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When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

Was not captured during the war. Captured during the skirmishes. By the way, do you really want to go onto the topic of said skirmishes where you lost 1800 soldiers?

Also 5353 gives overwatch on NH1. Allows it to be shelled via arty, meaning it can be cut off
No it does not, or it would have done it by now.

It has been two and half decades since Kargil war.

There have been innumerable ceasefire violations and artillery duels, since then, why hasn't NH1 been shelled or cut off, even once in this period.

Theoretically it might be possible to view a small a section NH 1 from point 5353, in perfect visibility conditions with no mist or low hanging cloud.

But practically the peak is off little use, since it surrounded by Indian peaks on 3 sides and is very far NH1.

Frankly, a cheap $100 drone would give you much better view of NH 1 than a soldier sittings on point 5353 , dozens of miles away. But then that goes both ways.

The only reason Pakistani keep harping on point 5353 again and again, is because they have nothing else show for the 700 odd soldiers they lost in Kargil.
India has already successfully retaliated back by capturing Point 5310 which is located one kilometer deep on Pakistani side of LoC and is far more strategically important than 5353.

More importantly the peak of 5353 lies on Pakistani side of LOC so Pakistan is actually not on Indian side of LoC.

.View attachment 751750


Peak Point 5310 is still under Indian control along with Mount Anzabar and several peaks located inside Pakistani territory in Qamar sector.
Source: Pak defence jouno Nasim Zehra's book
@Primus 🙂
you have given the same argument before in this thread. I've given a retort to the same argument which you have spammed none stop.

5310 was not lost during the war. As you said. It was taken in retaliation to 5353 and the other peaks Pakistan took. 5310 was lost during the skirmish. If you had 2 braincells, you would know not only me but other members of this forum are talking specifically about the Kargil war. In which, evidently you did not win.

If you want to use small scale retaliations as victories, then enjoy 27th of Feb, the time Pakistan ambushed a group IA porters going to set up a post straight after Auls ceasefire broke down, and the many many times Pakistan retaliated and pulverised the IA on the LOC for the CFV.

Good day to you IT cell member.
5310 was not lost during the war. As you said. It was taken in retaliation to 5353 and the other peaks Pakistan took. 5310 was lost during the skirmish. If you had 2 braincells, you would know not only me but other members of this forum are talking specifically about the Kargil war. In which, evidently you did not win.

If you want to use small scale retaliations as victories, then enjoy 27th of Feb, the time Pakistan ambushed a group IA porters going to set up a post straight after Auls ceasefire broke down
PA occupied Point 5353 as an observation post. In turn, we were in occupation of a feature on the LoC. The Pakistani CO established radio contact with CO 16 Gren and requested vacation from this feature. IA asked him to reciprocate and vacate Point 5353 to which he agreed. However, he reoccupied Point 5353 on 2 August and in retaliation besides occupying the feature vacated by us, 16 Gren was directed to occupy Point 5245 which was southeast of Point 5353.With this event, the war ended in the Mushkoh-Drass sector
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This feature lies on the Pakistan side and to capture it, the attacking troops have to approach from the north entailing crossing the LoC. Since the LoC was not to be crossed and the feature being on the Pakistan side, we had no plans to secure it.
I'm sorry but what is the point of stating said information? What? Are you trying to do "hurr durr we captured a point on YOUR side of the border, we are better than you"?

Because literally...point 5353 (.5km into Indian territory), Aftab 1, Saddle ridge and Bunker ridge. All indian peaks and posts, taken and currently occupied by Pakistan....

I hope for all the INR you are getting from your IT cell job, you are gonna invest in some proper education.
I'm sorry but what is the point of stating said information? What? Are you trying to do "hurr durr we captured a point on YOUR side of the border, we are better than you"?

