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India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

Diplomacy is a geopolitical game of foreign relation. Even at the high of tension with our ancient rivals, Xiongnu and Mongol, we still have diplomatic relation through tributary system. The only share interest we have with Japan is economy. We both know that. We use each other to prosper our economy. Same with Sino-West relation. You think you help us out of sympathy? LOL Give me a fucking break, my American friend! In Capitalism, exploitation is the key to the game. You exploit our resources and cheap labor, we exploit your expertise and experience. You get richer as a result of having massive profit, meanwhile we gain more experience in know-how, job, and become masterful in what you used to do, manufacturing. Win-Win for both. I will not rule out any possibility that a future scenario will allow us to allied with the West again if the stars align but Japan is not acceptable in the alliance.

Mongol occupied China for over 50 yrs and subconquentially Mongol ruler defeated by Chinese rebellion. Historical fact China never consider Mongol anything more than a nomadic and a barbaric tribe, less alone have a normalize diplomat relationship. As for US and Japan economy was rank in 1st and 2nd respectively to their strength of industrial power without China market share before the West and Japan finalized diplomacy and open up bilateral trade with China. You can thank greedy CEO capitalistic pig who sold out their own national interests for their short term gain. You can agree Chinese communist government readily exploid their own slave labor force, and enviromental hazardous for their own get rich scheme. Cheap labor in comparison with China economy prior to bilateral trade with the West equivalent of 2 bowl of rice for a whole day of work that paid by the communist led economy system, the West investment firm still paid 10x what being paid by Chinese communist government. How do you define US trade deficit upward to 50 billions as a win for the US trade with China? Do you think I'm a 10 yrs old child that can't different between a few good slogan and the ground reality of the US trade situation with China? For China to consider Japan an eternal enemy or willingly turn US into a mortal enemy that for China government to decide.
Mongol occupied China for over 50 yrs and subconquentially Mongol ruler defeated by Chinese rebellion. Historical fact China never consider Mongol anything more than a nomadic and a barbaric tribe, less alone have a normalize diplomat relationship. As for US and Japan economy was rank in 1st and 2nd respectively to their strength of industrial power without China market share before the West and Japan finalized diplomacy and open up bilateral trade with China. You can thank greedy CEO capitalistic pig who sold out their own national interests for their short term gain. You can agree Chinese communist government readily exploid their own slave labor force, and enviromental hazardous for their own get rich scheme. Cheap labor in comparison with China economy prior to bilateral trade with the West equivalent of 2 bowl of rice for a whole day of work that paid by the communist led economy system, the West investment firm still paid 10x what being paid by Chinese communist government. How do you define US trade deficit upward to 50 billions as a win for the US trade with China? Do you think I'm a 10 yrs old child that can't different between a few good slogan and the ground reality of the US trade situation with China? For China to consider Japan an eternal enemy or willingly turn US into a mortal enemy that for China government to decide.
I'm t
Mongol occupied China for over 50 yrs and subconquentially Mongol ruler defeated by Chinese rebellion. Historical fact China never consider Mongol anything more than a nomadic and a barbaric tribe, less alone have a normalize diplomat relationship. As for US and Japan economy was rank in 1st and 2nd respectively to their strength of industrial power without China market share before the West and Japan finalized diplomacy and open up bilateral trade with China. You can thank greedy CEO capitalistic pig who sold out their own national interests for their short term gain. You can agree Chinese communist government readily exploid their own slave labor force, and enviromental hazardous for their own get rich scheme. Cheap labor in comparison with China economy prior to bilateral trade with the West equivalent of 2 bowl of rice for a whole day of work that paid by the communist led economy system, the West investment firm still paid 10x what being paid by Chinese communist government. How do you define US trade deficit upward to 50 billions as a win for the US trade with China? Do you think I'm a 10 yrs old child that can't different between a few good slogan and the ground reality of the US trade situation with China? For China to consider Japan an eternal enemy or willingly turn US into a mortal enemy that for China government to decide.
I'm talking in period of the Mongol, a legitimate state, and us, the Song. In 1230s, we and Mongol form an alliance to destroy the Jin Dynasty. This kind of cooperation never exist between us and Japan. Know your fact, my American friend.

Diplomacy is a matter of self-interest and trade is all business. Nobody trade if they are not benefiting from it. Our trade with you is the same. Our export to the US mainly comes from 3rd-party re-exporting model. Therefore the surplus does not truly reflect how much profit we get out of this trade. Similar wise, the Japanese enjoys huge trade surplus with us. You don't often see us use that argument like our American friends threaten to cut trade relation with us. LOL.
Which war are you talking about?

