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India was, is and will be nowhere in the world

Couple of telling pointers from your narrative that bolster the impression I'm getting from the rapidly depleting tribe of loyalists elsewhere in the real world.

This hilarious sidestep play on bhakt. As if the theka of desh bhakti resides with the loyalists alone.

Naked emperor just a sideshow.


Second, you're actually making peace with the looming reality that you guys are going down.

Accha hai.

Ye darr mujhe pasand aaya.

Arre bahut hua sammaan tumhari aisi taisi ... (Mukkabaaz)

Cheers, Doc
Guess we'll find out in 24.

Naked emperor is not a sideshow at all, just a tool, by which I mean a means to an end.

and if they lose, they lose.. I'm not that invested in politics.. quite comfortable otherwise, I'll just go 🤷 and move on.

how do you see things going, a return to the ghandys ?
I hope they remove income tax totally as suggested by Subramaniam Swamy.

Strange for Swamy to suggest a leftist idea like removal income tax. But welcome.
wests had hopes in there challenger India , until it got knocked out by China comfortably. west containment policy is now in tatters by Indians coronavirus is the icing on the cake for indisns
Strange for Swamy to suggest a leftist idea like removal income tax. But welcome.

He's a brain.

Don't let his political positioning fool you.

Cheers, Doc
He's a brain.

Don't let his political positioning fool you.

Cheers, Doc

Ideally this is how it should be that GST on food and necessities should be removed. However i was asking about traders and corporates paying taxes in India.

India does not represent an equitable tax regime for traders or corporates. It is difficult to have a sane discussion on it, because everyone will cherry pick examples to buttress their point.

My take is that in the last 7 years, much of taxation is defined by crony capitalism and favoring selected corporates (read Adani/Ambani) at the expense of others. Items that are manufactured in India by these crony capitalists attract high import duties, while items that these capitalists want imported attract little or no duties.
But reality is very different. India is part of most influential economic groups, one of the most powerful military alliance. Indians are successful wherever they go.
Economic slowdown because of covid has given every tom deek harry a chance to spew their garbage. But India will stand again and will do fast recovery once convid ends.
Everyone knows there is poverty in India, but what does matter, how much you progress every year!
When Modi came into power in 2014, India's economy was 1.9T USD, only after 7 years he added 1.2 T USD in GDP. To make it 3T usd. What Congress had achieved in 70 years, modi did in 7 years.
But yeah, I accept still long way to go. But India is very important to the world being 5th largest economy and 4th powerful military. It is on right path, this is what matters.
India's haters can sleep well reading these types of garbage ignoring all realities.

you are right, to say India is a nobody yesterday, today and in the future is rather rude. But we can agree that India will always be the Supra Powa of tomorrow.No matter where we are in history. Indians can always self comforting that India will be the Supra Powa of tomorrow can do wonders to Indian mind. Feeling better?
Only 4.6 million Indians earn more than one million Indian rupees, an amount that equals slightly less than US$13,500.
Is this number true? Considering India's massive population scale and the brags on India's shining economy performance we've constantly heard on this forum, I thought the number should be bigger than 4.6 million. 13.5k USD is not a big income.
Meanwhile the economy / stock markets is at all time high. Thanks Modi
India was, is and will be nowhere in the world

After the Modi government failed to combat the second wave of Covid-19, India is dismissed in the Western world

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the 7th International Yoga Day program. Photo: AFP / Indian Press Information Bureau

After the Narendra Modi-led government’s grave failure to combat the explosive second wave of Covid-19, this wave exacerbated by the Delta variant, Western media, think tanks and academia have shifted their attention to India again.

Earlier, the West projected India as a critical partner of the US to contain China’s economic and strategic clout.

That focus gained adherence after India and the US signed the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement in August 2016, and both countries inked the subsequent foundational agreements. US President Donald Trump’s first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, termed US strategy the “planned partnership for the entire 21st century.”

But now, in stark contrast, India is being dismissed in the Western world as an ineligible partner for the Western world to contain China. The Western refocus on India now in the West is the realization of Western strategists that they made a mistake to project India as a global player. They started to recognize that India has power and strategic illusion. But they made an error , misjudging India’s proper position.

