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India's northeast speaks out against racism

You are talking to an airhead in love with the sound of his own voice. To be precise, in love with the sight of his written words. Don't waste time on him. His posts are just incongruous phrases strung together to sound like a rightist rant; they aren't rightist rants because they aren't making sense at all.

How ignoble of you to comment on someone who cannot participate :lol: ....... very much in line with your character.

Does Yorkshire englishmen have compulsive need to boost his viagric powers by ranting about others ? :cheesy:

I want armed forces to be deployed here , fight the insurgents , maintain peace and unity
I m not special. It is same for me and you. I cannot buy property every where in NE ,not even within assam, there are certain districts i m not allowed to buy properties. I m not even allowed to go certain places without permits,..why are you picking on me??
I have exact same rights as you or anyone else as far as buying property is concerned ..

"you" means anyone who supports special status for NE. Why would I bother to pick on your personally ? I don't even know you.

I am not sure why you are telling me your personal preference on armed forces deployment. Again not my concern. You asked me to explain and I have.
How ignoble of you to comment on someone who cannot participate :lol: ....... very much in line with your character.

Does Yorkshire englishmen have compulsive need to boost his viagric powers by ranting about others ? :cheesy:

"you" means anyone who supports special status for NE. Why would I bother to pick on your personally ? I don't even know you.

I am not sure why you are telling me your personal preference on armed forces deployment. Again not my concern. You asked me to explain and I have.
"you" means anyone who supports special status for NE. Why would I bother to pick on your personally ? I don't even know you.

I am not sure why you are telling me your personal preference on armed forces deployment. Again not my concern. You asked me to explain and I have.
what the he** ?? who are you?? i quoted that to @NairLand why are you replying ..what special status?? I never asked you about arm forces deployment.
learn about protected area and ILP sytem before you comment here. There is strong reason why they were put in place..good bye
what the he** ?? who are you?? i quoted that to @NairLand why are you replying ..what special status?? I never asked you about arm forces deployment.
learn about protected area and ILP sytem before you comment here. There is strong reason why they were put in place..good bye

Considering NairLand is banned, someone needs to speak up on his behalf :P........ or were you expecting to get a free pass using dishonesty ?

Time for all protected areas to go and integrate NE into India and providing EVERY Indian citizens the same rights. No reason is good enough to practice discrimination. good bye.
what the he** ?? who are you?? i quoted that to @NairLand why are you replying ..what special status?? I never asked you about arm forces deployment.
learn about protected area and ILP sytem before you comment here. There is strong reason why they were put in place..good bye

This is his new user name...... He is continuing the discussion :P
what the he** ?? who are you?? i quoted that to @NairLand why are you replying ..what special status?? I never asked you about arm forces deployment.
learn about protected area and ILP sytem before you comment here. There is strong reason why they were put in place..good bye

Wait for the mainland demographic invasion.

Press Information Bureau English Releases

Areas Needing Special Permission for Entry by Indians and Foreigners
Under the Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order, 1958, all areas falling between the ‘Inner line’ and the “International Border of the State” have been declared as Protected Area. Currently, Protected Areas are located in the following States:-

(i) Whole of Arunachal Pradesh
(ii) Parts of Himachal Pradesh
(iii) Parts of Jammu & Kashmir
(iv) Parts of Rajasthan
(v) Whole of Sikkim(partly in Protected Area and partly in Restricted Area) Further, under the Foreigners (Restricted Areas) Order, 1963, the following areas have been declared as ‘Restricted Areas’:-

(i) Andaman & Nicobar Islands – Entire Union Territory
(ii) Sikkim - Part of the State

A foreigner is not normally allowed to visit a Protected/Restricted Area unless it is established to the satisfaction of the Government, that there are extraordinary reasons to justify such a visit. Every foreigner, except a citizen of Bhutan, who desires to enter and stay in a Protected or Restricted Area, is required to obtain a special permit from a competent authority delegated with powers to issue such a special permit to a foreigner. In cases where the powers have not been delegated to any subordinate authority by the Government of India, the application for special permit should be referred to the Ministry of Home Affairs for prior approval.

Special Permission for entry by Indians

(i) Inner Line Permit (ILP) regulates visit of Indians to States where ILP regime is prevalent under Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873. In terms of of Section 2 of the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations, 1873, the Inner Line Permit system is prevalent in the three North Eastern States, namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Nagaland. Citizens of other States require ILP for visiting these three States.

