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India's patience exhausted, won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase: Manohar Parrikar

Right decision..Pakistan is playing so innocent cause of Chinese & US pressure,nothing else.Who would expect them to change anyway!
And what exactly is Manohar whining and complaining about with respect to the Pathankot investigation being conducted by Pakistan?
The only blow came from our media, who reported it very stupidly.
It was as if monkeys with microphones in their hands had become experts in anti-terrorism ops.
Damage to the reputation of our special forces was done by these galoots
Exactly! I said it early on- the Indian media love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. For TRP-hungry clowns who know nothing but sensationlism and downright lying a negative politican/nation bashing story "sells" more than a feel good/truthful story.

Some of them had the galls to ask our defence minister to clarify as to "what was going on inside" the AFS during the operation.
Well said. There's Tweet of Burkha Dutt actually asking the DM to conduct a press conference giving information on the attacks AS OPERATIONS WERE ONGOING. What other nation's media would pull this nonsense? They have already got blood on their hands (26/11), they are after more?
This is pathetic and immature.. You first hurl accusations and when we actually follow it up and arrest members of JEM and shut down their offices and ask for a joint investigation so that we can capture and punish them ( a move Indians praised), you say you won't allow us to investigate the incident. What serious rubbish!! We have been giving them a positive response in a prompt manner and this is how you return our co operation... Do you seriously expect us to follow whatever rubbish evidence you would bring!? This was going smoothly and we turned our focus from terrorists who were threatening us to answer you distress call and this is how you answer. This shows how serious India is in these peace talks. Immaturity and pathetic attitude.
There's Tweet of Burkha Dutt actually asking the DM to conduct a press conference giving information on the attacks AS OPERATIONS WERE ONGOING
I wish I could use a slang pejorative for her. But forum rules don't allow me.
I wish I could...
This is pathetic and immature.. You first hurl accusations and when we actually follow it up and arrest members of JEM and shut down their offices and ask for a joint investigation so that we can capture and punish them ( a move Indians praised), you say you won't allow us to investigate the incident. What serious rubbish!! We have been giving them a positive response in a prompt manner and this is how you return our co operation... Do you seriously expect us to follow whatever rubbish evidence you would bring!? This was going smoothly and we turned our focus from terrorists who were threatening us to answer you distress call and this is how you answer. This shows how serious India is in these peace talks. Immaturity and pathetic attitude.
RELAX...hold your horses...check post#58 .... try and make sense out of news before getting all hyped up....learn to live in TRP crazy media houses...
I Think it is in the best interest of our country to stay calm for few more decades, even at the cost of taking some shit sometime. When we grow economically and hence self dependent militarily as well we will be in a better position to dictate our terms to our western neighbour, who may better be like a West Bangladesh for us by then....!!

This is the golden time to cash on. We may not get this opportunity again in this millennium...!!
I Think it is in the best interest of our country to stay calm for few more decades, even at the cost of taking some shit sometime. When we grow economically and hence self dependent militarily as well we will be in a better position to dictate our terms to our western neighbour, who may better be like a West Bangladesh for us by then....!!

This is the golden time to cash on. We may not get this opportunity again in this millennium...!!
The problem is Pakistan isn't going to sit back and allow India to ascend unchallenged. In even a decade at current economc growth rates it is over for Pakistan- India's economy will be 15+ times larger than their's, in 15 years the Indian economy will be the 3rd largest on the planet. If you're a paranoid Pakistani these realities are going to give you sleepless nights- the gap is only increasing year after year and the risk to India in the next decade is only going to increase as a result.
That's it. Time for Pakistani govt to move beyond this drama. There are enough issues inside Pakistan that require our focus and attention.

I hope no more meetings would be conducted in PM house on this BS. PM should spend his time on Pakistan and Pakistanis instead of foreign rubbish.
I never agreed with letting Pakistanis into our bases to begin with. Its time to focus on active defense and stop pretending peace is possible with the Pakistani military and their terrorists proxies.
Sounds more like an assurance to angry chelas,,bhaktajano!we haven't gone soft,,we very angry,we give befitting reply,here,take 1yr laddoo n calm down :P
If the JIT comprises of officials from Intelligence Bureau (IB), Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI), then its obvious that India wont allow them to enter its sensitive military base !
For the love of GOD all sides should keep calm and understand first whats going on..

There are two sets of news events.. One which are reported and another which are not.

The first set not reported.
  • NSA met (most probably not in Paris but in Dubai)
  • The discussion centered around exchange of information
  • NSA Janjua has discussed about special Investigation team made up of IB and counter terror folks
  • SIT of GOP will probe into the attack and collect evidences to be used by the prosecution against the JeM folks arrested in Pakistan for plotting the Pathankot attack
  • But here comes the twist. NSA Janjua also requested SIT access to the following
    • to visit the scene of the attack
    • to question the Punjab police
    • to have a meeting and discussion with the army and National Security Guard officials, who led the operations
    • to have a meeting and discussion with eye-witnesses, including families of the IAF personnel living in the base.
    • to question Punjab Police officer Salwinder Singh, his cook Madan Gopal and friend Rajesh Verma kidnapped by Terrorists
    • DNA samples and reviewing of all evidences collecteed so far
  • NSA Doval said will discuss with GOI and reply for the request
In the meeting where this was briefed, DM MP was one of the most vocal opposition to this SIT bcz as you can see its not SIT but rather a JIT. The two points like discussion with army, NSG, families of IAF people etc goes far beyond the scope of investigation. If the cross questioning starts for NSG, it should be done by appropriate authorities as per Ops review and for army as per Army Enquiry committees. The SIT cannot have mandate over such bodies like Army and NSG. The discussion can also happen but for that DM MP is enough with senior ppl but request is for officials who led the ops

Thus the whole dilemma and no decision as of now made on the SIT request

The second part which is reported is purely DM MP expressing his frustrations and not ready to say yes to NSA Janjua's request. There is nothing wrong with his opinion. But then again he jumped the gun in his opposition. It was a cabinet level discussion and no comment should have been leaked in public soundbytes to media.

i got this from a source.

About Ops hours the actual ops is 28 hours only.. rest all is combing... again from source..

@Abingdonboy @Levina
This is the best i could get.. i cant blame any side.. One side wants a clear cut case for trying to be sure that courts in Pakistan can prosecute JeM and notions of certain countries primarily USA and POTUS changes. Buzz is PM NS is extremely upset with POTUS naming Pakistan in his address.. He is bound to be upset as he is trying hard to change an image which has been hit hard for very long.
Other side India and DM MP's concerns are also genuine. Investigations to ops ppl from Army/NSG is not recommended. IF needed a court of Enquiry can be requested and let these bodies handle it themselves. Its a direct infringement on their turfs and will set a bad precedent undermining the institutions. Access to Pathankot is not a concern as the case of a fwd base in future wars is now diminishing with India's fleet which is with longer legs.So DM MP is not opposed to that idea as of now.

Tough time ahead but some compromise is expected. NSA's will meet again soon and may iron out the modalities with some give and take..

@MilSpec @WAJsal @Vauban @AUSTERLITZ @nair @Icarus @others.. pls find the update for information
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