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India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

But then if it did not happen in the past is no guarantee that it cannot happen in the future.

Another 26/11 and we might just see what we did not till date.

The point is Pakistan emphasizes too much on Indian army strikes but ignores what if Indian navy, air force takes the lead with our army following after them.

This would sound much more than a cold start but just imagine Indian Brahmos strikes to take out your warships or even an attack on Muridke without crossing the border. And when you plan to retaliate, Indian IBG's take you by surprise.

Pakistan will do the same... Strike you with standoff weapons... Cruise missile... Firing H-2 precision guided glide bombs from range of 120 KM... well staying inside Pakistani border.
We know thats all what you want since 47- A reason to attack Pakistan-
Wonder what went wrong for you after 26/11- what stopped you from implementing cold start on NASRless Pakistan then :D-

We did not attack then because we were waiting for you guys to come up with something like Nasr. :D :D

---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 PM ----------

Pakistan will do the same... Strike you with standoff weapons... Cruise missile... Firing H-2 precision guided glide bombs from range of 120 KM... well staying inside Pakistani border.

Oh Boy! Now you guys are getting really violent now :lol:
We dont attack Pakistan, because Pakistan is doing a pretty good job of damaging itself without any help from us. See your economic and diplomatic journey since 26/11/2008 and you will know what I mean.. Why waste military hardware where its not required ;)

The bold part is a perfect case of sour grapes. Come on buddy accept it. You wanted to do it but You can't do it. Simple :lol:
no i am saying paksiatn thought it can take those hieghts thinking india wouldnt launch a counter attack for fear of escalating it to nuclear war. we called pakistani bluff correctly.

It was a brilliant plan executed wrongly- we faced the same problem you will face during CS-
It was a brilliant plan executed wrongly- we faced the same problem you will face during CS-

Which problem are we talking about ? Is it international pressure?
We are not likely to launch the CS without a just cause...and the whole point of CS is to mobilize and capture territory before international pressure mobilizes.
Which problem are we talking about ? Is it international pressure?
We are not likely to launch the CS without a just cause...and the whole point of CS is to mobilize and capture territory before international pressure mobilizes.

By now- you pretty well know why NASR is for then?- To prevent that territorial gain and involve the international community from the vary start of CS- and i think NASR has done just that- before you think of any CS there will be already alot of international pressure on you not to do it- keeping in mind the justification you will have to begin with and the retaliation that is expected from us- of course after another false flag 26/11 type of incident-
With due respect the bold part is contradictory....If we lack the capability right now then what are you buying for??? Anyhow we are also modernizing the way you are...though the kind of economy we have compared to yours there is a higher probability that we might get a little more then what we actually need....I must say all these news from Pakistan gives you an inclination that Cold Start might have some bite, no???

IA at present does not has the capability to implement something as ambitious as CDS, but this wont remain the same as the Indian Armed Forces are modernizing and working hard to make this doctrine a reality in the future. At present, IA does not has the capability to launch something on the lines of CDS because it lacks the hardware and most importantly it lacks the Officer Core that is required to pull of something as ambitious as CDS. But overall, in my opinion the whole premise behind CDS is flawed as it fails to have any clear objectives, and fails to take enemy's reaction into consideration. Sure you can steam in and capture enemy's territory, what exactly are you going to do than? Eat Parathas and do some Bhangra dance. As the IA modernizes and becomes more mobile, PA is countering it by acquiring exactly the hardware it needs to pin Indian's Armour Formations from a distance. PA does not operate with any complacency, they factor in future threats and purchase the hardware that is required to counter them.

Little that I know on the issue is that the Doctrine and the wherewithal are in place and practised.

The loose ends are being tied up.

It is a good doctrine for a nuclear environment.

With all due respect Sir, i have been watching these developments very closely and i fail to see any evidence that this Doctrine is actually being operationalized. There is no evidence that the three services are talking to each other, CDS is an Army led doctrine and it would be interesting to see how the other two services react to this. I am yet to see any change to the Indian Army; there have hardly been any changes on brigade, battalion or division level. We can see that the Chinese have changed their doctrine from fortification to performing maneuverers, and the changes are prevalent on brigade and division level. Can i say the same about the Indian Army? I dont think so. But overall Sir it appears to be that the entire premise behind the CDS is flawed as reasons i posted above, probably this is why the IA hasn't entertained the idea beyond paper.
8 things India Inc, govt must do against Pakistan

I believe the steps are in place and working...

Yes, to quote one part of R Vaidyanathan's insanity:

We should stop interviewing leaders from that country who mouth the same inanities that "you have not produced any proof." The Government of India should perhaps create a museum of proof between India Gate and North Block.

I am amazed that a country of a billion is required even to furnish proof. If one-sixth of humanity says that the terrorist state of Pakistan is the root cause of global terrorism -- it is factua

I'm amazed that a country of a billion believes this nonsense.
Good post though, needed a laugh.

I hope now you understand why merely providing Indian sources is not a good idea.

:lol: :lol:

I can't really comment since I have not seen the latest developments reported in open sources.

On the CDS, here is an interesting commentary:

While moving the motion, Leader of the House Pranab Mukherjee nevertheless warned against disruptions and stalling of parliamentary proceedings saying, “Parliament cannot be mortgaged to the conceding of a demand,” and warning that “If hatred and disrespect for parliamentary institutions was generated, it would lead to the rise of extra-constitutional authorities,” recalling how the discrediting of democracy and politicians led to Martial Law and abrogation of constitution in Pakistan.

Does speak of the mindset amongst the powers that be, nudged by events in the neighbourhood.

So, problems in the CDS is but natural!!

I'm amazed that a country of a billion believes this nonsense.
Good post though, needed a laugh.

I hope now you understand why merely providing Indian sources is not a good idea.

:lol: :lol:

Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that Pakistani investigators have collected enough evidence against the masterminds of the Mumbai 2008 terror attacks and he is confident that the courts will convict them.

“We have enough evidence and I am quite hopeful that they will be convicted. But if I say some thing much, that means I’m overstepping my position because the matter has to be decided by the court,” Malik told CNN-IBN channel in an interview.

More at : Have enough evidence to convict 26/11 mastermind: Rehman Malik
Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that Pakistani investigators have collected enough evidence against the masterminds of the Mumbai 2008 terror attacks and he is confident that the courts will convict them.

“We have enough evidence and I am quite hopeful that they will be convicted. But if I say some thing much, that means I’m overstepping my position because the matter has to be decided by the court,” Malik told CNN-IBN channel in an interview.

More at : Have enough evidence to convict 26/11 mastermind: Rehman Malik

Wrong context, sir. I was responding to an absurd article which someone thought of as a good strategy.
The bold part is a perfect case of sour grapes. Come on buddy accept it. You wanted to do it but You can't do it. Simple :lol:

May be we did.. You just haven't realized.. And I dont mean the terror attacks happening within Pakistan.. After all there is more than one way to skin a cat.. Isnt it?

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