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He can't realize Indian vs Indonesian :fie:



Angga Roni Priambodo 14 August 2017 17:30

TNI Peace Forces champions Sports Week Unamid 2017 in Sudan
This moment became the pride to welcome the 72nd anniversary of Indonesia's Independence Day.

Brilio.net - The Indonesian National Army (TNI) unceasingly contributes to various achievements for Indonesia. The task force of the Indobatt-03 TNI Composite Battalion Garuda XXXV-C / Unamid (United Nations Mission In Darfur) contingent won the "Unamid Sector West Championship (SWC) 2017" Champion of Sports Week, followed by seven UN peacekeeping nations namely Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Senegal and Civilian Team (Sudan), some time ago at Indobatt-03 Headquarters, Super Camp, El Geneina, Sudan-Africa.

Predicate General Champion achieved by Satgas Indobatt-03, for dominating the highest medal gain with 4 (four) gold, 2 (two) silver and 1 (one) bronze, obtained from sports volleyball, marathon and table tennis. For the second rank inhabited by Bangladesh with one silver (volleyball) and one bronze (table tennis), followed by third place Civil Affair with one bronze (table tennis) with Nigeria from marathon branch get one bronze.

In the volleyball game, the Indobatt-03 Satyas Volleyball Team players beat the Bangladeshi Volleyball Team Ban FRC with a score of 2-0. Success was also achieved by male and female Marathon runners Task Force Indobatt-03 Konga XXXV-C / Unamid. While on the sport of Men's Table Tennis, between Harun Solo Competition against Mr. Romel Delarosa (Civil Affairs) takes place excitingly, alternating in attacking and defending.

"I think I will lose in the final game but it is a relief when I win.This tournament makes me somewhat nervous, but supporters who give unyielding spirit, I finally won with a score of 2 sets directly," he said. Quoted brilio.net from tni.mil.id, Monday (14/8).

Dansatgas Indobatt-03 Konga XXXV-C / Unamid Lt. Col. Inf. Syamsul Alam, S.E, also appreciated and congratulated the Volleyball Team, Marathon and Table Tennis after winning the Unamid Sector West Championship 2017.

Maybe he can't even differentiate between China and Chile. Both have 'chi' on it's name. :sarcastic:
That guy is trying to derail/trolling the topic, just like in vietnam thread where vietnam vs china vs india insult each other making the thread off topic
People of Togonfo Papua donate land for TNI
  • As appreciation for the role of TNI in improving welfare of the people and maintaining security.
  • The land will be use as site for new office and houses for the soldier stationed there.


Villager measuring the land.

Monday, 14 August 2017 - Antara Papua

Sarmi (Antara Papua) - Masyarakat Kampung Togonfo, Distrik Tor Atas, Kabupaten Sarmi, Provinsi Papua, menghibahkan tanah seluas satu hektare lebih kepada TNI melalui Koramil 1712-03/Tor Atas untuk pembangunan kantor Koramil yang baru.

Lahan tersebut dihibahkan oleh Ondo Afi Togonfo Brikman Fiang yang diserahkan langsung kepada Danramil 1712-03/Tor Atas Letda Inf Marinus, pada Minggu (13/8).

"Pemberian tanah ini merupakan wujud apresiasi masyarakat Distrik Tor Atas, atas kinerja para Babinsa membantu kemajuan serta membantu pihak kepolisian dalam menciptakan kamtibmas di distrik ini. Pemberian lahan ini sangat berkesan karena diberikan menjelang HUT ke-72 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, jadi kami anggap ini adalah hadiah istimewa dari rakyat untuk TNI dalam menjaga keutuhan NKRI di tanah Papua," kata Danramil 1712-03/Tor Atas Letda Inf Marinus.

Ia mengungkapkan bahwa menurut rencana pada lahan seluas 100 x 150 meter akan dibangun kantor Koramil yang baru beserta perumahan dinas untuk para anggota babinsa.

Sedangkan Ondo Afi Togonfo Brikman Fiang menyampaikan bahwa tanah itu diberikan kepada Koramil dengan tujuan agar para Babinsa yang telah membantu memajukan Distrik Tor Atas ini dapat memiliki kantor yang layak.

"Kami selama ini melihat kinerja para babinsa sudah baik dan selalu dekat dengan masyarakat. Namun kami prihatin melihat kondisi kantor koramil yang ada saat ini, jadi kami masyarakat sepakat memberikan lahan untuk pembangunan kantor koramil yang baru. Saya berharap dengan dibangunnya koramil yang baru distrik Tor Atas akan semakin aman," ujar Brikman.

