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Indian War Hero Charged with Cowardice

now read this in detail,

- the mena bazar bomb blast was not done by TTP..... no one claimed it. it was a false flag operation.

LOL... They didn't claim means they didn't do it????

Lets see the patteren here









And many many more......

till 2007 there were no bomblast or direct thread from TTP, but it start to happen due to the following factors,

a. operation cannon ball which was organised by MO

Kill Pakistanis for cannon ball....

b. BB bhutto killed in which MI was "allegedly" involved (as per all evidence and media)

Mullah Faqir said he'll take revenge from BB and Baitullah said "Suicide bomber are our atom bomb".

c. lal masjid masacare

Lal masjid bitches who kidnapped Police men, Chinese, Locals, ... If they had problem with someone they never filed a complaint instead they kidnap them and torture them. Kept Govt building under there illegal possession for many months.... Threatening govt of more attacks.... Innocent Bitches.

d. battle of bajaur to hunt aimen alzahwari

By which the terrorist lord lost his power and decided to take reveng... Last time in fight among two terrorist groups near shah kus a mortor hit near shama market Hayatabad.. An old man died.... At that time there was no american osama thing....

e. man hunt for amjab farooq which has been the biggedt man hunt of pakistan history

Elaborate more...
f. 117 court marshalls in PAF
Even if teh true muslim TTP's soldier refuse an order he will be court marshall... Oh they don't have court marshall.. They just cut the throat and hang upside down.

g. 6 deat sentences in PAF
Just like dozens killed every day in suspection of spying by taliban

h. 2 abduction of SSG soldies who never wanted to take part in the lal masjid operation

And who obduct them... Your sources will say ISI??

i. Drone Attacks

Because it killed baitullah mehsood......

j . the battle in SWA and NWA was infact the battle for INDUS HIGHWAY. remember once the taliban took control of kohat tunnel and there was a huge battle. it was just that the taliban wanted to stop NATO convoys.

And to take tax from civilians.... Be a state in a state.... And sell the Nato supplies in karkhano market...

thanks... :)

PS : if you want pak army number of the SSG guys , i can give you ... :) i will also give you there names and the supreme court verdict.... :)

No i am not intrested i that... just tell me what they achive by killing poor innocent people who came to get a little food for their family

Pakistan Taliban claim responsibility for attack on WFP distribution point
the SSG soldiers were kept in prison without charge...i dont wanna fight... :) i have my own viewpoint brother. :)

the supreme court took notice of it. the 117 PAF men were charged for planning assassination of General Musharraf..

thanks, good day ahead.
Melting pot FTW Right? We shouldn't really look at each other by our ethnicity. Canada for one is not a place where we/I judge each other/others by ethnicity, and I'd like to keep it that way.


Haha true that.I don't look at my friends through an ethnic lens either but I do try to accommodate and even encourage them holding on to their unique ethnic entity(by "holding onto", i mean in a positive sense).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Canada had the "salad bowl" analogy instead of the outdated "melting pot" one followed in the US. Nowadays slowly but surely even the Us education system is replacing the melting pot with the salad bowl. In the melting pot we would end up with an identity that would be similar to that of a figure out of a cookie cutter...or worse yet...a poster child for gap.The salad bowl otoh prefers that people enrich the nation as a whole due to their diversity while being united. I'm sure you know this already but I thought ill just post it in order to explain away my previous post.

I know the Chinese/Korean names of all my close friends from that region of the world...not just the "western name" they adopt when they move here ( Which I found a puzzling concept, given that changing ones name just to not inconvenience others implies that they are trading away a major part of their identity for the sake of people who could not even bother themselves to try learn your name even partially). It does not take much effort to get the pronunciation correct...and Asian names often have unique meaning behind their names. For example..if I rem correctly, Hui Lee Tzu means something along the lines of "study well". (lol did i get that right, or did i confuse it with something else?)..the same goes for south Asian names as well. In my book , retaining such stuff is way better than being yet another "William" or "Janet".

