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India’s new foreign minister a strong fan of Israel

i don't understand why Indians here r cheering Israel,,,,Israel as a state is the opposite of India,,,its a state solely based on religion...
no denying that Jews have suffered alot,,but they nave cheated the Palestinians..,Jews r intelligent n well educated n Israel had strong n shrewd political leadership which has gradually managed to gain international acceptance ..
Palestine,on the otherhand,despite being wronged,,is looked upon as the villain...why??a question palestenians shud ask themselves...
Bible is not a historic account either. Judaism is a religion, not a race. All of these people living in Palestine are indigenous people while Israelis are European migrants.
I know majority of the Modern day Israelis are European migrants but the Israelis have been migrants since the time of the exodus and have been persecuted since time immoral and have only gotten a chance to fully settle down in historical Canaan as God had promised Prophet Abraham
Our relations with them existed "under the carpet", many civilians don't know about.

From the 1967 war in Israel, India and Israel have secretly collaborated.

Even today, many think that our relation is only uptil a couple of missile or drone deals. But it is much bigger and only PMO, RAW, ISRO and other bodies know it.

Even we don't know.

That's no secret. It has been going on. As did we collaborate with the Syrians and Jordanians.

I know majority of the Modern day Israelis are European migrants but the Israelis have been migrants since the time of the exodus and have been persecuted since time immoral and have only gotten a chance to fully settle down in historical Canaan as God had promised Prophet Abraham

This is what they like to tell themselves.
You may tell yourself that while in reality you may be playing along the Israeli narrative. I see you as someone who lacks knowledge on this conflict(which is understandable).

For one, Hezbollah isn't Palestine and has nothing to do with the conflict. They are Lebanese people's.

Secondly, you have this conception that Hamas attacks Israel unprovoked. Hamas is Palestinian, they are normal Palestinian people who experienced all the difficult times we went through. They were under the same occupation we were under. When Israel was inside Palestinian territory occupying us Hamas formed a small military group to fight off the Israeli forces. They were very lightly armed and could only occasionally target Israeli forces. After Israel left the Gaza Strip, they kept attacking and having disputes with the PA. Hamas got into politics around 2006, won the elections and Israel refused to recognize the results. They began placing restrictions on Gaza and banning any imports from entering. So that destroyed all the business. In short, clashes occurred after Israel shelled a beach and killed a family of nine. Ever since then Israel has been attacking up to the 2009 assault where they killed almost 270 in one day of aerial bombing. All Hamas could do is fire homemade winged pipes at a couple areas across the border which posed a small threat to Israel.

This was in self defense keep in mind. So the Palestinians realized only they could defend their selves and they can't rely on the international community whom tolerates such massacres. So they armed themselves more efficiently to make sure Israel fears attacking Gaza. They never broke the peace, they stood with the peace if Israel stood with it. That's how it's been to this day. There has been lots of calm, except when Israel goes insane and launches another assault. You don't need to advocate their actions anyways. Just understand we have a right to live in peace and are entitled to acquire arms to defend ourselves. The only way that can be achieved is through firepower. That's the reality of the world even though we like to believe it isn't.
I know that Hezbollah is not Palestinian but Lebanese and are supported by Iran but they do attack Israel don't they
It's their culture, they are so repressed by their parents when it comes to this subject that they are constantly thinking about it. It's almost an obsession.

I dare you to say that again. Go on. I dare you.
And who's was there before the jews?
The Canaanites were slaughtered? Remember that little detail?

They lived there since at least 2000BC, and were there well before Joshua and his people claimed it.
You should learn history before you quote it.

The historical right belongs to no-one, and the religious right is claimed by 3.
God had promised Prophet Abraham that he would settle His people in Cannan
God had promised Prophet Abraham that he would settle His people in Cannan

Right. So your claim of Jews have always been there falls flat on it's arse right?

The Canaanites were slaughtered. Jericho didn't even fight back, but not a man, woman or child was spared.

So you admit? No-one truly has any historic right?

Otherwise we may as well say it belongs to the dinosaurs? Or the asteroid that wiped them out.
There are many different bibles but in bible people believe to 3 Gods
Um, no they don't. Not Jews. Not Christians. The most fundamental and important Jewish prayer is the Shema Yisrael...

"Hear Oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one!" Monotheism is the very foundational belief of all three Abrahamic faiths; Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.
Right. So your claim of Jews have always been there falls flat on it's arse right?

The Canaanites were slaughtered. Jericho didn't even fight back, but not a man, woman or child was spared.

So you admit? No-one truly has any historic right?

Otherwise we may as well say it belongs to the dinosaurs? Or the asteroid that wiped them out.
I don't really know why you people invest so much emotion in a land that is too goddamn far away and bears no semblance to anything desi. I don't care how the Jews settled in Israel, but the fact is they are there now and there is no place else for them to go. The only solution is a two state solution...and as long as the 'ummah' shuns intelligent discourse, Israel isn't going to come to the negotiating table. Deporting all 'joos' en-masse isn't just impossible, its also morally reprehensible
34 dead replies. I request all members to stop their Indo-Pak shit shovelling.

And on the general topic to discuss within the bounds of decency.

OT: Indians and Israelis are smart people, these two countries are worlds apart and share little. But they make allies when's it's in their interest. Not out of 'brotherhood'.

I don't really know why you people invest so much emotion in a land that is too goddamn far away and bears no semblance to anything desi. I don't care how the Jews settled in Israel, but the fact is they are there now and there is no place else for them to go. The only solution is a two state solution...and as long as the 'ummah' shuns intelligent discourse, Israel isn't going to come to the negotiating table. Deporting all 'joos' en-masse isn't just impossible, its also morally reprehensible

I love your cute little holier than thou approach. Get off your hill and look at me at eye level.

My only interest in Israel/Palestine conflict is purely humanitarian, there's little if any religious input in my political opinion.
Both sides are guilty, that is for sure. But Israel's crimes are far more shocking and rightly so.
I love your cute little holier than thou approach. Get off your hill and look at me at eye level.

My only interest in Israel/Palestine conflict is purely humanitarian, there's little if any religious input in my political opinion.
Both sides are guilty, that is for sure. But Israel's crimes are far more shocking and rightly so.

If your concern is humanitarian, then you should be going all out advocating a two state solution. There are around 2 million jews in israel - many of them who are born there. Where would you suggest they go ? Would you like them to bend over backward and welcome their "benevolent - but murderous" islamic overlords ? If you do, then you should probably stop calling your opinions unbiased.
I know that Hezbollah is not Palestinian but Lebanese and are supported by Iran but they do attack Israel don't they

I will let you know later on tonight my friend. Have to do something. :)

What I wanted to you get was the Palestinian perspective though, if you want to know more about Hezbollah I'll tell you.
If your concern is humanitarian, then you should be going all out advocating a two state solution. There are around 2 million jews in israel - many of them who are born there. Where would you suggest they go ? Would you like them to bend over backward and welcome their "benevolent - but murderous" islamic overlords ? If you do, then you should probably stop calling your opinions unbiased.

Did you ever hear my opinion lad? What the hell did I just say to you, get the hell off that hill, and look me in the eye. Then speak!

My opinion is certainly bias, of course, if not for bias, how can you call an opinion, an opinion and not a fact?

I do believe in a two state solutions, both sides need to budge.
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