Terkait surat pelepasan hak atas tanah tersebut, Danramil menyampaikan akan dikordinasikan lagi dan selanjutnya hal ini akan disampaikan kepada Dandim 1712/Sarmi. (*/adv)

Editor: Anwar Maga

Indonesia shortlists BT-3F amphibious tracked vehicle from Russia for marines corps
Ridzwan Rahmat - IHS Jane's Navy International
13 August 2017


The BT-3F amphibious tracked armoured personnel carrier. Source: Nikolai Novichkov

Key Points
  • Indonesia has shortlisted the Russian developed BT-3F amphibious tracked vehicle to replace its marines corps’ ageing BTR-50PKs
  • Contract may see Indonesia become the first international customer of the BT-3F
A request by the Indonesian Marines (Korps Marinir – KORMAR) to formally withdraw from further acquisitions of the BTR-4 8x8 amphibious wheeled armoured personnel carriers (APCs) is close to being approved by the Indonesian government, and the service has singled out Russia’s BT-3F platform as a front runner replacement in the programme.

Sources from the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) told Jane’s on 14 August that as part of a due diligence process to select the replacement, KORMAR chief Major General Bambang Suswantono, and a delegation of senior officers from the service, will arrive in Russia in the week beginning 21 August to witness a demonstration of the BT-3F near Moscow.

Major Gen Bambang will also participate in the Army 2017 military-technical forum as part of his visit, and visit the premises of Concern Tractor Plants, the Russian heavy industry equipment developer that designed BT-3F. KORMAR is a service under the TNI-AL’s command structure.

The Indonesian House of Representatives’ commission on defence, intelligence, and foreign affairs (Komisi I) had previously approved a sum of USD95 million under the country's 2017 defence budget to replace the KORMAR's ageing BTR-50PK APCs with BTR-4s. This approval was granted in addition to the initial batch of five BTR-4 APCs ordered by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) from Ukraine's defence industry holding group UkrOboronProm in February 2014.

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Indonesia military vehicle



Kendaraan Rantis Peliputan ini memiliki spesifikasi teknis yang mampu bergerak di medan yang cukup terjal dengan dilengkapi berbagai peralatan pendukung seperti kamera malam, peralatan editing foto dan video serta infra red untuk peliputan malam hari.

Dengan spesifikasi double gardan 4x 4, Rantis peliputan Dispenad ini diharapkan dapat mendukung dokumentasi kegiatan latihan seperti Lat Ancab 2017 saat ini.

”Kami sudah beberapa kali mengoperasionalkan Rantis liputan ini untuk diuji cobakan, dan Pada Lat Ancab TNI AD 2017 ini kami gunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan dokumentasi maupun publikasi”, ujar Kasubdis Binfung Kolonel Inf Bambang selaku Koordinator tim Dispenad.
Government to Explore Pindad's Latest Tank Medium Procurement
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 | 23:00 hrs


Kaplan MT

Badak FSV

Antasena Tank Boat

TEMPO.CO, BANDUNG - Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense Vice Admiral TNI Widodo said, the government is discussing the planned purchase of medium tanks and tank boat latest innovations PT Pindad. "Still in the discussion, this need is combined between several types of tanks," he said on the sidelines of his visit at PT Pindad, Bandung, Tuesday, August 15, 2017.

Widodo said, the medium tank produced from PT Pindad and FNSS cooperation, the Turkish defense equipment manufacturer, was still waiting for the completion of the prototype before it can be mass-produced. "The beginning of this September is planned to come to Indonesia to be displayed on the anniversary parade of TNI (HUT TNI) 5 October. Tanks Pindad cooperation with NFSS Turkey we are pushed together, "he said.

According to Widodo, the medium tanks already meet the needs of the TNI. "Only later after mass production, of course there are adjustments in accordance with the needs of regional operations. Perhaps if the operation area in Kalimantan might need a heavy reduction tank, if in Sumatra medium tank is enough. Adapted to our contours, "he said.

The Ministry of Defense is also exploring the use of other combat vehicles, including a number of new weapons innovations being worked on by Pindad. Widodo said that his ministry and the TNI continue to provide input for the arms product that Pindad made.

He cited the special underwater rifle for special forces of the Navy can still be developed. "It's already in use. Just maybe the weight and the metalurgy can be developed to make it more comfortable. Like for example too heavy, Pindad must have innovations to be lightened, "said Widodo.

President Director of PT Pindad Abraham Mose said that only 1 unit of medium tank prototype made by Pindad and NFSS Turkey completed. "This is what we will show at the Armed Forces Day Parade (October 5th), another celebration is being made. But wait for the results of 'blasting-test' prototype 1, "he said in Bandung, Tuesday, August 15, 2017.

