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India's prospective PM has pro-China Inclinations

Its better to be communal and grow at 9% rather than being sickular and grow at 5%
At least with Modi 83% of Population will Benefit
As against the congress where only bottom 33% reaps all the benefits
and the middle class and rich suffer
Was that a joke??
MNREGA, Farm loan waiver, Food Bill, Health Bill, Quota system, were designed for the bottom 33%
They were designed to benefit them but it didnt benefit them.Otherwise we would have seen the results in statistics.
Even though Modi is anti-Muslim he also seems pro-Asia and is likely to be more accommodating to the biggest Asian power China than Congress.
Modi is NOT anti-Muslim. Period! He's only against appeasement of minorities who are treated solely as vote banks - like the Congress has been doing since the past many decades.

And that's what's landed our country up shit creek without a paddle.
Socialism is a shit idiology for a reason mate.

You are correct. Its time for India to put business and economic growth above all else. Maybe it can pay off the terrorist to not attack India.
Both India and China posters in here all jump for joy to ally with Russia but both nations completely dependent on the West for their economy grow.

India, china and Russia constitute 40% of world population. What are you talking about? Unilateral dependencies?
You are correct. Its time for India to put business and economic growth above all else. Maybe it can pay off the terrorist to not attack India.

Yeah we should have followed the same procedure what we have done with Ghaznavi terrorist ..... But alas now GOI is in no mood to listen to terrorists ....... IA is all geared up in Kashmir to eliminate any terror.
If Modi is truly pro-China, a great opportunity for India to settle border dispute with us and can officially join SCO which will potentially become a military alliance between China-Russia-India along with other members. We will also require India to settle with Pakistan as we will not want Pakistan to be isolated in the new alliance. In the future, BRICS will be used to counter G7 and SCO to counter NATO. A true multipolar world is developing in our own very eyes.
I wouldn't bet on it, i don't believe India is willing to solve the border issue so easily.
I wouldn't bet on it, i don't believe India is willing to solve the border issue so easily.

Not sure what do you mean by "so easily".

India already has what it really wants and China already has what it really wants as well.

I personally think the current LAC will be made the settled border more or less as this is as per the understanding of not displacing any settled populations etc.

This is frankly a useless boundary dispute and can be settled relatively easily if there is political will on both sides.
If Modi is truly pro-China, a great opportunity for India to settle border dispute with us and can officially join SCO which will potentially become a military alliance between China-Russia-India along with other members. We will also require India to settle with Pakistan as we will not want Pakistan to be isolated in the new alliance. In the future, BRICS will be used to counter G7 and SCO to counter NATO. A true multipolar world is developing in our own very eyes.

Yes thats a possibility but ur assesement is wrong on pakistan.

It won't be a part as it has simply no clout and survives by getting soft loans from usa and china.half the equipment it has,has been bought this way only.

But I agree brics need to counter g7
The border dispute is the least issue between India and China. India will continue to milk the US's apprehension of China's rise and it can only do that if a certain amount of tension is maintained in the India-China relationship. Tension with China is also needed for India to make inroads in SE Asia, again, to feed off those countries disputes with China.

Trade with China will increase, but no Indian government -- least of all Modi -- will get too friendly with China.
Well it is clear who wants to feed off Sino Indian tensions.

The relationship will be one of co-opetition. Competition where needed, cooperation where mutually beneficial.

That is how it should be.
The border dispute is the least issue between India and China. India will continue to milk the US's apprehension of China's rise and it can only do that if a certain amount of tension is maintained in the India-China relationship. Tension with China is also needed for India to make inroads in SE Asia, again, to feed off those countries disputes with China.

Trade with China will increase, but no Indian government -- least of all Modi -- will get too friendly with China.

Just wait for 2 months buddy.

Lac has been peaceful for 4 decades now,nothing untoward happened even during kargil time
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