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When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

And still with those failures, India was unable to complete operation vijay, ultimately costing them victory.
Ok.india was unable to complete operation Vijay. But what about Pakistan? Did they able to complete their kargil operation?
Through the capture of point 5353, it allows the army to shell NH1 which was the main objective of the operation.

On top of that, Pakistan still holds ex Indian peaks to this day which is a bonus
There was once a commander who lost him men trying to take siachan and tye commander moved up the chain.

In the language of game of thrones ,you know nothing Jon snow
So how were Indians finally alerted about the high profile visit ?? Were they completely oblivious to the movement or they did realize what was going on during the course of this event, and try to counter that, either by shelling or anti aircraft fire?? 🤔
Through the capture of point 5353, it allows the army to shell NH1 which was the main objective of the operation.

On top of that, Pakistan still holds ex Indian peaks to this day which is a bonus

Oh bhaI, Stop wasting time you are trying to reason with retards... You can rewind the clock 1000 years and go over the history and see what kind of retarded excuses/reasons you get. My advice, anything "India" take it with a truckload of salt.
so basically IA really didn't do any thing apart from being target practice..
The casualties on you side were higher depsite being on the high slopes. The average IA soldier in Kargil had the support of his battalion whereas his PA counterpart was disowned by his own nation and called a militiaman left to die on the peaks while there generals in GHQ argued about how they didn't even know about the operation. You resfused to accept your dead bodies and eventually we burried them. Speaks volumes about who was target practice
but every forgets why did Kargil happen?

well that traces back to Sialchen war of 1984 which india started. Pakistan has nothing apologise for this, we just had an idiot of PM nawj who was weakly educated could not understand the strategic impact of the events.
The kargil war had 0 operational or strategic impact. It was started with the aim of strangling NH1A ( lifeline of siachen) , but ultimately resulted in Pakistani retreat with heavier casualties and many diswoned comrades being left behind. Siachen is far out of your reach. Indian army controls the entire glacier and the saltoro ridge, your army is sitting below at the foothills of saltoro. You are in such a position that siachen isn't even visible to your troops
Kargil war is not so much of Indians winning but more Pakistani political leadership failing. I personally saw no reason for with drawing had we had a nationalist leader like Imran Khan during that time he would held his ground and by winter Indians would have been routed in Siachen.
Again a day dream. Even before Pakistanis announced withdrawal the indian army had already recaptured 70% of the areas. Eventually if the war had stretched longer then india would have launched a full scale counter offensive on all fronts. That would have been worse for Pakistanis
only good thing happened was 2000 Indians soldiers were dead or incapacitated ie unavailable to mass murder , rape, torture or oppress Kashmirs.
An equal number of Pakistani soldiers suffered the same fate.

But both sides have fallen soldiers which deserve respect. I respect the dead, yours as well as mine
am thinking how musharraf will face two women he wronged ...

that is another issue.

don't mix them up. .. Musharraf will reap the rewards of his good deeds and his evil...one doesn't cancel out the other....
Actually they do.
A person has to give away the good he/she has done. If he has no good to be given, he shall get wrongs of other party in his account.

Both women cases were unheard of 1500 years Muslim history.
Even Hajjaj Ben Yusuf came out to rescue women robbed by pirates.

Pakistan Army chiefs can go to any lowest depths to save their skins. Zia was a dictator but he could never have done that.

again mixing up.. Mushy did a great job butt raping india

what he did against own people with out legal prudence .. he will face the consequence of that.

If all you wanted was a publicity shot we could have given that to you easily. You didn't have to go through a whole war and stuff for this.

This is the important line- that it was a disaster. We used it to get a meeting with 'Clinton'- well even Kim Kardashian got a meeting with him. You didn't need a war to get that.

The problem for Pakistani leadership was the apparent national loss of face. Backing down and pulling back to the Line of Control looked like political suicide. We needed to come up with a face-saving way out of this mess.

You should stop being ungrateful and thank Bill Clinton who saved your sorry rear end... as IA was in no position to dislodge the NLI..

your air attacks were in effective, high level bombing is nearly useless as the experience in Afagnistan has revealed .. and IAF no where near USAF . and your much vaunted ops Vigay was a horrible disaster.
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that is another issue.

don't mix them up. .. Musharraf will reap the rewards of his good deeds and his evil...one doesn't cancel out the other....
ارے بھائی کیا ہوگیا ہے؟
بگٹی کو ماردیا۔
بگٹی نے بحیثیت سردار بگٹیوں کے ساتھ ظلم بھی کیا ہوگیا،
لیکن وہ بلوچستان کا گورنر اور وزیراعلٰی رہا ہوا
خدا بن کے اسے اڑا دیا کی تمہیں وہاں سے ہٹ کریں گے کہ پتا بھی نہیں چلے گا"

ابھی تک بلوچستان گولیوں سے دہک رہا ہے!
پھر الزام بھی بلوچوں پر۔

کیا یہ سرزمین بے آئیں ہے؟

جس کو چاہو غدار کہ دو
جس کو چاہو قتل کرادو
جس کو چاہو قتل کردو
جس کو چاہو خرکاروں کی طرح بیچ دو
جس کو چاہو حکومت سے نکال دو
جس کو چاہو لے آئو

تو ہر جرم اور نقصان کی ذمہ داری تمہاری ہوئی۔
The casualties on you side were higher depsite being on the high slopes.

Idiot logic and wrong facts

Pakistani casualties were Lower due better quality of our soldiers, planning and incitation.

Most of our casualties happen post US intervention deal , when Indian army shameless started to murder the soldiers coming down. Hindu india dishonorable as ever want to even out the losses and thier airforce no better shooting down a PN submarine hunter in well inside our airspace.

Of course your gov used stupid logic like PN plane was “spying”
Who cares, the coward laid down in prostration when the Americans only asked him to sit.
The kargil war had 0 operational or strategic impact.
I wonder what else convinced your army high command to move forces from northern command remaining corps, and once the situating turned to worse, further from South Western command as well, it this war had no operational or strategic value. Even major artillery assets were moved from South Western command.
I wonder what else convinced your army high command to move forces from northern command remaining corps, and once the situating turned to worse, further from South Western command as well, it this war had no operational or strategic value. Even major artillery assets were moved from South Western command.
I'm talking about the long term impact, it didn't change anything on the ground even to this day. One outcome has been the worsening of indo pak relations at a time when we were close to sealing off the Kashmir issue

Idiot logic and wrong facts

Pakistani casualties were Lower due better quality of our soldiers, planning and incitation.
That's the Worst analysis you can give. I'd say the soldiers on both sides were equally good and I have the same view for the Young officers as well as the JCOs. But your planning was really, really bad. Your troops were left unsupported on the ground without adequate reinforcements in place or logistics, that's called bad operational planning. Your casualties were higher if Nawaz Sharif and this woman are to be believed

Even your offical casualty figure of 453 troops which isn't very less compared to India's 527 despite the fact that you were sitting on the heights. I'm not sure they accounted for the bodies burried on indian side.
Most of our casualties happen post US intervention deal , when Indian army shameless started to murder the soldiers coming down. Hindu india dishonorable as ever want to even out the losses and thier airforce no better shooting down a PN submarine hunter in well inside our airspace.
Of course your gov used stupid logic like PN plane was “spying”
Try to find a better argument. You clearly need to do a lot of research
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