted for him ??
They are communists ..... what more issue do you want .... ;)

O.Rajagopal was never non-existant and was a good leader .

How many times have they voted for him ??

So you have a problem with mallus not voting for the lone BJP leader...I dig that
So you have a problem with mallus not voting for the lone BJP leader...I dig that

Nope ..... I have a problem with mallus stuck between $hit (communists) and deep $hit (congress) .

that leaves me more flummoxed :blink:
I know you're pro BJP :D

OK ..... I believe communism is an outdated ideology and they always like to $uck up to other communist countries .
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OK ..... I believe communism is an outdated ideology and they always like to $uck up to other communist countries .
Do you mean communists in India favor China??:blink:
Though i knew the red brigade Naxals did get some sponsorship from their Chinese lords.
Do you mean communists in India favor China??:blink:
Though i knew the red brigade Naxals did get some sponsorship from their Chinese lords.
Dont they prefer and support china? well they wanted India to stop nuclear bomb testing, infact it was the great blunder done by communist home minister then V,k,Krishna Menon during 1962 declared Hindi chini bhai bhai, he went as far as to disband army since there was no threat and made ordinance factories produce coffeemakers and other appliances instead of weapons and ammunition.
He fell flat on his face when chinese invaded.
Another instance is Their opposition to Indian nuclear bomb, which idiot opposes ones nations security?
Not to talk about their opposition to Industries ,mechanization and computers as they would make many clerks loses jobs infact computers helped india in IT revolution.

All the while their patron country china goes industrial these fools want India to remain a peasant country.
Many of them are regularly invited to china and commie countries and get awards and funds.
Dont they prefer and support china? well they wanted India to stop nuclear bomb testing, infact it was the great blunder done by communist home minister then V,k,Krishna Menon during 1962 declared Hindi chini bhai bhai, he went as far as to disband army since there was no threat and made ordinance factories produce coffeemakers and other appliances instead of weapons and ammunition.
He fell flat on his face when chinese invaded.
Another instance is Their opposition to Indian nuclear bomb, which idiot opposes ones nations security?
Not to talk about their opposition to Industries ,mechanization and computers as they would make many clerks loses jobs infact computers helped india in IT revolution.
All the while their patron country china goes industrial these fools want India to remain a peasant country.
Many of them are regularly invited to china and commie countries and get awards and funds.
That was some good amount of info I didnt know of.I knew Sardar Patel was against Indians favoring China.And that his advice to Nehru fell on deaf ears.
And I knew of Menon but that was for some other reason.
That was some good amount of info I didnt know of.I knew Sardar Patel was against Indians favoring China.And that his advice to Nehru fell on deaf ears.
And I knew of Menon but that was for some other reason.
You have to know your history so that history doesn't repeat itself. Do read about V,K,Krishna menon, he was always a foreign affairs minister rather than home minister(infact he never stayed at india for long time once he got the post he was touring countries). and nehru his head was above clouds and was in love with Non-aligned Movement , he didn't know the ground reality.Thats what happens when you get potheads to rule this nation they make blunders in their high.
Do you mean communists in India favor China??:blink:
Though i knew the red brigade Naxals did get some sponsorship from their Chinese lords.

A serious rift within the party surfaced in 1962. One reason was the Sino-Indian War, where a faction of the Indian Communists backed the position of the Indian government, while other sections of the party claimed that it was a conflict between a socialist and a capitalist state, and thus took a pro-Chinese position. There were three factions in the party – "internationalists", "centrists", and "nationalists". "Internationalists", including B. T. Ranadive, P. Sundarayya, P. C. Joshi, Makineni Basavapunnaiah, Jyoti Basu, and Harkishan Singh Surjeet, supported the Chinese stand. The "nationalists", including prominent leaders such as S.A. Dange, A. K. Gopalan backed India. "Centrists" took a neutral view; Ajoy Ghosh was the prominent person in the centrist faction. In general, most of Bengal Communist leaders supported China and most others supported India . Hundreds of CPI leaders, accused of being pro-Chinese, were imprisoned. Some of the nationalists were also imprisoned, as they used to express their opinion only in party forums, and CPI's official stand was pro-China.

Communist Party of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is just a single instance , believe me there are multiple other scenarios where they have shown there favour to chinese and against the interest of India .
This is just a single instance , believe me there are multiple other scenarios where they have shown there favour to chinese and against the interest of India .
I havent understood ppl who are more loyal to their party (in some cases caste & community) than their own country.
I havent understood ppl who are more loyal to their party (in some cases caste & community) than their own country.

Misplaced priorities + politics + a different kind of self brain washing ....... :D
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