Abraham said, "schedule-blasting test" for medium tank was scheduled in September 2017. The results of the test would be the basis for building a second prototype, which is ready to enter mass production phase. "From the results of 'blasting' that we wake up prototype here, it becomes a reference," he said.

According to Abraham, the government is also discussing plans to buy other combat vehicle products. Among the targeted amphibious tanks can start entering the ordering process next year, including the product innovation "tank boat" released last year.

"Tank boat is our development with PT Lundin, because he is expert platformya. We are equipped with weapons, but it has not been decided whether with 105 millimeters or 30 millimeters. Depending on the operational and TNI needs, "he said.

Abraham said the discussion with the current Ministries of Defense is to ensure the users of the tanks. Boat tank co-production prototype Pindad and PT Lundin from Banyuwangi, as well as the Belgian Defense CMI had exhibited in the exhibition Indodefence last year. Vice President Jusuf Kalla even gave him the name Antasena.

According to Abraham, his purchase contract is still being discussed. "We will discuss the end user where, because this tank to be used in a river that is 90 centimeters deep can only maneuver," he said.

Abraham said, a number of countries have expressed interest in ordering Tank Boat Antasena made by Pindad. Among the countries of origin of the Middle East and Taiwan. "The market is potential. Now we are being pursued by outsiders to work with them, so instead for export. Tpai we will prioritize domestic needs, "he said. Taiwan, for example, is interested to develop this Antasena Boat Tank into Missile Boat.


Read more at https://www.tempo.co/read/news/2017...edium-tank-terbaru-pindad#s3RxmeIMVf5GwsgA.99


N219 Indonesian Aerospace First Flight

The N219 aircraft has successfully conducted first flight on Wednesday, 16 August 2017. The first flight taken at Husein Sastranegara air field in Bandung at 9.00 am, local time. The air field is the part of Indonesian Aerospace (aircraft manufacturer) facility as well.





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Pilot Esther bangga terbangkan pesawat N219
Rabu, 16 Agustus 2017 11:01 WIB - 767 Views

Pewarta: Ajat Sudrajat


Pilot Kapten Esther Gayatri Saleh setelah berhasil menerbangkan untuk yang pertama kalinya Purwarupa Pertama Pesawat N219 buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, di Landasan Pacu Bandara Husein Sastranegara Bandung, Rabu (16/8/2017). (FOTO/Ajat Sudrajat)

Bandung (ANTARA News) - Pilot Kapten Esther Gayatri Saleh mengaku bangga karena bisa menerbangkan untuk yang pertama kalinya Purwarupa Pertama Pesawat N219 buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, di Landasan Pacu Bandara Husein Sastranegara Bandung, Rabu.

"Puji Tuhan semunya lancar yang pasti kita harus berbangga bahwa pesawat ini semuanya buatan anak bangsa," kata Pilot Esther Gayatri Saleh usai mendaratnya Pesawat N219 di salah satu hanggar PT DI.

Rasa bangga dan haru, kata Pilot Esther, tertanam dalam dirinya karena pesawat tersebut diterbangkan oleh dirinya sehari menjelang HUT ke-72 Kemerdekaan RI Tahun 2017.

"Bangga sekali terlebih ini kan bertepatan dengan jelang HUT Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia juga kita bisa menghadirkan produk anak bangsa yang semuanya dibuat PT DI," kata dia.

Ia mengatakan selama sekitar 20 menit menerbangkan pesawat tersebut tidak ada hambatan yang berarti.

"Pesawatnya oke, sequence sesuai dengan yang dilatih. Saya tenang dan kru semua bekerja dengan baik," kata dia.

Purwarupa Pesawat Pertama N219 karya PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) melakukan uji coba penerbangan perdana (flight test) di landasan pacu Bandara Husein Sastranegara Jalan Padjadjaran Nomor 154 Kota Bandung.

Uji coba penerbangan perdana pesawat tersebut dilakukan sekitar pukul 09.10 WIB dan disaksikan langsung oleh Kepala LAPAN Thomas Djamaluddin, Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Agus Santoso, Dirut PT DI Budi Santos dan seluruh jajaran direksi dan Dewan Komisaris PT DI.

Uji coba penerbangan ini dilakukan setelah Purwarupa Pesawat Pertama N219 mendapatkan Certificate of Airworthiness dari Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasional Pesawat Udara Kementerian Perhubungan.
Editor: Fitri Supratiwi


The proud daughter of this Nation, first pilot to flying with N219
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