(ii) According to Section 3(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1961, the Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette, declare any area adjoining the frontiers of India to be a notified area and thereupon on and after such day as may be specified in, and subject to any exemptions for which provision may be made in the said notification, no person who was not immediately before the said day a resident in the area declared to be a notified area by the notification, shall enter or attempt to enter that area or be therein, except in accordance with the terms of a permit in writing granted to him by a person, not below the rank of a Magistrate of the First Class, specified in the said notification

The main aim of ILP system is to prevent settlement of other Indian nationals in the States where ILP regime is prevalent, in order to protect the indigenous/tribal population.

Notification under Section 3(1) of Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1961 is issued in the interest of the safety or security of India or in the public interest.

With a view to promote tourism, some protected/restricted areas, notified by the Government of India from time to time, can be visited by foreign tourists, either in groups, or as a couple in the case of a husband and wife, or by individuals, after obtaining the necessary permit from the competent authority. Powers have been delegated to various authorities to issue the special permit, without the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs, to facilitate foreign tourists subject to the following exceptions:

(i) Special instructions applicable to foreign diplomats and members of the United Nations and International Organisations holding Diplomatic/Official Passport are issued by the Ministry of External Affairs.

(ii) Citizens of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan and foreign nationals of Pakistani origin shall not be issued a special permit without the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

This was stated by Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs Shri R.P.N.Singh in Rajya Sabha today.


(Release ID :92687)

Delhi says no to ILP in Meghalaya
Information About Permits for North East India
Considering NairLand is banned, someone needs to speak up on his behalf :P........ or were you expecting to get a free pass using dishonesty ?
Time for all protected areas to go and integrate NE into India and providing EVERY Indian citizens the same rights. No reason is good enough to practice discrimination. good bye.

wait!! what discrimination?? you have the right to live your live as you like , but you cant see others living their life like they want ? what dishonesty ?? what is NE integration into India actually means to you .. hell ,what even India means to you ?? ??

it seems, you like to measure every thing with a banana, because only fruit you ever know is banana

@kalu_miah I know the specifics of the law , people don't understand and don't want to know why they were put in the first place.
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wait!! what discrimination?? you have the right to live your live as you like , but you cant see others living their life like they want ? what dishonesty ?? what is NE integration into India actually means to you .. hell ,what even India means to you ?? ??

it seems, you like to measure every thing with a banana, because only fruit you ever know is banana

@kalu_miah I know the specifics of the law , people don't understand and don't want to know why they were put in the first place.

LOL at your banana analogy........ somehow seems apt for you.

Everybody has the right to live their lives as per the rule of the constitution. That is a no brainer :P .... No exclusivity is for perpetuity. The sooner it ends the better. That is the only way integration happens, by migration and reverse migration. Not by grating visiting visa to fellow citizens under the excuse of being more vulnerable than the others. Darwins laws are universal.
LOL at your banana analogy........ somehow seems apt for you.

Everybody has the right to live their lives as per the rule of the constitution. That is a no brainer :P .... No exclusivity is for perpetuity. The sooner it ends the better. That is the only way integration happens, by migration and reverse migration. Not by grating visiting visa to fellow citizens under the excuse of being more vulnerable than the others. Darwins laws are universal.
exactly !!(except for banana part, that is for you because you don't think at all).. you want one law for all? . you can use your exclusivity and perpetuity argument for socialeconomic debates like uniform civil code , reservation etc and I might concede but your argument ,that it is not fair ,that certain citizens of NE are able to buy land and you can`t, is absolutely illogical , atleast in India , because the truth is even the natives don't own the land there. the tribal protected land except for the small urban areas is not owned by individuals but by the clans or community or tribe . It is true for most of nagaland, mizoram, meghalaya ,ap and hill areas of manipur.

If you go to any protected tribal area and ask about a the ownership of land , you won't get name of an individual xyz instead you will get a name of tribe that "this land belongs to apatanis or paite or konyaks or ao ". Nobody owns the land , they simply belong to the land .This concept of individual ownership of land almost doesnot exsists in tribal lands.They live off the land , they farm it ,hunt on it ,share the produce,even if they have regular jobs and in the past used to fight bloody battle for it , they still do , because without that they will have no identity . And than you blame us for not 'integrating' , well I blame you for not understanding , This is India for god sake , you can't measure everyone with one law banana scale
I m glad the whoever was incharge understood it and respected it for whatever it is and enacted laws to protect all those small communities and tribe. That is why you should be proud too and be glad that we are not nazi Germany or soviet Rus.
And than you come with whiner like "i can't buy land" , tell me how do you even expect to fit that in NEastern tribal equation?? are you planning to move your entire possumlot clan and start slash and burn - jhoom cultivation with occasional hunting in the forest ?? if so `i've nothing more to say.