To be honest, any East Asian/SEA who when asked, gives his/her East Asian/SEA name instead of a western name immediately climbs up a few ladders in my opinion of him/her. I have noticed that even those who offer up a western name when introduced for the first time, would appreciate me calling them by their own name when I do convey to them that I prefer to use their original name if they do not mind. And no..lol I don't go about asking "Hey tell me your Chinese name" to every east asian I meet :D, but i do make it a habit of learning the real names of the ones I've known for a while. I've found that there is a wealth of information to be learned from those who hail from other countries/cultures if we are but willing to listen and get in their comfort zones...people do appreciate others showing an interest in their culture. Its a win-win for both of us. When people trade such experiences with each other they come to realize that there is far too much commonality than differences in many cases....Like for example..how both the Viets and I both prepare/eat mangoes the same way.lol

Well anyways...my post, as usual seems to have gone off in a tangent. Time to end this preachy sounding essay :D.

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Should still hurt to know 93000 brave Pakistani martial race surrendered to those veggie Dravidians...how did that happen to the brave Pakistanis... Any thoughts on that lil boy.

This is the kind of post that derail the whole damn thread, why cant you indians discuss the topic for once? instead of complaining and whining ?

Discuss the topic for God sake :angry:

Lol @ Mr. Somoto and his kind..... Because of his personal larai with army he released many terrorist which later killed many many more Pakistanis.....

So they did take action against them on proofs and followed the law and did the court marshall.... Whats the problem??? Assasination of state chief executive means terrorism...

Plus if TTP is so good and doing the right thing.... Why don't you live under their rule... Go to Waziristan.. Submit your CV to straighttohell@ttp.com and they might hire you as suicide bomber.... As they only send others kids for suicide bombing....
Are you indians really that naive? how are you still one? north indians hate south indians, kashmiris hate all of you, east india hates west india. get your head out of the toilet will ya.. (if you even have one).

says someone who is sitting 5000 kms away......

Lol @ Mr. Somoto and his kind..... Because of his personal larai with army he released many terrorist which later killed many many more Pakistanis.....

So they did take action against them on proofs and followed the law and did the court marshall.... Whats the problem??? Assasination of state chief executive means terrorism...

Plus if TTP is so good and doing the right thing.... Why don't you live under their rule... Go to Waziristan.. Submit your CV to straighttohell@ttp.com and they might hire you as suicide bomber.... As they only send others kids for suicide bombing....

Calm Down Brother, leave this fellow.. I'am gonna post a thread with the name "War on Kharijis (Some research by Brasstacks and other org)" will show him who these Taliban are..

As for afghan Taliban, we Pakistanis believe, they are the real Mujahideen, Not these terrorist Taliban Kharijis...
I am surprised that a lot of people who are rather killed by being cornered and unable to put equal fight are awarded Vir Chakra in the 1971 war.

This is second incident of award for cowardice I am reading. The first one was Narayan Singh's vs Major Shabbir Shariff where Singh tried to act cunning by hiding a sten gun only to be flipped over and have the sten gun emptied into his chest.
Are you indians really that naive? how are you still one? north indians hate south indians, kashmiris hate all of you, east india hates west india. get your head out of the toilet will ya.. (if you even have one).

lol u wish india was like that,but unfotunately for you that ain't true,i come from south india and i don't hate north indians(because i lived in the north for 11 years of my 15 year history)....on the contrary i like north indians,and i can also say that with out doubt all south indians share the same view.

people like you have tried for decades to seperate india on a race and religion basis,but india has come out as the most diversly unified country in the world with all groups of its people having the same admirable patriotism for INDIA;)
Look what our "cowardice" army did to the martial merd e momins......90000 of them...


and this


and this



this is what Pakistani generals are famous for doing

59802_149666688404417_100000832604151_218664_44746  36_n.jpg

Albeit the topic related to an Indian on an Indian, but in desperation, you had to drag Pakistan into it, well with Muktis at one end and Russians at the other rubbing you up the wrong way, you did well to redeem your self, but try a mis adventure on your own account and see what happens. Oh this is also part of the history.
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i think it's high time to eradicate some of these indian trolls from this forum; enough is enough
i think it's high time to eradicate some of these indian trolls from this forum; enough is enough

What do you expect, when you are unable keep domestic trolls on short leash..after all it is Newton's law " Every action has equal and opposite reaction."

or check the post above and below yours for confirmation.
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