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Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht

Although i detest IG for her role in operation bluestar and emergence but you as a Bangladeshi must be thankful otherwise you would have never had your country , or may be ur just a Razakar

These people need to read some ally's ambassador's telegram(Blood telegram) at that time to understand what went on as early as in March 1971 so that they won't pin the blame on IG or India for the 300,000 odd deaths in Bangladesh.
These people need to read some ally's ambassador's telegram(Blood telegram) at that time to understand what went on as early as in March 1971 so that they won't pin the blame on IG or India for the 300,000 odd deaths in Bangladesh.

No matter what they read, some of these Razakars will always blame India
1984 operation was necessary but the way she carried operation was not a good idea. She ignored Khalistan movements in starting. She was a sick lady..
I wish Nathuram Godse ne nehru ko bhi tapka diya hota saat me..
Is this thread about IG and Sikhs or about Bangladesh?

BTW, having had enough sense back in 80's and knowing what went on I am fascinated about the Golden Temple episode.

The Delhi killings of Sikhs was and remains a blot on India. It was an occasion when some Sikhs found support from Muslims, in Agra for example.

Was Bhindaranwala a mole of Pakistani intelligence? Years ago someone made such a claim, but I am skeptical. What do you think?
Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht
PTI | Jan 6, 2013, 07.49 PM IST
AMRITSAR: The two killers of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi were honoured by Akal Takht on Sunday, the highest temporal seat of Sikh religion, on their 24th death anniversary amid presence of a local Akali leader.

Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh were hanged on January 6, 1989 after a trial for killing Gandhi in 1984.

Jathedar Gaini Gurbachan Singh presented a 'siropa' (robe of honour) to Tirlok Singh, father of Satwant Singh at a function organized by SGPC.

The 'Jathedar' also accorded them the status of 'martyrs of faith'.

SAD Amritsar president and former MP Simranjit Singh Mann and Dal Khalsa (a Sikh radical outfit) leader Kanwar Pal Singh were present at the occasion.

However, SGPC president Avtar Singh Makkar was not present in the ceremony, in which no speech was delivered but Ardas (prayer) was offered in their memory.

Dal Khalsa leader Kanwar Pal Singh told reporters, "On this day, we pay rich tributes to them as they sacrificed their lives to avenge the sacrilege of Darbar Sahib and Akal Takht."

He said,"Sikhs feel proud of them and have full respect for their martyrdom."
Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht - The Times of India

Although it sounds weird...but Sikh separatism is not popular than religious separatism....So we should respect their sentiments as long as it is not violent....That is why we can practice our democracy to some extent...
Is this thread about IG and Sikhs or about Bangladesh?

BTW, having had enough sense back in 80's and knowing what went on I am fascinated about the Golden Temple episode.

The Delhi killings of Sikhs was and remains a blot on India. It was an occasion when some Sikhs found support from Muslims, in Agra for example.

Was Bhindaranwala a mole of Pakistani intelligence? Years ago someone made such a claim, but I am skeptical. What do you think?


- The whole thing started much earlier when Indian Punjab tried to gain more autonomy. Khalistan movement was a result of denial by Govt to give more autonomy.

- Congress was itself involved in Bhinderwale rise to power.

- Needlessly aggravated Sikhs. Golden temple was assaulted by Tanks. Golden temple is holiest of holy for Sikhs. The Akal Takht there was built by one of the Gurus of Sikhs (which hold the same esteemed position Prophets hold in Islam), moreover this Takht is the throne of timeless one (God) and as such is literally Kaaba of Sikhs. Its quite probable that Bhindranwala wanted Govt to attack Golden temple which will mean an assault on Sikhism and will unite the Sikhs on one point.

- Indra Gandhi's murder resulted in 1984 riots where hundreds of Sikhs were raped, burned to death and state was complicit, the instigators while known still roam free (or maybe dead now, don't have the latest info).

Go through this documentary from BBC >

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disgraceful Bangladeshis and regionalgst Indians.sure she was power hungry and did some horrible mistakes, but killing those rats who were hiding in golden temple was not a mistakes but a brave nationalistic decision.

Or maybe if madame maino had allowed the conviction of the accused in the '84 massacre this might not have happened.

On topic- this is a delicate issue and I wish Akal Takht had shown some maturity.

The Delhi killings of Sikhs was and remains a blot on India. It was an occasion when some Sikhs found support from Muslims, in Agra for example.

And their hindu neighbours in Delhi itself. Try as you might this was never a Hindu-Sikh fight. It was a Congi orchestrated massacre on Sikhs in which congis of all shades and hues participated.

- Needlessly aggravated Sikhs. Golden temple was assaulted by Tanks.

Wrong. Tanks were never used. Even the soldiers who entered the temple were Sikhs themselves and were ordered to remove their boots and after it was over the temple complex was renovated entirely at government cost. We are not proud of it..but what had to be done needs to be done.
Or maybe if madame maino had allowed the conviction of the accused in the '84 massacre this might not have happened.

On topic- this is a delicate issue and I wish Akal Takht had shown some maturity.

