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Taliban isnt a republic by definition, though yes its a theocratic shithole
I don't think we are. I am a liberal, I care about humans. He is a conservative and only cares about his feelings, regardless of how many humans are murdered.
Conservatives if you mean in taliban type sense are obviously NOT desirable but it depends how you interpret and in what context you say you consider yourself "liberal". You can be a conservative yet a liberal at the same time. Whether it's in the West or in the East, many conservative governments and supporters with religious beliefs have always been head on "liberal" on the economic front such as giving tax breaks and promoting privatization in their own country etc and time has proven they are successful. If you consider yourself a 'Canadian liberal" fck that. Don't give me 101 lessons from universities who are biased as fck. Someone like Justin Trudeau has actually destroyed Canada in every possible way from immigration to celebrating gays and lesbians to financing wars in countries we have no relation to. I would hate to be that "liberal."
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lol you are sick in your head, and its no wonder that you love posting such stores to feed your fetish, \How conveniently you're dodging the real question by not answering it and posting all irrelevant stuff
The question was, how did you define Afghisntan as a pure Islamic state ? its either tat you hate Islam to the core and are an ex muslim or youre typical shit arse desi who is ignorant as fuk,
Honestly i can't seem to differentiate as you fall in both shit categ

Your Mullah is literally molesting kids and dude it out here projecting so hard.
It's funny how you child molesting enablers have pHDs in missing the point.
You know your child molesting enabling ideology is wrong so you can't actually answer what an Islamic republic is.
Okay, I will bite. Afghanistan is an Islamic state because they say they are. Are they wrong? Is there not enough child molestation going on there for your liking so they can't be one?
Now, stop enabling child molestation and answer my question, what is YOUR definition of an Islamic Sate? Why are you so chicken sh!t scared to answer this question? Is it because you know there is no such thing?
And don't worry about what kind of Muslim I am, just worry about your own faith and how you will have to answer to God about propelling an ideology that has enabled so much child molestation, as well as mosque/schools/markets bombings and murders.
You people have killed more Muslims in the last 20 years than all other nations/people combined.

Conservatives if you mean in taliban type sense are obviously NOT desirable but it depends how you interpret and in what context you say you consider yourself "liberal". You can be a conservative yet a liberal at the same time. Whether it's in the West or in the East, many conservative governments and supporters with religious beliefs have always been head on "liberal" on the economic front such as giving tax breaks and promoting privatization in their own country etc and time has proven they are successful. If you consider yourself a 'Canadian liberal" fck that. Don't give me 101 lessons from universities who are biased as fck. Someone like Justin Trudeau has actually destroyed Canada in every possible way from immigration to celebrating gays and lesbians to financing wars in countries we have no relation to. I would hate to be that "liberal."
Your first sentence gave me hope, then it was all downhill from there.
Neo-liberalism is not "liberalism" it is a conservative ideology that has destroyed the middle class.
Yes, you can be a social conservative and a neo-liberal. It's like saying you can be rich and a bank manger. The two are not even close to being mutually exclusive.
Islamic conservatives are just like the Talban but slightly (slightly) more reasonable.
Think about the aim for the Taliban and Islamic conservatives, they are the same. They want to force people to follow a faith and way of life regardless of if the person wants to follow it or not. They want to control people and how they live. The only difference is that the Taliban have absolute power and are able to follow through with their vision while the rest of the conservatives are still somewhat bound by decent society and norms.

For the sake of both our sanity, lets keep Canadian politics out of this.
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Your Mullah is literally molesting kids and dude it out here projecting so hard.
My Mullah, ? Wtf aare you on about shit head ? You think by putting your filthy words in my mouth you can put the blame on me ? WHat sick twisted shot menatlity you have

You know your child molesting enabling ideology is wrong so you can't actually answer what an Islamic republic is
Alhamdulillah being a Muslim, I can say this with confidence there is no such thing as child molesting in Islam. Unless you being murtyid happen to think that otherwise

Now, stop enabling child molestation and answer my question, what is YOUR definition of an Islamic Sate? Why are you so chicken sh!t scared to answer this question? Is it because you know there is no such thing?
whyt the fuk should i any answer to your shit questions? When you have made it a sick point that calling a nation of gays and child molesters as Islamic ?
I am keener to know what made you get to the point where you're calling a shit nation as an Islamic one ? or are you saying that being Islam means child molestation and rape ?

st worry about your own faith and how you will have to answer to God about propelling an ideology that has enabled so much child molestation, as well as mosque/schools/markets bombings and murders.
A alhamdulillah I don't have to worry about a thing, because i dont propel that sick ideology, just because you as shit person and sick in mind keeps touting the same thing for no reason doesnt mean I M one of tose shit people, You get triggered on me asking as to what factors have you presented that Aghnistan the shit hole is actually as islamic state and you have presenetged NONE

You people have killed more Muslims in the last 20 years than all other nations/people combined.
You people, LOL, like I Said you have too much of cheap shit beer, stop being a loser and get life dikhead
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Your first sentence gave me hope, then it was all downhill from there.
Neo-liberalism is not "liberalism" it is a conservative ideology that has destroyed the middle class.
Yes, you can be a social conservative and a neo-liberal. It's like saying you can be rich and a bank manger. The two are not even close to being mutually exclusive.
Islamic conservatives are just like the Talban but slightly (slightly) more reasonable.
Think about the aim for the Taliban and Islamic conservatives, they are the same. They want to force people to follow a faith and way of life regardless of if the person wants to follow it or not. They want to control people and how they live. The only difference is that the Taliban have absolute power and are able to follow through with their vision while the rest of the conservatives are still somewhat bound by decent society and norms.

For the sake of both our sanity, lets keep Canadian politics out of this.

I do agree some islamic conservatives like to force people to follow faith in a particular way and they do in fact become judgemental in personal spheres of life of others despite whether an individual consents to this or not and a good example of this is Iran, forcing women to cover their heads or Saudi Arabia before the rise of MBS which was practically Talibanesque ruled where even things like cinemas and women driving cars were outlawed.

I firmly believe culture, economics and education are intertwined in this. You have to understand that in the case of Saudis and Pashtuns (because Taliban predominantly belongs to this ethnicity) have a tribal culture. They have been following their traditions for thousands of years and so you cannot just kill them or expect them to change overnight. The only way out of this is through education and economics and in this regard, Saudis have changed. Wherein the case of Iran, it does not make sense to me and I do not believe this hardline government and their manifesto will survive much longer because unlike Pakistan, the Iranian youth are actually westernized and compared to Pakistanis, they do not perceive Islam with passion and pride and this is ironic because historically Persian contribution to Islam has been much more vital and successful in the Islamic world culturally, economically and scientifically than anyone else.

Pakistanis are on the same page when it comes to religion, therefore, do not expect much changes. If I'm not mistaken Pakistan did not become "islamic republic" until 1956 before Zia, often labelled as islamist or father of radicalism so something happened there that compelled it to chose this name over say just republic of Pakistan or federation of Pakistan etc otherwise the name islamic republic of Pakistan could have happened as early as 1947 in which religious emotions were running high. Clearly the average person of today views Islam as his or her identify first and foremost above anything else and that is fine. However, the larger picture here is can the youth keep their faith out of things which should not have any control over and can they actually develop some brains and NOT be like their seniors who are hypocrites and get rich quick types through corrupt practices? Personally, I do not see much hope as youth are Khasee (impotent) and incapable of doing anything worthy of being educated and contributing anything significant in society. They have to prove a lot.
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