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United Arab Emirates Buys 100 Million Pindad Small Caliber Ammunition

Arif Budianto
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 17:58 WIB

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BANDUNG - United Arab Emirates buys 100 million small caliber ammunition to PT Pindad (Persero). Currently Pindad plans to increase the capacity of ammunition production to meet export needs.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) Rear Admiral TNI Widodo admitted, some countries have entrusted the purchase of defense equipment to Indonesia. Like the United Arab Emirates who order 100 million small caliber ammunition.

Then, he said, countries in the Middle East are planning to buy tanks. "Currently Pindad has not been able to meet these needs, because they have to buy some more machines to achieve the expected production. This is a future challenge, "Widodo said in Bandung, Tuesday (8/15/2017).

Widodo hopes Pindad is capable of producing self-sufficient medium tanks and sold in bulk in 2019. Including Pindad's plan to produce amphibious tanks and refinement of special underwater weapons.

"Pindad has long-run underwater weapon production for frogman troops, but it still needs refinement to be comfortable to wear," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pindad (Persero) Abraham Mose said, currently it continues to strengthen production capabilities by adding machines.

The concept is done through state equity participation (PMN) and partnership strategy. This year, he said, PMN investment through the concept of Great Caliber Munisi (MKB) disbursed Rp135 billion and the concept of Little Caliber Munition (MKK) Rp130 billion.

"The partnership strategy is carried out through BOT (build operate transfer) and JO (joint operation) system to ensure that domestic and export needs are met. For example, for the supply of 290 million rounds of ammunition per year, it is only sufficient for the needs of the TNI. So it is necessary this partnership strategy, "he said.

As for some products, Pindad has stated its readiness. For example amphibious tanks and the completion of the prototype tank boat.


Wednesday, 16 August 2017 13:31 WIB
The Government Targets Export of Defense Equipment by 2019

The government through the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenhan) targets the export of the main tool of defense system (alutsista) in 2019. For that, PT Pindad as a state-owned enterprise that produces defense equipment to produce innovation products needed by Indonesia and other countries.

Secretary General Kemenhan RI, Widodo explained Pindad products have been used by the Indonesian National Army (TNI) has even started exporting foreign arms to foreign countries.

"Our first target is to meet the needs of TNI and ministry then order from countries in Southeast Asia and even other countries in the world," he told reporters at Pindad office, Bandung, Tuesday (15/08/2017).

Widodo assess the number of production orders made by Pindad by foreign countries is a challenge for SOEs that are located in Bandung.

"This is a challenge for Pindad to be more independent starting from the manufacture of materials, packaging and marketing of foreign defense equipment products to foreign countries," he said.

Widodo admitted PT Pindad is currently working on orders from the United Arab Emirates in the form of 100 million small caliber ammunition. However, it can not be fulfilled because Pindad had to buy some more production machines in order to fulfill the order.

"PT Pindad must buy more production equipment in order to fulfill UAE orders," he said

There are several orders of other armaments such as medium tanks that have been ordered by several countries, especially from Middle Eastern countries.

This medium tank assembly is a collaboration between PT Pindad and Turkey. Planned mid-September 2017 Prototype will be imported to Indonesia and is expected to be displayed on 5 October to coincide with TNI anniversary.

"This challenge from PT Pindad especially products made in Indonesia should be loved by the nation itself, so later when it is comfortable if exported out will also be easier," he said.

In addition, Widodo said this medium tank production is intended for the TNI that is adapted to the contours of Indonesia. Until now, Kemenhan is still coordinating the need of medium tank for TNI.

"Until now the need for a medium tank for the TNI is still discussed," he concluded.

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Indonesia's Dirgantara N219 completes maiden flight
Ridzwan Rahmat - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 August 2017

The N219 aircraft, seen here after completing its maiden flight on 16 August 2017. Source: Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN)
  • Indonesia has completed the maiden flight of its N219 twin-turboprop aircraft
  • Flight paves the way for further tests and certifications for the programme, which was originally scheduled to begin serial production in 2015
State-owned firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has flown its N219 twin-turboprop aircraft for the first time, a source close to event informed Jane's on 16 August.

