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Indonesia Defence Forum

More images on KRI Kurau inauguration

tni al 1.jpg

tni al 2.jpg
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Great to see this thread is active and engaging as always.

Can anyone tell me what the total military budget of Indonesia is and also how it is split between its arms (Army, AF, navy, other etc)

still around 9 billion US dollar, the Army got 40 percent of the budget and 60 for the Navy and Air Forces. The idea is to give more attention and budget share to the Navy and Air Force and restructuring Army organizations toward more professional forces structure
Oto Melara Marlin turret (25 & 30 mm autocannon) found on most modern Indonesian patrol boats... Precious PB use Denel Vektor G12 20 mm manual autocannon
Credit: ARC

Bagus kanonnya. Sayang kita blom bisa bikin ya. Padahal kebutuhannya KCR-40 banyahk. Belum kapal2x kelas lain. Blom juga kapal2x BAKAMLA dan KKP ( kalo boleh ). Lumayan kan produksinya.

Nice cannon. Suits well to equip our 40 meters during peace time just to engage piracy, terrorism, illegal fishing and other low threats. I hope BAKAMLA and KKP ships are allowed to be equipped with those too.
Sigh....... 1%GDP?

If only those massive infrastructure projects were done looong, long time ago, decades ago, under previous presidents ( whoever that was ) the current infrastructure budget can now be allocate to defence budget.
If only those massive infrastructure projects were done looong, long time ago, decades ago, under previous presidents ( whoever that was ) the current infrastructure budget can now be allocate to defence budget.

It is a bit sad knowing that 2017 budget is lesser than 2013 budget due to inflation....
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not inflation but rather devaluation of Rupiah nominal value against US Dollar

it is also the reason why we are going to hit the 1 trillion mark this year instead of 3 years ago. I remember that some economists predicted that Indonesian economy would hit the 1 trillion mark in 2013 or 2014, but then, the government intentionally lowered the value of rupiah in favor of capital inflow and investments.
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