Because literally...point 5353 (.5km into Indian territory), Aftab 1, Saddle ridge and Bunker ridge. All indian peaks and posts, taken and currently occupied by Pakistan....
I was talking about the Point 5353
the peak of 5353 lies on Pakistani side of LOC
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I was talking about the Point 5353
the peak of 5353 lies on Pakistani side of LOC

Pakis should better start finding excuses to tell their jahil awaam that they are and will remain backward bcz within a decade gap will become so large that no monkey balancing will work.
Porkiland average time in schooling is 6.5 years (comparable to Somalia, Mali and other extremely poor, genocidal african countries) compared to 13 years in India. This alone shows why there is massive jaahiliat and inbreeding in porklok. This is also the reason why infant mortality rate is more than double that of India. This is also the reason why every Porki province has a HDI worse than Bihar - currently the worst HDI state in India. This is also the reason why Porkis are the highest UN sanctioned terrorists and why the jaahil population of Porkland believe everything their lying military says. It all boils down to the extremely low schooling years. It all starts from there.
There is zero chance that Porkis will ever be able to compete against Indians in education and health where India leads pakodastan by more than 2:1 and the gap is only widening in favor of India.
As to quote indianexpress

"While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers."

Pravin Sawhney

"Praveen Swami, based on Army's one-inch maps, had estimated that the summit and southern side of Point 5353 were "unmistakenly on the Indian side of the LoC"."

""Artillery observers on peak 5,353 metres can direct accurate artillery fire on to up to 20 km of the National Highway 1A, and cripple Indian defensive positions from Mushkoh to Bhimbet."

This prompted the then Indian Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) Nirmal Chander Vij to issue a press release, with detailed maps and notes, in which he asserted that the LoC passes through Point 5353 as per the Simla Agreement. "This point", he stated, "was never under our control either before or after Operation Vijay in Kargil."

However, Praveen Swami stood by his report, stating that The Hindu had in its possession copies of the "army's own one-inch maps" as well as orders issued to the commanders to capture Point 5353 on 18 May, 1999. Swami then said that the "Army's denial" had answered "none" of the questions he had raised, starting from the "army's own one-inch maps", which he claimed showed the summit and southern side of Point 5353 to be "unmistakenly on the Indian side of the LoC"

Enjoy the read

Oh and you can edit your comments as much as you want. It won't make a difference considering I replied when you made all those racist remarks.

@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM
""Artillery observers on peak 5,353 metres can direct accurate artillery fire on to up to 20 km "This point", he stated, "was never under our control either before or after Operation Vijay in Kargil."

"Praveen Swami, based on Army's one-inch maps, had estimated that the summit and southern side of Point 5353 were "unmistakenly on the Indian side of the LoC"."
Point 5353 lies on the Pakistan side and to capture it, the attacking troops have to approach from the north entailing crossing the LoC. Since the LoC was not to be crossed and the feature being on the Pakistan side, we had no plans to secure it.

As to quote indianexpress

"While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers."
That was in retaliation to Indian Army's capturing of Point 5240 & 5165

""Artillery observers on peak 5,353 metres can direct accurate artillery fire on to up to 20 km of the National Highway 1A, and cripple Indian defensive positions from Mushkoh to Bhimbet."
(1)Both Points 5070 and 5240 overlook the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
(2) Point 5240 provides "good" observation of the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
Praveen Swami claimed in his reports that from Point 5353, the Pakistani army could direct artillery fire up to a 20 km stretch of the Indian highway. In the wake of artillery duels during Operation Parakram, however, he noted that the Pakistani soldiers at Point 5353 were unable to do so, whereas the Indians were able to blow up the Pakistani positions on Point 5353 using Bofors howitzers from the surrounding heights of Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100. Indian army officers state, citing what they call an "intervisibility exercise on a detailed contour map" that the Pakistani soldiers from a point 12 km away could observe only about 0.5 to 1 km of the road
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Point 5353 lies on the Pakistan side and to capture it, the attacking troops have to approach from the north entailing crossing the LoC. Since the LoC was not to be crossed and the feature being on the Pakistan side, we had no plans to secure it.

That was in retaliation to Indian Army's capturing of Point 5240 & 5165

(1)Both Points 5070 and 5240 overlook the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
(2) Point 5240 provides "good" observation of the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
Praveen Swami claimed in his reports that from Point 5353, the Pakistani army could direct artillery fire up to a 20 km stretch of the Indian highway. In the wake of artillery duels during Operation Parakram, however, he noted that the Pakistani soldiers at Point 5353 were unable to do so, whereas the Indians were able to blow up the Pakistani positions on Point 5353 using Bofors howitzers from the surrounding heights of Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100. Indian army officers state, citing what they call an "intervisibility exercise on a detailed contour map" that the Pakistani soldiers from a point 12 km away could observe only about 0.5 to 1 km of the road
Gotta hand it to you. You love misquoting/intentionally leaving out details to make your point.

