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India's future in in NSG-Nuclear supplier group,held back by china rivalry

Is that even worth asking? It was written by a Pakistani...have Pakistanis EVER lied about anything..specially when it comes to India?

Chal mai, tu aur @arp2041 bhi ek paper likh te hain on Pakistan's nuclear proliferation record. :rofl:

Are tu hi likh de yaar..:lol:
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And what did i say? you can secure your nuclear plants and ur pointing finger at Dr AQ Khan for so called "proliferation? :lol:

Both are extremely different, your nuclear proliferation has made world more dangerous.
All these are issues with nuclear safety which is an issue in many countries. It is extremely foolish to compare such news with nuclear proliferation done by A Q Khan network.

AQ khan's was a different story.
We needed missiles they needed nukes..
It was a straight swap.
Is there anything the chinese don't oppose? Let them block this we shall circumvent it like we always have.
Both are extremely different, your nuclear proliferation has made world more dangerous.

Not really..
We saved many countries from being run over by one and only super power...
North Korea may have been obliterated if they didnt have nukes...
Same with Iran....
And what did i say? you can secure your nuclear plants and ur pointing finger at Dr AQ Khan for so called "proliferation? :lol:

AND yet we are the ones sitting with the waiver..even the Japs..famous for their non-proliferation stand have agreed to sell to us..despite the fact that almost all NSG member states tried to shaft us in 011 and got shafted right back for their efforts when we concluded individual deals with Russia, France and few more happy nations..forcing each one of them to immediately overrule any rollback.

I already told you. There is no parity between your scientists going around teaching others how to make nukes and the theft AND subsequent recovery of unprocessed material..IF bombs could be made that way then almost all nations can scrounge up a tonne of unprocessed material from their own backyards and build it.

Anyway..no amount of bellyaching is going to stop us from helping our french, japanese, russian friends from floating their state owned nuclear corporations..we are very considerate that way. :angel:
Not really..
We saved many countries from being run over by one and only super power...
North Korea may have been obliterated if they didnt have nukes...
Same with Iran....

Uhunh...give lil' Kim a nuke to play with and then gloat about it...and then you folks complain when we get the waiver and you don't.
Uhunh...give lil' Kim a nuke to play with and then gloat about it...and then you folks complain when we get the waiver and you don't.

I am not in favour of importing fissile material or tech when all can be done locally.
Why india wants it so bad,whem they want everything indigenous?
Not really..
We saved many countries from being run over by one and only super power...
North Korea may have been obliterated if they didnt have nukes...
Same with Iran....

You shouldn't have proliferated it to any country, you got caught. All these countries you mentioned are facing UN sanctions.
Uhunh...give lil' Kim a nuke to play with and then gloat about it...and then you folks complain when we get the waiver and you don't.

Delusions run deep among some.

They are struggling to survive themselves as lackeys of this or that benefactor as an utterly dependent client state.

Yet, delusions about "saving others" persist!
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