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India’s new foreign minister a strong fan of Israel

shma Swaraj, India’s newly appointed foreign minister, has in the past publicly defended Israel against naysayers, and is said to be a strong admirer of the late Israeli prime minister Golda Meir.

Swaraj, 62, the first woman to receive the foreign affairs ministerial portfolio, called Israel “a reliable partner” in 2008, according to theEconomic Times. The statement arose in the context of criticizing the left-wing parties’ opposition to the Israel-India diplomatic relationship. Swaraj came to Israel’s defense and asserted that the government recognized the significance of ties with the Jewish state as well.

Swaraj also served as chairwoman of the Indo-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group from 2006 to 2009.

As the first female in that – and many other — political positions in India, Swaraj issaid to lookto Meir for inspiration. Like Swaraj, Meir had served as foreign minister under prime minister David Ben Gurion in 1956.

Swaraj boasts a long list of accomplishments in her 30-odd-year political career: At the age of 25, she became the youngest cabinet member India has ever voted into parliament; she was also the first female chief minister of Delhi and the first female political spokesperson.

Swaraj’s appointment, along with the election of Narendra Modi as India’s new prime minister, bodes well for Israel’s increasingly warm ties with its South Asian ally.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a congratulatory phone call to Modi following his victory in India’s national elections 10 days ago.

During the call, Netanyahu expressed his admiration for Indian democracy and the two leaders agreed to deepen cooperation between the two countries, according to a Reuters report.

Modi, who heads the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), “has long courted political and trade links with the state of Israel,”according to the International Business Times.

Modi had previously visited Israel as chief minister of Gurajat province, a position he held since 2001. During the trip, he suggested that, “as the possible next prime minister, he could make history by journeying to the Jewish state,” the report read.

“Modi’s ties to Israel, which BJP officials strongly endorse, has turned into a financial bonanza for the western Indian province of Gujarat, where he has served as chief minister for the past 13 years,” the report said.

India's new foreign minister a strong fan of Israel | The Times of Israel
And Both countries will soon go down together and Pakistan will play major role in their doing down
Prophet Abraham was there first and he was a Jew wasn't he???

The LORD had told Abram to leave his country and kindred and go to a land that he would show him, and promised to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, bless them that bless him, and curse "him" that curses him. (Genesis 12:1–3)
YES! Prophet Ibrahim has said go to another country after 2500 years and kill them..... seize their land!!

Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) is Forefather of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
He has born in Sumer [north of Persian gulf] and lived in Iran and Iraq.
He is our Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He has nothing with jews killers!
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So the real question I suppose is: "Who has the moral high-ground". I think neither. If your'e talking about international law, many atrocities and systematic cleansing exercises in the Islamic world are mostly ignored my the mainstream media and multilateral organizations [ Case in point : Saudi A]. Same goes for the expansionism and Palestinian expulsion by Israel. While Saudi enjoys immunity Israel faces tough criticism from the EU along with the middle-east--so there is that .

I suppose you could ask that, but at the end of the day, no answer is complete without saying that both hands are bloody and stained with murder.

Barbarism in the Islamic world, is condemned by the powers that be, predominantly, the US. Who until very recently, was a one man show.

With some exceptions as you said.

But I'm not here to consider the entire Islamic world vs Israel, I feel the rest of the Islamic world is irrelevant, the Saudis have good relations with Israel, as do the Jordanians and the Egyptians did too.

Both sides are looking out for their interests but Israel does it without making their citizens absolute fanatics. There are many voices in the Knesset that advocate dialogue, but the hawks silence them by waving the picture of your typical islamist fanatic frothing at his/her mouth at the mention of Israel.

That's the point where I agree with you, BUT you have to ask WHY?
Quite frankly, if you look back, the forces Israel fought during the 50's, 60's were very different to the ones today.
To trace where the barbarism began you have to consider political events.

I suggest your read Robert Frisk's work on the Middle East.
This man, saw the rise of militants in the Islamic world during the 80's and 90's and in his work, SEVERAL times he claimed that this was happening and he warned the west that the resentment here is growing, the people here are becoming desperate and extremism is being welcomed rather than shunned.

He warned us all, and he was right! He was absolutely right.
His entire lifetime's work was vindicated and brought to the world stage on 9/11.

The Jews had been there first read the 'Book of Genesis'

No, it's okay, like I said, I give up.
You win.
One good move will be for Modi to take a strategic Co-op delegation to Israel, it will cause a ripple effect in Ripple effect in the republican and the centerist democrats in USA.

NDA should seriously cementing greater ties between Israel and India. may be even try and push some Co-op defence projects.

It's amusing to watch India and Pakistan locked in an ego-fuelled power struggle and having to make all sorts of alliances with Nations that have no commonality and a few common interests to show for.

Israel is actually an antithesis of India as far as the national spirit is concerned and is more in tune with Pakistan...a nation created on the basis of Religion alone.

And NO, Zionism is not the same as Judaiism. And Zionism has perpetrated the same sort of atrocities on the Palestinians that previously justified the rise of Zionism in the first place.

Who says allies need to have common interests... Common interests more often make you friends, to make allies you need common objectives.
What is the similarity between US and pakistan, or US and Israel as interests. But still two of the most time tested alliances. similarly russia and India?

India and Israel shares common objective "Overcoming state sponsored terrorism ", which both the nation have been heavily subjected to.
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I would like to see this foreign minister giving Pro-Israeli speech in Arab World...which hires hundreds of thousands of Indians and "pay" them to their families back home won't starve.

Until then, she is just talk and bs. No real shit.

Real indians don't support colonialism. Only wanna-be white-***-lickers do.
I would like to see this foreign minister giving Pro-Israeli speech in Arab World...which hires hundreds of thousands of Indians and "pay" them to their families back home won't starve.

Until then, she is just talk and bs. No real shit.

Real indians don't support colonialism. Only wanna-be white-***-lickers do.
you have been on the forum for 4 years noe, don't you get tired of acting like an idiot?
don't you get tired of acting like an idiot?

Don't indians get tired of acting like wanna-be's?

You are an embarrassment to this region, and this region's struggle against colonialism.

Wish you could give toilet to your 50% population as fast as you give negative ratings to me.
I am sure Modi's GOVT will take India-Israel relation to new heights and it will be a great opportunity for both the countries.
Israel definitely has a lot of attributes that deserve to be admired and emulated.

1. Standing up against State sponsored terrorism and fanaticism.
2. Agricultural advancement, particular minimal water usage agriculture.
3. Technological advancement and University excellence.
Israel was considered untouchable pre 1995(due to fear of loosing islamist votes),BJP government made establish good ties .
I suppose the biggest boost to Indo-Israel relationship happened during 1997-2004 NDA rule, especially during and after the 1999 Kargil war.

The truth is Israel is only, Israels friend, rightly so. And yes it did do things, then and now that benefited it's interest.
There are no permanent friends or enemies in international diplomacy, only national interests and how they are aligned with each other at that point of time and space.

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