Last October 20, I wrote an article in Asia Times entitled, “India is nowhere in the world, denial won’t work.” More than a thousand Indians from India and the Indian diaspora sent me insulting and abusive emails. I didn’t feel sad about those emails. Rather, they made me laugh, and I felt pity for those who sent them.

Some of my Indian scholarly friends inside and outside India also expressed their discontent with my article. They said they found my characterization of their country over the top.

However, my comments about India were not baseless. While working at the Nepal South Asia Centre, a Kathmandu-based South Asian think tank, I had the opportunity to observe South Asia very closely.

I have a fair understanding of trade, technology, economy, politics, culture, religion, population, democracy, human rights, international relations, diplomacy and the strategies of India and other South Asian countries. I also have had plenty of opportunity to observe the Indian psyche.

I used to tell my Indian friends to wait and see that my perception of India would be proven correct sooner or later.
The pumped-up claims by Indian political leaders, top bureaucrats, diplomats, think tanks, journalists and scholars for their ideas of India’s role on the global stage used to astonish me. I used to believe that they were immersed in a fantasy far away from ground reality.

I now recognize that there is a big difference between the powerful land they have imagined and India’s actual economic and strategic position on the global stage.

In exchanging views with my Indian friends, I had always advised them not to believe the baseless claims made by their cleverer-by-half leaders and babus (top bureaucrats). I kept repeating my assertion: “India is nowhere in the world.” Many Indian friends became furious after hearing me say it.

The miserable failure to combat the coronavirus pandemic has exposed India’s weakness. The West had a misconception that India is growing and can be a global player and instrumental in countering China. However, the epidemic helped the West to dispel its illusion.

Recall a few facts. India, among the South Asian countries, is at the bottom of the Global Hunger Index, 2020. India even lags behind literally starving countries such as Congo, Ethiopia and Angola.

One in five Indians still earns under US$37.50 a month – and 88.87 percent of the population or, in other words, nine out of ten, still make less than US$ 165 a month in India.

Economic activity in India is limited to a tiny population. Out of a population of 1.36 billion, only 14.6 million people had taxable income in the fiscal year 2018/2019. India’s taxable income is above the figure of US$6,750.

Only 4.6 million Indians earn more than one million Indian rupees, an amount that equals slightly less than US$13,500.
Urban India, known to the West as India, accounts for only about 35 percent of the country’s population. Sixty-five percent of India’s population lives in rural areas. Thus, the countryside of India is very different from what India looks like in the world.

Despite the economic reforms that began in July 1991, India only grew to join merely the $2.5 trillion economies in 2019. In the Lok Sabha election campaign 2019, the Modi government raised the slogan of creating a $5 trillion economy by 2024. But India’s ambition to become a $5 trillion economy is unlikely to be realized even by 2030.

After the Coronavirus outbreak in China in March last year, there was much hype insisting that the caravan of manufacturers from China would rush to India. But there was no basis and reason for international manufacturing companies to relocate to India from China. I wrote in Asia Times last year to explain why manufacturing companies would not relocate to India from China.

Thus, as I want to repeat once again, as always in the past, India was nowhere in the world. India is nowhere in the world now. And India will be nowhere in the world in the distant future.

It does not make sense to falsely claim that India becomes a vishwaguru (world teacher) or global economic power at ordinary times. Certainly there was no possibility that India could show leadership in a crisis.

Indian Prime Minister Modi was seen as a global leader in world politics because of the pro-Western policy of his external affairs minister S. Jaishankar. US President Donald Trump used India as a proxy in his China strategy to give the impression to American voters that he would contain China. Trump had a plan to use Modi to help him be reelected in the November 3, 2020, presidential poll. But he failed unsuccessful. Modi suffered from the delusion that Trump really looked upon him as a global leader.

American strategists are well aware that Indian political leaders and high-ranking government officials have Dionysian personality traits.

American Psychological Anthropologist Ruth Fulton Benedict says that there are two types of personality traits in human beings. The first is Apollonian, and the second is Dionysian. An Apollonian person does not seek status and doesn’t want a leadership role. Meanwhile, the Dionysian person seeks more status than he/she deserves.

