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When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

Yeah, while you guys were facing and still facing, the embarrassment of giving PVC to a living soldier, while you declared him dead during battle, he crawled back to tell you that he's alive afterall.

... While your helis refuse to come near our tops once one of them was shot down and fell in the Tololing nullah... And IAF then had to resort to high altitude inaccurate bombing...

While your army chief himself said that they attacked with minimum 16:1 ratio since our UMGs were that much effective....

.... While your commander 121 brigade, responsible for Kargil, was SACKED during the battle.... He told IA chief that I can't simply hear you, hard of hearing your officers....

... While our CB gained immense respect, our AN TPQ 36 wrought havoc among your troops, which forced you to go for WLRs later....

... I can go on and on.... Lot many things with me to share....

And yeah, you still guys still haven't got Commander Yadav back.... Do something for him.

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The title of the Indian chief book says it all

Surely it was a surprise. Because the timing was simply so unexpected. We were looking at a new era of peace and prosperity after the Lahore bus yatra but all of that was shattered with this intrusion. In the end what was the result of this intrusion ? Did it give Pakistan any significant strategic or tactical gains which could later be used for negotiations on kashmir ? Did it manage to strangle indian army's presence in Siachen ? The Pakistani and Indian Troops all fought bravely no doubt but your higher ups blundered. It's disrespectful to send soldiers and then call them mujahideens or militias, they're are professional career soldiers for god's sake. Eventually they had to go back after laying down so many lives while their high command was bickering amongst themselves( many corps commanders didn't even know about the operation) . Our Indian higher ups also blundered during the beginning of the war, as you mentioned that we did a few sackings here and there, our intel was weak, initial mobilisation was less and we paid the price during the start of the war in the form of heavy casualties , but eventually we got a grip on the scale of the situation and started to decimate the well placed yet somewhat isolated and unsupported PA forces there. It's all because musharraf launched an ill planned and ill conceived operation at a time when we were very close to becoming peaceful neighbours . If I were to be a good commander I'd never send my troops unsupported. That's just reflects poor planning, seizing the initiative is one thing which musharraf excelled in,but when it came to operational planning he wasn't the best.
seriously don't you Indian ever learn that you are such stupid liars that no body with any common sense will every believe you..

so tell me this your dishonest nation going to release video of surgical strikes?.
The dilemma of Pakistani Nation, abuse when alive and kicking and glorify when dead and can't do sh*t.. (not only for musharrafl
China raped your infantry and captured 1000 sq of you India occupied land
India has been making significant upgrades to infrastructure along the LAC (and so has China as well). The posterchild of such developments, and perhaps the spark of the current hostilities, is the completion of a strategic road known as the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat-Beg-Oldie (DSDBO). A feeder road from DSDBO toward the Galwan Valley was probably interpreted by Beijing as a potential “back door into [Chinese-controlled] Aksai Chin.”

They support India's ability to patrol disputed areas. India has ramped up infrastructure on its side, so the Chinese military is finding Indian soldiers in locations where they are not used to seeing Indian footprint. Indian Army's patrolling is also more effective than in the past, forcing Chinese military to up the ante. Thus, Beijing would reasonably want to respond through consolidation of its territorial claims.
This particular road will be constructed on China's claim line in Demchok sector

India has been making significant upgrades to infrastructure along the LAC (and so has China as well). The posterchild of such developments, and perhaps the spark of the current hostilities, is the completion of a strategic road known as the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat-Beg-Oldie (DSDBO). A feeder road from DSDBO toward the Galwan Valley was probably interpreted by Beijing as a potential “back door into [Chinese-controlled] Aksai Chin.”
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They support India's ability to patrol disputed areas. India has ramped up infrastructure on its side, so the Chinese military is finding Indian soldiers in locations where they are not used to seeing Indian footprint. Indian Army's patrolling is also more effective than in the past, forcing Chinese military to up the ante. Thus, Beijing would reasonably want to respond through consolidation of its territorial claims.
This particular road will be constructed on China's claim line in Demchok sector
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you got raped...


ask Mr Babu

I met with the Pakistani leaders in Islamabad on June 24 and 25 and put forth a simple rationale for withdrawing; 'If you don't pullback, you're going to bring war and nuclear annihilation down on your country. That's going to be very bad news for everybody.' Nobody actually quarrelled with this rationale."

