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India's best & brightest students dominate the world ranking...

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Here is the real speeder 2


The abscess has shrunk his brain
India is not on the list cos its not a member/partner of the program, so is Pakistan - does that mean the Chinese are smarter than the both of us - :rofl:
India is not on the list cos its not a member/partner of the program, so is Pakistan - does that mean the Chinese are smarter than the both of us - :rofl:

How do you expect that dumb chowmein maker to know that ?
OECD member countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom (UK), United States (USA).
OECD Partner Economies:

Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chinese taipei (Taiwan), Colombia, Croatia, Dubai (UAE), Hong Kong-China, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macao-China, Montenegro, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Shanghai-China, Singapore, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uruguay.

UN reports about OECD countries:

The UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre publishes reports on the performance of member countries in meeting the needs of their children. You can download any report in the series from the UNICEF-IRC website: Innocenti Report Cards.

India is not a member/partner country of this crap, so this report is useless garbage for us.

If India is not a member country how did it participate and which school sent the participants ??
Also the link says that girls out performed boys... nothing about India.... seems like a Usual Chinese Crap.
^^^ it was a bs survey done in India if it actually happened, there is no proof at all of that. This is total bull crap.
just look up the average iq of indians and you will see why it is not surprising that they dominate the global rankings.
The title is funny. Just like you. So how did you get time do all these research considering your busy schedule in the restaurant ?

:rofl: :rofl:

You got me here man..!! lololololol... I almost fell from my chair.. Not that the humor was very good, its just that my life is not that much fun..!! :P
One is a match box and the other the stick, get a life both of you.
India is not on the list cos its not a member/partner of the program, so is Pakistan - does that mean the Chinese are smarter than the both of us - :rofl:

Of course they are...Don't you know they have an IQ of 105.
why are indians trolling this thread which compliments their intelligence? c'mon indians, you guys dominate the global rankings. :lol:
When India is not a member of this as we have not applied for it.

Its a crap :tdown: :tdown:

How can you evaluate us for something we have not partisipated in??????????? :rofl: :rofl:
just look up the average iq of indians and you will see why it is not surprising that they dominate the global rankings.

You got that right. :rofl:

---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 AM ----------

Of course they are...Don't you know they have an IQ of 105.

I have an IQ of 136 so in essence I am smarter than 99% Chinese.
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