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Indians on their defence forum crying

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In Rawalpindi and Lahore I've seen Pashtuns picking garbage, selling corn, books, naarey, other things. But rarely have I seen a pathan begging compared to other ethnicities.

Real hardworking people. As evidenced by how once they fully controlled the transport sector in the UAE. Now it's all filipinos and head bob sunil.
These Sanghis are so delusional lot, since thier Ghani pet has retreated without a fight, Its shock and awe for the Sanghis who laid all their eggs for the coward Ghani,

The brainless Sanghis are shit scared of Taliban thinking they will be next target for Talibans for back stabbing.
Ran away along with his all medals
Indians need to shut their manlet mouths and stop b*tching and moaning , also Pakistan lives rent free in their minds cause they still feel insecure.

Indians have become a joke honestly , nothing but hot air no walk :coffee:
I'm lot more concerned about Pakistan after Taliban take over of Afghanistan.

Not just Afghanistan, there is a Taliban wing in Pakistan too, called as TTP.

Pashtun boys of Taliban and TTP in no stretch of time, would eye the land of Punjab in East, as their ancestors have done for hundred of years.

If anyone in Pakistan think Taliban do Pakistan's bidding they neither know Afghan psyche nor the history of the region.

If Pakistan military resort to pressure tactics on Taliban, they same friendly Taliban can send suicide bombers to Pakistani cities.
Pajeets worring about Pakistan, that’s really cute :lol:
Russia and China both countries are ready to accept Taliban government. In fact, Russia and China will be discussing this within Taliban delegating within 48 to 72 hours.
They blame Pakistan for their own failures , when will Indians learn that they too are nothing but jokes. They act like they’re better than everyone including better than America.
Saar Becarefull saar they are shupo power, since 2020 with blessing of modi g, before they use to sh*t on earth now they are planning to do same thing on the moon and then on Mars
What i don't get is why do they think there are Pak army soldiers in Taliban and if Pak army helped Taliban win then why would they start fighting the Pak soldiers. Not sure whats their logic behind this thinking.
They are scared. They thought they had everything planned out but didn't realise Allah Almighty is the best of Planners.

The corrupt farsibaans that rose to power in Kabul post 2010 really shaped anti Pakistan narrative at the behest of CIA and other hostile agencies. To the point a lot of Afghans are now genuinely brain washed with this bullshit.
Since the media in Afghanistan is now going to be under the control of the Islamic Emirate, that brainwashing and attempt to create division between the Muslim brotherly countries Pakistan and Afghanistan comes to an end.
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