"The problem for Pakistani leadership was the apparent national loss of face. Backing down and pulling back to the Line of Control looked like political suicide. We needed to come up with a face-saving way out of this mess.

What we were able to offer was a meeting with President Clinton, which would end the isolation that had long been the state of affairs between our two countries, but we would announce the meeting only after the withdrawal of forces."

"That got Musharraf's attention; and he encouraged Prime Minister Sharif to hear me out." "Sharif was reluctant to withdraw before the meeting with Clinton was announced (again, his problem was maintaining face); but after I insisted, he finally came around and he ordered the withdrawal.""We setup a meeting with Clinton in July."
so basically IA really didn't do any thing apart from being target practice..

but every forgets why did Kargil happen?

well that traces back to Sialchen war of 1984 which india started. Pakistan has nothing apologise for this, we just had an idiot of PM nawj who was weakly educated could not understand the strategic impact of the events.

Kargil war is not so much of Indians winning but more Pakistani political leadership failing. I personally saw no reason for with drawing had we had a nationalist leader like Imran Khan during that time he would held his ground and by winter Indians would have been routed in Siachen.

only good thing happened was 2000 Indians soldiers were dead or incapacitated ie unavailable to mass murder , rape, torture or oppress Kashmirs.
As usual defenders of brave army are going about their taranas...

I am thinking how musharraf will face two women he wronged ...
Dr. Shazia Khalid
Dr. Afia Siddiqui

And when the she baby shall be enquired, what crime thou was buried alive. Al takvir 8-9

Musharraf Youm Uddin begins.
The heading should have been illegally occupied state of Jamu and Kashmir, not india.
am thinking how musharraf will face two women he wronged ...

that is another issue.

don't mix them up. .. Musharraf will reap the rewards of his good deeds and his evil...one doesn't cancel out the other....
The Calibre of a military leader and a soldier.
This is said to be the moment General Musharaf flew unchallenged 11 Km into the IOK.

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If all you wanted was a publicity shot we could have given that to you easily. You didn't have to go through a whole war and stuff for this.

you got raped...


ask Mr Babu

I met with the Pakistani leaders in Islamabad on June 24 and 25 and put forth a simple rationale for withdrawing; 'If you don't pullback, you're going to bring war and nuclear annihilation down on your country. That's going to be very bad news for everybody.' Nobody actually quarrelled with this rationale."

"The problem for Pakistani leadership was the apparent national loss of face. Backing down and pulling back to the Line of Control looked like political suicide. We needed to come up with a face-saving way out of this mess.

What we were able to offer was a meeting with President Clinton, which would end the isolation that had long been the state of affairs between our two countries, but we would announce the meeting only after the withdrawal of forces."

"That got Musharraf's attention; and he encouraged Prime Minister Sharif to hear me out." "Sharif was reluctant to withdraw before the meeting with Clinton was announced (again, his problem was maintaining face); but after I insisted, he finally came around and he ordered the withdrawal.""We setup a meeting with Clinton in July."

This is the important line- that it was a disaster. We used it to get a meeting with 'Clinton'- well even Kim Kardashian got a meeting with him. You didn't need a war to get that.

The problem for Pakistani leadership was the apparent national loss of face. Backing down and pulling back to the Line of Control looked like political suicide. We needed to come up with a face-saving way out of this mess.
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As someone who knows ppl who served in kargil.
I'd say our NLI, Mujahideen indeed had balls of steel. They fuked the shit out of your entire divisions.
NLI (scouts) at time of Kargil was like FC or Rangers in the mountains. The Mujahedeen were similar caliber or lesser in training. In comparison to both these forces structures Pakistan had National Guard units deployed in the rear, the Mujahid force.

