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India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

A valid source is required or you just wrote that out of emotional response?

OK, regarding the Chinese collaborators of Japan in WW-2, I learn about that in this forum when a Chinese member mentioned it earlier.

Of course it should be easy for anyone to search even on Baidu if you can't access the other search engines.

Even Wiki has the info, so should any book on this issue.


4,100,000 Japanese
900,000 Chinese collaborators

Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Regarding collaborators with the Mongols, I will just get you started. You can take it from there.

Jin was in the hands of a new leader, Prince Wei, who complacently told the Tangut ruler: 'It is to our advantage when our enemies fight, Wherein lies the danger to us?'

You can read up on what the Tangut ruler did after that, how the Mongols came to acquire city siege machines and technology etc. in any history book.
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