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India's consistency of False Flag enters Final Stage - From Fake Intel to High Alerts in India

My very dear Pak,

In other words, GanguMedia is copy/pasting PDF discussions... not surprised at all!

Would be nice if you and others could also come up with scenarios of PakSSG operating in Assam/Nagaland and of course BD... chopping of Chicken's Neck type of scenario...

And let us see how long would it take GanguMedia to copy/paste it....

PakSSG have landed in Dheli btw... and are moving towards SouthBlock as we speak... plus some units are poistioned in Bombay as well...



Insertion routes are Nepal, China, Bangladesh or Myanmar. Nepal and Bangladesh are a definite No, Myanmar might not agree, China yes. Chicken's neck (near Sikkim) is the highest security region and it either accommodates a Corps HQ ( I think 33 Corps) or a Div HQ in its vicinity.

Highly Risky Ops including Infil and Exfil.
Nothing is going to happen right now. They're just publicizing these fake operations so when they do an actual false flag, no one will blame their security services.

"See, we stopped so many attacks, only this one got away"
get ready for false flag....Damn this shit is actually happening.
They will conveniently carry with themselves Pakistani passports and Pakistan made claymores and other weapons. They r nice like that...after they r shot dead...they wanna make it easier on the Indian authorities to solve the case quickly.
India's Mundra Port and Kandla Port are on high alert after authorities issue security advisories regarding the alleged threat from Pakistan-trained commandos(SSN).
Some Indian media outlets were harping on this for few days now. In the event of outbreak of hostilities these economic veins of Gujrat will be one of the primary targets. Some Indians are suggesting a fidayeen type assault, but i dont think it will have any propaganda value or significance prior to any hostilities,unless it is a revenge attack for the Atlantic Martyrs!!!!



Thank you for the post Pakistanis commandos will chill on the sidelines till things cool down

However it must be stated it must be some form of Olympic Record to swim across Karachi to that port , from sea swimming


We must send some swimmers to Olympics to challenge some records held by this fella

But if it was me the commandoes would show up in Calcutta port as it is less guarded on eastern front
get ready for false flag....Damn this shit is actually happening.

Why the fkk do we care about false flag? Pakistan need to do each and everything to force bharti terrorist to sign their nuclear death. They are busy in genocide in IOK and here we are worried about a false flag.
Most logical question asked in most of the India centric posts on this forum. Reading all the emotional posts of "cow piss" and whatever else, Pakistanis it seems have lost their minds and ego and have reverted to slandering and insulting and threatening on this forum instead of logically analyzing the intent of the Indians. To answer your question, I suspect that they are itching for a quick war with Pakistan. The Indian government seems to have reached the apex of their economical reforms and a global recession will hit countries such as India and China really bad. A global recession is on its way soon and will last for a long time. Modi and his BJP government will take the fall for that...unless they can turn the voters' mind to a different arena. Releasing information such as this and claiming that Pakistan is sending in terrorists into India gives them grounds to attack on the basis that they were first attacked. A quick attack on Pakistani assets, Pakistan retaliates or defends, US etc call for a ceasefire, Pakistan obliges due to its weak economy, India demands that LoC becomes international border, Pakistan gives in under pressure from international nations. India wins again

I don't see why we as a country keep fighting for Kashmir when there are serious problems in your own country. Just last week I heard a 15 year old boy was beaten in Karachi for stealing some food and as a result of his injuries he died while people were still beating him. Is this not what the IA is doing in Kashmir. We need to fix our own home before we try to move our focus elsewhere. Our country is going down the fucking shithole and all the emotional Pakistani's think is we need to take Kashmir from India. I'm sorry but I honestly don't care if we got Kashmir or not. We need to strengthen our economy and develop our own country rather than ignore the problems at home.
India under RSS Nazi regime is stuck in being isolated in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Having no other option & way to escape, really had to stage something big & seeing India's track record; the only branch of rescue seems to be a False Flag but with next level arrangements & showcasing.

They started with Taliban marching to IoK, JeM launch pads, JeM trained for underwater attack on India and now as they prepared their already gullible masses to be fooled again with nationalized injection; India is closing to perform it after step by step followup for make it looks like real. Had to give to RSSed regime being consistent & sticking with plan for their own good. Furthermore, if they succeed to stage such false flag after failing to realize their upcoming humiliation i.e. post Pulwama beating; Indian Military will try to show some maneuvers but unfortunately, the bigger the false flag means more of humiliation.

Further humiliation & busting awaiting India under Modi.

India No Longer Can Accuse Pakistan of Infiltrating into Kashmir: Richard Boucher
India has raised High security alerts for the Sir Creek in Harami Nala sector and the Kandla and Mundra ports in the Gulf of Gujrat region,alleging threat from Pakistan-trained commandos(SSG/SSN)!.
Indian media outlets have been harping on this for a few days now.Satellite images of the area help up us to understand how both forces guard the salty, marshy ,lifeless region with limited resources.It must be noted that the Sir Creek is a 96 km (60 mi) tidal estuary with unmarked Maritime boundary. It about time Pakistan should reclaim this land back which has always been a part of Sindh province.




One of the High security alerts shown below.

Most logical question asked in most of the India centric posts on this forum. Reading all the emotional posts of "cow piss" and whatever else, Pakistanis it seems have lost their minds and ego and have reverted to slandering and insulting and threatening on this forum instead of logically analyzing the intent of the Indians. To answer your question, I suspect that they are itching for a quick war with Pakistan. The Indian government seems to have reached the apex of their economical reforms and a global recession will hit countries such as India and China really bad. A global recession is on its way soon and will last for a long time. Modi and his BJP government will take the fall for that...unless they can turn the voters' mind to a different arena. Releasing information such as this and claiming that Pakistan is sending in terrorists into India gives them grounds to attack on the basis that they were first attacked. A quick attack on Pakistani assets, Pakistan retaliates or defends, US etc call for a ceasefire, Pakistan obliges due to its weak economy, India demands that LoC becomes international border, Pakistan gives in under pressure from international nations. India wins again
Spine-chilling viewpoint TBH. :eek:
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