Just migration of people from one part to another won't integrate people as you like to believe , understanding and respecting each other will integrate us .
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exactly !!(except for banana part, that is for you because you don't think at all).. you want one law for all? . you can use your exclusivity and perpetuity argument for socialeconomic debates like uniform civil code , reservation etc and I might concede but your argument ,that it is not fair ,that certain citizens of NE are able to buy land and you can`t, is absolutely illogical , atleast in India , because the truth is even the natives don't own the land there. the tribal protected land except for the small urban areas is not owned by individuals but by the clans or community or tribe . It is true for most of nagaland, mizoram, meghalaya ,ap and hill areas of manipur.

If you go to any protected tribal area and ask about a the ownership of land , you won't get name of an individual xyz instead you will get a name of tribe that "this land belongs to apatanis or paite or konyaks or ao ". Nobody owns the land , they simply belong to the land .This concept of individual ownership of land almost doesnot exsists in tribal lands.They live off the land , they farm it ,hunt on it ,share the produce,even if they have regular jobs and in the past used to fight bloody battle for it , they still do , because without that they will have no identity . And than you blame us for not 'integrating' , well I blame you for not understanding , This is India for god sake , you can't measure everyone with one law banana scale
I m glad the whoever was incharge understood it and respected it for whatever it is and enacted laws to protect all those small communities and tribe. That is why you should be proud too and be glad that we are not nazi Germany or soviet Rus.
And than you come with whiner like "i can't buy land" , tell me how do you even expect to fit that in NEastern tribal equation?? are you planning to move your entire possumlot clan and start slash and burn - jhoom cultivation with occasional hunting in the forest ?? if so `i've nothing more to say.

Just migration of people from one part to another won't integrate people as you like to believe , understanding and respecting each other will integrate us .

Let me make it simple for you,

1. Not ALL land ownership in these states belong to Tribals. There is nothing stopping you from opening up privately held properties to be sold to any Indian.

2. Tribal ownership is not unique to NE. Tribal ownership was common to all of India till the date when the british changed it in 1793 and introduced zamindari system, ryotwari system and mahalwari system to extract taxes.

However the introduction of individual land ownership helped the individual unlock the potential in the land and it helped him to monetize it and make it part of the economy and cash flow. It helped him evolve beyond hunting and farming.

It helped those individual become part of the modern day economy and not remain "tribals".

So you see, modernity does not come with changing your religion but by becoming part of the larger society and economy.

You want to remain exclusive, you continue to remain backwards and continue to kill each other by citing tribal affiliations.

Only someone who has no idea how the economy operates, how history unfolded and how societies evolve will continue to insist the wonders of tribal land ownership and tribal economy in this modern day and age.

Your contribution to the economy remain negligible and yet you continue to demand mobile phones, roads, and worse , the blood of the rest of India to keep you safe from the same tribal viciousness.

With people like you encouraging such primitive way of life, there is no hope for the NE.
Let me make it simple for you,

1. Not ALL land ownership in these states belong to Tribals. There is nothing stopping you from opening up privately held properties to be sold to any Indian.
2. Tribal ownership is not unique to NE. Tribal ownership was common to all of India till the date when the british changed it in 1793 and introduced zamindari system, ryotwari system and mahalwari system to extract taxes.
However the introduction of individual land ownership helped the individual unlock the potential in the land and it helped him to monetize it and make it part of the economy and cash flow. It helped him evolve beyond hunting and farming.
It helped those individual become part of the modern day economy and not remain "tribals".
So you see, modernity does not come with changing your religion but by becoming part of the larger society and economy.
You want to remain exclusive, you continue to remain backwards and continue to kill each other by citing tribal affiliations.
Only someone who has no idea how the economy operates, how history unfolded and how societies evolve will continue to insist the wonders of tribal land ownership and tribal economy in this modern day and age.
Your contribution to the economy remain negligible and yet you continue to demand mobile phones, roads, and worse , the blood of the rest of India to keep you safe from the same tribal viciousness.
With people like you encouraging such primitive way of life, there is no hope for the NE.

1.Yes true , only in urban areas , that`s how businesses are run in protected areas .Nobody is stopping you from leasing land in urban areas for any period of time . but for some reason you want to buy land.But the land is still held by tribals..
2.Yes ,but zamindari rotwari,mahalwari system is unique . British didn't even bother to administer those areas,left it as such.as a buffer space ..you were fortunate in that respect
3. About religion I don`t know , I didn`t change it , few people have changed, personal choice ,I and you have no say in it.I don`t even know how is that relevant.
4.How is modernity and tribal life in conflict with each other??People have lived in modern cities even in abroad and yet proud of their tribal identity what is the conflict?before independence there was robust trade between tribes it self and with neighbouring countries also , all changed with independence
5.Nobody knows how will future unfold . people were unlucky here that traditional trade ways were completely shutdown with change in geopolitics of subcontinent .
6.Without communication , roads and transportation how trade will flourish and contribution to the economy will become significant? demand mobile and roads ??are you funding them from your own pocket?
7. how did you calculate "contribution to economy" ?? what did you contribute to economy today???
and why are you eqauting "tribals" with "primitive way of life" i don`t see no conflict..
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Very Sad.....