The aircraft, which took to the skies shortly after 9 am on the same day from Husein Sastranegara International Airport in Bandung, was flown by the company's chief test pilot Captain Esther Gayatri Saleh; the airframe was airborne for about for about 26 minutes within the city's airspace, before landing at the same airport. Prior to its first flight test, the N219 underwent a series of high-speed taxi runs on 11 August at the same location.

The N219, which derives its design from the Airbus Military C212 Aviocar, was first conceived in 2007 as a multi-mission, short take-off and landing platform that can operate from austere runways, and was formally presented to potential customers in 2010. Subsequently, a prototype of the aircraft was first revealed in December 2015, according to information from Jane's All the World's Aircraft . Funding for the project's initial investment of IDR300 billion (USD22.4 million) was borne jointly by Indonesia's Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, and the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation was also involved in the latter stages of the project via its Directorate General of Civil Aviation, although it provided no funding to the programme.

According to specifications provided by PTDI, the N219 platform features an overall length of 16.7 m, a height of 6.2 m, and a wingspan of 19.5 m. The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 7,030 kg (15,498 lb) and can deliver a maximum payload of 2,313 kg (5,099 lb).

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Dirgahayu Indonesia, Happy Independence day guys... 72 years old.. and still hot as it is :)

Happy independence too and to all our comrades. Where ever we stay, where ever we go, indonesia will on our hearth.

Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan, Dr Widodo membawa rombongan yang terdiri dari pejabat eselon 1 dan 2 Kemhan mengunjungi Pindad pada 15 Agustus 2017. Direktur Utama, Abraham Mose menerima rombongan di Gedung Direktorat pindad Bandung, yang juga dihadiri oleh Wakil Komisaris Utama Mayjen TNI (Purn.) Sumardi, Direktur Teknologi & Supply Ade Bagdja dan Direktur Keuangan Achmad Sudarto.

Abraham Mose mengapresiasi kunjungan secara langsung Sekjen Kemhan dan rombongan serta mengharapkan arahan untuk peningkatan Pindad. “Merupakan suatu kehormatan bagi Pindad Bapak Sekjen bawa rombongan yang lengkap untuk melihat fasilitas yang ada disini, kami mohon arahan apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan dalam rangka mendukung kebutuhan TNI kita. Kedatangan ke Pindad kami harap rutin karena bisa memberikan motivasi bagi pengembangan Pindad kedepan,” ujar Abraham.

Widodo mengatakan tujuannya mengunjungi Pindad dan menyampaikan harapannya kedepan Pindad mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan Kemhan dan TNI. “Kami bawa tim lengkap untuk berdiskusi dan sharing dari sisi desain, kerja sama, pembiayaan, litbang, kompetensi di berbagai bidang lainnya sehingga nantinya harapan kita kebutuhan Kemhan dan TNI diambil sepenuhnya oleh Pindad” ujar Widodo.

Widodo mengatakan Pindad merupakan mitra strategis, andalan dalam mendukung kebutuhan alutsista Kemhan dan TNI dan harus terus mempertahankan prestasi serta meningkatkan kualitas produk. “Pindad merupakan andalan utama, tulang punggung daripada Kemhan dalam mendukung alutsista Kemhan dan TNI terutama MKK dan MKB dan beberapa proyek besar yang menjadi fokus saat ini, yaitu medium tank, pengembangan roket, tank amphibi, dan tank boat. Pindad sebenarnya bisa membuktikan di berbagai lomba AARM, AASAM, BISAM menjadi juara, Presisinya sudah oke, tinggal model desainnya lebih futuristik, menarik dan optimal,” lanjut Widodo.

Banyak kendala teknis, komunikasi yang harus dicairkan sehingga Pindad menjadi tulang punggung pasar kemhan TNI sehingga tidak mengambil pasar dari luar negeri yang selama ini masih terjadi.

Widodo mendukung Pindad terus berkembang dan kuasai pasar baik dalam negeri maupun pasar internasional. “Kita akan selalu mendorong, selalu sinergi, konsultasi dengan Kemhan apa-apa yang menjadi concern kita. Semua produk pindad harus digunakan dan dipasarkan oleh kemhan TNI disamping Kementerian dan instansi lainnya. Saya yakin Pindad akan berkembang terus, mudah-mudahan ditingkatkan kulitasnya, maju terus dan menguasai pasar Indonesia, asia bahkan dunia,” ujar Widodo.

