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India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

Japan is our traditional enemy dating back to the Wa and Ming Dynasty. Learn history. As far as friendship, we never had any with Japan. At best relation, it is a tributary.

During the Sino-Soviet split, the tension arises due to ideological struggle. We are way past that ideological difference stage. I don't foresee us fighting Russia. We make a very important compromise and strategic step by solving our territorial dispute. With the US, we don't share the same mindset and governing principle is too difference.

You went at length to say the same thing, an enemy depend on one perception.
You went at length to say the same thing, an enemy depend on one perception.
Depend on one perception? An enemy is defined at those who do not share same strategic interest and are hostile to national interest. Japan fits those description to the teeth.
Depend on one perception? An enemy is defined at those who do not share same strategic interest and are hostile to national interest. Japan fits those description to the teeth.

Japan allied with the US since the end of the WW2, why did China stop being hostile to Japan and started the diplomacy relationship with Japan before Nixon visited China in 1972? If you defined Japan as traditional enemy and not share any common interest, China wouldn't piggy back ride the West and Japan after Sino/Soviet split to gradually gain China status as the number 2 in economy and world power. In geopolitic there no such thing as perment friend or enemy. When China weak and dirty poor with enemy on all side, China crawl into the arm of the West to help build up China economy and industry. In a way Russia provide China the platform to burn it bridge in the West when China reach it own destination?
I wonder why @Jlaw would thank this post? Are you pro-American?

Anyway, here is some data from an International source:

Financial Times - China unlocks the right kind of growth

Consumption accounts for around 55% of Chinese growth, domestic Investment counts for around 50% of Chinese growth. (Foreign investment is negligible, less than 1% of overall Chinese investment).

Net exports actually subtracted 5% from China's growth.

We are not as dependent on America as a lot of Americans like to think, in terms of trade only about 16% of our exports go to America.

US biggest buyer of Chinese exports - China.org.cn

The article is from Dec 2012.

"..China's exports to the US increased by 8.2 percent to US$319.4 billion, and its imports from the US went up by 8.1 percent to US$119.2 billion."

I am not an economics expert but how important is the $319b export to US?

Japan allied with the US since the end of the WW2, why did China stop being hostile to Japan and started the diplomacy relationship with Japan before Nixon visited China in 1972? If you defined Japan as traditional enemy and not share any common interest, China wouldn't piggy back ride the West and Japan after Sino/Soviet split to gradually gain China status as the number 2 in economy and world power. In geopolitic there no such thing as perment friend or enemy. When China weak and dirty poor with enemy on all side, China crawl into the arm of the West to help build up China economy and industry. In a way Russia provide China the platform to burn it bridge in the West when China reach it own destination?

China was not piggbacking off the West. They were being used by both the Soviet and US at different time and took advantage of the situation. That was the right thing to do on China's part. When one is friend with China, the other is the enemy.
India and China should co-operate more and help the rise of Asia. We are all in it together.
India and China should co-operate more and help the rise of Asia. We are all in it together.

Since when is Turkey Asia? Personally i think India and China shouldn't get too close together, afterall those nasty backstabbers launched the attack back in 1962 and kept lying to this day. Unless India comes up with a solution which China will accept the border issues stay.
Since when is Turkey Asia? Personally i think India and China shouldn't get too close together, afterall those nasty backstabbers launched the attack back in 1962 and kept lying to this day. Unless India comes up with a solution which China will accept the border issues stay.

Turkey is a trans-continental country, with majority of its land in Asia. Why are you crying though?

Also, calm down. China and India are two important nations. You must co-operate with each other and live together. Otherwise, keep bitching like always and West will always remain ahead and Asia will just be bitching in itself. Not good.
Turkey is a trans-continental country, with majority of its land in Asia. Why are you crying though?

Also, calm down. China and India are two important nations. You must co-operate with each other and live together. Otherwise, keep bitching like always and West will always remain ahead and Asia will just be bitching in itself. Not good.

You expect him to understand geopolitics when he doesn't even know geography yet ? :D
Turkey is a trans-continental country, with majority of its land in Asia. Why are you crying though?

Also, calm down. China and India are two important nations. You must co-operate with each other and live together. Otherwise, keep bitching like always and West will always remain ahead and Asia will just be bitching in itself. Not good.

How am i crying when i'm simply asking you how Turkey is part of Asia. Well it lies between EU and Asia and more positioned in the Middle East.

