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Indonesia Delegation infront of Mbombe 8x8 APC

Probably regarding this :
The MOU between SA Paramount and PT. PINDAD Has been signed since nov 2019. So many MOU for 8x8. As of now there's news that indonesia already signed contract for 18-20 pandur II 8x8 for about $80mil.

MBT and Attack chopper/air cavalry should be complementary not substitution product. IMHO Air cavalry could not, and should not replace armored unit. Vice versa.
They got priorities, also TNI are still buying MMWT for their armored unit.
The number of our gunship is too low.
They got priorities, also TNI are still buying MMWT for their armored unit.
The number of our gunship is too low.
Gotta say there's actually no plan to procure kaplan in this 4 years:confused:
They are using 12 pounder class Naval Cannon as the main gun, seeing several hispano Suiza 20mm AA gun and look like there is Bofors 40 mm Cannon

And the Naval crew uniform itself quite interesting though, most of ranks and file sailor using IJN style uniform and helmet and there is Allied style uniform too
Gotta say there's actually no plan to procure kaplan in this 4 years:confused:
4 years? I wonder why after all those celebrations and publication? :disagree::disagree:
We even name it Harimau, we should buy at least 12 so Pindad can market it easily overseas as proven design or so. Tho honestly idk much about Harimau pricing and spec compare to its competitor, as like can it compete with other MMWT. Jgn sampe harimau senasib kyk senapan komodo... :nono::nono:
Gotta say there's actually no plan to procure kaplan in this 4 years:confused:
ahhhh , now the kabar burung become even more clearer.
4 years? I wonder why after all those celebrations and publication? :disagree::disagree:
We even name it Harimau, we should buy at least 12 so Pindad can market it easily overseas as proven design or so. Tho honestly idk much about Harimau pricing and spec compare to its competitor, as like can it compete with other MMWT. Jgn sampe harimau senasib kyk senapan komodo... :nono::nono:
Like I said before, the Army (specifically PUSENKAV) simply does not want it.
Like I said before, the Army (specifically PUSENKAV) simply does not want it
Question is why they dont want it and why we even try to make it in a first place? I just worry its not about priority or spectech, but more to something silly. It happened to our Changbogo where there are some rumour flying around that its ga cocok sama kebutuhan, too expensive etc. Then we go to KFX where rumour flying around that AU reluctant to get them when its ready for the reason of being block 1 etc (they need proven design) or suspected to be mediocare when it enter the mass production stage. Dont forget about Sigma where it being hold for review on the 2nd ship out of the four being planned. I mean seriously? :lol::lol:

Remind me of Albert Einstein: "doing things over and over again but expecting different result" :laughcry:

We need to be more transparent on each of those project so those kinda of things wont happen again. I know its hard to quantify the value of ToT, in fact this is one of the issue where often wrongly accused as corruption or it can be a good place to doing project mark up.
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Among other things the PUSENKAV commander told me was how:

1.) The vehicle is rear heavy, so the vehicle moves with the elevated up by a few centimeters, limiting the driver's vision.
2.) It has too high of a profile.
3.) The turret is outclassed in firepower.
4.) The Army in unwilling to spend million-billions for what they see as only a marginal improvement over vehicles that they currently operate.

Like I said before, the Kaplan MT is more of a political project than an actual project born out of requirement by the Army. From the tone of his voice, the PUSENKAV commander implies that Pindad either did not consult them at all or only took basic inputs during the entire design process.
...From the tone of his voice, the PUSENKAV commander implies that Pindad either did not consult them at all or only took basic inputs during the entire design process.

How come in this serious related matter, Pindad did not consult to Pussenkav at all ??? :cuckoo::help:

I mean how hard to coordinate and synergize each other ?! Hope not 'bout sectoral ego I presumed.
kalau ada yang bilang ga kordinasi sama kaveleri dlm proses pembuatan harimau itu salah besar. mulai dr tahap spesifikasi sampai design dan testing mereka (kav) ikut involved. mindset bagus leo dr harimau kemudian mending beli leo dari pada harimau itu yang salah karena leo dan harimau ga bisa di bandingin apel ke apel ga on par beda kelas pula beda tupoksi nya maklum doktrin kav kelamaan pake scorpi sekali pegang mbt semua di samaain seperti istilah track vichle = tank nah mind set seperti itulah yg di manfaat kan oleh pihak tertentu kemudian di jadikan klaim yg saya rasa sepihak juga bahwa kav or pusenkav ga mau harimau..tapi bila dikatakan keputusan pembuatan harimau sarat politik juga gasalah cb pemirsa dan nitizen sekalian kilas balik saja bagaimana riwayat asal mula dan ide awal pembuatan medium tank jangan setengah atau dpt berita sepotong langsung di amin kan saja agar berat ilmu nya ga timpang regard
Among other things the PUSENKAV commander told me was how:

1.) The vehicle is rear heavy, so the vehicle moves with the elevated up by a few centimeters, limiting the driver's vision.
2.) It has too high of a profile.
3.) The turret is outclassed in firepower.
4.) The Army in unwilling to spend million-billions for what they see as only a marginal improvement over vehicles that they currently operate.

Like I said before, the Kaplan MT is more of a political project than an actual project born out of requirement by the Army. From the tone of his voice, the PUSENKAV commander implies that Pindad either did not consult them at all or only took basic inputs during the entire design process.

As I recall, some of our member knew Windy Pratama, one of Pindad engineer... Can we pass on the news to him... Minor design flaw is common in building things... It can be fix, hopefully...

The most important principle is producing our own war machine... Whether it is using small amount of local components or bigger amount of it... We must produce it our selves, use it our selves, and hopefully, later in another batch, on another design we can fix the flaw and make the perfect design...

I hope the Puskenkav is willing to bear the burden for the first batch... And corporate more with Pindad...
How come in this serious related matter, Pindad did not consult to Pussenkav at all ??? :cuckoo::help:

I mean how hard to coordinate and synergize each other ?! Hope not 'bout sectoral ego I presumed.
I mean, I wish I can tell you that it wasn't the case, but in reality it really has more to do with politics than actual army requirements.
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