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Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht

This operation was uncalled for and was never meant for 'terrorists' but to terrorize and demean common Sikhs. Don't forget that this whole thing snowballed from Punjab (Sikh Majority) calls for greater autonomy using democratic means.

Separatists are terrorists. Bhindrawale was a terrorist. Separatists should be murdered on spot wherever they are found.
Still lying, pictures from within the Temple with shoes on:



Thanks for the pictures. You just busted your own propaganda. Looks the guy pulling the corpse in the background. Only his feet is clearly visible in the sunlight and he is bare foot.

Like I said I know the heartburn is there that you could not sucessfully take the revenge..but no need to show that in public.
Pakistan is honoring all the anti Inida activities since its inception...So they are always on the track....But i think you guys are little bit late in honoring anti India people and started around late 1990s with ULFA people....Never mind you can start it right now itself....But just a small reminder....the exrtermism and terrorism that Pakistan is facing today is just an impact of its past deeds of last 65 years....And as per fellow Pakistan people, India is behind all this thing....So if i beleive everything is true, then be prepared to face the blowback in your nation, which is very much peaceful as of now...And again, another point,Pakistan is a strong nation and have alot of statergic importance for India....So India may opt for compromise with Pakistan in case situation needed....But i feel Indian will not take a second thought in case you guys do any mistake wrt to India....

Don't worry, Bangladeshi's are not organized and united enough to become a threat for India and India will try its best to keep it disorganized and divided, rajakar/jamati/bnp vs Awami is just one example. The current situation in Bangladesh is proof enough.

Someone commented that why Bangladesh is being brought up, well I heard that Khalistan movement was supposed to be a payback for 1971. So when we are talking about the death of a blood sucking vampire, it is natural to mention her track record to show how little regard she had for human lives, specially if its lives of people of neighboring nations, to further her own perceived national interest using "useful idiots" in then both wings of Pakistan.

But she is not the only regional politician that had this gift, leaders that promoted partition in 1947 had also the blood of a million lives in their hands.

Some people claim that there is more to this assassination than meets the eye, I found this conspiracy theory on the net, the gist is that it was all part of a master plan to put Sonia, the Vatican plant, in the most powerful position of India, the Presiden of INC. Then again this might be just the work of anti-congress opposition party:
Of conspiracy theories and how it rained one night: Playing with a nation’s choices

It is a historically well known fact that the Khalistan movement was nurtured by ISI and certain elements in Pakistan. Also well recorded are the initial reactions of some western countries like Canada who almost directly hobnobbed with the Sikh separatist leaders only to abandon them when the movement became increasingly violent. Tacit support of US and British intelligence agencies to the Khalistan intelligentsia was also much speculated upon those days. But what was a lesser known fact in the media and a matter of puzzling debates in the intelligence circles was the interest shown by the Vatican in the Khalistan movement. In 1980-81 Vatican had an open channel of discussions with certain groups of the so called “intellectuals” who were known sympathisers of the Sikh separatist movements. This interest and interactions continued well into the early 80’s and were explained as the “right of Vatican to have an interest in other religious organizations”. At the height of Khalistan movement just after operation Blue Star, many reliable Indian intelligence sources had given “definitive” information about Opus Dei funding parts of operations of Sikh separatists outside India!