Prejudice against any segment of your own society is unacceptable.....
1.Yes true , only in urban areas , that`s how businesses are run in protected areas .Nobody is stopping you from leasing land in urban areas for any period of time . but for some reason you want to buy land.

Yes, I demand the right to buy land because the people from NE have the right to buy land in my state.

2.Yes ,but zamindari rotwari,mahalwari system is unique . British didn't even bother to administer those areas,left it as such.as a buffer space ..you were fortunate in that respect

These systems are not unique, but it was not only the british who enforced individual land ownership. With education and understanding the various tribes, casts, kingdoms etc all started encouraging land ownership. Its called empowering the individual and it is the true meaning of FREEDOM.

3. About religion I don`t know , I didn`t change it , few people have changed, personal choice ,I and you have no say in it.I don`t even know how is that relevant.

The most common reason for conversion is to become more modern and remove the 'primitive' way of life. Which is why tribals were targeted specifically.

4.How is modernity and tribal life in conflict with each other??before independence there was robust trade between tribes it self and with neighbouring countries also , all changed with independence

Did the Indian govt. prevent trade between tribes and nations ? ...... you still have a healthy drug trade across borders :P ...... nothing seems to have prevented that. :coffee:

5.Nobody knows how will future unfold . people were unlucky here that traditional trade ways were completely shutdown with change in geopolitics of subcontinent .

If traditional trade ways were blocked, new trade ways were also opened up. Only you failed to take advantaged of it due to tribal instincts. However I will not deny the unfortunate situation of being stuck between burma, china and BD.

6.Without communication , roads and transportation how trade will flourish and contribution to the economy will become significant? demand mobile and roads ??are you funding from your own pocket?

YES. In case you haven't noticed, the rest of India IS paying from our own pockets. So a little gratitude is expected.

You can start by monetizing your assets before asking for hand outs. Same like the rest of India or rest of the world.

7. how did you calculate "contribution to economy" ?? what did you contribute to economy today???
and why are you eqauting "tribals" with "primitive way of life" i don`t see no conflict..

The usual way of of calculating the economic contribution. By measuring your share in the GDP. The 7 sisters contribute 0.98% of India's GDP.

If you are not primitive then why demand the blood sacrifice of the youth of the rest of India to maintain law and order and some semblance of peace in your part of the world ? In any case there are more primitive tribals in other parts of India but not so much blood shed. (except for maoist areas)

1. Now you are using banana scale again
2.You support zamindari system ?? Individual ownership vs community ownership ..i have heard that argument before both have merits and demerits ..anyway most of our farmers are engaged in subsistence farming , not going to mock them but atleast people here didn`t have to suffer from bonded labours and suicides
3.oh somehow i miss the memo , i being a hindu , m so primitive now. darn it. do inform me about next round of modernity
4.yes it happened , cut off from china , burma and bd , the entire system collapsed.
5. yes it did , oil,coal, forest product, minerals , agri product etc we sell them to our western states now , in case if you have missed your geography lessons . I don't blame you. Why are you so happy about drug smuggling though. you seem to happy about it ??
6.yes we do, we pay as much you do , it just we are so fewer in numbers and our geographic area is large
7.blood shed that is unfornate !!As tribals I agree we could do better, but things are improving .. it is no more what it used to be even 5 years ago . infact states like mizoram and ap have probably lowest crime rate in India . all the other states will become like that soon i hope.
8.and how much is the population 1%(not including assam) ?? why not try with gdp per capita???

State Per-capita GDP
up - 30051
West Bengal- 55222
Madhya Pradesh 37994
Bihar 22691
Chhattisgarh - 46743

Meghalaya 53542
Ngaland 56461
Mizoram 54689
Sikkim 121440
Manipur 32865
ArunachalPradesh 74059
State Domestic Product of India 2014 | State-Wise GDP 2014 | District GDP of India | State-wise Population 2014 | VMW Analytic Services

oh look "tribal" "primitive" "backwards" "no economy" "closed"states have better gdp/capita than bigger non tribal states ..but but ..they buy their own phones,and lay their own roads and optical fibres etc so you don`t have to worry i guess cause you only pay ours..
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