Rombongan kemudian meninjau progress pembuatan prototipe medium tank serta berbagai fasilitas produksi di Divisi Kendaraan Khusus. Sekjen juga mencoba Panser Anoa serta berbagai Senapan dan Pistol buatan Pindad di lapangan Tembak Divisi Senjata.

Photo : Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan Dr Widodo dan Anoa PT Pindad. (Pindad)

Sumber : Pen PT Pindad

Independence day ceremony on board KRI Dewaruci

  • This is the first time ever such ceremony being held on board KRI Dewaruci.
  • The ceremony was held while on sail on Kepulauan Seribu sea, Jakarta.
  • About 70 people in attendance including 20 admirals, retired high officers from Armed Forces and Police, former commanders of Dewaruci, crew and civilian in a ceremony led by Eastern Flet chief, TNI Admiral Derwanto.


Thursday, 17 August 2017

Kepulauan Seribu (ANTARA News)- Sejumlah mantan Komandan KRI Dewaruci beserta prajurit TNI AL dan purnawirawan TNI/Polri memperingati detik-detik proklamasi kemerdekaan RI ke-72 di geladak KRI Dewaruci di perairan Kepulauan Seribu.

Panglima Armatim mengatakan bahwa Upacara ini merupakan upacara kemerdekaan RI yang pertama kali diadakan di KRI Dewaruci.

"Ini sejarah bagi Indonesia, pertama kali upacara kemerdekaan di KRI kebanggaan Indonesia" kata Laksda TNI Darwanto, Kamis (17/8)

Ia menjelaskan bahwa upacara ini merupakan bukti bahwa KRI Dewaruci masih menjadi kebanggaan dan sanggup berlayar walaupun umurnya telah mencapai 64 tahun.

Sementara itu, salah satu peserta pelayaran sekaligus penggagas kegiatan ini Kapten Laut (Purn) Gita Arjakusuma mengklaim bahwa upacara ini merupakan rekor dunia.

"Bisa juga dikatakan upacara ini rekor dunia karena berlangsung di tengah laut yang diikuti 20 Laksamana dan perwakilan setiap angkatan AAL serta Perwira Tinggi TNI AL," jelasnya.

Upacara tersebut diikuti sekitar 70 orang terdiri dari sejumlah mantan komandan KRI Dewaruci, mantan Palaksa, perwira tinggi, prajurit TNI Al, ABK KRI Dewaruci dan masyarakat sipil dengan inspektur upacara Panglima Armatim Laksda TNI Darwanto.

Sebelumnya KRI ini melakukan perjalanan selama dua hari dari Surabaya pada 15 Agustus lalu dan selama pelayaran diisi berbagai kegiatan seperti sarasehan, permainan, Istighosah dan apel kehormatan renungan suci.

Editor: Unggul Tri Ratomo


Kodam XIII/ Merdeka berencana menyiapkan skuadron helikopter. Hal itu diungkap Panglima Kodam XIII/ Merdeka, Mayjen Ganip Warsito usai peringatan HUT Proklamasi RI ke 72 di Lapangan KONI Sario, Manado, Kamis (17/8/2017).

“Kita memang ada rencana peningkatan alusista jadi lebih baik, selain jenis senjata tempur, ada juga kendaraan tempur, bahkan dalam renstra (rencana strategis) akan ada skuadron helikopter,” kata dia.

Skuadron helikopter bukan untuk gagah-gagahan tapi memang satu kebutuhan pengamanan teritorial NKRI.

“Geografis Sulut kan itu kepulauan, jadi butuh dijangkau dengan cepat salah satunya dengan helikopter,” kata dia.

Ia mencontohkan, saat 17 Agustus 2017 ini seharusnya Kodam XIII/ Merdeka mengirim bendera raksasa untuk dikibarkan di Pulau Miangas, pulau terluar utara NKRI. Tapi tertunda karena persoalan transportasi.

“Saya mau kirim bendera ke Miangas tak bisa kibarkan hari ini, kalau ada helikopter kan bisa cepat,” ujar Warsito.

Photo : Mi-17 TNI AD dalam Lattis Ancab 2017 (Kostrad)

Sumber : Tribunnews

One more squadron helicopter is on planning
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