After operation Blue Star there were many intelligence inputs about the threat to Mrs Gandhi’s life including some specific inputs about people in the core inner circle of Mrs Gandhi’s security system being vulnerable. Yet no action was taken, why? The assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi was a massive intelligence failure to say the least and yet no major enquiry was ordered to decipher the conspiracy theory, why? Sections of KGB and other Russian intelligence agencies had given a specific timeframe regarding “action” and yet their advice went unheeded, why? Soviet sources, in informal briefings had warned about certain western intelligence agencies being in cahoots with Sikh separatists and yet those warnings were disregarded, why?
A part of the answer to those questions can be explained as plain incompetence as usual. May be one can also argue that we now have the power of hindsight which we lacked then. But definitely there is a part of the answer to that question which is more complex and only takes my theory forward to its logical conclusion. It is not as if we did nothing, security experts and Intelligence aficionados gave at least 2 formal specific presentations to Mrs Gandhi on 2 different occasions about the need to re-haul the entire security apparatus around her. But on both these occasions apart from Mrs Gandhi’s nonchalance we met with the biggest resistance from one particular member of her core team. He was a very powerful member of what was then known to the media as “kitchen cabinet” and had also been described as a “power broker of the highest degree” by many media houses and visiting dignitaries. There was no reason to suspect any mal-intentions in him, as he was also known to be very close to Mr Rajiv Gandhi (unlike some members of the “kitchen cabinet” who had a turf war with the junior Gandhi). Post assassination there was a bit of a stir in the media about the same gentleman followed by hush-hush events. We in the intelligence were also surprised to know about his strong linkages with certain Western intelligence agencies. Nothing really happened after that for quite some time and Mr Rajiv Gandhi only restored the same gentleman back in his team with full honours and the whole episode was laid to rest. But the biggest revelation to the intelligence wings came a little later (and was not accorded much importance at that time). Unlike media perceptions that the said gentleman belonged to the Rajiv Gandhi coterie and to the “kitchen cabinet”, he actually owed both his positions and his re-instatement into the inner circles of power after the assassination of Mrs Gandhi to a certain Mrs Sonia Gandhi!
I am always surprised when people support extremists against India but the day they face extremists or war crimes in their own country, they again start crying foul and guess what, they blame India for it.

The only difference that make us successful against extremists is that even when we know someone is behind them, we rely more on our people to secure the area. Its enemy's job to destabilize us, that's simple politics, its our job to crush their plans.

And while we do it, we use the media to get something good out of bad happened in India. 26/11 happened due to our security lapse, we got rid of the terrorists but we made sure that entire world should know who was behind it.
I don't support this move by Akal takht. We all are Indians first and sikhs or hindus second. Any separatist should be shot on the spot without any trial. These people destabilize the nation with support of some cowards on the other side of the border.
I don't support this move by Akal takht. We all are Indians first and sikhs or hindus second. Any separatist should be shot on the spot without any trial. These people destabilize the nation with support of some cowards on the other side of the border.
Spoken like a true Indian first and True Sikh second. :tup:

- The whole thing started much earlier when Indian Punjab tried to gain more autonomy. Khalistan movement was a result of denial by Govt to give more autonomy.

- Congress was itself involved in Bhinderwale rise to power.

- Needlessly aggravated Sikhs. Golden temple was assaulted by Tanks. Golden temple is holiest of holy for Sikhs. The Akal Takht there was built by one of the Gurus of Sikhs (which hold the same esteemed position Prophets hold in Islam), moreover this Takht is the throne of timeless one (God) and as such is literally Kaaba of Sikhs. Its quite probable that Bhindranwala wanted Govt to attack Golden temple which will mean an assault on Sikhism and will unite the Sikhs on one point.

- Indra Gandhi's murder resulted in 1984 riots where hundreds of Sikhs were raped, burned to death and state was complicit, the instigators while known still roam free (or maybe dead now, don't have the latest info).

Let me clarify. I meant that Bhindaralwala was planted in 50s by Pakistani intelligence. This claim was made by someone who had been an intelligence officer at Pakistan's embassy in Delhi, Baghdad, etc... I was surprised to hear this and had a hard time accepting it as a statement of fact. But then the potential of it being true can not entirely be ruled out. BTW the same person forecasted 'Aman ki Asha' type thing in the mid-90s. That too was surprising to me, since the Jihad in Kashmir was in full swing.
Let me clarify. I meant that Bhindaralwala was planted in 50s by Pakistani intelligence. This claim was made by someone who had been an intelligence officer at Pakistan's embassy in Delhi, Baghdad, etc... I was surprised to hear this and had a hard time accepting it as a statement of fact. But then the potential of it being true can not entirely be ruled out. BTW the same person forecasted 'Aman ki Asha' type thing in the mid-90s. That too was surprising to me, since the Jihad in Kashmir was in full swing.

