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India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

@Chinese-Dragon has already explained it pretty well in his post. I will supplement his point with a bit data. The following link is a detailed break down of US-China trade by category of goods: (you can play around with it to see different partners and the trade volume, it is a very useful site)
Trade Map - Trade statistics for international business development
Total Chinese export to US in 2013 is 369,111,212 USD, total Chinese export to the world is 2,210,522,658 USD. Basically, US' import from China accounts for 16.698% of the total Chinese export.
In comparison, Chinese import from US in 2013 is 153,606,906 USD. Total US export to the world is 1,949,934,687 USD. So China also accounts for 7.878% of US export, but wait, since the theoretical trade barrier is erected on US side and it is supposedly able to complete cut off US-China trade, then even though China's 16.698% will be affected, the entirety of US' import/export would be affect because a barrier of such magnitude will most certainly affect US trade with other country as well.

I am getting off topic. The bilateral trade discussion is nice, but it is not related to the original point. The original point is regarding to US investment. The Chinese economy's dependence on US investment is quite small, largely because US isn't a major investor in China to begin with..

You compare China export to the US vs the world? How many continent and how many countries are part of this world? What are the total population in this world excluse China and US population? What the percentage of the world population live in the 3rd world and developing nations? What amount GDP and PPP of US, E.U, and Japan combine? Can China turn against the West and make them China enemy without hurting China economy or slashing 2/3 of China annaul GDP rise?

You get the better understand with US and the West still hold the economic cloud over the world after you answer those question that I posted.
You compare China export to the US vs the world? How many continent and how many countries are part of this world? What are the total population in this world excluse China and US population? What the percentage of the world population live in the 3rd world and developing nations? What amount GDP and PPP of US, E.U, and Japan combine? Can China turn against the West and make them China enemy without hurting China economy or slashing 2/3 of China annaul GDP rise?

You get the better understand with US and the West still hold the economic cloud over the world after you answer those question that I posted.

We trade with everyone, that is our policy.

I don't know why we would change that? We even trade with our traditional enemy Japan, so why would we stop trade with anyone else?
We trade with everyone, that is our policy.

I don't know why we would change that? We even trade with our traditional enemy Japan, so why would we stop trade with anyone else?

Start a war with Japan and the US that will make Japan and US stop trading with China.
Start a war with Japan and the US that will make Japan and US stop trading with China.

You Americans think we are that stupid. :lol:

We still need 10-20 more years to complete our current phase of economic development, we won't fall for your trap.

We are the ones gaining the most from the status quo, we are adding over a trillion to our GDP every single year.

However, if one of our neighbors is the first to attack us, we will be sure to respond with everything we have, since if we are "defending" there is no risk of international sanctions. :azn:
You compare China export to the US vs the world? How many continent and how many countries are part of this world? What are the total population in this world excluse China and US population? What the percentage of the world population live in the 3rd world and developing nations? What amount GDP and PPP of US, E.U, and Japan combine? Can China turn against the West and make them China enemy without hurting China economy or slashing 2/3 of China annaul GDP rise?

You get the better understand with US and the West still hold the economic cloud over the world after you answer those question that I posted.

Erm, is there any confusion? I thought the format is rather obvious, but in case it is not clear, I will clarify it a bit farther.
369,111,212 USD is the amount of goods China exports to US.
2,210,522,658 USD is the amount of goods China exports to the entire world.
So, China exports to US takes up to 16.698% of the total Chinese export.
153,606,906 USD is the amount of goods US exports to China.
1,949,934,687 USD is the amount of goods US exports to the entire world.
So, US exports to China takes up to 7.878% of the total US export.
I think I can't really make this more clear.

Please, don't bring EU or any other into this discussion. European nations are fully sovereign nations who do not answer to US, nor is US' interest a top priority for them. Similarly, while Japan are heavily influenced by US, it is a semi-colony, thus not under direct control of US. Case in the point, while Obama and McCain were having their "who is going to be tougher on China" discussion, Europe was cooperating with China. This is, of course, quite the silly discussion because this whole thing started with something to the effect of "China can't survive without US investment", then moved on to "bilateral trade=investment" and finally here we have "what would China do IF US has fully control of the economic policy of all other nations in the world".
You Americans think we are that stupid. :lol:

We still need 10-20 more years to complete our current phase of economic development, we won't fall for your trap.

I thought China currently strong enough to knock their knee, what a best the way to test out your true strength by measure how your capacity to subtle other.

Erm, is there any confusion? I thought the format is rather obvious, but in case it is not clear, I will clarify it a bit farther.
369,111,212 USD is the amount of goods China exports to US.
2,210,522,658 USD is the amount of goods China exports to the entire world.
So, China exports to US takes up to 16.698% of the total Chinese export.
153,606,906 USD is the amount of goods US exports to China.
1,949,934,687 USD is the amount of goods US exports to the entire world.
So, US exports to China takes up to 7.878% of the total US export.
I think I can't really make this more clear.

