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Insult To Injury For Indian Air Force in Prelude To Kargil.

Now, one can also ask, were you herding Goats and Sheep in the area that you are convinced Musharraf wasn't there......after all it were some animal grazers who after several weeks discovered that Indian posts were occupied by Pakistani soldiers and others.
Do you know how pathetic it sounds when you consider yourself more knowledgeable than your former army chief. Maybe you are in the wrong field, you could be advising Indian war cabinet or something or at least write to the Indian army and ask if some one can come up and deny the episode.
Oh tereeee looooooool
Now, one can also ask, were you herding Goats and Sheep in the area that you are convinced Musharraf wasn't there......after all it were some animal grazers who after several weeks discovered that Indian posts were occupied by Pakistani soldiers and others.
Do you know how pathetic it sounds when you consider yourself more knowledgeable than your former army chief. Maybe you are in the wrong field, you could be advising Indian war cabinet or something or at least write to the Indian army and ask if some one can come up and deny the episode.

I am just saying that it's too risky for any army chief to spend night in enemy territory especially when it's not going to achieve anything for him..... What did he exactly achieve by spending night???

No need to graze animals there to understand this.... And similarly VK Singh too was not in that area to confirm Musharraf's stay that night.....

Musharraf didn't spend night in India.... Please believe me....
I am just saying that it's too risky for any army chief to spend night in enemy territory especially when it's not going to achieve anything for him..... What did he exactly achieve by spending night???

No need to graze animals there to understand this.... And similarly VK Singh too was not in that area to confirm Musharraf's stay that night.....

Musharraf didn't spend night in India.... Please believe me....
Loool....we shouldn't believe esteemed British media or your Army General but only listen to you.....dude you surely are one of a kind.....
Let me ask you, what does your army chief achieves when he visits LOC or LAC..... doesn't he trusts his commanders that he himself has to visit these areas to assess the situation.....or maybe seeing their commander amongst them gives a boast to the troops.
General Musharraf crossed the LOC and went 11km into Indian side to be with his soldiers . Period.
I am just saying that it's too risky for any army chief to spend night in enemy territory especially when it's not going to achieve anything for him..... What did he exactly achieve by spending night???

No need to graze animals there to understand this.... And similarly VK Singh too was not in that area to confirm Musharraf's stay that night.....

Musharraf didn't spend night in India.... Please believe me....
PLEASE BELIVE ME....LOOOOOOOL @Windjammer I guess you have to he is pleading. Have some remorse yaar
I am just saying that it's too risky for any army chief to spend night in enemy territory especially when it's not going to achieve anything for him.
You are right.. But every chief and officer is different. Gen Musharraf is former commando. Similarly, Lt gen Haroon was GOC of SSG. He parachuted with his men during Swat operation. you can find his pics, taking meal in forward bunkers/posts.

If you have observed our air chief gives a fly past during national day parade. Similarly, GOC of SSG with his team show free fall performance on the day. You can question why a 4 and 3 star general do such stunts. It shows the trust, not only on your machines but also staff who maintains it, and on your training. It also increases the morale of the soldiers.

So overall, it is the tradition that GOC of SSG takes the lead and go in front lines. In this case, Gen Mush was CAS though. But there was a GOC in the kargil when Capt Romel got bullet (old program, can't recall exactly).

@Windjammer @PanzerKiel Sir any more precedent of GOC at forward bunker?
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You are right.. But every chief and officer is different. Gen Musharraf is former commando. Similarly, Lt gen Haroon was GOC of SSG. He parachuted with his men during Swat operation. you can find his pics, taking meal in forward bunkers/posts.

If you have observed our air chief gives a fly past during national day parade. Similarly, GOC of SSG with his team show free fall performance on the day. You can question why a 4 and 3 star general do such stunts. It shows the trust, not only on your machines but also staff who maintains it, and on your training. It also increases the moral of the soldiers.

So overall, it is the tradition that GOC of SSG takes the lead and go in front lines. In this case, Gen Mush was CAS though. But there was a GOC in the kargil when Capt Romel got bullet (old program, can't recall exactly).

@Windjammer @PanzerKiel Sir any more precedent of GOC at forward bunker?
General Shah Rafi Alam.

With respect to your Kargil example....

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