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India's patience exhausted, won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase: Manohar Parrikar

Missing the comedian.
Manohar Parrikar? I agree, for a moment his 'normalcy' had me checking the sunrise to ensure it was still in the East ... and then this latest stupid and uncooperative utterance and the world is back to normal!
No, there should be a change of plan now, listen to the voice of DM. Now the terrorists will meet their 72 outside our border. Mark my words. Modi and Doval are dangerous people, will not let it go easily.
that would be happiest day of my life...
eight years ago Muslims were also not kicked out of west cause they were Muslims..

So more then 350 million Muslims are also living in India so will you suspect those Muslims to to be involved in Pathankot attacks? cause they are Indian Muslims

Few days back, I was quoted very rudely and challenged that Pakistan must have investigation at Pathankot scenario, along with Indian agencies.Now what?:pop:


Now their Gov is taking U turns :D :D actually they thought Pak would never corporate with us and we will tell to our Public that look Pakistan is behind it but now they are just confused and shocked to see the reaction of Pakistan :D :D
NEW DELHI: Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Saturday said that Pakistan's inaction against the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai attacks and Pathankot Air Force base attack has exhausted India's patience and the world will see its results in next one year.

Parrikar also said that Pakistan investigation team, which is probing the Pathankot attack , will not be allowed to enter the Pathankot Air Force base.

Following strongs leads, which were provided by India against the involvement of Pak nationals, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has constituted a high-profile joint investigation team (JIT).

The JIT comprises of officials from Intelligence Bureau (IB), Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI).

In a pre-dawn attack on January 2, a group of heavily- armed Pakistani terrorists, suspected to be belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammed outfit, struck at the Air Force base in Pathankot.

Indian intelligence reports suggested that groups and people in Pakistan planned and executed the strike. India has provided "specific and actionable information in this regard" to Pakistan.

The evidence is said to include some voice recordings and the cellular phone numbers of the attackers.

Courtesy Zee News

'Won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase'

Allowing Pakistan Intelligence agencies access to an Indian military base is a dumb idea to start with.
Allowing Pakistan Intelligence agencies access to an Indian military base is a dumb idea to start with.
So is welcoming this idea of sending Pakistan’s investigation team at first and then rejecting them.
If you want us to cooperate, then you also need to reciprocate.
@Horus @DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Imran Khan
We have handled this incident well!
What do you all think?
Manohar Parrikar? I agree, for a moment his 'normalcy' had me checking the sunrise to ensure it was still in the East ... and then this latest stupid and uncooperative utterance and the world is back to normal!

He meant Pakistan premier defence analyst zaid hamid who got butt rapped by the saudies for a few months. The one the op mentions in his thread opener.
Yeh we are talking about NSG, one of the Indians Highest Trained & Equipped Special Forces. who are trained to Kill with each Shot. and if a force like this cant neutralize 6 men who didn't even have hostages I don't know what to say.
You still haven't got it right. NSG are not super humans as the ones you see in movies.

Let me explain again,

The situation at hand:
1) AFS area= 2000 acres
2) Lots of tall grass in the open area.
Its theoretically possible to stay hidden for days without being seen among these.
3) Terrorists had enough arsenal and food to last days.
4) Hundreds of people lived and worked at the base and there were dozens of airplanes parked.

But our forces managed to
1) kill most of the terrorists within first few hours of the operation.
2) Assets weren't harmed.
3) minimum loss of lives.
4) At no point did our forces loose their upper hand during the operation.

The only blow came from our media, who reported it very stupidly.
It was as if monkeys with microphones in their hands had become experts in anti-terrorism ops.
Damage to the reputation of our special forces was done by these galoots. Some of them had the galls to ask our defence minister to clarify as to "what was going on inside" the AFS during the operation.

I expect you to be smarter than them.
Allowing Pakistan Intelligence agencies access to an Indian military base is a dumb idea to start with.
in which era you live sir? its 2016 you can see every corner on any base no .BTW its need 20 rupees to visit pathankot base

Locals paid Rs 20 to security guards to enter Pathankot base, intelligence agencies say - Times of India

So is welcoming this idea of sending Pakistan’s investigation team at first and then rejecting them.
If you want us to cooperate, then you also need to reciprocate.
@Horus @DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Imran Khan
We have handled this incident well!
What do you all think?

ye lo sara aada dekh lo







He meant Pakistan premier defence analyst zaid hamid who got butt rapped by the saudies for a few months. The one the op mentions in his thread opener.
Premier Analyst by whose yardstick?

Manohar Parikar on the other hand is actually part of the Indian government, which makes the stupidity he utters even more cringe worthy ...
Yeh we are talking about NSG, one of the Indians Highest Trained & Equipped Special Forces. who are trained to Kill with each Shot. and if a force like this cant neutralize 6 men who didn't even have hostages I don't know what to say.
I've already given you the EXACT reasons for these perceived "failures":

India's patience exhausted, won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase: Manohar Parrikar | Page 2

India's patience exhausted, won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase: Manohar Parrikar | Page 3

But if you persist in trying to prove a negative then let's turn this discussion on its head, which option is preferable:

X amount of time taken to kill all terrorists but with 2 strategic assets lost and 18 security forces killed
2X amount of time taken to kill all terrorists with 0 loss of strategic assets and 7 security forces killed

And your assertion that India's highest trained and equipped force couldn't neutalise 6 men is FALSE because they DID and with minimal loss to themselves (no casualties sustained in direct combat).

Once again, you are clutching at straws in an attempt to defame this operation and the forces involved but those who can be objective will applaud the NSG, Garuds and all other units involved. This was a textbook Indian CT operation- terrorists contained, civlians evacuated and removed from any possible harm and methodically the rats are killed one by one.

These animals cam with 1000s of rounds of ammo, rations and vast amounts of explosives- they weren't petty criminals and it was only right the security forces treaded carefully and ensured a meticulous operation to eliminate the, completly.

Once again, once the terrorists are contained and there is ZERO risk to civlian life or strategic assets- what is the rush? You can AFFORD to take your time, perhaps with the hope of taking one of these vermin alive for your intel agencies to give the once over later.

@PARIKRAMA @Vauban @Spectre @Bang Galore @Levina @Water Car Engineer @Kinetic @AUSTERLITZ @deckingraj @mkb95 @Unknowncommando @danish_vij this discussion is getting really quite tiresome now, if one can't appreciate a success when it is staring them in the face I don't know what to do.
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So more then 350 million Muslims are also living in India so will you suspect those Muslims to to be involved in Pathankot attacks? cause they are Indian Muslims

Now their Gov is taking U turns :D :D actually they thought Pak would never corporate with us and we will tell to our Public that look Pakistan is behind it but now they are just confused and shocked to see the reaction of Pakistan :D :D
See the perspective of my comment by reading your first comment..:tup:
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