Let me give it to you.

However, Praveen Swami stood by his report, stating that The Hindu had in its possession copies of the "army's own one-inch maps" as well as orders issued to the commanders to capture Point 5353 on 18 May, 1999. Swami then said that the "Army's denial" had answered "none" of the questions he had raised, starting from the "army's own one-inch maps", which he claimed showed the summit and southern side of Point 5353 to be "unmistakenly on the Indian side of the LoC"

5240 and 5165 were taken by surprise when commander Aul broke the ceasefire he wanted.

At the end of the day, the outcome of the war looks like this

4/8 peaks still under pak control. Night night to operation vijay. It was a failure. Cope

Enjoy being added to my ignore list IT cell member
(1)Both Points 5070 and 5240 overlook the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
(2) Point 5240 provides "good" observation of the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
Praveen Swami claimed in his reports that from Point 5353, the Pakistani army could direct artillery fire up to a 20 km stretch of the Indian highway. In the wake of artillery duels during Operation Parakram, however, he noted that the Pakistani soldiers at Point 5353 were unable to do so, whereas the Indians were able to blow up the Pakistani positions on Point 5353 using Bofors howitzers from the surrounding heights of Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100. Indian army officers state, citing what they call an "intervisibility exercise on a detailed contour map" that the Pakistani soldiers from a point 12 km away could observe only about 0.5 to 1 km of the road
@Primus @datafreak @Hellfire2006 He is just cherry picking those lines which suites his propaganda 🤣
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Are you dumb?

no but you certainly are .

read about what actually happened,
Yes I read and listened to soldiers who actually out fought Indian army.. they used to bet with each other on how many Indians they plan to wack every day

Sharif went to the US to ask for a ceasefire and US refused as by then the world knew that Pakistani infantrymen not local fighters had infiltrated and occupied Indian posts.

Nawj went bcos he was a panic idiot.... he does a that lot when he feels he is trouble.. like running way to Saudi, UK etc.

Gen Musharaf confirmed to him many times the battlefield was 100% in Pakistan Army control. Indian army using predictable and straight jacket tactics were cut down like flies thanks to accurate artillery and sniper fire. All he had to do was handle the political fall out.

Indian airforce as usual was ineffective as ever.

read General Zinni statement on record " I persuaded the Pakistanis to withdraw"

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no but you certainly are .

Yes I read and listened to soldiers who actually out fought Indian army

Nawj went bcos he was a panic idiot.... he does a that lot when he feels he is trouble.. like running way to Saudi, UK etc.

Gen Musharaf confirmed to him many times the battlefield was 100% in Pakistan Army control. Indian army using predictable and straight jacket tactics were cut down like flies thanks to accurate artillery and sniper fire. All he had to do was handle the political fall out.

Indian airforce as usual was ineffective as ever.

read General Zinni statement on record " I persuaded the Pakistanis to withdraw"

US becoming pro India is an after effect of the war.

wrong again.. your market and strategic partnership was the reason. a small border war had no bearing,.. even an idiot knows what.

look we understand you unfortunately are from India and your gov lies a lot and you like silly fools believe it. ie. like against China you killed 100 Chinese soldiers, F-16 shot down, surgical strikes etc etc

but in reality what we have seen PAF shot your Su-30 and upgraded Mig21 out of the sky, China raped your infantry and captured 1000 sq of you India occupied land, and despite offical promises of showing video of "surgical strikes" nothing is ever shown.

so be a good Indian and bend down for Bill Clinton when you see him and offer him a BJ ... he likes that.. ask Monica lewinsky

yes .. lol

PTV exposed that scam..

A clip released by india show Indian army it's "muslim" soldiers offering funeral prayers...for so called "dead" Pakistani soldiers.

So what was the problem?

Indian "muslim" soldiers were bowing during the funeral prayer ...

FYI there is no bowing down for funeral prayers.....

you Indians are such stupid scammers.....
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