There was a bunch of indians (about 40~45K in number) who fought alongside the japanese war criminals during the japanese invasion of Asia in ww2.

I have seen some indians posters here who stuck some pics of indian soldiers in what looked like the backgrounds of a Chinese community just for the sake of showing off in their comments

I cant find the photos but I have found these here:


A Chinese soldier guards over a captured Indian soldier fighting for the Japanese.
Source: HISTORY IN IMAGES: Japanese Invasion Of China 1931-45: RARE (LARGE) IMAGES

Initially formed in 1942 immediately after the fall of Singapore under Mohan Singh, the first INA collapsed in December that year before it was revived under the leadership of Subhas Chandra Bosein 1943 and proclaimed the army of Bose's Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind (the Provisional Government of Free India). This second INA fought along with the Imperial Japanese Army against the British and Commonwealth forces in the campaigns in Burma, Imphal andKohima, and later, against the successful Burma Campaign of theAllies. The end of the war saw a large number of the troops repatriated to India where some faced trial for treason and became a galvanising point of the Indian Independence movement.[1]
There was a bunch of indians (about 40~45K in number) who fought alongside the japanese war criminals during the japanese invasion of Asia in ww2.

I have seen some indians posters here who stuck some pics of indian soldiers in what looked like the backgrounds of a Chinese community just for the sake of showing off in their comments

I cant find the photos but I have found these here:


A Chinese soldier guards over a captured Indian soldier fighting for the Japanese.
Source: HISTORY IN IMAGES: Japanese Invasion Of China 1931-45: RARE (LARGE) IMAGES

I wondered if they committed the same atrocities like the Japanese against Chinese.
I wondered if they committed the same atrocities like the Japanese against Chinese.

they did this in the name of trying to overthrow the british imperialists and trying to gain the japanese support while the japanese war criminals wanted them for re-inforcing their Asian invasion

The japanese was also thinking by conquering india. they could fetch large amount of food and resources from the sub-continent

I remembered seeing some photos on pdf where indian soldiers appearing on the Mainland or in the backgrounds where some Chinese buildings were there

even though the indians are not near the japanese war crimes on us, as I have pointed out they have never been showing they are our friends - their illegal occupation of Zangnan 藏南;representation of their despicable judge on the international far east war crimes tribunal who had absolved the japanese criminals of all war crimes, dollar lama issues, taking part in scs oil drilling, disallowing us to approach their territory in search of MH370 etc they almost sit on the opposite side of the fence all the tme!
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Which war are you talking about?
I wondered if they committed the same atrocities like the Japanese against Chinese.

these scumbags also fought for the despicable brits during boxer rebellion
this is where the pics that I spotted and talked about in my above posts
I'll post them here if I can find more


credit: Boxer Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


credit:The Warfare Historian: The Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901: The Eight Nation Alliance and the bloody defeat of the Chinese Boxer 'Braves'
they did this in the name of trying to overthrow the british imperialists and trying to gain the japanese support while the japanese war criminals wanted them for re-inforcing their Asian invasion

The japanese was also thinking by conquering india. they could fetch large amount of food and resources from the sub-continent

I remembered seeing some photos on pdf where indian soldiers appearing on the Mainland or in the backgrounds where some Chinese buildings were there

even though the indians are not near the japanese war crimes on us, as I have pointed out they have never been showing they are our friends - their illegal occupation of Zangnan 藏南;representation of their despicable judge on the international far east war crimes tribunal who had absolved the japanese criminals of all war crimes, dollar lama issues, taking part in scs oil drilling, disallowing us to approach their territory in search of MH370 etc they almost sit on the opposite side of the fence all the tme!
I think Chinese people trust the wrong type of people or blinded by potential money to be made in India. These issues you listed can be partially blamed on CPC. Giving back their weapons after they started 1962 war? CPC is too timid nowadays. No will to fight, always saying in 10 years, maybe ready. in 10 years, your enemies will be stronger also.
There were almost a million Chinese collaborators who fought with the Japanese side against China in WW-2.

Some scumbags need to be taught some basic history.
Only Modi won't decide the complete foreign policy for India.

It is the party which he belongs to. It is a well known fact that BJP is more Pro-US & Israel than Congress.

Yes, Modi would prefer doing business with China but not at the cost of US.

There is no question of either-or in deciding foreign policy.

are you kidding me US is not giving visa to modi and you are saying bjp is pro US

Both India and China posters in here all jump for joy to ally with Russia but both nations completely dependent on the West for their economy grow.

good keep thinking that and we will turn the table around
are you kidding me US is not giving visa to modi and you are saying bjp is pro US


Buddy do you really think that the foreign policy of India is made on personal enmity or friendship towards any nation?? esp. the sole superpower called US of A???