NLI as paramilitary force and Mujahid force as NG troops, were trained primarily for defensive operations. The paradigm was constructed as 2 x regular Infantry battalions of Pakistan Army and 1 x Mujahid force Battalion, formed under a Brigade level structure will be deployed in such a way that regular infantry battalions will be used for offensive operations by advancing in enemy territory while Mujahid force battalion will defend against an enemy counter attack or defend an area of low priority.

There was hardly any expectations from NLI. It was formed of scouts, had light infantry weapons and could only conduct policing duties or man observation posts. Just like its not expected that Rangers in Punjab or Sindh are equipped or trained to undertake any offensive action against Indian Army by attacking enemy positions, NLI as paramilitary force was considered the same.

However, when rag tag mujahideen went in the mountains, and then NLI followed, expectations were still low. Pakistan Army wanted to target and bombard main supply roads leading to Siachen with artillery and other weapons, so it needed to get closer to the objective and deploying regular PA infantry initially didn't seem the best idea. Some platoons of SSG were sent in afterwards to support NLI.

Surprisingly, NLI scouts performed better than expected and they kept advancing into IOK where the supply lines became stretched. This was an unexpected result for PA high command as firstly NLI was sought out since the scouts didnt need acclimatization to the weather, more so they were excellent guides in the mountains and also had daunting stamina for advancing on the peaks and hills, where as regular PA forces usually take some time in achieving such metrics when deployed from the plains or the desert during rotation. The NLI advance stopped when it was checked by patrols of Indian Army and then NLI dug in. The supply lines had been stretched too far and the RVFC had an uphill task ahead of them with no motor transport.

From this point onwards, Indian Army regulars were getting thrashed by paramilitary force of Pakistan.

As the conflict went ahead and based on successive advances of NLI, stingers were deployed on the peaks, artillery support was made available, and regular PA infantry battalions were deployed in FEoB.

The second most important factor was combining irregulars, paramilitary forces and regular forces for offensive operations inside Indian occupied Kashmir. It came out as;
Mujahideen + paramilitary NLI scouts + mujahid force battalions + regular Pakistan troops (infantry/AD/Arty etc) + SSG.

Like I mentioned that NLI scouts and NG battalions (mujahid force) were trained for defending a zone or an area. They were not trained in combined operations or carrying out attacks against Indian Army. They were trained to dig in and stand their ground against unfavorable odds. In the end, NLI scouts did the same in Kargil war, they dug in and fought till the last man.

Whether this was an accidental discovery or a planned doctrine for the future, Pakistan high command had formed a new offensive tool of war for operations on LOC. Later when the GB scouts were raised a paramilitary forces to fill in for NLI scouts, Pakistan had already changed the doctrine as "offensive-defensive" for wars with India.
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I guess the Agni Pankh Patils were busy shooting down weather balloons.

It might come as surprise to our new age keyboard warriors but Kargil war of 1999, was third time in last 3.5 decades, India army had recaptured Kargil heights from Pakistan army.

Originally after 1948 war most of the Kargil heights were on Pakistani side of cease fire line.

First time Kargil was captured by Indian army in 1965 war including the famous Haji Pir pass. But all the territories captured were returned back to Pakistan in Tashkent.

In 1971, India recaptured Kargil. Even though all the territories captured in West Pakistan across the international border were returned back to Pakistan. Land captured across the cease fire line in Kashmir was not. And thus a new Line of control came in being.
that is another issue.

don't mix them up. .. Musharraf will reap the rewards of his good deeds and his evil...one doesn't cancel out the other....
Actually they do.
A person has to give away the good he/she has done. If he has no good to be given, he shall get wrongs of other party in his account.

Both women cases were unheard of 1500 years Muslim history.
Even Hajjaj Ben Yusuf came out to rescue women robbed by pirates.

Pakistan Army chiefs can go to any lowest depths to save their skins. Zia was a dictator but he could never have done that.
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