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Ministry of Defense Preparing Armed Submarines
Mesha Mediani, CNN Indonesia Sunday, 13/08/2017 12:48 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - The Ministry of Defense said it is focusing on the development of submarines as a supporting tool for the main weapon system (alutsista) of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We are developing submarine technology, that is a priority.This is the third submarine built at PT PAL Hopefully the government also supports it so we can be independent," said Secretary General Kemhan Rear Admiral Madya Widodo at the Defense Industries Defense Exhibition at the Field of Bhinneka Single Ika Kemhan, Jakarta, Sunday (13/8).

KRI Nagapasa 403 submarine is the result of RI cooperation with South Korea. Widodo said the alutsista was expected to arrive in Surabaya on August 28, 2017. The submarine is equipped with Black Shark Torpedo weapons.

Torpedoes are deadly underwater weapons that can be launched from submarines, surface ships, aircraft, and helicopters. While the Black Shark touted as underwater monster, sophisticated torpedo is in 533 mm caliber.

Widodo added that the two weapons are tailored to the submarine configuration and technical specifications required by the Navy.

The vessel is one of three submarines ordered by Indonesia from South Korea to include technology transfer. The fleet is also equipped with surface anti-ship missiles. It is a modernization of the Naval submarine.

In addition to the submarine, Kemenhan also stated is developing other defense equipment such as missiles, medium tanks, propellan, and radar rockets produced independently by the domestic defense industry.

"The work of the defense industry is commendable and empowering to create a superior TNI with independence.The products on display are a proof of independence to be independent of foreign parties," Widodo said.

Exhibition in order to commemorate the anniversary of Independence of RI-72, a number of products of the domestic defense industry exhibited its best collection. Alutsista exhibited in the form of PT Pindad, PT PAL Indonesia, and PT Dirgantara Indonesia as well as State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and other Private Enterprises (BUMS). (Pmg)



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Indonesia terus mengembangkan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) produksi dalam negeri. Ada beberapa alutsista yang tengah dikembangkan untuk diproduksi sendiri mulai dari kendaraan tank tempur, kapal selam, hingga peluru kendali.

“Ada beberapa poin (yang menjadi prioritas), kita lagi kembangkan kapal selam yang ketiga, yang dibangun oleh PT PAL, selanjutnya pemerintah bisa men-support itu agar kita bisa mandiri. Kemudian ada beberapa peluru kendali, ini sedang kita kembangkan agar kita tidak tergantung dengan negara lain khususnya untuk peluru kendali,” ujar Sekjen (Kemenhan) Dr Widodo di lapangan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, gedung kementerian pertahanan, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (13/8/2017).

Selain itu ada juga kendaraan tempur tank kelas medium yang tengah dikembangkan PT Pindad. Indonesia juga berencana untuk mengembangkan roket dengan radar.

“Kemudian juga medium tank, kita sedang kembangkan antara PT Pindad dengan beberapa perusahaan pendukung lainnya. Sehingga kita harapkan kita mampu untuk mandiri. Kemudian propellant, itu juga lagi dikembangkan PT Bahana, mungkin nanti tahun 2019 semuanya bisa terwujud. Kemudian juga ada roket radar, dan ini juga merupakan penimbangan untuk ke depan,” katanya.

Widodo mengatakan semangat mandiri dalam industri pertahanan ini sesuai dengan arahan Presiden Jokowi. Hari ini Kemenhan juga menggelar pameran industri pertahanan dalam negeri yang diikuti perusahaan BUMN dan swasta.

“Ini memang mempunyai semangat yang selama ini sesuai dengan perintah presiden bahwa kita harus mandiri dalam industri pertahanan. Kita harus maju terus, hari ini ada 7 industri pertahanan dari BUMN dan 28 dari BUMS mensuport TNI selama ini untuk membuat Alutsista sesuai kompetensi dengan perusahaan itu. Dari pesawat, kapal, maupun tank, termasuk perlengkapan tempur di dalamnya, senjatanya, amunisinya, kita juga kembangkan roket yang itu juga program nasional,” imbuhnya.

Photo : Pameran Alutsista Kemhan, 13 Agustus 2017. (Detik)

Sumber : Detik

In short, Indonesia is in process to developing indigenous respons sistem like radar, guided missiles, all kind of propellant charge (especially the ones used on heavy rocket), tank, APC and UAV.
Loh kok udh terbang :woot:


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"The maiden flight of an aircraft is the first occasion on which an aircraft leaves the ground under its own power."

Waaah udah terbang !! Congrats ya PTDI !! Gitu doooonk. Sayang maiden flightnya low profile tapi gak apalah. Action speaks louder than words. Sekali lagi Selamat buat PTDI.
KRI Nagapasa 403 submarine is the result of RI cooperation with South Korea. Widodo said the alutsista was expected to arrive in Surabaya on August 28, 2017. The submarine is equipped with Black Shark Torpedo weapons.

Torpedoes are deadly underwater weapons that can be launched from submarines, surface ships, aircraft, and helicopters. While the Black Shark touted as underwater monster, sophisticated torpedo is in 533 mm caliber.

From Wiki :
"The design goal for the torpedo was 300% improvement of passive acquisition and 200% active acquisition with its sonar system. The brushless motor design coupled with the aluminum-silver oxide (Al-AgO) battery gives the system a top speed 50+ knot, and a range of 50 km, performance envelope."

mamamia even Alfa or Papa class subs can't outrun this torpedo. And with 300% improvement of passive acquisition made them really stealth while approaching target.
35mm CIWS Ordered for Indonesian Frigates
14 Agustus 2017

Rheinmetall has received an order for its Millenium Gun 35mm naval weapon system to outfit Indonesia's two new Sigma 10514 Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) light frigates.

Damen handed over the first frigate in February this year, with the second undergoing contractor sea trials at press time (late May). Delivery of this ship is planned for October 2017. The primary mission of the 105m, 2,365 tonne ships is anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare. Secondary roles include maritime security, search and rescue and humanitarian support.

DTR believes four Millenium Gun systems are part of the Indonesian order. Each Sigma 10514 PKR frigate is allocated one Millenium Gun system installed forward of the bridge. The first Sigma 10514 PKR frigate was delivered without its Millenium Gun system, although the plinth mount is visible in photographs.

Able to fire Rheinmetall's Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (AHEAD) programmable 35mm ammunition, a single Millenium Gun mount can operate as both CIWS and secondary armament on surface combatants of various sizes. Millenium Gun's Oerlikon revolver cannon fires at up to 1,000 rounds per minute. Using AHEAD ammunition natures, figures from Rheinmetall cite that a 25-round burst can achieve a kill a manned aircraft at 3,500m against guided missiles/cruise missiles at 2,000m and against a sea-skimming anti-ship missile at 1,500m. Keep out range against surface targets is approximately 4,000m.

The Indonesian Air Force already operates the Oerlikon 35mm revolver cannon as the effector elements of its land-based Skyshield very short-range air defence system. These system can be ground or truck-mounted.

Yuhuuuuu, udah dateng dan lengkap


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Identify the system

#cakep #keren


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