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India's indigenously designed Arjun Mk-1A clears trials, ready to go into production

MTU is a german engine, the engine Arjun is using was developed for Leo 1 back in 65, its just a super charged version of the same engine.

The issue is that its an old and fuel guzzling (extremely fuel inefficient) engine with not so great performance.

Made worse by 68 tons of lemon.

Leopard I was 42 tons.

Arjunk i was 58-58.
Arjunk II is 68-69.
Lmao, ain’t no way this engine can operate on this tank effectively.
The leopard 1 armor is paper thin, I bet t34 76mm can pen right through it.
I don’t think Arjun’s indigenous ERA are light weight either, they might be sacrificing speed for armor protection, which lets be honest isn’t a good idea specially in modern tanks

MTU is a german engine, the engine Arjun is using was developed for Leo 1 back in 65, its just a super charged version of the same engine.

The issue is that its an old and fuel guzzling (extremely fuel inefficient) engine with not so great performance.

Made worse by 68 tons of lemon.

Leopard I was 42 tons.

Arjunk i was 58-58.
Arjunk II is 68-69.
Lmao, ain’t no way this engine can operate on this tank effectively.
The leopard 1 armor is paper thin, I bet t34 76mm can pen right through it.
I don’t think Arjun’s indigenous ERA are light weight either, they might be sacrificing speed for armor protection, which lets be honest isn’t a good idea specially in modern tanks
Plus 120mm is not worth it if there will not be any depleted uranium rounds. From what I know only US modified the Rheinmetall guns to use DP in their tanks. Germans use tungsten
I doubt this tank will ever see service

It will, MoD has cleared the purchase of 118 of these and the user trials are cleared, production line is being readied. Matter a fact, Arjun is going to get even more orders than even I expected as the Mark 2 is split into Mark 1A and Mark 2. Mark 2 being under a PPP development under Reliance defence and OFB. With a redesigned hull and turret, new lighter materials, more localized content.

That's funny because it was Pakistani armies that beat back the army that destroyed the persian empire, Egyptians and so on. Also wounded Alexander which lead to the withdrawal to Baghdad and his death. Nice twisting of facts Indian, but I'm not surprised because your an indian after all. Known to divert facts and bark like dogs.

Also for your info, the people of modren day Pakistan are a mix of the so called "invaders" but yet we still have native populations which absolutely destroys your claim of pakistans being dominated. Infact it's a melting pot of every major civilization with it's still holding its original roots in the indus. Choke on that, but I imagine you won't being dominated over for centuries.

Oh please, North India wouldnt even be touched if the area of Pakistan actually put up a fight. Which it never does. Someone invades it takes it over, then someone else invades them and takes them over and it repeats. In the subcontinent the imperial, richest kingdoms came from the East and Deccan. The ones that fought back the most and rebounded were the likes of the Deccans which produced Marathas, vijayanagara, etc. after being assaulted. The areas of Pakistan were repeatedly being overrun, I wish historically this wasnt the case.
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Awwww ... sangi history student !
It will, MoD has cleared the purchase of 118 of these and the user trials are cleared, production line is being readied. Matter a fact, Arjun is going to get even more orders than even I expected as the Mark 2 is split into Mark 1A and Mark 2. Mark 2 being under a PPP development under Reliance defence and OFB. With a redesigned hull and turret, new lighter materials, more localized content.

Oh please, North India wouldnt even be touched if the area of Pakistan actually put up a fight. Which it never does. Someone invades it takes it over, then someone else invades them and takes them over and it repeats. In the subcontinent the imperial, richest kingdoms came from the East and Deccan. The ones that fought back the most and rebounded were the likes of the Deccans which produced Marathas, vijayanagara, etc. after being assaulted. The areas of Pakistan were repeatedly being overrun, I wish historically this wasnt the case.
Yet north Indians have a caste system to protect some of our blood that's in them :cheesy:
Another brain dead indian. Let's just throw aside centuries of our rule over the Hindus of modren India hahahha
The transmission has been tuned. I'm unaware of any modifications to the engine, which is possible, and that's why I said power train. To be precise, the final drive is modified.

Mk1A does have better torque and acceleration, translating to agility. This is valued over high speed. The hydro-pneumatic suspension has been modified, and so has been the track width, all contributing to agility.

Fuel consumption has been claimed to have either improved or remain the same, due to the modification in transmission.
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Yet north Indians have a caste system to protect some of our blood that's in them :cheesy:
Another brain dead indian. Let's just throw aside centuries of our rule over the Hindus of modren India hahahha

Every society has some sort of caste system, tribalism India is no exception. I never said India wasnt dominated, but it's no comparison to region of Pakistan. You have to get through the area of Pakistan to get to the rest of India, which historically that region never gave much of any resistance.
68 tons for any country is stupid.