US giving visa or not, that will have absolutely 0 impact on the foreign policy conduct of India.

If Modi comes to power, he will have 3 nations as his focus vis a vis foreign policy - USA, Israel & China.
There was a bunch of indians (about 40~45K in number) who fought alongside the japanese war criminals during the japanese invasion of Asia in ww2.

I have seen some indians posters here who stuck some pics of indian soldiers in what looked like the backgrounds of a Chinese community just for the sake of showing off in their comments

I cant find the photos but I have found these here:


A Chinese soldier guards over a captured Indian soldier fighting for the Japanese.
Source: HISTORY IN IMAGES: Japanese Invasion Of China 1931-45: RARE (LARGE) IMAGES

I do not hold much Knowlege in this regard but I think must if the Indians who Fighted with the Japanese were fighting against the Brits not the Chinese
Yes there may be small number but the majority Fighted the Brits
Also to add many of us Fighted Alongside the Brits against the Japanese the SE Asia,Middle East,South Asia
Which Directly & Indirectly Helped you

more indian scumbags in display during the boxer rebellion:



Credit: yuku.com

Tianjin China, 1900
credit: faculty.weber.edu

Do you know that all the nations that were part of the Brit Empire Sended troops to fight in Boxer Rebellion & that Includes Present day Pakistan,Sri lanka,Bangladesh & Mynmaar
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I do not hold much Knowlege in this regard but I think must if the Indians who Fighted with the Japanese were fighting against the Brits not the Chinese
Yes there may be small number but the majority Fighted the Brits
Also to add many of us Fighted Alongside the Brits against the Japanese the SE Asia,Middle East,South Asia
Which Directly & Indirectly Helped you

Do you know that all the nations that were part of the Brit Empire Sended troops to fight in Boxer Rebellion & that Includes Present day Pakistan,Sri lanka,Bangladesh & Mynmaar

The scumbag is taking out his personal frustration. A million Chinese directly fought with the Japanese helping them in occupation of China.

He/she/it needs to get a life.

All of India was occupied for the British by the Indian sepoys. Just like many Chinese helped teh Mongols in occupation of China and later the occupation of many Islamic lands.

They were not free agents like the Indians working for the Brits.
If Modi is pragmatic, then the US is 10x more pragmatic. They will deal with whoever is in power and, if Indian business leaders even suspect that Modi is harming their business interests (with the US) because of personal tantrums, they will castigate him so fast, it will make his head spin.

Is he also anti-Japan? There is no secret what's behind the 'strategic' partnership being touted between Japan and India.

India's foreign policy has been carefully crafted over the decades to play all sides against each other. If Modi is smart, he won't mess with a proven formula. India's foreign policy will not change significantly towards most countries.

However, I suspect Modi would take a stronger approach towards Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The reason is two-fold: it will mollify the Hindutva crowd that he is "looking out" for Hindu pride, and it will also satisfy the secular Indians who want a visible validation of India's new status. Modi won't mess with the big players, but he will recalibrate India's relationship with PK/BD/SL. India will adopt a more belligerent/assertive/muscular (adjective depending on reader's position) role.

Business is Business.Modi will encourage trade relation with US just like China.But politically they dont get any support.
A few years ago a think thank who know hi really well said "Narendra Modi will not forget and forgive".
US govt insult him so much.So you can see a cold approach politically towards US.

Most of your post is jingoistic nationalism and written with emotion which I disregarded in the first two lines. The remaining is all "praise Modi the lord almighty"..much like Imran Khan followers here.

I suggest to sit back and take an objective view before venting charged emotions. Pakistan's use of non state actors aside, the issue is Modi's duality on multiple subjects and his ever changing behroopia modes to appease his political alliances and audience.

Modi only care about business.He is good in business.But he will not forgive any actions against him.Some secular politiicans and enemies in the way of Modi already know that.
All we are trying to say is that dont expect a pro attitude from him like Manmohan Singh.
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more indian scumbags in display during the boxer rebellion:



Credit: yuku.com

Tianjin China, 1900
credit: faculty.weber.edu

Britian use same people for repressing independance movement in India itself .They are mercs
The scumbag is taking out his personal frustration. A million Chinese directly fought with the Japanese helping them in occupation of China.

He/she/it needs to get a life.

All of India was occupied for the British by the Indian sepoys. Just like many Chinese helped teh Mongols in occupation of China and later the occupation of many Islamic lands.

They were not free agents like the Indians working for the Brits.
A valid source is required or you just wrote that out of emotional response?
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