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Indonesia Defence Forum

Why don't you guys posting it in Aerospace thread? N219 is civilian aircraft.

It's multipurpose light lift aircraft. Once a working prototype is completed, they can build the military version next. Furthermore, we're in euphoria mood right now. so... cheers :cheers:


Entar juga paling ada yang repost di thread tsb, iya gak @pr1v4t33r post disini dulu biar orang pada liat.

yak, benul sekali..
Why don't you guys posting it in Aerospace thread? N219 is civilian aircraft.
This is btw a prototype airplane. The Indonesian Navy plans to replace the Nomads with the N219s.

Indonesian Navy Turns to N219 as Nomad Successor

14 Februari 2014

Indonesian aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) officials have said an Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) naval aviation unit is replacing up to 20 of its ageing twin-engine turboprop ASTA/GAF Nomad maritime patrol aircraft with Persero's N219 platform.

Speaking to IHS Jane's on 12 February at the Singapore Airshow, Persero spokesperson Teguh Graito said that the Indonesian government plans to replace between 15-20 Nomads from the Skuadron Udara 800 unit with the N219s. Senior TNI-AL officials have approached the company to discuss the acquisition but details such as quantity and configuration have yet to be finalised.

The TNI-AL's Skuadron 800 unit is in charge of conducting airborne maritime patrol duties for the country and has been operating the Nomad since 1975.


What I really mean is biar ntu tret sebelah rame dikit en skali2 dpt jatah barang "fresh", that's all.
Wednesday 16 Aug 2017, 12:59 WIB
Pilot N219: This Aircraft is Very Admirable
Mukhlis Dinillah - detikFinance

Bandung - N219 aircraft successfully undergo flight test (flight test) for the first time. N219 Flight pilot Captain Esther Gayatri Saleh expressed his admiration for the nation's design plane.

"It's amazing that this plane (N219) is flying," said Esther after flying test at Airport Runway Husein Sastranegara, Jalan Pajajaran, Bandung, Wednesday (16/08/2017).

According to this short-haired pilot as a whole while flying test, N219 aircraft operate in accordance with predictions. Thus, he continued, during flying at an altitude of 8,000 feet in the region of Batujajar, West Bandung regency (KBB) goes well.

"The airplane responds well to the prediction This is a good air craft first because it is made in Indonesia," he said.

"We are preparing for this for 6 months, certainly not a moment, I am proud," added.

Nevertheless, he said, there are still further steps to ensure the aircraft is safe. Thus, he continued, so far not been able to ensure in detail what obstacles that occurred during the flight earlier.

"Certainly the data that has been sent aircraft sensors will be studied by the team, whether there are obstacles or what kind," he said. (Ang / ang)


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Navy starts building new naval base for western fleet in Lampung
Kupastuntas.co - 15/8/2017


https://kupastuntas.co/kota-bandar-...ngun-danlanal-lampung-akan-menyaingi-jakarta/ *

*) can't co-pas the original article because of the damn javascript.


KOSTRAD personnel swim with arms and legs tied
Okezone - 15/8/2017


  • Brigif Para Raider 17 Kostrad menggelar Latihan Teknis dan Taktis Ton Taikam 2017. Latihan ini diikuti oleh 30 orang personel Batalyon Taikam Kompi TPP Brigif PR 17, yang dilaksanakan selama 14 hari.
  • Prajurit juga diberikan pelatihan mountainering, untuk mengasah kemampuan prajurit dalam melaksanakan serbuan dari ketinggian, maupun mobil udara (mobud), dengan menggunakan teknik rappelling dan fastroping.
  • Latihan dilaksanakan di kompleks home base Brigif Para Raider 17 Cijantung dan materi SCUBA di Kopaska Armabar Pondok Dayung.

Navy starts building new naval base for western fleet in Lampung
Kupastuntas.co - 15/8/2017


https://kupastuntas.co/kota-bandar-...ngun-danlanal-lampung-akan-menyaingi-jakarta/ *

*) can't co-pas the original article because of the damn javascript.


KOSTRAD personnel swim with arms and legs tied
Okezone - 15/8/2017


  • Brigif Para Raider 17 Kostrad menggelar Latihan Teknis dan Taktis Ton Taikam 2017. Latihan ini diikuti oleh 30 orang personel Batalyon Taikam Kompi TPP Brigif PR 17, yang dilaksanakan selama 14 hari.
  • Prajurit juga diberikan pelatihan mountainering, untuk mengasah kemampuan prajurit dalam melaksanakan serbuan dari ketinggian, maupun mobil udara (mobud), dengan menggunakan teknik rappelling dan fastroping.
  • Latihan dilaksanakan di kompleks home base Brigif Para Raider 17 Cijantung dan materi SCUBA di Kopaska Armabar Pondok Dayung.

Wednesday August 16, 2017, 5:17 pm
Feeling Cheated, OPM Commander Yapen Timur Back Join NKRI
Wilpret Siagian - detikNews


Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 3.34.12 PM.png

Serui - Commander of the National Liberation Army - Independent Papuan Organization (TPN-OPM) East Yapen Kris Nussy aka Corinus Sireri and his men surrendered on Tuesday (8/15/2017). Corinus admitted that he and his men had been deceived by OPM groups in Papua who claimed that their struggle would result in Papuan independence.

"We have been deceived, we are tired of fighting in the forest but nothing we get," said Corinus after handing 12 weapons to Kabinda Papua and Maleo Team, Kodam XVII Cenderawasih in Wadafi hill Mamarimp village, Wadamomi District, Yapen Islands, Papua , Tuesday (8/15/2017).

Corinus called his struggle for the last 20 years to be fruitless. The struggle is only just reap the hatred of the people of Papua.

"It's just a ruse, our 20-year struggle does not work, we hate our own society," he said.

Corinus called himself starting the struggle since 1997. But on his way, Corinus admitted tormented because he must be in the forest and only occasionally meet with the family due to the action of the struggle.

"I have a maitua (wife) and a child of 6 people living in Mamarimp village beach, I go home once in a while," said Corinus.

He also stated after surrendering to Kabinda Papua and Team Maleo, he committed to help the government. Especially to build kampungnya to be more advanced.

"I will help the village officials to build my son if he can join the TNI, now he is still in second grade of junior high school," he said.

Corinus further said the surrender was not the first time. Previously, Corinus said, there were 75 of his men who had already done so.

"My men have twice surrendered, the first 30 people surrendered to the Regent of Yapen Islands, the second as many as 35 people also to the Bupati and finally surrendered myself with 12 people who always follow me," said Corinus.

After surrendering, Corinus also asked the Papuan government to provide him and his men with outboard motors and chainsaw engines. The request he conveyed so that his men can return to normal life and have a job.

"So my men have a job, so they can live together with the Mamarimp sikampung community," said Corinus.
(Hld / nvl)

Presiden Jokowi memakai baju adat Bugis saat menghadiri Sidang Tahunan MPR Tahun 2017 di Gedung Nusantara, Kompleks Parlemen Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (16/8,2017). Sementara Wapres Jusuf Kalla mengenakan pakaian adat Jawa Tengah lengkap dengan blankon.


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