M1 Abram weighs same. It has proven track record.

I wonder if they can get German engine packs or not because Indian engines aren’t all that great, reliability is still a concern, the first one suffered from transmission problems if I’m not wrong. If you’re right about uptuning the engine then I wonder if they have fixed overheating issues with it

It is not overweight because of any engineering issues but because of a loads of features Indian army has sought from it. They want all sorts of round to be fired from it. Auto loader can not handle vast varieties of rounds and thus you have to accommodate one more guy as loader. This will require bigger space and hence addition in weight. . They want very heavy armor and as a result weight has increased. As if this is not enough, they want reactive armor further adding to weight. They want a trophy like protection as well. They want min plough in addition. Now all this comes at a cost of wight. Now DRDO has proposed a plane like 2 member crew to operate tank. This will be compact in size will use nitrogen low weight steel to reduce the weight. So basically weight of the tank shall be in proportion to what it is designed for unless a significantly different and better technology is used.

Ijraelis have said it. End of discussion.
Arjun ij besht. Never mind the facts or ground realities

And what are the facts and ground realities? Whatever is posted here by PDF trolls?
It is not overweight because of any engineering issues but because of a loads of features Indian army has sought from it. They want all sorts of round to be fired from it. Auto loader can not handle vast varieties of rounds and thus you have to accommodate one more guy as loader. This will require bigger space and hence addition in weight. . They want very heavy armor and as a result weight has increased. As if this is not enough, they want reactive armor further adding to weight. They want a trophy like protection as well. They want min plough in addition. Now all this comes at a cost of wight. Now DRDO has proposed a plane like 2 member crew to operate tank. This will be compact in size will use nitrogen low weight steel to reduce the weight. So basically weight of the tank shall be in proportion to what it is designed for unless a significantly different and better technology is used
I’ll go line by line for this response
1. Way too many features
2. So does every other tank in the world
3. Wrong about auto loader not being able to handle different types of ammunition, the base design of the tank had human loader in mind because of the dangers of having ammunition cook off in the crew compartments so weight is a preexisting problem.
4. No one “wants” very heavy armor, you either get armor that will provide you exceptional protection or sacrifice it, you can balance it too by working on your ceramic armor or ERA but I don’t think indigenous Indian technologies are advanced enough to reach the balance, UK, Russia or even China has.
5. You’re mixing up rolled homogenous armor with ERA, rolled homogenous armor on modern tanks usually range from 200 to 400mm whereas most of the protection additions come from add on armor. These add on armors are your culprit.
With the MTU power pack that you guys are running, this tank won’t be successful. It wasn’t designed to handle a 70ton tank, it was designed for a 40 ton tank. you may say but we have worked on cooling solutions and upped the horse power with addition of a supercharger, fact of the matter is, mk1 with cooling upgrades still had 70% of them not battle ready facing problems with its power plants. Either get leopard 2 MTU pack or keep dreaming

Where is that blow off panel ? Cant find shiz! And how did you manage to do that without any designing of the turret?lol

The main upgrades you got are a drivers sight, a fuckin seat , RCS & a fire on move capability, which im doubtful of.
Damn where are the doors? Good observation xD
Oh I get it, they forgot to add it
1. Way too many features

Our Choice. We want a full proof machine without compromise.

So does every other tank in the world

No they aren't.
3. Wrong about auto loader not being able to handle different types of ammunition, the base design of the tank had human loader in mind because of the dangers of having ammunition cook off in the crew compartments so weight is a preexisting problem.

Auto loader can handle only few ammunition not many types. That is why we have not opted for Auto loader in Arjun.

No one “wants” very heavy armor, you either get armor that will provide you exceptional protection or sacrifice it, you can balance it too by working on your ceramic armor or ERA but I don’t think indigenous Indian technologies are advanced enough to reach the balance, UK, Russia or even China has.

I again say that is is a choice. Abram is also as much heavy as Arjun. After all a tank is a machine where you have to compromise something to get something. If you increase strength, maneuverability reduces and vice a versa. You have to choose what is optimum for you.