There's cooperation between China and India already, there's no need to worry about that. I don't think you understand the situation, China's economy is doing fine despite having border issues with India, dispute with Japan and those 2 SE midgets. How relation between China and India can improve depends on their leadership in solving the border disputes. The Russian solved the issue with China in a good manner, India should follow that example

You expect him to understand geopolitics when he doesn't even know geography yet ? :D

Indians know their history well enough to accuse China being the aggressor back in 1962 :)
How am i crying when i'm simply asking you how Turkey is part of Asia. Well it lies between EU and Asia and more positioned in the Middle East.

There's cooperation between China and India already, there's no need to worry about that. I don't think you understand the situation, China's economy is doing fine despite having border issues with India, dispute with Japan and those 2 SE midgets. How relation between China and India can improve depends on their leadership in solving the border disputes. The Russian solved the issue with China in a good manner, India should follow that example

Indians know their history well enough to accuse China being the aggressor back in 1962 :)

On the basis that China attacked Indian forces, there certainly cannot be any dispute about that now can there ? If you are referring to provocation, then I am inclined to agree with you that the Chinese government was provoked by the Indian government to justify an attack
On the basis that China attacked Indian forces, there certainly cannot be any dispute about that now can there ? If you are referring to provocation, then I am inclined to agree with you that the Chinese government was provoked by the Indian government to justify an attack

I doubt you would have said your country was provoking China if it wasn't for the leaked report. There is certainly no dispute the PLA slaughtered the Indians for provoking us in the first place.
India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

Lip service is cheap
Let's wait and see the actions - if the prospect can win in the election

There are mountains of things which india has done China wrong very badly

The indian Se7en:

1. their invasion, defeat, cover-up and lying in and after the 1962 war
2. it is occupying our land illegally
3. this shameful person from india: - he is no pal of China:

"justice radha binod pal (27 January 1886 – 10 January 1967) was an indian jurist. He was the Indian member appointed to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East's trials of japanese war crimes committed during the second World War. Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the only one who submitted a judgment which insisted all defendants were not guilty. The yasukuni shrine and the kyoto ryozen fokoku has monuments specially dedicated to justice pal.

shameful rb pal in japan's war criminal shrine"

4. siding with our unfriendly/hostile countries
5. d lama issues

"Many international charities, such as The Red Cross, CARE, Catholic Relief Services, The National Christian Council, the American Friends Service Committee, the American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees and others, gave extensively.

Many national governments, such as the UK, France, Canada, New Zealand, the US
and especially india gave generously to the Tibetan cause.

Dalai Lama News - The Dalai Lama Cables: Follow the Money - Addendum | Western Shugden Society (WSS)
http://www.westernshugdensociety.org/photos/dalai-lama-money-addendum/ "
6. bullying our S Asian friends
and lastly not the least, of their own creations:
7. unwelcoming culture and all that

ps I have also seen indian soldiers posturing in pics during a war in Mainland China - this need to be confirmed if indians were a part of the war criminal cohorts which invaded China
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ps I have also seen indian soldiers posturing in pics during a war in Mainland China - this need to be confirmed if indians were a part of the war criminal cohorts which invaded China
Which war are you talking about?
Japan allied with the US since the end of the WW2, why did China stop being hostile to Japan and started the diplomacy relationship with Japan before Nixon visited China in 1972? If you defined Japan as traditional enemy and not share any common interest, China wouldn't piggy back ride the West and Japan after Sino/Soviet split to gradually gain China status as the number 2 in economy and world power. In geopolitic there no such thing as perment friend or enemy. When China weak and dirty poor with enemy on all side, China crawl into the arm of the West to help build up China economy and industry. In a way Russia provide China the platform to burn it bridge in the West when China reach it own destination?
Diplomacy is a geopolitical game of foreign relation. Even at the high of tension with our ancient rivals, Xiongnu and Mongol, we still have diplomatic relation through tributary system. The only share interest we have with Japan is economy. We both know that. We use each other to prosper our economy. Same with Sino-West relation. You think you help us out of sympathy? LOL Give me a fucking break, my American friend! In Capitalism, exploitation is the key to the game. You exploit our resources and cheap labor, we exploit your expertise and experience. You get richer as a result of having massive profit, meanwhile we gain more experience in know-how, job, and become masterful in what you used to do, manufacturing. Win-Win for both. I will not rule out any possibility that a future scenario will allow us to allied with the West again if the stars align but Japan is not acceptable in the alliance.
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