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India's future in in NSG-Nuclear supplier group,held back by china rivalry

It is very simple and is predicated on 2 things:

(1)Pakistan gets admission to the NSG at the same time that India does
(2)Buy nuclear plants,including reators and all that,from China in stead of the US which has basically the same tech but charges far more。

If you tell the Americans、the Russians、the British and the French that China will not be barred from the nuclear market in India but will compete with the lot on an equal footing,would these blood suckers still be supportive?:whistle:

Can you show us any official statement by Chinese government.

After the exposure of A Q Khan network, Pakistan will certainly won't get such waiver.
It is very simple and is predicated on 2 things:

(1)Pakistan gets admission to the NSG at the same time that India does
(2)Buy nuclear plants,including reators and all that,from China in stead of the US which has basically the same tech but charges far more。

If you tell the Americans、the Russians、the British and the French that China will not be barred from the nuclear market in India but will compete with the lot on an equal footing,would these blood suckers still be supportive?:whistle:

They will refuse to compete with you since many won't be able to..oh they might have the upper hand now due to years of cumulative research but eventually the fruits of an 8 trillion dollar economy will accrue. Ergo why we were adamant about the NSG waiver..the status and the labels and the membership come second to the tech which is already accruing and not to mention the 4 FBRs that will get added to the one's we are building.

Lets see how quickly this pans out.
Which were themselves stolen?

You were not creating any "nuclear balance"! Let's not use big terms like that. ;)


At the most they may have boosted fission. You need to learn a lot about the difference between that and a Hydrogen bomb.

This is a failed idea that others have tried and abandoned. There is no difference between a tactical nuke and a strategic nuke as far as the opponent is considered.


Where do you think the extra neutrons come from for boosting fission?
They come from fusion..
Unless Pakistan is using lithium fusion,it is hydrogen fusion and hence a hydrogen bomb...

Where do you think the extra neutrons come from for boosting fission?
They come from fusion..
Unless Pakistan is using lithium fusion,it is hydrogen fusion and hence a hydrogen bomb...

First of all, we have not seen any reports of Pakistan even testing boosted fission devices.

Second, there is a very large difference between the yields of boosted fission devices and fusion devices. The latter can't be used as a tactical weapon!
First of all, we have not seen any reports of Pakistan even testing boosted fission devices.

Second, there is a very large difference between the yields of boosted fission devices and fusion devices. The latter can't be used as a tactical weapon!

Yeild is different,but design is the same..only scaled up for Strategic and scaled down for tactical..
So on what basis a weapon yeilding low by design,but involving hydrogen fusion ...isnt a hydrogen bomb?
True that the term 'hydrogen bomb' is only used for megaton range strategic weapons..
But technically a small device involving hydrogen fusion is also a hydrogen bomb'
Yeild is different,but design is the same..only scaled up for Strategic and scaled down for tactical..

No. The design has some similarities (in the sense that a fusion reaction occurs in both) but is quite different overall.

So on what basis a weapon yeilding low by design,but involving hydrogen fusion ...isnt a hydrogen bomb?
True that the term 'hydrogen bomb' is only used for megaton range strategic weapons..
But technically a small device involving hydrogen fusion is also a hydrogen bomb'

I am not sure we have seen any reports of Pakistan having tested such weapons.
Pakistan tested fission boosted design way back in 1998,as reported by many news outlets...you can search for yourself.
One of the more absurd stances the Chinese are taking. Just like the UNSC (permenant seat) India's entry into the NSG is unavoidable in the long term and only a matter of time. When you have nations like Canada and Australia willing to sell India nuclear material, a waiver from the US and ever growing economic clout- India is not a nation that can just be put in the corner.

Very silly diplomatic games by the Chinese that is only going to build anti-China sentiment in India. On one hand they say they want peace and a partnership and on the other they intrude and occupy Indian territory and play these petty games?

They say China's foreign policy of the last decade has been an utter failure in building friendships in the region and this is just a clear example of why.
It's now been 8 years since India was promised the NSG Carrot (in return for approving sanctions on Iran) and still counting...

It is very simple and is predicated on 2 things:

(1)Pakistan gets admission to the NSG at the same time that India does
(2)Buy nuclear plants,including reators and all that,from China in stead of the US which has basically the same tech but charges far more。

If you tell the Americans、the Russians、the British and the French that China will not be barred from the nuclear market in India but will compete with the lot on an equal footing,would these blood suckers still be supportive?:whistle:

Exactly, it is all about what they can offer to help our interests.

Every time the USA wants China and Russia not to veto something, they have to give us something in return. (Syria veto was a different issue though).

It's simple enough geopolitics. And nothing in geopolitics comes for free.

Though I find it strange that only a month ago, it was all about "Destroying China for intruding into Ladakh".... and now it's "Aw... why did they block us from entering the NSG?" Isn't that a bit contradictory?
One of the more absurd stances the Chinese are taking. Just like the UNSC (permenant seat) India's entry into the NSG is unavoidable in the long term and only a matter of time. When you have nations like Canada and Australia willing to sell India nuclear material, a waiver from the US and ever growing economic clout- India is not a nation that can just be put in the corner.

Very silly diplomatic games by the Chinese that is only going to build anti-China sentiment in India. On one hand they say they want peace and a partnership and on the other they intrude and occupy Indian territory and play these petty games?

They say China's foreign policy of the last decade has been an utter failure in building friendships in the region and this is just a clear example of why.

Very aptly put.

At the same time, I glee seeing china standing alone in a corner, while the world moves on.
Very aptly put.

At the same time, I glee seeing china standing alone in a corner, while the world moves on.

China is trying to do to India what it accuses others of doing to it.

And it will fail for the same reasons.

Better to be on the right side of history and not act petty at a time when they could have shown leadership in line with their new stature.
Nuclear states divided on India joining export control group | Reuters

The United States, France, Britain and Russia were among those which backed membership for India - Asia's third-largest economy - while smaller European states such as Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland had reservations, the envoys said.

You can hardly call Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland as belonging to Chinese block. They have their own reasons to block.

The big four United States, France, Britain and Russia are supporting India because they see business. China is bocking because it knows that it cannot get business even if it supports India, second there is also the question of rivalry.
You can hardly call Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland as belonging to Chinese block. They have their own reasons to block.

The big four United States, France, Britain and Russia are supporting India because they see business. China is bocking because it knows that it cannot get business even if it supports India, second there is also the question of rivalry.

These ones are small fries. Just nuisance.

Won't matter when push comes to shove. They will be dragged kicking and screaming along with other holdouts.
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