And their hindu neighbours in Delhi itself. Try as you might this was never a Hindu-Sikh fight. It was a Congi orchestrated massacre on Sikhs in which congis of all shades and hues participated.

Wrong. Tanks were never used. Even the soldiers who entered the temple were Sikhs themselves and were ordered to remove their boots and after it was over the temple complex was renovated entirely at government cost. We are not proud of it..but what had to be done needs to be done.

You are wrong. Tanks were used. From Wiki:

Brigadier Diwan reported heavy casualties and requested more reinforcements. General Brar sent two companies of 15 Kumaon Regiment. This resulted in yet more heavy casualties, forcing Brigadier Diwan to request tank support. Brar also requested tank support after an APC was destroyed by a rocket fired by a Sikh militant. His request was granted and seven tanks rolled into the Golden Temple complex.

By 05h00 June 6, due to the 105mm shelling by Vijayanta the Akal Takhat was destroyed. However, the primary objective of removing militants from other neighbouring structures continued for a further 24 hours.

And the man who ran the operation talks about the need of using tanks in his interviews.

Here is a pic:

Here is the Indian Hero who successfully desecrated Golden temple:

(I heard some Sikhs attacked him recently in London)

Another Picture. Army is in the premises with their shoes ON and you can see 4 tanks in the back ground:

Don't lie now KS jee, Indian troops not Pakistani :coffee:.
You are wrong. Tanks were used. From Wiki:

Brigadier Diwan reported heavy casualties and requested more reinforcements. General Brar sent two companies of 15 Kumaon Regiment. This resulted in yet more heavy casualties, forcing Brigadier Diwan to request tank support. Brar also requested tank support after an APC was destroyed by a rocket fired by a Sikh militant. His request was granted and seven tanks rolled into the Golden Temple complex.

By 05h00 June 6, due to the 105mm shelling by Vijayanta the Akal Takhat was destroyed. However, the primary objective of removing militants from other neighbouring structures continued for a further 24 hours.

And the man who ran the operation talks about the need of using tanks in his interviews.

Here is a pic:

Thats is what I said genius. I specifically said the tanks were never used in the context of bombing. The APC we used those days were not good enough to take the heavy weapons used by the insurgents , so tanks were used in the role of APCs with soldiers stuffed inside. This is what I learnt from someone in the Army. And no, as far as I know there was no bombing by tanks. But considering it is wikipedia..i'll leave it at that.

Here is the Indian Hero who successfully desecrated Golden temple:

(I heard some Sikhs attacked him recently in London)

He did what he was ordered to do.. And its funny to see you paks shed crocodile tears for the Sikhs..there was a reason why the Sikhs decided to migrate to India during partition..and are still over-representing themselves in the Army to defend the motherland. I know its hard for you guys and that you have a heartburn that we sucessfully separated Bangladesh but you could not return the favor via Khalistan..but it is what it is..Learn to live with it.

Another Picture. Army is in the premises with their shoes ON and you can see 3 tanks in the back ground:

"When they entered the temple"..Now temple is different from temple complex.
Thats is what I said genius. I specifically said the tanks were never used in the context of bombing. The APC we used those days were not good enough to take the heavy weapons used by the insurgents , so tanks were used in the role of APCs with soldiers stuffed inside. This is what I learnt from someone in the Army. And no, as far as I know there was no bombing by tanks. But considering it is wikipedia..i'll leave it at that.

He did what he was ordered to do.. And its funny to see you paks shed crocodile tears for the Sikhs..there was a reason why the Sikhs decided to migrate to India during partition..

"When they entered the temple"..Now temple is different from temple complex.

Still lying, pictures from within the Temple with shoes on:



Indian Hero of Golden Temple (after his throat was slashed in London by some Sikhs - lost all his swag now):


Putting Sikhs 'in their place' (a lot of 'putting in their place' going on in India, first Muslims then Sikhs, these days its Christians):




Mission Accomplished (check the swag on this one):


And yes this is the proud moment where tanks were used to break into a religious site for the first time in whole human history :coffee:
Terrorists should be killed wherever they are. In this case, they were hiding in Golden Temple. It was justified.

This operation was uncalled for and was never meant for 'terrorists' but to terrorize and demean common Sikhs. Don't forget that this whole thing snowballed from Punjab (Sikh Majority) calls for greater autonomy using democratic means.
Bangladeshi's and Pakistani's both should honor these brave individuals, because Indira was the mastermind behind the civil war in 1971 that caused a loss of around 300,000 lives as well as other atrocities.

Pakistan is honoring all the anti Inida activities since its inception...So they are always on the track....But i think you guys are little bit late in honoring anti India people and started around late 1990s with ULFA people....Never mind you can start it right now itself....But just a small reminder....the exrtermism and terrorism that Pakistan is facing today is just an impact of its past deeds of last 65 years....And as per fellow Pakistan people, India is behind all this thing....So if i beleive everything is true, then be prepared to face the blowback in your nation, which is very much peaceful as of now...And again, another point,Pakistan is a strong nation and have alot of statergic importance for India....So India may opt for compromise with Pakistan in case situation needed....But i feel Indian will not take a second thought in case you guys do any mistake wrt to India....
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