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India's future in in NSG-Nuclear supplier group,held back by china rivalry

In all honesty...Its a ploy to distract India from developing thorium reactors,by making imports cheaper than home grown tech.
Uhunh...give lil' Kim a nuke to play with and then gloat about it...and then you folks complain when we get the waiver and you don't.

Who needs one... already building nuclear plants with help from our Chinese frnds... Also dont we all know US and its hypocrisy...
I am not in favour of importing fissile material or tech when all can be done locally.
Why india wants it so bad,whem they want everything indigenous?

You really want the long answer- follow the following carefully-

Our nuclear energy plan has three phases.

Phase 1 was completed with the building of the PWHRs by India on its own. 5000MW or so.

Phase 2 is ongoing atm- with the FBRs...of which the PFBR is under construction.

Phase 3 includes the Thorium reactors..but that requires start up fuel from the FBRs..ironic since we've already completed the design of the Thorium reactor..in fact two prospective designs..details of which are available freely. BUT said phase is dependent upon doubling time. The tech and fuel and plants from the other nations will drastically reduce the doubling time allowing us to achieve phase 3 far more quickly.

That's the simple and straight of it..not to mention the recent massive reserves we've unearthed..which will not entirely be used up in this scheme..which we can then put to good use. :angel:

In all honesty...Its a ploy to distract India from developing thorium reactors,by making imports cheaper than home grown tech.

Delusions run deep among some.

They are struggling to survive themselves as lackeys of this or that benefactor as an utterly dependent client state.

Yet, delusions about "saving others" persist!

You dont need to be 'rich' for having an ideology...Creating nuclear balance was an ideology which didnt need money,just transfer of some diagrams.

In addition to that.....AQ khan wasnt as daft as many think.
Pakistan can make Hydrogen bombs,evident from miniaturized nukes which always involve a fusion stage...
But that tech wasnt teansferred,just weapon grade Uranium enrichment.
Nothing unexpected,but it is to be seen how long China can keep India out. I guess it would not be long before India is into NSG
Nothing unexpected,but it is to be seen how long China can keep India out. I guess it would not be long before India is into NSG

They opposed the NSG waiver too..ooh and vetoed the listing of the likes of the LeT as a terrorist org by the UN..within half a decade we got the waiver and the LeT got labeled by the UN as a terrorist org.:omghaha:
They opposed the NSG waiver too..ooh and vetoed the listing of the likes of the LeT as a terrorist org by the US..within half a decade we got the waiver and the LeT got labeled by the US as a terrorist org.:omghaha:

Moreover, it is pure business.In coming decades India will be one of the world largest consumer of energy on earth. If they want a pie of the business, NSG has to find a way for India to be included, because India is never going to sign NPT.
You dont need to be 'rich' for having an ideology...Creating nuclear balance was an ideology which didnt need money,just transfer of some diagrams.

In addition to that.....AQ khan wasnt as daft as many think.
Pakistan can make Hydrogen bombs,evident from miniaturized nukes which always involve a fusion stage...
But that tech wasnt teansferred,just weapon grade Uranium enrichment.

On this bit, ethics aside, I have to agree with you.

It doesn't matter where the tech comes from..whether it can or cannot be further developed due to lack of design involvement and validation knowledge. Once the system is in your hand it becomes an effective deterrent. Every nation does what it must to ensure its security...and in such cases being mercenary is completely expected if not appreciated by the world at large.

So points for guts and persistence.

Moreover, it is pure business.In coming decades India will be one of the world largest consumer of energy on earth. If they want a pie of the business, NSG has to find a way for India to be included, because India is never going to sign NPT.

Do you think that French or the Russians suddenly decided to actually view us as their brothers..obviously yaara..that's the way the cookie crumbles. :)
Yo @Dreamreaper being a relative newbie and all but still how come I never saw you before this week..were you going by another handle?
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Yo @Dreamreaper being a relative newbie and all but still how come I never saw you before this week..were you going by another handle?

I believe he used to go by the handle, 'Safriz'. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Re: Topic

China will recognise India's growing relevance in the world and will cave eventually when the economic justifications for them allowing India's membership of the NSG will become moot.
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I believe he used to go by the handle, 'Safriz'. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Re: Topic

China will recognise India's growing relevance in the world and will cave eventually when the economic justifications for them allowing India's membership of the NSG will become moot.

On this bit, ethics aside, I have to agree with you.

It doesn't matter where the tech comes from..whether it can or cannot be further developed due to lack of design involvement and validation knowledge. Once the system is in your hand it becomes an effective deterrent. Every nation does what it must to ensure its security...and in such cases being mercenary is completely expected if not appreciated by the world at large.

So points for guts and persistence.

Do you think that French or the Russians suddenly decided to actually view us as their brothers..obviously yaara..that's the way the cookie crumbles. :)

India got all the international favouritism 'After' India made friends with Israel,which was a good move by Indian Policy makers,as they realized that whoever is a friend of Israel becomes an instant friend of the world...

For weapon tech transfer to 'rogue states' .. It worked well for Pakistan.
We are one of the most hated countries in the world evident and needed something big to deter countries from running us over,at the same time didnt want to be the only country in third world with nuclear weapons....
Creating a few 'companion' states was necessary to avoid being the one and only...
India has been presented as the reason for having nuclear weapons,as they did it first,Pakistan followed.
But India has much more international support than Pakistan,and increasing after making friends with Israel.
Can any Chinese member please explain that why the Peaceful dragon is blocking our entry
When even the United States which they say Is a imperialist scum who wants to divide Asia
& they say we can trust the Chinese
What a pile of BS Is this

It is very simple and is predicated on 2 things:

(1)Pakistan gets admission to the NSG at the same time that India does
(2)Buy nuclear plants,including reators and all that,from China in stead of the US which has basically the same tech but charges far more。

If you tell the Americans、the Russians、the British and the French that China will not be barred from the nuclear market in India but will compete with the lot on an equal footing,would these blood suckers still be supportive?:whistle:
You dont need to be 'rich' for having an ideology...Creating nuclear balance was an ideology which didnt need money,just transfer of some diagrams.

Which were themselves stolen?

You were not creating any "nuclear balance"! Let's not use big terms like that. ;)

In addition to that.....AQ khan wasnt as daft as many think.
Pakistan can make Hydrogen bombs,evident from miniaturized nukes which always involve a fusion stage...
But that tech wasnt teansferred,just weapon grade Uranium enrichment.


At the most they may have boosted fission. You need to learn a lot about the difference between that and a Hydrogen bomb.

This is a failed idea that others have tried and abandoned. There is no difference between a tactical nuke and a strategic nuke as far as the opponent is considered.
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