Please, don't bring EU or any other into this discussion. European nations are fully sovereign nations who do not answer to US, nor is US' interest a top priority for them. Similarly, while Japan are heavily influenced by US, it is a semi-colony, thus not under direct control of US. Case in the point, while Obama and McCain were having their "who is going to be tougher on China" discussion, Europe was cooperating with China. This is, of course, quite the silly discussion because this whole thing started with something to the effect of "China can't survive without US investment", then moved on to "bilateral trade=investment" and finally here we have "what would China do IF US has fully control of the economic policy of all other nations in the world".

E.U, US, Japan are all part of great alliance in both economic and military. US sanction China the other alliance nations will follow suit.
I thought China currently strong enough to knock their knee, what a best the way to test out your true strength by measure how your capacity to subtle other.

Who said that? :lol:

The Chinese government always says that China is a developing country, and that China does not seek global or regional hegemony, and that China's policy is that of a "Peaceful rise".

We are the ones gaining the most from the status quo, why would we rock the boat?

It's our neighbors that are getting nervous, our GDP went from $2 trillion to $9.3 trillion in only a few years, and it continues to double every 5-7 years. Who can stop such an economic expansion?

It's our neighbors who are unhappy with the status quo, they are the ones most likely to try something. :azn: All we have to do is wait, every year that goes by, our GDP soars again.
Who said that? :lol:

The Chinese government always says that China is a developing country, and that China does not seek global or regional hegemony, and that China's policy is that of a "Peaceful rise".

We are the ones gaining the most from the status quo, why would we rock the boat?

It's our neighbors that are getting nervous, our GDP went from $2 trillion to $9.3 trillion in only a few years, and it continues to double every 5-7 years.

It's our neighbors who are unhappy with the status quo, they are the ones most likely to try something. :D All we have to do is wait, every year that goes by, our GDP soars again.

Being friendly with the West much benefitial for China but China action most of the time want to stick a knife in the back of the West. China want the West money so in one day China can and will stick a butcher knife on the US, E.U throat?
Being friendly with the West much benefitial for China but China action most of the time want to stick a knife in the back of the West. China want the West money so in one day China can and will stick a butcher knife on the US, E.U throat?

It is the West that is trying to contain us. :lol:

Do you see Chinese military bases in Mexico and Canada and Cuba?
It is the West that is trying to contain us. :lol:

Do you see Chinese military bases in Mexico and Canada and Cuba?

US had base in Asia for over 70 yrs, the idea of containment isn't a new phenomenon, in the past didn't stop Deng Xaoping open up then started friendly diplomacy front with the west to collapse Soviet Union and helped China enrich itself in the process.
I thought China currently strong enough to knock their knee, what a best the way to test out your true strength by measure how your capacity to subtle other.

E.U, US, Japan are all part of great alliance in both economic and military. US sanction China the other alliance nations will follow suit.

Not really. During 2003 invasion of Iraq, EU nations refused to participate with exception of UK (which sometimes isn't considered to be EU since it is not in the Euro zone). And despite threatens, both EU and US has yet to come up with actually tangible sanction against Russia after the recent event in Crimea.

The fallacy of such argument is the assumption that US actually has authority over its allies. (Mind you, this is certainly not a rare misconception in US) The reality is, while allies may cooperation on many issues over common interests, EU is not obligated to answer US' call if it damages their interests.
Not really. During 2003 invasion of Iraq, EU nations refused to participate with exception of UK (which sometimes isn't considered to be EU since it is not in the Euro zone). And despite threatens, both EU and US has yet to come up with actually tangible sanction against Russia after the recent event in Crimea.

The fallacy of such argument is the assumption that US actually has authority over its allies. (Mind you, this is certainly not a rare misconception in US) The reality is, while allies may cooperation on many issues over common interests, EU is not obligated to answer US' call if it damages their interests.

French, Uk, Poland, Australia and many other nations contributed to the invasion of Irag and fought the 1st gulf war against Saddam. As you mention U.K only nation fought along side with the US is a completely ignoramus and fallacy in itself, for the rest of your post I don't need to provide rebuttal at all. You in here knock on my statement.

E.U fought with U.S in both Gulf war.
Being friendly with the West much benefitial for China but China action most of the time want to stick a knife in the back of the West. China want the West money so in one day China can and will stick a butcher knife on the US, E.U throat?
You allied with our traditional enemy, Japan. Do you seriously think we will align with you to destroy other bloc like Russia?
You allied with our traditional enemy, Japan. Do you seriously think we will align with you to destroy other bloc like Russia?

Russia was once enemy of China, in this world there no such thing as traditional enemy but all depend on what your perception of your enemy are.
Russia was once enemy of China, in this world there no such thing as traditional enemy but all depend on what your perception of your enemy are.
Japan is our traditional enemy dating back to the Wa and Ming Dynasty. Learn history. As far as friendship, we never had any with Japan. At best relation, it is a tributary.

During the Sino-Soviet split, the tension arises due to ideological struggle. We are way past that ideological difference stage. I don't foresee us fighting Russia. We make a very important compromise and strategic step by solving our territorial dispute. With the US, we don't share the same mindset and governing principle is too difference.
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