Due to the Dionysian personality traits prevalent among the Indian political leaders who seek more status than they actually command in reality, Indians have come to believe that they can play a role in rebalancing the US and China in the world.
The media coverage of India’s failure to control Covid-19 in the West means a lot to India. First, the West has concluded that India cannot play the role that the West wants India to play.

The West has realized that any miscalculation against China by relying on India would have cost the United States dearly, depending on India. A recently published report in the Financial Times is an example. Those who saw India’s role yesterday seem to become mindful that there’s no role India can play now.

The Biden administration looks like it is now working to reset China’s policy. Recently, the Financial Times quotes US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley as saying, “I think China has a ways to go to develop the actual, no-kidding capability to conduct military operations to seize, through military means, the entire island of Taiwan, if they wanted to do that,” at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.

Similarly, Bernie Sanders, in his most recent article in Foreign Affairs, has called for a change in China policy. Thus, the US wants to alter the China policy.

Even within India, some scholars, responsible journalists and think tanks have concluded that India is nowhere in the world currently and will not be soon. Recently, Kanti Bajpai admitted this fact in his interview with senior Indian journalist Karan Thapar about his recent book India Versus China: Why They Are Not Friends.

So what is the actual position of India in the world?

Modi’s India is in the same situation as I said in last year’s Asia Times article. I wrote, “There is a very popular Hindi proverb, “Dhobi ka kutta, na Ghar ka na ghat ka.” A working translation: “A person who is supported nowhere.”

Modi will find no beneficial friends when he needs them in the future by putting all his eggs in the American basket.
TAGGED:Covid-19 PandemicIndiaIndia-ChinaNarendra ModiOpinion

Bhim Bhurtel is visiting faculty for a master's in international relations and diplomacy, Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, and faculty for a master's program of Development Economics, Nepal Open University. He was the executive director of the Nepal South Asia Center (2009-14), a Kathmandu-based South Asian development think-tank. Bhurtel can be reached at [email protected]. More by Bhim Bhurtel

India was, is and will be nowhere in the world - Asia Times

Visiting facjlty Kathmandu. From the title, I could guess that he is either some commie or similar idiot. I proved right. Our Pakistanis and Chinese friends can enjoy the article. It is the only use of the article.
Another Inda's doomsday thread on pdf. Sign of Inferiority complex?? Am I surprised? Not at all!! Mujahidon are you going to fight by just posting articles online, go ride the donkeys and prepare for the gajwa as it used to happen at one point of time!!
I'm loyal to this country.

Why do you think the Chinese have been so successful ? Han unity, political stability, and the heavy hand of that political stability that crushes all that stand in the way of unity and progress.

There is much that they have promised, the UCC and population control for starters. They promised and took action on Kashmir.

BJP's political opponents must be crushed for them to deliver on those promises.

You think the CCP would ever allow shit like rioting and shaheen bagh protests over there ? I'd have liked to see the army run a tank over everyone in shaheen bagh.

Modi is just a tool but he's useful for now.

They are also communist. why does that never register in you ? you want to ape america but not its christian morality, you want dubai infra but not egalatarian of islam now you want china. In the end you get nothing with your racism.
They are also communist. why does that never register in you ? you want to ape america but not its christian morality, you want dubai infra but not egalatarian of islam now you want china. In the end you get nothing with your racism.
They are communist in name only. State capitalism is a much better descriptor for their system. They are also authoritarian.

What Christian morality of America are you on about ? I'm all for "aping" the good everywhere.

and there's literally nothing Islamic about Dubai, it's a profitable money grab for the Emirs and they've set it up very well.

Racism ? it's not racism, it's the truth that China is so successful in large part because they are essentially a Han ethno state. You think they'd ever tolerate BS like CAA and BLM rioters there like in India or the USA ?
India was, is and will be nowhere in the world

Modi will find no beneficial friends when he needs them in the future by putting all his eggs in the American basket.

Tell us what China has done for India
I'd have liked to see the army run a tank over everyone in shaheen bagh.

You have thoughts of oppression.
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