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Insult To Injury For Indian Air Force in Prelude To Kargil.


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
In the run up to Kargil conflict during 1999, Pakistan's then Army Commander, General Pervez Musharraf spent a night with his troops on the Indian side of LOC.
He was flown in a helicopter 11 km inside Indian Occupied Kashmir where he spent a night with Pakistani troops who were already there. The Pakistan Army Helicopter dropped him and came back then returned the next day to collect him. Yet the Indian Air Force remained totally oblivious to all this activity. OTOH, sometimes later, when even an Indian spy drone tried to intrude into Pakistani Airspace in the middle of the night, it was promptly shot down by the PAF. However, a helicopter twice intruding 11km into Indian airspace with Pakistan's top soldier and returning unchallenged was indeed like an insult to injury for the IAF.

Apart from Musharraf's own story and Pakistan army there is no substantial proof to prove this......
Apart from Musharraf's own story and Pakistan army there is no substantial proof to prove this......

How about your own former Army Chief.

How about your own former Army Chief.

View attachment 751923

VK Singh was the worst thing that happened to indian army..... He even tried to hide his date of birth to avoid his retirement and shamelessly challaned the system later joined politics..... Thanks god army got rid of him..... Why should I take him seriously.....
VK Singh was the worst thing that happened to indian army..... He even tried to hide his date of birth to avoid his retirement and shamelessly challaned the system later joined politics..... Thanks god army got rid of him..... Why should I take him seriously.....
Regardless of what you think of your former Army Chief, facts remain fact.
Regardless of what you think of your former Army Chief, facts remain fact.

How so?? This is coming from the mouth of VK Singh a liar..... a person (military personnel) who can hide his date of birth to avoid retirement and who shamelessly challaned government in court on this.... He had become a laughing stuff all over media....

Even if for a minute I believe he is a best chief then also how he can acknowledge Musharraf's stay in India on that night??? Was he in nearby tent???

If he really knew his stay in India then he is answerable to nation for letting Musharraf go back safely that too during a hostile environment.... No sane general will ever acknowledge such thing publicly....
How so?? This is coming from the mouth of VK Singh a liar..... a person (military personnel) who can hide his date of birth to avoid retirement and who shamelessly challaned government in court on this.... He had become a laughing stuff all over media....

Even if for a minute I believe he is a best chief then also how he can acknowledge Musharraf's stay in India on that night??? Was he in nearby tent???

If he really knew his stay in India then he is answerable to nation for letting Musharraf go back safely that too during a hostile environment.... No sane general will ever acknowledge such thing publicly....

Learn your history first before considering yourself to be more knowledgeable than your once army chief.
V.K Singh was Indian army chief from 2010 until 2012.
The Kargil conflict happened in 1999 as the time General Musharraf paid India an overnight visit.
So how can VK Singh be held liable.
And instead of running around in circles, you need to remind yourself that this story was carried by reputable British journals and above all, has anyone in India to this day denied the claim.
It's now a part of history that several dozen Pak Army soldiers and Militants intruded into Indian side of LOC and remained undetected for several weeks.....General Musharraf just added insult to injury.
Learn your history first before considering yourself to be more knowledgeable than your once army chief.
V.K Singh was Indian army chief from 2010 until 2012.
The Kargil conflict happened in 1999 as the time General Musharraf paid India an overnight visit.
So how can VK Singh be held liable.
And instead of running around in circles, you need to remind yourself that this story was carried by reputable British journals and above all, has anyone in India to this day denied the claim.
It's now a part of history that several dozen Pak Army soldiers and Militants intruded into Indian side of LOC and remained undetected for several weeks.....General Musharraf just added insult to injury.

This is what I am saying....
I know he was not a general that time and I was just giving an example that no general if he knows enemy top officer is inside his country would let him go back as then he will be facing a court martial....

But then how VK Singh know that Musharraf was in India that night and Indian military didn't know.....

He didn't even provide proper answer when he was asked why did you let Musharraf go back???

So from hiding the age, fighting with govt to stay on the chair, joining politics and make cheap propaganda against govt in rallies (yes he has done all this) and then just saying YES to Musharraf's story that he was in India on that night and he said this when he was not even a part of army.... why??? just to catch attention and to be seen in media......
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