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Indians in pictures

lots of pictures of arunachalis.

Mr. Arif Siddiqui is perhaps the best photographer from the state(though not an ethnic arunachali himself). his photographs have brought much attention to Arunachal.
Ignore those useless , narrow minded Pakistanis born and bred on their "Pakistan Studies" text books .

I still remember their behaviour on the thread about the Indian girl winning Miss Asia-Pacific . There is no way you can counter their Xenophobia , with reason or with anything else .

Just carry on with the thread .
Yup,just ignore the useless pricks.
Enjoyed a good thread after many days but felt bad seeing many pakistani posters trolling in good thread.
Utterly disgusted by the attitude of the pakistani members here,they proved they are among the most racist in the world.Yet they comlain of arabs and whites because they are mistreated.
Enjoyed a good thread after many days but felt bad seeing many pakistani posters trolling in good thread.

If u understand the underlying condition behind these Pakistani outbursts ud be everything but sad(though i too feel bad for them). Dont mind em too much, enjoy.

Thes pics just erode at there preconceived delusions tht make them justify there existence.
and to a good measure there immaturity plays a part in this as well.
that i take as offensive. Shall we make fun of certain pakistani customs?

The story behind the those piercings is that, in olden days patanis and nyishis were not in very good terms. Nyishis would attack and carry of apatani girls as they are known for their beauty. to avoid this the apatanis started piercing their nose and painting their face.

i don't know what you find funny in this?
I'm sorry but I wasn't meant to be offensive. Do you want me to take that off?
Please guys keep on posting in the thread, photos best describe and catch and spread the diversity of the India.

Thank you to all the posters.


Arab girls wearing Salwar Kameez(As one said earlier)
Would you please stop making fun of yourself and your countrymen?
Nice pictures guys, love the diversity. Add some of the more cultural aspects of your country in this thread maybe? Like do you wear any special kinds of clothes for different festivals/events?

Utterly disgusted by the attitude of the pakistani members here,they proved they are among the most racist in the world.Yet they comlain of arabs and whites because they are mistreated.

And i am disappointed in your massive generalization.
Nice pictures guys, love the diversity. Add some of the more cultural aspects of your country in this thread maybe? Like do you wear any special kinds of clothes for different festivals/events?

as a matter of fact we do. Every community has it's own unique and colourful costume. In Aruanchal alone you will find more than 20 major tribes and hundreds of sub-tribes and clans. all with their distinct dress.

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