You’re mixing up rolled homogenous armor with ERA, rolled homogenous armor on modern tanks usually range from 200 to 400mm whereas most of the protection additions come from add on armor. These add on armors are your culprit.
With the MTU power pack that you guys are running, this tank won’t be successful. It wasn’t designed to handle a 70ton tank, it was designed for a 40 ton tank. you may say but we have worked on cooling solutions and upped the horse power with addition of a supercharger, fact of the matter is, mk1 with cooling upgrades still had 70% of them not battle ready facing problems with its power plants. Either get leopard 2 MTU pack or keep dreaming

It has a 1400 HP machine which generates 100 hp lesser than other tanks with same weight but we have tuned them for higher torque at low RPM and tuned gear box for that. It gives us a very decent power through out all RPM. We have separated auxiliary power unit for other functioning of the tank and we do not use engine power to do that. The only thing which has reduced is peak speed which has come down to 58 KM from 70 KM per hour. Actually, the terrain in which we use this tank does not need that peak speed. So except top speed, no other parameter is compromised. Infact, high low end torque coupled with hydraulic suspension gives it a much better maneuverability in desert compared to any other tank and it is an ideal machine designed for the terrain in which it operates.
Our Choice. We want a full proof machine without compromise.

No they aren't.

Auto loader can handle only few ammunition not many types. That is why we have not opted for Auto loader in Arjun.

I again say that is is a choice. Abram is also as much heavy as Arjun. After all a tank is a machine where you have to compromise something to get something. If you increase strength, maneuverability reduces and vice a versa. You have to choose what is optimum for you.

It has a 1400 HP machine which generates 100 hp lesser than other tanks with same weight but we have tuned them for higher torque at low RPM and tuned gear box for that. It gives us a very decent power through out all RPM. We have separated auxiliary power unit for other functioning of the tank and we do not use engine power to do that. The only thing which has reduced is peak speed which has come down to 58 KM from 70 KM per hour. Actually, the terrain in which we use this tank does not need that peak speed. So except top speed, no other parameter is compromised. Infact, high low end torque coupled with hydraulic suspension gives it a much better maneuverability in desert compared to any other tank and it is an ideal machine designed for the terrain in which it operates.
Abraham has a gas turbine as power plant, hence good power to weight ratio, your Arjun using Diesel engine for similar weight hence poor power to weight ratio
Abraham has a gas turbine as power plant, hence good power to weight ratio, your Arjun using Diesel engine for similar weight hence poor power to weight ratio

It is power which is important whether it comes from turbine or diesel engine. Al khalid too uses diesel engine. So as per your logic, that too should have poor power to weight ratio.
It is power which is important whether it comes from turbine or diesel engine. Al khalid too uses diesel engine. So as per your logic, that too should have poor power to weight ratio.
look the weight of Arjun (69 tons) and Al-khalid (46 tons) and both have same HP engines, 1400 SHP, now tell me which has better power to wight ratio Alkhalid or Arjun, answer me sincerly
look the weight of Arjun (69 tons) and Al-khalid (46 tons) and both have same HP engines, 1400 SHP, now tell me which has better power to wight ratio Alkhalid or Arjun, answer me sincerly

First of all, give me the proof of Al- Khalid has 1400 hp engine. If you prove that, I partly agree with you. First of all provide me the reference of Al khalid is fitted with 1400 hp engine.
First of all, give me the proof of Al- Khalid has 1400 hp engine. If you prove that, I partly agree with you. First of all provide me the reference of Al khalid is fitted with 1400 hp engine.
Sorry, my mistake i mean 1200 SHP but according to wiki, but still have better power to weight ratio then your Arjun
Our Choice. We want a full proof machine without compromise.

No they aren't.

Auto loader can handle only few ammunition not many types. That is why we have not opted for Auto loader in Arjun.

I again say that is is a choice. Abram is also as much heavy as Arjun. After all a tank is a machine where you have to compromise something to get something. If you increase strength, maneuverability reduces and vice a versa. You have to choose what is optimum for you.

It has a 1400 HP machine which generates 100 hp lesser than other tanks with same weight but we have tuned them for higher torque at low RPM and tuned gear box for that. It gives us a very decent power through out all RPM. We have separated auxiliary power unit for other functioning of the tank and we do not use engine power to do that. The only thing which has reduced is peak speed which has come down to 58 KM from 70 KM per hour. Actually, the terrain in which we use this tank does not need that peak speed. So except top speed, no other parameter is compromised. Infact, high low end torque coupled with hydraulic suspension gives it a much better maneuverability in desert compared to any other tank and it is an ideal machine designed for the terrain in which it operates.
1. Jack of all trades. Master of none
2. Ok boomer
3. Depends on auto loader design. French autoloaders and russian ones are very different from each other. Germans whose help y’all sought doesn’t have autoloader on their tank
4. Lmao did you just compare to an abrams? They have a turbine engine. It’s in a totally different league
5. If you think a big moving target is safe at 58km/h might as well buy some t59 from russian stock and expand your fleet.

First of all, give me the proof of Al- Khalid has 1400 hp engine. If you prove that, I partly agree with you. First of all provide me the reference of Al khalid is fitted with 1400 hp engine.
Same question in reverse for Arjun.
MTU 800 uprated to 1400 I only wonder how long before that breaks.

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