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India's northeast speaks out against racism

What goes on in NE...:rolleyes1:
the people of northeast have many differences but on the bangladeshi immigrant issue we are together
if army leaves NE,then the first thing to happen will be a huge purge and everyone knows who will suffer,so kindly shut up
the people of northeast have many differences but on the bangladeshi immigrant issue we are together
if army leaves NE,then the first thing to happen will be a huge purge and everyone knows who will suffer,so kindly shut up

Please do so when you find BDs without valid visa. Kill them or deport them. We don't support migration of illegal BDs to NE either. It's your land and your laws.
Oii mahaguru...Tera ghar ke aaspaas achcha padshala hai kya??..Seeda jaakar kuch sadachara seeko..aek baar try karo...

Stop wasting everybody's time with useless posts. Stop wasting bandwidth.
may be useless,but surely not venomous/slur shits...


Like clockwork you veer back to "shit" :lol: .....you are your fetish. :sick:
Meanwhile .........

15 Dead, 10,000 Displaced in Latest Round of Assam-Nagaland Violence

For almost a decade, some residents of Assam and Nagaland have been fighting over a 25-bigha area - no bigger than 20 football fields - in Golaghat district. The latest chapter of this ongoing violence has killed 15 people.

But those are just the official figures. Around 10,000 locals, who have taken refuge in Uriam Ghat -- 20 km inside Assam's territory in Golaghat -- claim the actual figure is much, much higher.

The people have been filtering into the camps for over the week. Naga miscreants, they say, burned over 200 houses across seven border villages.

Today, their anger spilled onto Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, who had come to visit them. Roundly abused by the mob, Mr Gogoi had to be rescued by his security personnel.

"Naga insurgents raid our villages and extort money. They shoot us. Where do we go?" said Monoj Das, one of the camp inmates. "The government asks us to not to leave. Do they want us to stay here till we die?" another young man added angrily.
LOL....... did our condescending Yorkshire englisman get offended ? did the shoe fit ?

At least you don't try to disguise yourself by wiping your nose.

Yorkshire Englishman? What an inept description. If you don't know the subtleties of the language, refrain.

Far from making the splash you seem to hope to have made, all that is visible is a pretentious, poorly-lettered wannabe.
How do they get to abuse the power then ?? who is responsible? politicians , military ,President of republic? who?

about AFSPA ,what has it solved ?. How many generations of civilian suffering is enough for you? People don't differentiate between military and paramilitary forces , all they see and feel is there suffering they have to endure because of this particular law.

They get to abuse power because they are themselves the institution that should be recording abuse of power, investigating and filing prosecution charge-sheets. If a policeman commits a crime, and his fellow-policemen are also aware that he committed the crime, and nobody does anything about it, that is itself a crime. AFSPA has nothing to do with it.

About AFSPA, it has solved the problem on the unconstitutionality of the military acting on behalf of the civil power without the presence of a magistrate, and without his direct and explicit authority.

What gave you the impression that anyone wants to see civilian suffering?

And about people not differentiating between military and para-military and seeing and feeling the suffering they have to endure because of the AFSPA, it is not because of the AFSPA that they are suffering; they are suffering from criminal acts of the para-military forces.

it tears me apart and causes my heart to bleed but the eastern mongoloid indians the best can do is to either leave india or declare a independent state,otherwise i don't expect any positive response from the mainland indians

Perhaps a merger with china is a much better solution for them

Please, please stop tearing yourself and causing your heart to bleed. We would hate any harm to take a wise, sensible and unbiased person like you. Stay well, and apply hot compresses often.
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The CRPF does not want to be deployed in the NE.

The Army does not want to be deployed in the NE
The RR does not want to to be deployed in the NE
The GoI does not like to deploy the armed forces in the NE
So why are they there in the first place ??

Citizens from NE can buy properties in the rest of India while Indians from the rest of India cannot buy property in the NE. WHY ?? What makes you so special ?
I want armed forces to be deployed here , fight the insurgents , maintain peace and unity
I m not special. It is same for me and you. I cannot buy property every where in NE ,not even within assam, there are certain districts i m not allowed to buy properties. I m not even allowed to go certain places without permits,..why are you picking on me??
I have exact same rights as you or anyone else as far as buying property is concerned ..
I want armed forces to be deployed here , fight the insurgents , maintain peace and unity
I m not special. It is same for me and you. I cannot buy property every where in NE ,not even within assam, there are certain districts i m not allowed to buy properties. I m not even allowed to go certain places without permits,..why are you picking on me??
I have exact same rights as you or anyone else as far as buying property is concerned ..

You are talking to an airhead in love with the sound of his own voice. To be precise, in love with the sight of his written words. Don't waste time on him. His posts are just incongruous phrases strung together to sound like a rightist rant; they aren't rightist rants because they aren't making sense at all.
You are talking to an airhead in love with the sound of his own voice. To be precise, in love with the sight of his written words. Don't waste time on him. His posts are just incongruous phrases strung together to sound like a rightist rant; they aren't rightist rants because they aren't making sense at all.
wish i knew earlier when i wasted my whole evening on that kid.
Its funny to see some Pakistani n banglaseshi members trying to pull it down NE racism issue.
Being assamese I have lived half of my life in Delhi and Bangalore n not once I have been racially abused by anyone in any matter whatsoever . Yes some retards are there who abused knowingly but they are negligible and handful of them and it's wrong to blame all mainland for it.
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