Did he also forecast how Aman ki asha will turn out ? I mean any other predictions..?
And their hindu neighbours in Delhi itself. Try as you might this was never a Hindu-Sikh fight. It was a Congi orchestrated massacre on Sikhs in which congis of all shades and hues participated.

Notice that I use the words 'some Sikhs' I am aware of the role played by some Hindus in sheltering Sikhs. I just pointed out that when faced with persecution, minorities gel together. Its the same all over the world.

"That’s when you realise how much of a minority you are. From a friend’s balcony I could see the smoke rising from the burnt shops in South Extension in Delhi. I knew a man, all of 5 feet, nothing with a squeaky voice, who used to give me rides to the studio on his motorbike. He and his children were killed. By the time we got to his place to save his wife, she had lost her mind. I worked in the relief camps later, and can’t even describe the suffering I saw there.

You can’t call these riots. In a riot, two sides clash. This was a plain and simple massacre."

sikhchic.com | The Art and Culture of the Diaspora | Article List

Interesting reading from the perspective of Sikh community in Canada. BTW I would encourage fellow Pakistanis to browse the website to find about the troubles faced by Sikhs during 1947. It was not one sided as our elders like to claim. Academics do maintain however that more Muslims suffered than Sikhs and Hindus put together something this website would not tell you. It is a one-sided narrative after all.
Bangladeshi's and Pakistani's both should honor these brave individuals, because Indira was the mastermind behind the civil war in 1971 that caused a loss of around 300,000 lives as well as other atrocities.

Or may be you should first say BIG THANKS to Indira who made a free country named as "Bangladesh" which was trampled under Pakistani Army :azn:

Your history seems weak so may be you forgot the 1-3 million Bangladeshis killed by Pakistan Army.
Did he also forecast how Aman ki asha will turn out ? I mean any other predictions..?

He had a positive perspective on this - in contrast to the situation on ground then. I thought he was a bit looney then. But...
You are wrong. Tanks were used. From Wiki:

Brigadier Diwan reported heavy casualties and requested more reinforcements. General Brar sent two companies of 15 Kumaon Regiment. This resulted in yet more heavy casualties, forcing Brigadier Diwan to request tank support. Brar also requested tank support after an APC was destroyed by a rocket fired by a Sikh militant. His request was granted and seven tanks rolled into the Golden Temple complex.

By 05h00 June 6, due to the 105mm shelling by Vijayanta the Akal Takhat was destroyed. However, the primary objective of removing militants from other neighbouring structures continued for a further 24 hours.

And the man who ran the operation talks about the need of using tanks in his interviews.

Here is a pic:

Here is the Indian Hero who successfully desecrated Golden temple:

(I heard some Sikhs attacked him recently in London)

Another Picture. Army is in the premises with their shoes ON and you can see 4 tanks in the back ground:

Don't lie now KS jee, Indian troops not Pakistani :coffee:.

So again another failed attempt by Pakistanis to do cherry picking history when it suits them... how about you first answer genocide of 1-3 million Bangladeshis?

The Golden Temple attack was a result of dirty politics started by IG which ended with her assasination.No glorification is needed here.This is not the first time extremists used their Holy Places as a hiding place.Perhaps you should learn your OWN history...

Read the below link carefully since Pakistani Army was also involved in entering the holiest shrine for Muslims and killed extremists inside.
Grand Mosque Seizure

If your heart bleeds sooooooo much for Sikhs and Khalistan then how about you give them Punjab back with Lahore as it's historical capital? 70% of Punjab is in Pakistan which truely belongs to Sikhs :azn:
Terrorists should be killed wherever they are. In this case, they were hiding in Golden Temple. It was justified.

what had created them you need to check that out as well.

Anyway its strange that Indians praise Nathurams at will and twist logic when it comes to Sikhs viz a viz Indira and golden temple
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